The Science is Settled


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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The church of Global Warming, which later went through a reformation and changed their name to the church of Climate Change, has always had a blind spot. Namely, they NEVER recognize or admit to the variability of the output of the Sun and how that possibly impacts how hot or cold planet earth is. Fucking idiotic behavior, but when you focus on a greenhouse gas that actually helps trees grow, they can get gullible folks to buy into the junk science.

Fruadpa!!!!! Where are you, we need your climatology degree to help with this discussion. Are you out with your dog checking on the Crows in Coastal Alaska again? Huh, Stacia???


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Your failure is your inability to distinguish between an exception and the rule.
The Rule we have seen come true literally thousands of times, is you are Exceptionally stupid.

Prove me wrong, FraudPa.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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This thread again?

I thought the Trumpkins settled it and scientifically proved beyond any doubt that putting Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has no effects whatsoever? Not a single problem with it?



Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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This thread again?

I thought the Trumpkins settled it and scientifically proved beyond any doubt that putting Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has no effects whatsoever? Not a single problem with it?

View attachment 768240 View attachment 768238
Nice pictures of China, show us some recent pictures of pollution America. The Paris accord is taking care of China’s:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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This thread again?

I thought the Trumpkins settled it and scientifically proved beyond any doubt that putting Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has no effects whatsoever? Not a single problem with it?

View attachment 768240 View attachment 768238
I'll be damned, you are a fucking libturd, you equate CO2 with pollution.

Mentally ill fucking idiot...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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In Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (in 2007), the US Supreme Court held that the Clean Air Act gives the EPA the authority to regulate tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases. Two years after the Supreme Court ruling, in 2009 the EPA issued an endangerment finding concluding that:

"greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may reasonably be anticipated both to endanger public health and to endanger public welfare....The major assessments by the U.S. Global Climate Research Program (USGCRP), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the National Research Council (NRC) serve as the primary scientific basis supporting the Administrator’s endangerment finding."

Greenhouse gases including CO2 unquestionably fit the Clean Air Act's broad definition of "air pollutants," and must be listed and regulated by the EPA if it can be determined that they endanger public heath and/or welfare.

Thus legally in the USA, CO2 is an air pollutant. And according to the encyclopedic definition, CO2 is a pollutant.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Is that YOUR Private Jet in your Avatar???????

It's for the dog's use.........

He doesn't like the cargo hold in a crate and farts a lot during flight if in the commercial cabin bothering other passengers. :)

But to your point of hypocrisy and whether or not pumping pollutants such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is good or bad, here is a rational answer.

My personal view is that it is pretty clear that pumping all that shit into the air is probably not very good for the environment and people's health so we should probably have some sort of compromise where we still advance economically, while at the same time trying to limit the amount of pollution, all types of pollution. Not the crazy AOC shit where you have to end all use of fossil fuels, but not the ignorant 500BBC shit on the exact polar opposite either. There is little difference in the intellectual power of either AOC or 500's concepts. Although to be fair, as absolutely stupid as AOC is, she is a lot brighter than 500 so I do think we should give him a little leeway and maybe a small trophy.

For example, start up a 68 Ferrari Daytona in a closed garage and you can barely breathe in a couple minutes. Fire up a new 488GTB and you can sit in there for an hour without a headache yet the 488 makes triple the power for less than half the fuel. That is an example of the type of progress that makes sense.

But I understand some in here believe there is no effect from any pollutants whatsoever and you have to be a "mentally ill fucking idiot" to believe otherwise.

Welcome to the P&G. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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In Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (in 2007), the US Supreme Court held that the Clean Air Act gives the EPA the authority to regulate tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases. Two years after the Supreme Court ruling, in 2009 the EPA issued an endangerment finding concluding that:

"greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may reasonably be anticipated both to endanger public health and to endanger public welfare....The major assessments by the U.S. Global Climate Research Program (USGCRP), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the National Research Council (NRC) serve as the primary scientific basis supporting the Administrator’s endangerment finding."

Greenhouse gases including CO2 unquestionably fit the Clean Air Act's broad definition of "air pollutants," and must be listed and regulated by the EPA if it can be determined that they endanger public heath and/or welfare.

Thus legally in the USA, CO2 is an air pollutant. And according to the encyclopedic definition, CO2 is a pollutant.

Theses same people want to regulate cow farts and dust from farmers plowing their fields.
These same Idiots think a man can snap his fingers and be a woman.
If you really believe what you post, which you don't, you would have posted a picture of CO2, but you didn't because you're a lying asshole.

Fucking mentally ill Idiot
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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It's for the dog's use.........

He doesn't like the cargo hold in a crate and farts a lot during flight if in the commercial cabin bothering other passengers. :)

But to your point of hypocrisy and whether or not pumping pollutants such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is good or bad, here is a rational answer.

My personal view is that it is pretty clear that pumping all that shit into the air is probably not very good for the environment and people's health so we should probably have some sort of compromise where we still advance economically, while at the same time trying to limit the amount of pollution, all types of pollution. Not the crazy AOC shit where you have to end all use of fossil fuels, but not the ignorant 500BBC shit on the exact polar opposite either. There is little difference in the intellectual power of either AOC or 500's concepts. Although to be fair, as absolutely stupid as AOC is, she is a lot brighter than 500 so I do think we should give him a little leeway and maybe a small trophy.

For example, start up a 68 Ferrari Daytona in a closed garage and you can barely breathe in a couple minutes. Fire up a new 488GTB and you can sit in there for an hour without a headache yet the 488 makes triple the power for less than half the fuel. That is an example of the type of progress that makes sense.

But I understand some in here believe there is no effect from any pollutants whatsoever and you have to be a "mentally ill fucking idiot" to believe otherwise.

Welcome to the P&G. :)

Good job you lying fuck, you make my point.

You're such a lying fucking asshole that now you've changed your argument to CO2 is the same as CO.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Mentally Ill idiot


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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It's for the dog's use.........

He doesn't like the cargo hold in a crate and farts a lot during descent bothering other passengers. :)

But to your point of hypocrisy and whether or not pumping pollutants such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is good or bad, here is a rational answer.

My personal view is that it is pretty clear that pumping all that shit into the air is probably not very good for the environment and people's health so we should probably have some sort of compromise where we still advance economically, while at the same time trying to limit the amount of pollution, all types of pollution. Not the crazy AOC shit where you have to end all use of fossil fuels, but not the ignorant 500BBC shit on the exact polar opposite either. There is little difference in the intellectual power of either AOC or 500's concepts. Although to be fair, as absolutely stupid as AOC is, she is a lot brighter than 500 so I do think we should give him a little leeway and maybe a small trophy.

For example, start up a 68 Ferrari Daytona in a closed garage and you can barely breathe in a couple minutes. Fire up a new 488GTB and you can sit in there for an hour without a headache yet the 488 makes triple the power for less than half the fuel. That is an example of the type of progress that makes sense.

But I understand some in here believe there is no effect from any pollutants whatsoever and you have to be a "mentally ill fucking idiot" to believe otherwise.

Welcome to the P&G. :)

Thanks for the Welcome. :)

I just hope you realize it's hard for us to take Pollution advice from a Gentleman that fly's privately??? I mean, I get it. If you have the means, that's badass. But if flying privately, not sure how actually concerned you are about the Environment and Pollution.

And yes, I understand progression and efficiency, and I'm with that program. I'm not 100% against Emission Regulation. I'd like to breathe as little as possible of that shit too. But not so sure condemning Manufacturing before Private Plane use is the answer??

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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The Sierra Club has it all figured out. Cruz completely demolishes this moron.

BOOOOOM!!!They rely on their made up data whatever 530 twist it how you want! We all know about pollutants they're bad we get it but stop shoving that global warming bullshit down are throat. Like you said in your post about the Ferrari's absolutely much better we're heading in the right direction that comes with technology but stop with the end of the world bullshit!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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BOOOOOM!!!They rely on their made up data whatever 530 twist it how you want! We all know about pollutants they're bad we get it but stop shoving that global warming bullshit down are throat. Like you said in your post about the Ferrari's absolutely much better we're heading in the right direction that comes with technology but stop with the end of the world bullshit!!

Like the Whirly Turd they change their argument to pollution when called on their climate change lies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Thanks for the Welcome. :)

I just hope you realize it's hard for us to take Pollution advice from a Gentleman that fly's privately??? I mean, I get it. If you have the means, that's badass. But if flying privately, not sure how actually concerned you are about the Environment and Pollution.

And yes, I understand progression and efficiency, and I'm with that program. I'm not 100% against Emission Regulation. I'd like to breathe as little as possible of that shit too. But not so sure condemning Manufacturing before Private Plane use is the answer??

I think you and I are on the same page as I certainly get your observation. And I certainly don't condemn one of the largest manufacturing sectors in America, Aviation whether it be public, private or military.

All of that stuff is important to growing the economy from cars to boats to planes to ships to power and all the stuff that emits pollutants, but we don't need to revert back to the standards that China uses today as has 500 and other's in here have repeatedly supported.

That seems kind of consistent with a luddite. There is a rational middle ground.

As you will find in here, you can not have a position that is a rational compromise. You must be on one side of the fence or the other.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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I think you and I are on the same page as I certainly get your observation. And I certainly don't condemn one of the largest manufacturing sectors in America, Aviation whether it be public, private or military.

All of that stuff is important to growing the economy from cars to boats to planes to ships to power and all the stuff that emits pollutants, but we don't need to revert back to the standards that China uses today as has 500 and other's in here have repeatedly supported.

That seems kind of consistent with a luddite. There is a rational middle ground.

As you will find in here, you can not have a position that is a rational compromise. You must be on one side of the fence or the other.

Well, congrats on owning a Private Jet, atleast.

A little confused though. You say you're not condemning Manufacturing. Ok, well then what was the point of Post #353??


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I think you and I are on the same page as I certainly get your observation. And I certainly don't condemn one of the largest manufacturing sectors in America, Aviation whether it be public, private or military.

All of that stuff is important to growing the economy from cars to boats to planes to ships to power and all the stuff that emits pollutants, but we don't need to revert back to the standards that China uses today as has 500 and other's in here have repeatedly supported.

That seems kind of consistent with a luddite. There is a rational middle ground.

As you will find in here, you can not have a position that is a rational compromise. You must be on one side of the fence or the other.

Fucking mentally ill lying idiot...

All the best!:p

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
I think you and I are on the same page as I certainly get your observation. And I certainly don't condemn one of the largest manufacturing sectors in America, Aviation whether it be public, private or military.

All of that stuff is important to growing the economy from cars to boats to planes to ships to power and all the stuff that emits pollutants, but we don't need to revert back to the standards that China uses today as has 500 and other's in here have repeatedly supported.

That seems kind of consistent with a luddite. There is a rational middle ground.

As you will find in here, you can not have a position that is a rational compromise. You must be on one side of the fence or the other.

I don't think 500 wants to revert to China anyway sometimes your post come off a little too left to me, I like the rational middle ground i'm all for it like i'm sure most are the problem with a lot of dems is they don't think rational it's all about them same on the other side...they created this monster with the two party system in my opinion. The one thing that Trump isn't doing is downsizing the government but maybe he can get more done in the next four lol!!

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
Well, congrats on owning a Private Jet, atleast.

A little confused though. You say you're not condemning Manufacturing. Ok, well then what was the point of Post #353??

530 likes getting people riled I wouldn't have it any other way that's what makes this place fun!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
I don't think 500 wants to revert to China anyway sometimes your post come off a little too left to me, I like the rational middle ground i'm all for it like i'm sure most are the problem with a lot of dems is they don't think rational it's all about them same on the other side...they created this monster with the two party system in my opinion. The one thing that Trump isn't doing is downsizing the government but maybe he can get more done in the next four lol!!

He doesn't believe his posts, he's just here to stir shit trying to alleviate his TDS.

He really is mentally ill...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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I don't think 500 wants to revert to China anyway sometimes your post come off a little too left to me, I like the rational middle ground i'm all for it like i'm sure most are the problem with a lot of dems is they don't think rational it's all about them same on the other side...they created this monster with the two party system in my opinion. The one thing that Trump isn't doing is downsizing the government but maybe he can get more done in the next four lol!!

Two Party System......

So the Democrats came about because when we drafted the Constitution, they thought it was wrong and we should be governed by a King and Queen. So think about that for a second.......................................... The Democrats were founded on being Anti-Constitutional / American. Not sure why everybody is so shocked they want to keep all your money and take away your Guns. It's been this way since the Dems fired up their own little "Party". Now think about this, we didn't shoot the fuck out of em because we believed they had the Right to think that way, and protest it. Fast forward to today. Calling us "Oppressive". Lol.

What a bunch of fucking Loons.

I haven't even gotten to the Fact we pissed off Democrats REALLY BAD when we took their Slaves away. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Well, congrats on owning a Private Jet, atleast.

A little confused though. You say you're not condemning Manufacturing. Ok, well then what was the point of Post #353??

It's not my plane, it's the Company's. Trump lets companies write them all off up front now. Quite a brilliant tax scam. I like to view it as 500, Regor and WTG along with their kids paying for the dog to fly private as Trump runs up bigger and bigger deficits each year for them to pay. It just warms my heart to think of it that way. :)

The point of post 353 was basically "not this again".

We have debated endlessly in here where some believe that there is absolutely no possible effect on the earth, air, water, soil or any other matter from extracting, refining and burning fossil fuels and any scientific argument to the contrary is bogus. Period.

And there are others that believe that there is an effect, and that science is settled.

So it looks like the group will chase its tail for a few pages again on this topic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
It's not my plane, it's the Company's. Trump lets companies write them all off up front now. Quite a brilliant tax scam. I like to view it as 500, Regor and WTG along with their kids paying for the dog to fly private as Trump runs up bigger and bigger deficits each year for them to pay. It just warms my heart to think of it that way. :)

The point of post 353 was basically "not this again".

We have debated endlessly in here where some believe that there is absolutely no possible effect on the earth, air, water, soil or any other matter from extracting, refining and burning fossil fuels and any scientific argument to the contrary is bogus. Period.

And there are others that believe that there is an effect, and that science is settled.

So it looks like the group will chase its tail for a few pages again on this topic.


Fucking mentally ill idiot


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
It's not my plane, it's the Company's. Trump lets companies write them all off up front now. Quite a brilliant tax scam. I like to view it as 500, Regor and WTG along with their kids paying for the dog to fly private as Trump runs up bigger and bigger deficits each year for them to pay. It just warms my heart to think of it that way. :)

I like Tax Scams. Fuck the IRS. They can kiss my Ass.

Which Deficits are you referring to?

The point of post 353 was basically "not this again".

We have debated endlessly in here where some believe that there is absolutely no possible effect on the earth, air, water, soil or any other matter from extracting, refining and burning fossil fuels and any scientific argument to the contrary is bogus. Period.

And there are others that believe that there is an effect, and that science is settled.

So it looks like the group will chase its tail for a few pages again on this topic.

Of course we have effects. Are they as detrimental as Dems claim? Hell no. If they were, we'd finally have some Population Control and some of these Idiots would die off...


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
It's not "my" plane, it's the Company's. Trump lets companies write them all off up front now. Quite a brilliant tax scam. I like to view it as 500, Regor and WTG along with their kids paying for the dog to fly private as Trump runs up bigger and bigger deficits each year for them to pay. It just warms my heart to think of it that way. :)

The point of post 353 was basically "not this again".

We have debated endlessly in here where some believe that there is absolutely no possible effect on the earth, air, water, soil or any other matter from extracting, refining and burning fossil fuels and any scientific argument to the contrary is bogus. Period.

And there are others that believe that there is an effect, and that "science is settled".

So it looks like the group will chase its tail for a few pages again on this topic.


We just repeatedly say that the so called "scientists" and "international commities of bullshit bla bla bla" are completely falsifing the actual information, proven time and time again.

You are again just fabricating reality, everyone in here knows that pollutants are indeed bad for the environment, it's the level that the common taxpayer in America has to shoulder of bullshit and reparations that is being called out. It's the level of shit piled upon business owners in America, to cover up the massive corruption that has allowed corporations to simply write checks for their overages.

Driving your hot rod boat/car during playtime, while driving anything more modern than a 90's vehicle regularly pretty much has a negligable effect compared to the levels of pollutants caused by manufacturing and refining facilities, yet WE GET ALL THE PUNISHMENT and FINES/TAXES.

You whine and say "lets just allow third world shitholes to pollute like we did in the 1800's..it's only fair" and that is a total world cop out view, countries don't need exemption to "build up their industrial economy" they need to just buy the clean tech already designed and produced by the USA and the other few actual nations that try to give a fuck about global emissions.

Most of the countries on this world could give two fucks about any other humans on the planet. Stop trying to get Americans and our government to fix it all ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
I like Tax Scams. Fuck the IRS. They can kiss my Ass.

Which Deficits are you referring to?

Of course we have effects. Are they as detrimental as Dems claim? Hell no. If they were, we'd finally have some Population Control and some of these Idiots would die off...

Annual deficits.



Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Corporations and companies have been able to write off planes long before Trump came around. I was able to write off my flying lessons when my old man had his planes, which he wrote off.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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One thing I hope you noticed is, when the Economy goes down, so does that little Chart of yours, and still gonna be lower than Obama Admin. Lol

In Reality, WTF does that Deficit or our "National Debt" even fucking matter? Example, if I make a Million Bucks a Year, and have $50k of revolving Debt, no biggie. Now, if I make $50k / yr and have $50k of revolving Debt, that's a fucking problem.

The point is moot, at best. I'm not trying to be your Financial Advisor here, but you have to spend money to make money, ya?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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One thing I hope you noticed is, when the Economy goes down, so does that little Chart of yours.

In Reality, WTF does that Deficit or our "National Debt" even fucking matter? Example, if I make a Million Bucks a Year, and have $50k of revolving Debt, no biggie. Now, if I make $50k / yr and have $50k of revolving Debt, that's a fucking problem.

The point is moot, at best. I'm not trying to be your Financial Advisor here, but you have to spend money to make money, ya?
What you are failing to realize Boner, you are a Trumpkin


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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One thing I hope you noticed is, when the Economy goes down, so does that little Chart of yours, and still gonna be lower than Obama Admin. Lol

In Reality, WTF does that Deficit or our "National Debt" even fucking matter? Example, if I make a Million Bucks a Year, and have $50k of revolving Debt, no biggie. Now, if I make $50k / yr and have $50k of revolving Debt, that's a fucking problem.

The point is moot, at best. I'm not trying to be your Financial Advisor here, but you have to spend money to make money, ya?

That chart is annual deficits, not total debt.

However, let's look at national debt and use your example of if you make 50k a year and have 50k in revolving debt, you have a problem. That is basically debt of 100% of your personal GDP.

So here is ours now and why continuing to run annual deficits adding to the existing debt might be the biggest issue facing America regardless of whether you are a D, R, T or an I.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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Let's use your example of if you make 50k a year and have 50k in revolving debt, you have a problem. That is basically debt of 100% of your personal GDP.

So here is ours now and why continuing to run annual deficits adding to the existing debt might be the biggest issue facing America.

View attachment 768403

Not all things are taken into account with your Statement.

1. Illegal Immigration is costing us a fucking Fortune. This is being rectified as we speak.
2. We are TAXING THAT ASS with Tariffs. By the fucking Billions. Basically printing Money.
3. We've been getting FUCKED by the Country's that we are now fucking. Not only did DT stop the bleeding, but he found a way for it to make money (this makes me giggle).
4. All of the Businesses that will be here, producing Products and Jobs, will be making this Country money as they're gonna move here after they get tired of DT dipping in their pockets.
5. No more money towards Global Warming. DT thinks it's stupid, and so do most Americans.

So, by my List, not only are we going to stop hemorrhaging Money, but we're flipping that around to line our Pockets. This will make that silly little chart of yours do fucking loopty loops.

Also I wasn't saying National Debt and Deficits are the same. I meant to project my post as I'm separating them, not comparing.

This conversation has de-fuckin-railed Lol. But all good.
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
It's not my plane, it's the Company's. Trump lets companies write them all off up front now. Quite a brilliant tax scam. I like to view it as 500, Regor and WTG along with their kids paying for the dog to fly private as Trump runs up bigger and bigger deficits each year for them to pay. It just warms my heart to think of it that way. :)

Well the need for any small victory is understandable after the last few years of ass whoopings you've endured here by EVERYONE................Mr. Constitutional sweat shop owner.
LMAO 70's show .gif

Damn I'm slipping, I didn't know the butt hurt bitch was in the house! :(

How's Xi.............fraud? :) :) :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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We just repeatedly say that the so called "scientists" and "international commities of bullshit bla bla bla" are completely falsifing the actual information, proven time and time again.

You are again just fabricating reality, everyone in here knows that pollutants are indeed bad for the environment, it's the level that the common taxpayer in America has to shoulder of bullshit and reparations that is being called out. It's the level of shit piled upon business owners in America, to cover up the massive corruption that has allowed corporations to simply write checks for their overages.

Driving your hot rod boat/car during playtime, while driving anything more modern than a 90's vehicle regularly pretty much has a negligable effect compared to the levels of pollutants caused by manufacturing and refining facilities, yet WE GET ALL THE PUNISHMENT and FINES/TAXES.

You whine and say "lets just allow third world shitholes to pollute like we did in the 1800's..it's only fair" and that is a total world cop out view, countries don't need exemption to "build up their industrial economy" they need to just buy the clean tech already designed and produced by the USA and the other few actual nations that try to give a fuck about global emissions.

Most of the countries on this world could give two fucks about any other humans on the planet. Stop trying to get Americans and our government to fix it all ourselves.
He's so fucking stupid he thinks his posts make sense, they are way more insulting than the childish drivel I post.:D


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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That chart is annual deficits, not total debt.

However, let's look at national debt and use your example of if you make 50k a year and have 50k in revolving debt, you have a problem. That is basically debt of 100% of your personal GDP.

So here is ours now and why continuing to run annual deficits adding to the existing debt might be the biggest issue facing America regardless of whether you are a D, R, T or an I.

View attachment 768403

Damn that Trump!

He's destroyed the country in only 2.5 years.

Fucking Mentally Ill idiot:p


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
Not all things are taken into account with your Statement.

1. Illegal Immigration is costing us a fucking Fortune. This is being rectified as we speak.
2. We are TAXING THAT ASS with Tariffs. By the fucking Billions. Basically printing Money.
3. We've been getting FUCKED by the Country's that we are now fucking. Not only did DT stop the bleeding, but he found a way for it to make money (this makes me giggle).
4. All of the Businesses that will be here, producing Products and Jobs, will be making this Country money as they're gonna move here after they get tired of DT dipping in their pockets.
5. No more money towards Global Warming. DT thinks it's stupid, and so do most Americans.

So, by my List, not only are we going to stop hemorrhaging Money, but we're flipping that around to line our Pockets. This will make that silly little chart of yours do fucking loopty loops.

Also I wasn't saying National Debt and Deficits are the same. I meant to project my post as I'm separating them, not comparing.

This conversation has de-fuckin-railed Lol. But all good.

Well the good news is that there is no reason to argue about it because it can all be easily and objectively measured by that silly little chart over the next 18 months of his current term.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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Well the good news is that there is no reason to argue about it because it can all be easily and objectively measured by that silly little chart over the next 18 months of his current term.

I can't wait! :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Well the good news is that there is no reason to argue about it because it can all be easily and objectively measured by that silly little chart over the next 18 months of his current term.



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Well the good news is that there is no reason to argue about it because it can all be easily and objectively measured by that silly little chart over the next 18 months of his current term.

You're suppose to say "final term" Mr. Wrong.

We don't want you on our side Schleprock. ;)

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
It's not my plane, it's the Company's. Trump lets companies write them all off up front now. Quite a brilliant tax scam. I like to view it as 500, Regor and WTG along with their kids paying for the dog to fly private as Trump runs up bigger and bigger deficits each year for them to pay. It just warms my heart to think of it that way. :)

The point of post 353 was basically "not this again".

We have debated endlessly in here where some believe that there is absolutely no possible effect on the earth, air, water, soil or any other matter from extracting, refining and burning fossil fuels and any scientific argument to the contrary is bogus. Period.

And there are others that believe that there is an effect, and that science is settled.

So it looks like the group will chase its tail for a few pages again on this topic.

There you go, talking shit about family.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
The church of Global Warming, which later went through a reformation and changed their name to the church of Climate Change, has always had a blind spot. Namely, they NEVER recognize or admit to the variability of the output of the Sun and how that possibly impacts how hot or cold planet earth is. Fucking idiotic behavior, but when you focus on a greenhouse gas that actually helps trees grow, they can get gullible folks to buy into the junk science.

Fruadpa!!!!! Where are you, we need your climatology degree to help with this discussion. Are you out with your dog checking on the Crows in Coastal Alaska again? Huh, Stacia???
Yet again you are clearly and demonstrably wrong about both the effect of solar variability on our current climate change and whether climate scientists have considered this possible explanation for the observing warming of our atmosphere. The Union of Concerned Scientists does a nice review of the evidence and explain why (though over Earths 4.5 billion year history solar variability has at times affected climate change) it is not causing the climate change which has developed over the last century. I know you won’t bother to educate yourself by reading any evidence contrary to your preset opinions, but hope springs eternal.


Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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The Rule we have seen come true literally thousands of times, is you are Exceptionally stupid.

Prove me wrong, FraudPa.
Okay. I propose you and I both go to the Mensa website and take their 20 minute IQ test. We then post the results here.

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Okay. I propose you and I both go to the Mensa website and take their 20 minute IQ test. We then post the results here.

Mensa a place where people meet to brag about their IQ and tell each-other how smart they are that have no common sense, my brothers wife brothers are a members. They try so hard to talk above you it's comical!

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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In Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (in 2007), the US Supreme Court held that the Clean Air Act gives the EPA the authority to regulate tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases. Two years after the Supreme Court ruling, in 2009 the EPA issued an endangerment finding concluding that:

"greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may reasonably be anticipated both to endanger public health and to endanger public welfare....The major assessments by the U.S. Global Climate Research Program (USGCRP), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the National Research Council (NRC) serve as the primary scientific basis supporting the Administrator’s endangerment finding."

Greenhouse gases including CO2 unquestionably fit the Clean Air Act's broad definition of "air pollutants," and must be listed and regulated by the EPA if it can be determined that they endanger public heath and/or welfare.

Thus legally in the USA, CO2 is an air pollutant. And according to the encyclopedic definition, CO2 is a pollutant.
What the Trumpkins fail to understand is that too much of ANY good thing can be bad. Yes, atmospheric CO2 is essentially for life as we know it on Earth. But screw with the concentration of it up or down by just a few percent and there will be consequences. Let’s offer another example...Oxygen is a good and necessary part of our atmosphere. Anybody want to champion the cause that we’d be better off living in an atmosphere of 100% pure O2? You breath in about 70% nitrogen with every breath, how about we take that one to 100%? The relative concentration of each of these critically important gasses matters.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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What the Trumpkins fail to understand is that too much of ANY good thing can be bad. Yes, atmospheric CO2 is essentially for life as we know it on Earth. But screw with the concentration of it up or down by just a few percent and there will be consequences. Let’s offer another example...Oxygen is a good and necessary part of our atmosphere. Anybody want to champion the cause that we’d be better off living in an atmosphere of 100% pure O2? You breath in about 70% nitrogen with every breath, how about we take that one to 100%? The relative concentration of each of these critically important gasses matters.


Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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On of your best
It's for the dog's use.........

He doesn't like the cargo hold in a crate and farts a lot during flight if in the commercial cabin bothering other passengers. :)

But to your point of hypocrisy and whether or not pumping pollutants such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is good or bad, here is a rational answer.

My personal view is that it is pretty clear that pumping all that shit into the air is probably not very good for the environment and people's health so we should probably have some sort of compromise where we still advance economically, while at the same time trying to limit the amount of pollution, all types of pollution. Not the crazy AOC shit where you have to end all use of fossil fuels, but not the ignorant 500BBC shit on the exact polar opposite either. There is little difference in the intellectual power of either AOC or 500's concepts. Although to be fair, as absolutely stupid as AOC is, she is a lot brighter than 500 so I do think we should give him a little leeway and maybe a small trophy.

For example, start up a 68 Ferrari Daytona in a closed garage and you can barely breathe in a couple minutes. Fire up a new 488GTB and you can sit in there for an hour without a headache yet the 488 makes triple the power for less than half the fuel. That is an example of the type of progress that makes sense.

But I understand some in here believe there is no effect from any pollutants whatsoever and you have to be a "mentally ill fucking idiot" to believe otherwise.

Welcome to the P&G. :)
One of your best yet.