The Wall Begins


Jun 28, 2010
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Especially when there’s the whole Stormy Daniels important shit going on, right?

Yes! ^

However some of you are all over the place. Do the midterms matter or not? Do we need a “wall” since border crossings are down or not? Reading the posts of your resident political genius who contradicts himself every other post, one doesn’t know where you guys stand. Maybe the Fag 5 needs to get on same page with one another! :rolleyes:


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Arrests along the Southwest border fell by nearly 24 percent in fiscal 2017

This figure is generally used as a benchmark for measuring illegal immigration overall at the Southwest border. Through the first four months of the Trump presidency, the number of people arrested dropped by 40 percent compared to the same period the year before, which means there were fewer illegal immigrants to arrest.

By the time Trump took office in January, apprehensions were on the decline from a high of 66,708 in October 2016 under then-President Barack Obama.

lard ass

Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score

Found shitstains high school pic.:D


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
What don’t you CA libs tear down the wall?

Why such a backlash against anyone else having one?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Yes! ^

However some of you are all over the place. Do the midterms matter or not? Do we need a “wall” since border crossings are down or not? Reading the posts of your resident political genius who contradicts himself every other post, one doesn’t know where you guys stand. Maybe the Fag 5 needs to get on same page with one another! :rolleyes:

Well, the so called fab5 is a construct of your master. We never claimed to be a gang or group of sheep mindlessly following the slanted media source of ones choice.
We don’t always agree, which is a good thing, although anytime we disagree with each other you ejaculate uncontrollably into your absorbent undergarment, as if free thought is to be ridiculed.
I understand that forming your own thoughts is a completely foreign concept for you.
We’ve concluded that it is probably the primary weakness you have, although that list is long and storied.

When you salivate over some difference of opinion displayed by what you call the fab5, it is MUCH more a statement about your feeble mindedness than anything else really.

By contrast, watching you suck any S7 cock thrown your way is embarrassing. Have you ever wondered why so many post pics of male cheerleaders as response to your posts? Or the ever applicable pic of the girl with saliva pouring down her face from a hard session of deep throating?
Or the name “Shameus” itself?

Frankly, it’s hard to watch anymore. You really should think about another sabbatical for your own mental well being...seriously.

On topic, I’ve posted nothing about mid terms, and have no predictions or mind reading conclusions about what Trump wants or thinks might happen.

To be clear, you are trying to make a debatable situation based from what some posters might think about what Trump thinks about mid term elections that are 8 months away?
That about right?


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Well,guarantee Trump has never worried much about what 45% - 50% of any group ,organization,or some foriegn country think about anything he is doing.He goes about getting things built and finished with whoever can keep up and contribute.That is why the changes in staff,all good people,some just could not keep up.Just about everyone in this forum is a leader and gets it,some just cannot keep up.
" Lead,Follow or get out of the way "


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Well, the so called fab5 is a construct of your master. We never claimed to be a gang or group of sheep mindlessly following the slanted media source of ones choice.
We don’t always agree, which is a good thing, although anytime we disagree with each other you ejaculate uncontrollably into your absorbent undergarment, as if free thought is to be ridiculed.
I understand that forming your own thoughts is a completely foreign concept for you.
We’ve concluded that it is probably the primary weakness you have, although that list is long and storied.

When you salivate over some difference of opinion displayed by what you call the fab5, it is MUCH more a statement about your feeble mindedness than anything else really.

By contrast, watching you suck any S7 cock thrown your way is embarrassing. Have you ever wondered why so many post pics of male cheerleaders as response to your posts? Or the ever applicable pic of the girl with saliva pouring down her face from a hard session of deep throating?
Or the name “Shameus” itself?

Frankly, it’s hard to watch anymore. You really should think about another sabbatical for your own mental well being...seriously.

On topic, I’ve posted nothing about mid terms, and have no predictions or mind reading conclusions about what Trump wants or thinks might happen.

To be clear, you are trying to make a debatable situation based from what some posters might think about what Trump thinks about mid term elections that are 8 months away?
That about right?

Damn that was a long post that said nothing other than you are a scorned little fat bitch that has not gotten over the mental scars I’ve inflicted on you!
LMFAO LOSER!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Seriously? I read this statement that you’re giving him some head!
Lmfao!! [emoji1]:)

I keep deleting response to your post.Obviously Fag you are recruiting again.This has back fired on you before and you had to check out for 4 months.Classic Fag internet Recruiting.Sorry,move on. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
I keep deleting response to your post.Obviously Fag you are recruiting again.This has back fired on you before and you had to check out for 4 months.Classic Fag internet Recruiting.Sorry,move on. :)
Damn Sweeps your Delete button is working OT. Anyways speaking of recruiting trannys! And some dude named "BallsDeep" liked his love post?:eek::D

I love you Regor. )

Dooood, you just make me smile.
I love you Regor. )

Dooood, you just make me smile.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Well, the so called fab5 is a construct of your master. We never claimed to be a gang or group of sheep mindlessly following the slanted media source of ones choice.
We don’t always agree, which is a good thing, although anytime we disagree with each other you ejaculate uncontrollably into your absorbent undergarment, as if free thought is to be ridiculed.
I understand that forming your own thoughts is a completely foreign concept for you.
We’ve concluded that it is probably the primary weakness you have, although that list is long and storied.

When you salivate over some difference of opinion displayed by what you call the fab5, it is MUCH more a statement about your feeble mindedness than anything else really.

By contrast, watching you suck any S7 cock thrown your way is embarrassing. Have you ever wondered why so many post pics of male cheerleaders as response to your posts? Or the ever applicable pic of the girl with saliva pouring down her face from a hard session of deep throating?
Or the name “Shameus” itself?

Frankly, it’s hard to watch anymore. You really should think about another sabbatical for your own mental well being...seriously.

On topic, I’ve posted nothing about mid terms, and have no predictions or mind reading conclusions about what Trump wants or thinks might happen.

To be clear, you are trying to make a debatable situation based from what some posters might think about what Trump thinks about mid term elections that are 8 months away?
That about right?

Damn that was a long post that said nothing other than you are a scorned little fat bitch that has not gotten over the mental scars I’ve inflicted on you!
LMFAO LOSER!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Well Done Tommy.You Win


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Up late tonite,me and Frontier having a bad night.Sitting on my patio watching one hell of a bon fire or a serious fire on the Island @ LHC.
Sauce,your boy is Fag Recruiting again and obvious Drunk Posting.Most likely he will be posting on Pinterest only by time you back. :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Yes! ^

Do we need a “wall” since border crossings are down or not? Reading the posts of your resident political genius who contradicts himself every other post, one doesn’t know where you guys stand.

A reduction in crossings doesn't mean they quit coming. Read it again, 310,000 illegals were arrested at the border in fiscal 2017.

How many got across without being arrested? The same number? Why do you argue against a wall when several hundred thousand people illegally enter our country, and we pay also hundreds of millions to catch those arrested every year?

You have to be a complete idiot to oppose stopping this fucking nonsense.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Damn Sweeps your Delete button is working OT. Anyways speaking of recruiting trannys! And some dude named "BallsDeep" liked his love post?:eek::D
Lol, he was hysterical last night posting shit and 1 minute later deleting them. I screenshoted them, probably 10 in all. I think he is confused and thinks he’s posting on Snap Chap. He recently made a comment on the amount of posts I’ve made here when the reality is he’s posted far more times than I have but deletes most of them. Lmfao!! :eek:


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
A reduction in crossings doesn't mean they quit coming. Read it again, 310,000 illegals were arrested at the border in fiscal 2017.

How many got across without being arrested? The same number? Why do you argue against a wall when several hundred thousand people illegally enter our country, and we pay also hundreds of millions to catch those arrested every year?

You have to be a complete idiot to oppose stopping this fucking nonsense.

Hey dumbass, I don’t oppose it. I oppose the Govt paying 2-3 times for something that is no more effective than what’s been built since ‘06. There’s a lot of other things that need attention in the budget rather than Trump placing a big “gold T” on every panel of a wall system so idiots like you can be amused!

Have a few shots of Geritol and crawl your old feeble Breitbart ass back to bed! :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
So , I just read this whole thread , and im thinkin , how many opposed to the wall live in gated communities. :rolleyes:


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Seek therapy.
By contrast, watching you suck any S7 cock thrown your way is embarrassing. Have you ever wondered why so many post pics of male cheerleaders as response to your posts? Or the ever applicable pic of the girl with saliva pouring down her face from a hard session of deep throating?
Or the name “Shameus” itself?

Frankly, it’s hard to watch anymore. You really should think about another sabbatical for your own mental well being...seriously.

On topic, I’ve posted nothing about mid terms, and have no predictions or mind reading conclusions about what Trump wants or thinks might happen.

To be clear, you are trying to make a debatable situation based from what some posters might think about what Trump thinks about mid term elections that are 8 months away?
That about right?
Seriously? I read this statement that you’re giving him some head!
Lmfao!! [emoji1]:)

Explain how post 57 by you vs post 60 by me merits, poster should “seek therapy”? Hypocrite much do you? [emoji57]
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
So , I just read this whole thread , and im thinkin , how many opposed to the wall live in gated communities. :rolleyes:

What they actually oppose is Trump and any of his ideas or agenda items.

If Trump proposed tearing down existing wall sections and minimizing border security they would oppose that as well.
The actual libs here do stand by their political ideology (however insane we view it to be), but their hatred of Trump sort of turbo charges their unwillingness to accept anything he may propose.
The shallow haters have discarded any semblance of political ideology and operate solely on their hate.
Trump could say tomorrow that the earth is round and these people would immediately be flat earthers.

These people are a curious case study. They have only one agenda and one all consuming interest, and that is to remove Trump. It’s why we see nothing from them except topics (real or imagined) that they think will stick dirt to Trump.
Collusion, Stormy the whore, endless conjecture about if Melania will file for divorce, and on and on.

Their go to response is that we did the same thing to Obama.
Well, I and most other Obama haters viewed him as a real threat to our Nation and rightly so. Besides finding him a despicable person in every way, the primary reasons for opposing him were related to what I viewed as his anti American positions on a daily basis, his anti constitutional mind set, his first move was to apologize to the world for us being the USA.
My upbringing dictates that that is the action of a traitor.
His entire facade presented to the Nation was a lie from top to bottom, the prostitutes that came forward concerning him are ALL dead...the others shut their mouths.
He lost every SC challenge.

People like Shameus will gladly march this Nation straight into the depths of ruin if it means Trump failing.
It’s their only focus, their singular fanatical obsession.
He has and will still proudly proclaim that his Trump hate is his driving force, and NOTHING Trump says or does will ever meet with his support. There is NO ideology or agenda or thought that steers him, only hate.
He would stop at nothing to remove Trump, would welcome the end of this Nation if it means Trump loses.

The wall is merely a widget in their obsession.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Oh I get it , I read most of the crap posted down here , but rarely comment.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
What they actually oppose is Trump and any of his ideas or agenda items.

If Trump proposed tearing down existing wall sections and minimizing border security they would oppose that as well.
The actual libs here do stand by their political ideology (however insane we view it to be), but their hatred of Trump sort of turbo charges their unwillingness to accept anything he may propose.
The shallow haters have discarded any semblance of political ideology and operate solely on their hate.
Trump could say tomorrow that the earth is round and these people would immediately be flat earthers.

These people are a curious case study. They have only one agenda and one all consuming interest, and that is to remove Trump. It’s why we see nothing from them except topics (real or imagined) that they think will stick dirt to Trump.
Collusion, Stormy the whore, endless conjecture about if Melania will file for divorce, and on and on.

Their go to response is that we did the same thing to Obama.
Well, I and most other Obama haters viewed him as a real threat to our Nation and rightly so. Besides finding him a despicable person in every way, the primary reasons for opposing him were related to what I viewed as his anti American positions on a daily basis, his anti constitutional mind set, his first move was to apologize to the world for us being the USA.
My upbringing dictates that that is the action of a traitor.
His entire facade presented to the Nation was a lie from top to bottom, the prostitutes that came forward concerning him are ALL dead...the others shut their mouths.
He lost every SC challenge.

People like Shameus will gladly march this Nation straight into the depths of ruin if it means Trump failing.
It’s their only focus, their singular fanatical obsession.
He has and will still proudly proclaim that his Trump hate is his driving force, and NOTHING Trump says or does will ever meet with his support. There is NO ideology or agenda or thought that steers him, only hate.
He would stop at nothing to remove Trump, would welcome the end of this Nation if it means Trump loses.

The wall is merely a widget in their obsession.
Very, very good post Tommy!!. The paragraph about Shameus is spot on and has been since DJT came down the escalator. He has changed the meaning of hate and Webster's is in the process of recalling every dictionary printed to make adjustments to the word.
The guy is a loose cannon, well actually squirt gun, and should take some time off just to get his thought process back in order. For some one that has got his teeth kicked in, he sure does think he has been the kicker, well him and saucy that is.
It's going to take some time but DJT will get things straightened out, hell he's got what 6 1/2 more years!!! :D:D
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Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
What they actually oppose is Trump and any of his ideas or agenda items.

If Trump proposed tearing down existing wall sections and minimizing border security they would oppose that as well.
The actual libs here do stand by their political ideology (however insane we view it to be), but their hatred of Trump sort of turbo charges their unwillingness to accept anything he may propose.
The shallow haters have discarded any semblance of political ideology and operate solely on their hate.
Trump could say tomorrow that the earth is round and these people would immediately be flat earthers.

These people are a curious case study. They have only one agenda and one all consuming interest, and that is to remove Trump. It’s why we see nothing from them except topics (real or imagined) that they think will stick dirt to Trump.
Collusion, Stormy the whore, endless conjecture about if Melania will file for divorce, and on and on.

Their go to response is that we did the same thing to Obama.
Well, I and most other Obama haters viewed him as a real threat to our Nation and rightly so. Besides finding him a despicable person in every way, the primary reasons for opposing him were related to what I viewed as his anti American positions on a daily basis, his anti constitutional mind set, his first move was to apologize to the world for us being the USA.
My upbringing dictates that that is the action of a traitor.
His entire facade presented to the Nation was a lie from top to bottom, the prostitutes that came forward concerning him are ALL dead...the others shut their mouths.
He lost every SC challenge.

People like Shameus will gladly march this Nation straight into the depths of ruin if it means Trump failing.
It’s their only focus, their singular fanatical obsession.
He has and will still proudly proclaim that his Trump hate is his driving force, and NOTHING Trump says or does will ever meet with his support. There is NO ideology or agenda or thought that steers him, only hate.
He would stop at nothing to remove Trump, would welcome the end of this Nation if it means Trump loses.

The wall is merely a widget in their obsession.
In far less words, this translates to yet another of your butthurt posts stemming from the “Escapade” and making fun of you getting your ass beat for trying to play hall monitor!
Lmfao! :D

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
In far less words, this translates to yet another of your butthurt posts stemming from the “Escapade” and making fun of you getting your ass beat for trying to play hall monitor!
Lmfao! :D

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Damn, that's worth dropping in the camels foot thread. :)

Meant to address this yesterday.
It’s called “camel toe” not camel foot.

Maybe you’d better stick to your gay speak, and not embarrass yourself by foraging into an area you obviously are not familiar with?


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
serious here stainless,put the screen shots up right now.Time to back up your bullshit stainless.Right now put the screen shots up from last night.Walk the talk stainless,let’s go here.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Meant to address this yesterday.
It’s called “camel toe” not camel foot.

Maybe you’d better stick to your gay speak, and not embarrass yourself by foraging into an area you obviously are not familiar with?

I See you ran out of gas already!
A word of advice loser, fill your tank completely before you come after me.
Fwiw, I said foot on purpose because that one was worthy of being called the whole foot, not just the toe dumbass!


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
6am on Easter Sunday you in here running that fucked up keyboard.Let’s go here stainless get the screen shots up where anybody talking your fag bullshit.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
6am on Easter Sunday you in here running that fucked up keyboard.Let’s go here stainless get the screen shots up where anybody talking your fag bullshit.
Are you not running your keyboard on Easter Sunday? I’m up early like everyday but I realize you’re just rolling out of the rack because of your hysterical tirade you started last night ultimately deleting most of the vile posts you made.
Lmfao!! :p :D


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
6am on Easter Sunday you in here running that fucked up keyboard.Let’s go here stainless get the screen shots up where anybody talking your fag bullshit.
Are you not running your keyboard on Easter Sunday? I’m up early like everyday but I realize you’re just rolling out of the rack because of your hysterical tirade you started last night ultimately deleting most of the vile posts you made.
Lmfao!! :p :D

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I See you ran out of gas already!
A word of advice loser, fill your tank completely before you come after me.
Fwiw, I said foot on purpose because that one was worthy of being called the whole foot, not just the toe dumbass!

There is no thread titled “camels foot”...


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Put the posts up.your being called out Stainless,you claim you have the posts that I CLAIM DO NOT EXIST. This not going away Stainless,put the posts up you claim to have about anybody talking your fag bullshit that involves me.Next up,you drag Sauce thru your shit,he was posting at same time. “ Hysterical Tirade” Post it up Stainless.
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Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Put the posts up.your being called out Stainless,you claim you have the posts that I CLAIM DO NOT EXIST. This not going away Stainless,put the posts up you claim to have about anybody talking your fag bullshit that involves me.Next up,you drag Sauce thru your shit,he was posting at same time. “ Hysterical Tirade” Post it up Stainless.
Say the magic word :)


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
That’s right i’m sure.Put the posts up.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Sure about what?
Those were some posts I wouldn’t want anyone to see either! Good thing I was still awake and got screenshots though. :)

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Lol, he was hysterical last night posting shit and 1 minute later deleting them. I screenshoted them, probably 10 in all. I think he is confused and thinks he’s posting on Snap Chap. He recently made a comment on the amount of posts I’ve made here when the reality is he’s posted far more times than I have but deletes most of them. Lmfao!! :eek:

Sounds like he toyed with you pretty good!
Like driving a cat in circles with a laser pointer...good job Sweeps!!

10 screenshots for real?
Damn, you really are ate up.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Sure about what?
Those were some posts I wouldn’t want anyone to see either! Good thing I was still awake and got screenshots though. :)

Good thing...think that will be a topic during your commitment hearing?


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Sure about what?
Those were some posts I wouldn’t want anyone to see either! Good thing I was still awake and got screenshots though. :)

I want the posts seen.Put them up.We done here Stainless,You MT as usual and expected


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like he toyed with you pretty good!
Like driving a cat in circles with a laser pointer...good job Sweeps!!

10 screenshots for real?
Damn, you really are ate up.
Yea, he was going Apeshit last night. Funny thing about it the thread had been dormant for a couple of hours and out of the blue he decided to start running his keyboard and as I said it was a good thing I was still awake to catch screenshots of his meltdown!
Btw, pm him and explain I’m not toying around, remember the screenshots you didn’t think I had?
His problem right now is he can’t remember what he posted last night before deleting them.
Lmfao!! :D