

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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is this going to be the next big breakthrough that takes down the Democrat Party?
Bigger than the DNC conspiring to make Bernie lose the Primary?
Bigger than Servergate?
Bigger than Benghazi?
Will people resign?
Will people get suicided?

We can only wait....

Ok enough drama. Heres the story:
GOP lawmakers demand that 'alarming' memo on FISA abuses be made public.

A four-page memo circulating in Congress that reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses is being described by lawmakers as “shocking,” “troubling” and “alarming,” with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia.

“It's troubling. It is shocking,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said. “Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he believed people could lose their jobs after the memo is released.

“I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice,” he said, referencing DOJ officials Rod Rosenstein and Bruce Ohr.



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I thought everyone would want to know that...

The vote Thursday morning on releasing the memo to lawmakers was along party lines, with Democrats voting against making it available for all members.

I'm gonna make a wild guess and predict the memo details behavior prior to January 20, 2017.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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I thought everyone would want to know that...

I'm gonna make a wild guess and predict the memo details behavior prior to January 20, 2017.

You just wait! It’s taken longer than I thought it would....



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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This might change the "shithole" argument and make the Democrats actually answer for their bullshit.

The reason they are planning a shutdown tomorrow is because they think it will become a political advantage in November.

They dumped the Dreamers and CHIP in the shitter to score points with their rabid radical base. They don't give a fuck about fixing immigration. They threw away a good chance with their "shithole" national emergency.


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Democrats were lined up and eager to be involved with pushing a Russian collusion narrative against Donald Trump.


Not a single Democrat was eager to view the FISA memo and not a single Democrat voted to release it.

“The most transparent party in history”



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Democrats were lined up and eager to be involved with pushing a Russian collusion narrative against Donald Trump.


Not a single Democrat was eager to view the FISA memo and not a single Democrat voted to release it.

“The most transparent party in history”

There wouldn't have been a collusion narrative without all this democrat/FBI/DOJ corruption. Trump said shithole.:p


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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GMAC-WHACKO to the piss-yellow courtesy phone.

This could be interesting, but knowing the swamp, they'll find a way to minimize the impact toward either side.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T377A using Tapatalk

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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The message to the Trump haters they won't hear, is this abuse of power, fraud, and criminal activity that allegedly and highly likely took place, would never have surfaced if HRC or the Bern or a good deal of the R's that campaigned had gotten elected. They, the D's, never thought they could lose to the field opposing them. The Bern was their threat and as we've seen rather openly, the DNC squashed that effort and bought the idiot off after the fact.

Trump is an arrogant pompous ass from a myriad of viewpoints. But he is the outside the DC system person required to break that corrupt system down and turn it back into what the FF's intended to serve the nation and people.

That is basically what MAGA stands for to those who voted for the man. Fix America.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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The message to the Trump haters they won't hear, is this abuse of power, fraud, and criminal activity that allegedly and highly likely took place, would never have surfaced if HRC or the Bern or a good deal of the R's that campaigned had gotten elected. They, the D's, never thought they could lose to the field opposing them. The Bern was their threat and as we've seen rather openly, the DNC squashed that effort and bought the idiot off after the fact.

Trump is an arrogant pompous ass from a myriad of viewpoints. But he is the outside the DC system person required to break that corrupt system down and turn it back into what the FF's intended to serve the nation and people.

That is basically what MAGA stands for to those who voted for the man. Fix America.

or as HRC put it:
"If that orange bastard wins this thing, we'll all be swinging from nooses"


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Here's the problem....There's so much white noise and yelling from the media the real issues get watered down and added to the rest of the...bullshit...for lack of a better term. That was my point with the "shithole" comment. Does it really matter when there's Govt officials committing "alleged" crimes? Time to priorities what really matters. And in the end, because of all the noise, nothing will become of this either. The wheels keep on spinning.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Here's the problem....There's so much white noise and yelling from the media the real issues get watered down and added to the rest of the...bullshit...for lack of a better term. That was my point with the "shithole" comment. Does it really matter when there's Govt officials committing "alleged" crimes? Time to priorities what really matters. And in the end, because of all the noise, nothing will become of this either. The wheels keep on spinning.
This is bigger than watergate, if you are right, we're in big trouble.:(

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Here's the problem....There's so much white noise and yelling from the media the real issues get watered down and added to the rest of the...bullshit...for lack of a better term. That was my point with the "shithole" comment. Does it really matter when there's Govt officials committing "alleged" crimes? Time to priorities what really matters. And in the end, because of all the noise, nothing will become of this either. The wheels keep on spinning.
Those that take the time to actually hear/see beyond the white noise and media sensationalism, find the facts/results of Trump making a difference and attacking issues.

The hate is what it is and it's shallow and irresponsible. Reasons vary as to why DT is hated and why he "must" fail. Sadly the reasons are contrary to what is best for the USA and what is best for the citizens of the USA. In a world not clouded by a biased media prone to spread lies, a whole lot of D supporters would realize it is not Trump whos is their enemy, but the lying power hungry thieving politicians Trump is working to remove and neuter.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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The problem is hate. I tried to have a conversation with guy I have known for years, I tried my best to steer clear of politics because of his leftist beliefs. But he insisted of bringing up how Trump is guilty of collusion. I asked him if he had heard of the “memo” , and he said it doesn’t matter what it says, he is guilty. So I asked him if it is proven Obama’s DOJ and FBI screwed with the election and it comes out that the dems are the ones that colluded to throw the election what he would say then. He flat out told me it wouldn’t matter to him as long as Trump is no longer the Potus. I then asked him if he was Gmac. Haha.
It’s just true hate driving these guys.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The problem is hate. I tried to have a conversation with guy I have known for years, I tried my best to steer clear of politics because of his leftist beliefs. But he insisted of bringing up how Trump is guilty of collusion. I asked him if he had heard of the “memo” , and he said it doesn’t matter what it says, he is guilty. So I asked him if it is proven Obama’s DOJ and FBI screwed with the election and it comes out that the dems are the ones that colluded to throw the election what he would say then. He flat out told me it wouldn’t matter to him as long as Trump is no longer the Potus. I then asked him if he was Gmac. Haha.
It’s just true hate driving these guys.
And how they try to justify the hate is even more pathetic in most cases.

I openly admitted I wanted O policies to fail as it was evident his personal philosophy was driving his legislation and actions. O-Care is proof.

Trump in my opinion and millions of others, is working to fix a broken Federal government running amuk. I could care less how Trump does it as long as it is legal and Constitutional. Something O was sorely lacking in his terms.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The problem is hate. I tried to have a conversation with guy I have known for years, I tried my best to steer clear of politics because of his leftist beliefs. But he insisted of bringing up how Trump is guilty of collusion. I asked him if he had heard of the “memo” , and he said it doesn’t matter what it says, he is guilty. So I asked him if it is proven Obama’s DOJ and FBI screwed with the election and it comes out that the dems are the ones that colluded to throw the election what he would say then. He flat out told me it wouldn’t matter to him as long as Trump is no longer the Potus. I then asked him if he was Gmac. Haha.
It’s just true hate driving these guys.
And how they try to justify the hate is even more pathetic in most cases.

I openly admitted I wanted O policies to fail as it was evident his personal philosophy was driving his legislation and actions. O-Care is proof.

Trump in my opinion and millions of others, is working to fix a broken Federal government running amuk. I could care less how Trump does it as long as it is legal and Constitutional. Something O was sorely lacking in his terms.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Here's the problem....There's so much white noise and yelling from the media the real issues get watered down and added to the rest of the...bullshit...for lack of a better term. That was my point with the "shithole" comment. Does it really matter when there's Govt officials committing "alleged" crimes? Time to priorities what really matters. And in the end, because of all the noise, nothing will become of this either. The wheels keep on spinning.

That "white noise" is the Shadow Government's Praetorian Guard. It's a long list of media elites and their employees who continually refuse to cover relevant stories concerning the real problems with our government.

Many of us Trump supporters have been aware of this for years and it became more evident with the last administration's tenure.

It's one of the biggest problem our country faces and the reason I support Trump so vehemently, regardless of the noise.

The sheep will continue to swallow the Praetorian Guard's rhetoric and will continue to attack people such as myself as "conspiracy" theorists, but as each day passes, our credibility rises and the day will come when we will be exonerated and the criminals held accountable.

Long Live Trump!!!!!!!!!


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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I said it from day one, they used FISA against a presidential candidate and an incoming administration, and latter as the pieces came together it was clear they fabricated the probable cause. This is a huge fucking deal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2008
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My fear is that with watergate you had journalists actively pursuing the story but today you have the news actively trying to bury anything contrary to their agenda and narrative


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
My fear is that with watergate you had journalists actively pursuing the story but today you have the news actively trying to bury anything contrary to their agenda and narrative

Maybe you're wording is a little off, but pursuing the story isn't a problem, that's what journalist should do, however actively seeking, omitting, fabricating facts or context to come to a pre-determined conclusion is the problem.

In other words, building the conclusion first, then using whatever means necessary to get there in the face of any other evidence.

I think many times it's not even done on purpose, but is a side effect of the hive mind, when you have a bunch of people in an organization that all have the same prejudice, nobody inside challenges the narative. And puts everyone's reality back into check.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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I said it from day one, they used FISA against a presidential candidate and an incoming administration, and latter as the pieces came together it was clear they fabricated the probable cause. This is a huge fucking deal.

And you can bet your ass, this ain’t no “memo”....All the dims here said months ago nothing like this existed. Heads are gonna roll


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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My fear is that with watergate you had journalists actively pursuing the story but today you have the news actively trying to bury anything contrary to their agenda and narrative

Fear not, this won’t and can’t get buried not even if Al Gore un-invented the internet


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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And how they try to justify the hate is even more pathetic in most cases.

I openly admitted I wanted O policies to fail as it was evident his personal philosophy was driving his legislation and actions. O-Care is proof.

Trump in my opinion and millions of others, is working to fix a broken Federal government running amuk. I could care less how Trump does it as long as it is legal and Constitutional. Something O was sorely lacking in his terms.

Like I keep saying - and a great article written by a self proclaimed trump hater point out - Trump is actually doing a good if not great job holding true to his mission(s) quietly while the media circus continues to draw attention away from that, which is a double edged sword: it's great for those that support Trump because he's getting done what they want, where-as it's bad for those opposing Trump (who are 99% responsible for the media circus) because again, he's accomplishing a lot of things his opposition doesn't approve. The state of our politics and Govt. and news and laws, and crime and education and care for elderly and lack of mental health and especially the state of California is in a word SURREAL. I don't know if its that I'm not old enough to have really been affected by the past few presidents tenures, if I'm just getting older and now paying attention or if things are really the worst they've ever been regarding the hatred, disgust, outlandish, criminal, appalling behavior by the media, the politicians and a large portion of liberals. I've always said I'm registered independent, view policies and candidates with common sense not party affiliation and agree/disagree with policy on both sides but the behavior of the democratic party has been embarrassing. With that said, so has a lot of Trumps tweets and statements but that, to me, is overshadowed by the actual good job he's doing. If his straight forward, diarrhea of the mouth antics were coupled with him doing a terrible job it'd be one thing but he's not. He's doing a very good job sticking to his mission.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
I think you're right, but I'm still a little leery.

The President has the power to declassify from what I gather and if push came to shove and he didn't, I'd be highly suspicious of my boy.

I don't expect it immediately, but ultimately I would.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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The problem is hate. I tried to have a conversation with guy I have known for years, I tried my best to steer clear of politics because of his leftist beliefs. But he insisted of bringing up how Trump is guilty of collusion. I asked him if he had heard of the “memo” , and he said it doesn’t matter what it says, he is guilty. So I asked him if it is proven Obama’s DOJ and FBI screwed with the election and it comes out that the dems are the ones that colluded to throw the election what he would say then. He flat out told me it wouldn’t matter to him as long as Trump is no longer the Potus. I then asked him if he was Gmac. Haha.
It’s just true hate driving these guys.
They would actually welcome Stalin or Mao as a replacement.
Just ask grampturd.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Like I keep saying - and a great article written by a self proclaimed trump hater point out - Trump is actually doing a good if not great job holding true to his mission(s) quietly while the media circus continues to draw attention away from that, which is a double edged sword: it's great for those that support Trump because he's getting done what they want, where-as it's bad for those opposing Trump (who are 99% responsible for the media circus) because again, he's accomplishing a lot of things his opposition doesn't approve. The state of our politics and Govt. and news and laws, and crime and education and care for elderly and lack of mental health and especially the state of California is in a word SURREAL. I don't know if its that I'm not old enough to have really been affected by the past few presidents tenures, if I'm just getting older and now paying attention or if things are really the worst they've ever been regarding the hatred, disgust, outlandish, criminal, appalling behavior by the media, the politicians and a large portion of liberals. I've always said I'm registered independent, view policies and candidates with common sense not party affiliation and agree/disagree with policy on both sides but the behavior of the democratic party has been embarrassing. With that said, so has a lot of Trumps tweets and statements but that, to me, is overshadowed by the actual good job he's doing. If his straight forward, diarrhea of the mouth antics were coupled with him doing a terrible job it'd be one thing but he's not. He's doing a very good job sticking to his mission.
Tank, I'm older than you and have similar views about past presidents. I believe the difference today is the instant communication abilities technology have brought to society. News is instant and available to those who previously ignored current events or were limited in receiving it.

Now we have far more sources, accurate and inaccurate, with much in between thrown at us daily with but a few touches of our mobile units.

The big issue I believe the most dangerous, is how to separate the grain from the chaff. It's quite evident many folks are not all that good at discerning the accuracy of information received. In the end we have to judge for ourselves what to believe or not to believe, but many don't even try if the data fits what they want it to fit. We're all guilty to some extent based on many factors, but some are far worse than others and more easily manipulated.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Those that take the time to actually hear/see beyond the white noise and media sensationalism, find the facts/results of Trump making a difference and attacking issues.

The hate is what it is and it's shallow and irresponsible. Reasons vary as to why DT is hated and why he "must" fail. Sadly the reasons are contrary to what is best for the USA and what is best for the citizens of the USA. In a world not clouded by a biased media prone to spread lies, a whole lot of D supporters would realize it is not Trump whos is their enemy, but the lying power hungry thieving politicians Trump is working to remove and neuter.

Welcome to the conspiracy theory club!

As Racey pointed out, assembling "evidence" to support a narrative is the root of conspiracy and deceit, as well as self deceit.
It is exactly the opposite of what I try to do.
The haters will NEVER believe what is in front of their eyes. They will ONLY hate Trump. No amount of evidence, no amount of anti Trump collusion, nor a mountain of documents detailing crimes by any person or entities will sway them from their hate. It is all that matters to them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Tank, I'm older than you and have similar views about past presidents. I believe the difference today is the instant communication abilities technology have brought to society. News is instant and available to those who previously ignored current events or were limited in receiving it.

Now we have far more sources, accurate and inaccurate, with much in between thrown at us daily with but a few touches of our mobile units.

The big issue I believe the most dangerous, is how to separate the grain from the chaff. It's quite evident many folks are not all that good at discerning the accuracy of information received. In the end we have to judge for ourselves what to believe or not to believe, but many don't even try if the data fits what they want it to fit. We're all guilty to some extent based on many factors, but some are far worse than others and more easily manipulated.

This is absolutely a great and true post. It is the instant info age and a lot of that info coming out is opinion, unfactual, partial truths or most of the times laces with agenda. And I completely agree it is dangerous and sometimes difficult to separate the truth from not and you have to consider the source and know the stance of those putting out the info. You absolutely can not find an American news agency that does not side left or right. I watch Tucker now and again, I like his reporting but I can totally see at times where his affiliation blinds him. There's been a few recent guests that have actually done a very good job relaying information (from an opposing view) and you can see Tucker just blows them off. I watch Chris Matthews from time to time too, I've seen him in personal interviews where you get an idea of the real person and I actually think he's a cool guy, though he is a bit loud. But it's the same with him. You can see the strong affiliation to the left restricts his interviews when someone steps up with valid info or viewpoint. Same with politics.

I'm very interested to see how Trumps next 3 years go. And I must say, well, I'll just say the secret service must have their hands full.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
Welcome to the conspiracy theory club!

As Racey pointed out, assembling "evidence" to support a narrative is the root of conspiracy and deceit, as well as self deceit.
It is exactly the opposite of what I try to do.
The haters will NEVER believe what is in front of their eyes. They will ONLY hate Trump. No amount of evidence, no amount of anti Trump collusion, nor a mountain of documents detailing crimes by any person or entities will sway them from their hate. It is all that matters to them.
Kind of like our resident HATER.:D


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Former FBI Director James Comey will teach a course on ethical leadership at William and Mary beginning in the fall, according to an article on the Virginia college's website.

Only in America can an unethical FBI leader teach tards about ethics!!! :confused:

confused girl .gif

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Former FBI Director James Comey will teach a course on ethical leadership at William and Mary beginning in the fall, according to an article on the Virginia college's website.

Only in America can an unethical FBI leader teach tards about ethics!!! :confused:

View attachment 614020
And folks ask how things got so fucked up in this nation......:rolleyes:

Take the course, read the articles describing his "real" actions, and assume that's how things work, which justifies his students to emulate his actions.:mad:

Just like O said when asked if he knew Bill Ayers......"Yeah, I heard of him. He's some guy in the neighborhood......" Same guy that wrote O's dimestore novels didn't warrant mentioning.:eek::rolleyes::(


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
I would agree to a point. But we also have news media that is trying to promote and agenda. Not just news.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I would agree to a point. But we also have news media that is trying to promote and agenda. Not just news.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
News has been redefined alright. The major media is little more than the press agency for the crooks.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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The President has the power to declassify from what I gather and if push came to shove and he didn't, I'd be highly suspicious of my boy.

I don't expect it immediately, but ultimately I would.


All members of the House of Representatives have a Top Secret security clearance. If the House Intelligence Committee votes to release secret documents to the House, every member will see the material.

This is what's scaring the shit out of House Democrats. If the released information shows the FBI mislead the FISA court by using unverified information from the so-called dossier to allow the surveillance of Trump operatives, they are gonna be fucked.

The FISA court isn't something to play political games with. It operates on the edge of constitutionality, and if it's proven the Clinton campaign induced the Democrats and the FBI to use it for political advantage the shit is gonna hit the fan.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Leni Riefenstahl would be proud...

For those of you that don't understand the reference, Riefenstahl was the director and producer of Nazi propaganda films such as Triumph of the Will.

She was a master of scene composition, camera angles, and dialogue. If you've ever seen film clips of the hundreds of thousands marching by torchlight through the gigantic arena at Nuremberg, you've seen her work.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
For those of you that don't understand the reference, Riefenstahl was the director and producer of Nazi propaganda films such as Triumph of the Will.

She was a master of scene composition, camera angles, and dialogue. If you've ever seen film clips of the hundreds of thousands marching by torchlight through the gigantic arena at Nuremberg, you've seen her work.
Thanks for the info!!!