The Wall Begins


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Post all you want stainless,you been called out.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Your called out Stainless,this can go all day.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Jul 7, 2010
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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You were here Sauce,back him up.Tell me all about the " Hysterical Tirade"
Your hooked up to a loser Sauce.Last year he played his Fag Recruiting, disappeared for 4 mths.
I saw some mysterious happenings last night but not sure what it was? Hey if you say nothing dirty went on then I believe you. I’ve never considered you a liar but I think Stainmaker is pulling a Mueller on you ? If your shits tight then don’t worry but I have seen some Adderal & Jameson infused rants from some lightweights in the past. Btw.. Someone was supposed to put up a list of players who have stomped there way out but crawled back in? Might of been Milks with the list?;)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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What they actually oppose is Trump and any of his ideas or agenda items.

If Trump proposed tearing down existing wall sections and minimizing border security they would oppose that as well.
The actual libs here do stand by their political ideology (however insane we view it to be), but their hatred of Trump sort of turbo charges their unwillingness to accept anything he may propose.
The shallow haters have discarded any semblance of political ideology and operate solely on their hate.
Trump could say tomorrow that the earth is round and these people would immediately be flat earthers.

These people are a curious case study. They have only one agenda and one all consuming interest, and that is to remove Trump. It’s why we see nothing from them except topics (real or imagined) that they think will stick dirt to Trump.
Collusion, Stormy the whore, endless conjecture about if Melania will file for divorce, and on and on.

Their go to response is that we did the same thing to Obama.
Well, I and most other Obama haters viewed him as a real threat to our Nation and rightly so. Besides finding him a despicable person in every way, the primary reasons for opposing him were related to what I viewed as his anti American positions on a daily basis, his anti constitutional mind set, his first move was to apologize to the world for us being the USA.
My upbringing dictates that that is the action of a traitor.
His entire facade presented to the Nation was a lie from top to bottom, the prostitutes that came forward concerning him are ALL dead...the others shut their mouths.
He lost every SC challenge.

People like Shameus will gladly march this Nation straight into the depths of ruin if it means Trump failing.
It’s their only focus, their singular fanatical obsession.
He has and will still proudly proclaim that his Trump hate is his driving force, and NOTHING Trump says or does will ever meet with his support. There is NO ideology or agenda or thought that steers him, only hate.
He would stop at nothing to remove Trump, would welcome the end of this Nation if it means Trump loses.

The wall is merely a widget in their obsession.

Spot on.

That being said, we kind of need these far left liberals on here because they really do represent about 20% of the mindless population (I don't believe the polls for a minute that there are 57% Liberals against Trump, because I hardly know anybody against what he's doing for our country). We need to know what we're up against.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Spot on.

That being said, we kind of need these far left liberals on here because they really do represent about 20% of the mindless population (I don't believe the polls for a minute that there are 57% Liberals against Trump, because I hardly know anybody against what he's doing for our country). We need to know what we're up against.
When you don’t read anything but Christian Science Monitor or only listen to Fox you would believe that.
Don’t forget 3 Million more voters voted D! But I’m sure that’s Fake News! Oh Jetson such a simpleton!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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True, but the Pollsters missed the shit out of that one too....according to them...NO CONTEST....HRC all the way!:rolleyes:
Surely you remember that night :D
Yup, no doubt we have a population That believes Reality Shows are Reality. And they voted for there favorite Game Show Host.;)

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Yup, no doubt we have a population That believes Reality Shows are Reality. And they voted for there favorite Game Show Host.;)[/QUOTE]
Maybe one day we Deplorables can measure up to your standards...;)



lol, yeah, sure, ok......
Sep 20, 2007
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What they actually oppose is Trump and any of his ideas or agenda items.

If Trump proposed tearing down existing wall sections and minimizing border security they would oppose that as well.
The actual libs here do stand by their political ideology (however insane we view it to be), but their hatred of Trump sort of turbo charges their unwillingness to accept anything he may propose.
The shallow haters have discarded any semblance of political ideology and operate solely on their hate.
Trump could say tomorrow that the earth is round and these people would immediately be flat earthers.

These people are a curious case study. They have only one agenda and one all consuming interest, and that is to remove Trump. It’s why we see nothing from them except topics (real or imagined) that they think will stick dirt to Trump.
Collusion, Stormy the whore, endless conjecture about if Melania will file for divorce, and on and on.

Their go to response is that we did the same thing to Obama.
Well, I and most other Obama haters viewed him as a real threat to our Nation and rightly so. Besides finding him a despicable person in every way, the primary reasons for opposing him were related to what I viewed as his anti American positions on a daily basis, his anti constitutional mind set, his first move was to apologize to the world for us being the USA.
My upbringing dictates that that is the action of a traitor.
His entire facade presented to the Nation was a lie from top to bottom, the prostitutes that came forward concerning him are ALL dead...the others shut their mouths.
He lost every SC challenge.

People like Shameus will gladly march this Nation straight into the depths of ruin if it means Trump failing.
It’s their only focus, their singular fanatical obsession.
He has and will still proudly proclaim that his Trump hate is his driving force, and NOTHING Trump says or does will ever meet with his support. There is NO ideology or agenda or thought that steers him, only hate.
He would stop at nothing to remove Trump, would welcome the end of this Nation if it means Trump loses.

The wall is merely a widget in their obsession.

Yeah pretty much. :p :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Spot on.

That being said, we kind of need these far left liberals on here because they really do represent about 20% of the mindless population (I don't believe the polls for a minute that there are 57% Liberals against Trump, because I hardly know anybody against what he's doing for our country). We need to know what we're up against.

Believe them. My conservative friends think he is a joke but voted for him anyway because they are conservative and he wasn't Hillary. My liberal friends disagree with his platform and are disgusted by his behavior. Trying to make this a personal issue, although I'm sure it is for some, only takes away from the real debate. We will see how the mid-terms go but make no mistake, even among his supporters (defined by those who cast a vote in his favor) there is enough dissention to affect change.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Believe them. My conservative friends think he is a joke but voted for him anyway because they are conservative and he wasn't Hillary. My liberal friends disagree with his platform and are disgusted by his behavior. Trying to make this a personal issue, although I'm sure it is for some, only takes away from the real debate. We will see how the mid-terms go but make no mistake, even among his supporters (defined by those who cast a vote in his favor) there is enough dissention to affect change.

What do your liberal friends think of Killary?


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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Believe them. My conservative friends think he is a joke but voted for him anyway because they are conservative and he wasn't Hillary. My liberal friends disagree with his platform and are disgusted by his behavior. Trying to make this a personal issue, although I'm sure it is for some, only takes away from the real debate. We will see how the mid-terms go but make no mistake, even among his supporters (defined by those who cast a vote in his favor) there is enough dissention to affect change.

I certainly don't agree with all of his actions, but many things have to be and endaroumd congress, as most seem to long for the status quo and could give 2 shits about the rest of us. I believe he is trying, but facing a stout headwind.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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She represented that platform that best fits their vision for the United States of America.

Can you elaborate on what that vision is/ was?

I ask because, although I’ve stated repeatedly that I support roughly half of what Trump says and does, I can not for the life of me find one iota of anything related to her so called “platform” that would be considered any benefit to this Nation.
Do your friends dismiss out of hand the bribes funneled through the foundation as merely imagined?
How do they view the Benghazi murders? Are they at ease with Killary ignoring any sort of campaign effort to retain their votes?

I would ask how they feel about her being bought off in 2008 but I’m sure they are ok with that since Obama was the result....and buying off Bernie is just Dem politics.

I’m sorry Rod, but simply can not view with any validity the opinions of people who actually considered her a better choice.
Yeah, Trump is a dick...we knew that going in...but how the fuck anyone can think Killary was the answer is mind boggling to me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Can you elaborate on what that vision is/ was?

I ask because, although I’ve stated repeatedly that I support roughly half of what Trump says and does, I can not for the life of me find one iota of anything related to her so called “platform” that would be considered any benefit to this Nation.
Do your friends dismiss out of hand the bribes funneled through the foundation as merely imagined?
How do they view the Benghazi murders? Are they at ease with Killary ignoring any sort of campaign effort to retain their votes?

I would ask how they feel about her being bought off in 2008 but I’m sure they are ok with that since Obama was the result....and buying off Bernie is just Dem politics.

I’m sorry Rod, but simply can not view with any validity the opinions of people who actually considered her a better choice.
Yeah, Trump is a dick...we knew that going in...but how the fuck anyone can think Killary was the answer is mind boggling to me.

Healthcare reform, tax reform and SCOTUS nominees for starters. Mix-in campaign finance reform, clean air and water initiatives, protection of natural land and oceans, continued implementation of Common Core, etc.

Yes, the foundation and Bengazi were non-issues for most of them. I would like to see the foundation issue addressed in campaign finance reform for all.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Healthcare reform, tax reform and SCOTUS nominees for starters. Mix-in campaign finance reform, clean air and water initiatives, protection of natural land and oceans, continued implementation of Common Core, etc.

Yes, the foundation and Bengazi were non-issues for most of them. I would like to see the foundation issue addressed in campaign finance reform for all.
If Obama care was such a smashing success why did it need to be reformed? You mean the implementation of socialized medicine? Common Core is a complete joke. Hillary was going to do nothing to campaign finance reform...it helped make them rich.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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If Obama care was such a smashing success why did it need to be reformed? You mean the implementation of socialized medicine? Common Core is a complete joke. Hillary was going to do nothing to campaign finance reform...it helped make them rich.

It wasn't but it was a good start. As for CC, I like what I've seen so far. Just like any change, it will take time.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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It wasn't but it was a good start. As for CC, I like what I've seen so far. Just like any change, it will take time.
What about it was a good start in your opinion? Same with CC? Do you have kids that are in schools utilizing CC?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Healthcare reform, tax reform and SCOTUS nominees for starters. Mix-in campaign finance reform, clean air and water initiatives, protection of natural land and oceans, continued implementation of Common Core, etc.

Yes, the foundation and Bengazi were non-issues for most of them. I would like to see the foundation issue addressed in campaign finance reform for all.

I appreciate your honest and civil response.
Having said that, I think you guys are nuts!
I’m not sure how much interaction you’ve had with the EPA or on what level, but I can assure you they are NOT concerned with anything beyond extortion. It wasn’t always that way, but it is now. The industries she targeted for extinction, in my experiences, go beyond existing regulations...which is exactly why further regs (read penalties) are trumpeted by those who have a political agenda. In what way would Killary implement protection of oceans? Her jurisdiction is not global, and the fact that other countries had millions or billions tied up in bribes tied to her winning most assuredly was not paid for the privilege of obeying stricter laws...quite the opposite one would assume...unless she pulled a JFK and butt fucked those who sought to have her elected.

SC nominations I can easily see being a reason for Dems to vote for her.
THANK GOD that didn’t happen!!

I do know this, if she had won ISIS would still be getting over a million dollars a day of funding from us, as we would still be padding our oil reserves via black market oil from OPEC, primarily the Saudis.

I think that the rhetorical talking points you list come down to the basic differences in our ideologies.
You are a lib/ socialist leaning dem.
I am not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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What about it was a good start in your opinion? Same with CC? Do you have kids that are in schools utilizing CC?

The HC system is being manipulated by insurance companies and major health systems at the expense of each and every American. Creating a payment system based on care and removing the ability for insurance companies and major health systems to collude is a step in the right direction, aka the Affordable Care Act. It may well lead to single payer, but at this point we won't find out anytime soon.

Yes, one is seventh and one in fourth. The changes are noticeable and for the better.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I think that the rhetorical talking points you list come down to the basic differences in our ideologies.
You are a lib/ socialist leaning dem.
I am not.

That about covers it.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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The HC system is being manipulated by insurance companies and major health systems at the expense of each and every American. Creating a payment system based on care and removing the ability for insurance companies and major health systems to collude is a step in the right direction, aka the Affordable Care Act. It may well lead to single payer, but at this point we won't find out anytime soon.

Yes, one is seventh and one in fourth. The changes are noticeable and for the better.
All of it could have been addressed without the implementation of the ACA. The ACA was/is nothing but a lie in order to drive us to a single payer medical system. If HRC or Sanders would have been elected we would be well on our way...fortunately that did not happen.

What changes do you think are better? I can't think of a single one, granted my oldest is still about a year and a half from starting school so I can only go off what I have read from both sides of the argument.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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The HC system is being manipulated by insurance companies and major health systems at the expense of each and every American. Creating a payment system based on care and removing the ability for insurance companies and major health systems to collude is a step in the right direction, aka the Affordable Care Act. It may well lead to single payer, but at this point we won't find out anytime soon.

Yes, one is seventh and one in fourth. The changes are noticeable and for the better.
I agree with this 100%. The insurance companies use Obamacare as an excuse to rape us all. I just don't see how Obamacare would triple premiums like they did.

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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I cannot, in any way , shape, or form, convince my mind, how ANY of the dum b thinking can be considered " progressive " and good for the country.. It's almost like trying to reason with an insane person> You can argue to beat hell, but you cannot debate...

I do know this, if she had won ISIS would still be getting over a million dollars a day of funding from us, as we would still be padding our oil reserves via black market oil from OPEC, primarily the Saudis.

I think that the rhetorical talking points you list come down to the basic differences in our ideologies.
You are a lib/ socialist leaning dem.
I am not.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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" daddy ", wouldn't know what to do with a "camel foot ", He thinks PINK is just a color. haha LMFAO , but GFPAU...
Thanks for acknowledging I'm your Daddy. Lemme explain it to you kid... It's starts as a Toe and when Daddy's done with it, it's a Camel foot. Similiar to your Camel foot! Also Daddy leaves it Black & Blue just like your face!;)
Move on Poo P&G isn't cut out for soft ass whiners like you Poo!:)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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I cannot, in any way , shape, or form, convince my mind, how ANY of the dum b thinking can be considered " progressive " and good for the country.. It's almost like trying to reason with an insane person> You can argue to beat hell, but you cannot debate...

I do know this, if she had won ISIS would still be getting over a million dollars a day of funding from us, as we would still be padding our oil reserves via black market oil from OPEC, primarily the Saudis.

I think that the rhetorical talking points you list come down to the basic differences in our ideologies.
You are a lib/ socialist leaning dem.
I am not.
And....Nobody can understand your 2nd grade rambling, incomprehensible, illiterate attempt at a post!

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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That is probably true in your case " daddy ", most of my reply requires double digit IQ.. LMFAO,,,,, GFPAU