Pilots on the Board


Jan 9, 2010
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Starting my first flight lesson tomorrow, going to put in a few hours tonight in MS Flight Simulator in a 172 to familiarize myself with its instruments and procedures.

I'm super excited, this has been a lifelong goal and I finally said it's time to get going as I'm not getting any younger.

I'll have to read back through the whole thread, lots of good advice in here.
Need an update on this.👍


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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We live in amazing times, december 17th marked the 120 year anniversary of the wright brothers flight. Sunday a guy I know was by in one badass king air, it’s a hot rod with big engines and one of the fastest 20 king airs in the world. I watched in awe as he took off, by the time he was up and crossing midfield he was at 4000’, by 3 1/2 minutes in they were at 11,000’ and clearing the mountains in the background. I went to an event last night at March air museum, they have a replica of the wright brothers craft, by looking at it I would never guess it was meant for flight. Absolutely amazing how far aviation has come for humanity in such a short time, I can only imagine what it will consist of in another 100 years. Maybe I’m too optimistic for humanity and we’ll still see cessna 172’s in play 😂 View attachment 1314346 View attachment 1314347 View attachment 1314348

We charter a King Air from time to time. The most perfect aircraft in so many ways IMHO. I can haul all the toys up to someplace like Coos Bay or Saint Anthony's and the kids can later fly up and back sooner because they don't have that much time off.

A friend has two hangered in showroom day one factory condition. An Absolute King Air Fanatic. Only charters to friends. Southwest Regional Airport airport is a jewel. I remember when Burbank AKA Lockheed at the time was near the same.

We've bought seats on faster Biz jets and my surprise was how some other passengers get worked up over the sharp turns and bumps. We never gave that any thought.


Feb 19, 2008
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Yeah, I'm trying to get as much actual seat time with him as I can before I'm signed off and test (already well beyond minimums). Pretty much stuck to 2 hours out and back (So 4 hours blocks) due to time restrictions from the flight school. But I plan on hitting most airports in the SoCal area with him on board so at least I'm familiar with them. The night flight into Palomar was pretty funny. Everything was on track, and I knew where we were flying, but I couldn't see the strip until about a mile out as it blended into everything around it coming in from the north. An approach from inland would have been extremely obvious as their runway approach lighting is legit! My CFI just laughed and told me not to feel bad, their beacon is horrible and even he couldn't see it. He'd been there a ton, so he knew what was up, and kept giving my corrections, but still let me figure it out which is exactly why we get along. His teaching style is just enough input and corrections, but lets you experience things so you can learn.

Next flights are a solo to Camarillo (KCMA), then a dual down to Gillespie (KSEE). I'll be planning a flight to Palm Desert, then south to Salt n Sea (not sure where we are stopping along the way yet), then back to the cost and up again. Should be a fun little flight, just need the weather to play nice for a bit.
That’s awesome, good for you and sounds like you are doing it right!

By actual though I meant actual instrument time in clouds in reference to your instrument rating training. Lots of instrument instructors do the majority or all of their instrument training either under Foggles or in the sim. 👎
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Definitely try to get as much actual as you can with your cfii. 👍
This is excellent advice. I'll try to make this understandable to non-pilots and especially students by explaining acronyms and phrases.

When reading NTSB accident reports that involve IFR (instrument flight rules) rated pilots that experienced loss of control incidents in IMC (instrument meteorological conditions), far too many cases reveal a commonality. The investigation will show the pilot had accomplished the bare minimum hours of IFR training with an instructor to get the rating.

Then the logbook will show additional time as PIC (pilot in command) in simulated IFR conditions. Simulated time can be logged with a view limiting device like a hood that blocks outside references while providing a sight line to the panel, or, under strict limitations, a properly equipped and certified simulator. Lastly, there's actual instrument time, and in many cases it's very little.

The pilot of the helicopter which killed Kobe and others had an instrument rating. He had 8,500 hours total time as PIC. His logbook showed 75 hours of instrument time, but 68 hours of that was simulated, and it was spread out over years. He had flown in IMC just seven hours during his more than 20 years as a licensed pilot. The instrument rating he carried meant nothing, as he lost control of the helicopter within seconds of entering the all surrounding clouds.

The NTSB report about that crash determined the cause to be "inadvertant" flight into IMC, which is a nice way of saying the pilot decided he could get away with flying through a few clouds, as he probably had many times before.

The report noted "between 2010 and 2019, 184 fatal aircraft accidents, including 20 helicopter accidents, were caused by pilots becoming disoriented after inadvertent entry into instrument conditions."

This is not unusual. Pilots ignore the necessity of flying on instruments in actual hard IMC, doing it regularly, and doing it as if their life and the lives of those in the aircraft depend on those skills. You know what? They do.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Need an update on this.👍
It went amazingly well! Flew a 172 for about an hour and a half, even got to do a touch and go at Southern California logistics airport.

The weather was perfect, just a little bit bumpy because of the storms. According to my CFI, by the end of the first hour we were already into day three and four lessons (and I was doing all of the flying). When it came time for the full stop landing, he was supposed to take the controls but never did. He just gave 20 or 30% assisted input and it was as smooth as could be.

Definitely hooked, already got the iPad with Fore flight and I'm going to order a Bose A30 headset. He let me wear his A30, And it was far superior to the crappy flight school one.


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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If you have CFI's on board with this it will be much smoother. My current CFI is too close to his ATP required hours and told me if the boss ever found out he was moonlighting somewhere he'd be fired immediately. I don't blame him at all, that company has kept him pretty busy all this time, and honestly I don't know if he has the time outside of his regular stuff to help out.

So.... Do you have CFI's lined up for students?
There are a lot of CFI, CFII, MEI guys around the airfield, I just pass along contacts and the students and CFI’s figure out their own deal, not my business. Bring your own CFI is our business model or come train on your own.


Sep 25, 2007
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This is excellent advice. I'll try to make this understandable to non-pilots and especially students by explaining acronyms and phrases.

When reading NTSB accident reports that involve IFR (instrument flight rules) rated pilots that experienced loss of control incidents in IMC (instrument meteorological conditions), far too many cases reveal a commonality. The investigation will show the pilot had accomplished the bare minimum hours of IFR training with an instructor to get the rating.

Then the logbook will show additional time as PIC (pilot in command) in simulated IFR conditions. Simulated time can be logged with a view limiting device like a hood that blocks outside references while providing a sight line to the panel, or, under strict limitations, a properly equipped and certified simulator. Lastly, there's actual instrument time, and in many cases it's very little.

The pilot of the helicopter which killed Kobe and others had an instrument rating. He had 8,500 hours total time as PIC. His logbook showed 75 hours of instrument time, but 68 hours of that was simulated, and it was spread out over years. He had flown in IMC just seven hours during his more than 20 years as a licensed pilot. The instrument rating he carried meant nothing, as he lost control of the helicopter within seconds of entering the all surrounding clouds.

The NTSB report about that crash determined the cause to be "inadvertant" flight into IMC, which is a nice way of saying the pilot decided he could get away with flying through a few clouds, as he probably had many times before.

The report noted "between 2010 and 2019, 184 fatal aircraft accidents, including 20 helicopter accidents, were caused by pilots becoming disoriented after inadvertent entry into instrument conditions."

This is not unusual. Pilots ignore the necessity of flying on instruments in actual hard IMC, doing it regularly, and doing it as their life and the lives in the aircraft depend on those skills. You know what? They do.

Well said. In the Southwest US we have the most VFR days in the world. That is Phoenix is the hotbed training grounds for the worlds commercial pilots. I 100% agree with you actual is nothing like simulated. Today I was actual IMC for 15-20 minutes LGB to HII. Took on Ice and ran the TKS. First time in a while. Had to turn on high to purge and then feathered low / off. Unbelievable system and was glad to exercise it. Climbing in actual the plane is bouncing around. ATC held us in layer over southland to accommodate landing traffic ice is coming off the wing and windshield. Wife asked if this was normal conditions IFR, I respond "shit this is like the all of the time....". I cancelled about 60 miles out from LHC and started to dive under the cloud layer as they were dropping towards the mountains around the city. Get to Havasu and we have Super Bowl jet parking and the place looks like a Democrat climate convention on the south transient parking.

Actual is way different than simulated. I think one of the worst times was flying from Vegas to HII one morning and Havasu was actually socked in even though ATIS was reporting clear under 12,000... As I am coming into town I fly over the field and there is no way to get in. I start to defend and fly down the lake (I should have gotten a pop up clearance). I keep getting lower and think I see a hole in the clouds and go for it. Parker mountains and dam to the right I get in but I was thinking to myself what a shitty way to pull this off. Flying inadvertent was sketch and I new the area well. We just really do not get that much weather here. Now when we do I like to still train with a CFII.

Anyhow - super stoked to see more members get their ticket. Safe flying everyone.



Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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We charter a King Air from time to time. The most perfect aircraft in so many ways IMHO. I can haul all the toys up to someplace like Coos Bay or Saint Anthony's and the kids can later fly up and back sooner because they don't have that much time off.

A friend has two hangered in showroom day one factory condition. An Absolute King Air Fanatic. Only charters to friends. Southwest Regional Airport airport is a jewel. I remember when Burbank AKA Lockheed at the time was near the same.

We've bought seats on faster Biz jets and my surprise was how some other passengers get worked up over the sharp turns and bumps. We never gave that any thought.
King air is a badass plane, I’ve been told that the 200 is the ideal plane as it’s just a well designed aircraft. The larger models were derived from the marketing department. That’s what oven been told by the boys.🤷‍♂️


Feb 19, 2008
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. Now when we do I like to still train with a CFII.

I was going to add this. Some of the best training I had was on marginally stormy days like today in SoCal where there was never a question of minimums, but you knew you were going to get bounced around and be in actual for a good portion of the flight. Also a good time to practice getting beat up, in actual, clear the clouds on an approach, and then have your instructor throw a surprise missed approach where you go right back into the clouds. That’s what got the doctor at near Gillespies (was on approach to MYF) a couple years ago.

It’s a great tool and I certainly would not want my first actual IMC with moderate turbulence to be with family on board...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Day two went great, this time we took the Piper warrior 2 instead of the Cessna. I like the Piper a lot better, and we will be using it for the majority of the rest of training.

We worked on radio calls, slow/dirty flight, power on and power off stalls, and high bank turns. My instructor and I are getting along great, and I really like his style of instruction. At this point I'm flying 95% of the time, with him taking controls just to show me the maneuver he wants me to do.

If you're contemplating taking flight lessons, just do it!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Day two went great, this time we took the Piper warrior 2 instead of the Cessna. I like the Piper a lot better, and we will be using it for the majority of the rest of training.

We worked on radio calls, slow/dirty flight, power on and power off stalls, and high bank turns. My instructor and I are getting along great, and I really like his style of instruction. At this point I'm flying 95% of the time, with him taking controls just to show me the maneuver he wants me to do.

If you're contemplating taking flight lessons, just do it!

If you haven't started ground school yet, I would start sooner than later. Get your written test over with and then just concentrate on flying, especially if as it sounds you are going to fast track the process!


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Today was interesting, we had no less than six planes in the pattern(s) around KAPV before we took off. Adding to that was a 10 to 12 knot crosswind, with pilots alternating between using the two runways.

We took off on 36 and headed over to KVCV for some touch and goes, which went fine for a while. We were practing long landings/touch and goes, and eventually (#4 T/G) held up another inbound aircraft and caused them to go around, so we got verbally spanked and told to beat it (nicely).

We headed home, and the KAPV approach and landing was interesting with the wind. All good though, I'd rather have a challenging lesson than something easy. Back to the piper warrior next week.


Jan 9, 2010
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Today was interesting, we had no less than six planes in the pattern(s) around KAPV before we took off. Adding to that was a 10 to 12 knot crosswind, with pilots alternating between using the two runways.

We took off on 36 and headed over to KVCV for some touch and goes, which went fine for a while. We were practing long landings/touch and goes, and eventually (#4 T/G) held up another inbound aircraft and caused them to go around, so we got verbally spanked and told to beat it (nicely).

We headed home, and the KAPV approach and landing was interesting with the wind. All good though, I'd rather have a challenging lesson than something easy. Back to the piper warrior next week.
Yup, AIRMET all over SoCal yesterday but got relatively smooth down near Ramona. Flew down to Gilespie on the inland route then back up the coast. I'm reminded every time we take off just how cool the ability to fly really is. Headed out for my first XC Solo this morning (everything up to now has been solo to practice area or pattern). This flight is just under the requirement for Long XC but doing it anyway. I'll probably end up doing 3 - 4 150'ish milers before my check ride with at least two including the multi stops. Next weekend we'll be doing a loop up to Barstow, down to Palm Springs, then back home. Trying to time the breakfast stop in Palm Springs so I'm going to try and convince my CFI to wake up a bit early (Damn 20 somethings and their beauty sleep 🤣).

I'll shoot some pics along the way today.


Jan 9, 2010
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Flying, or better said, Trying to Fly is an odd thing at times. Initial plan was Barstow to Palm Springs but that was not going to work. So I planned Palm Springs down to Borrego, back up over Julian to Chino. Going over all the charts, checking winds, getting true course etc etc etc... Things are looking good. Then I call Flight Services for a weather brief and hear the dreaded "VFR not recommended along your flight path."🤦‍♂️ This rolling in, that rolling in, blah blah blah....😁 Needless to say I saved 500 bucks yesterday. On to the next.


Jan 9, 2010
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Long XC is done... I'm .1 hours away from the required total XC solo time 😂 Had I been paying attention I would have taken a slightly longer ride back from Barstow today.

But man was it bumpy for a bit. First pic is somewhere between Bracket and the 15 at about 5500. Once I passed Cable up against the hills it started to go to shit. Downdraft pushed me down about 1200ft between Cable and the 15. No wonder no one else was flying that route today :). I pulled throttle and eased it down staying under VA and had Ontario's frequency set up in case I needed to go into their airspace to avoid the turbulence. Bumpy ride is a bit of an understatement. Surprisingly, turning up Cajon pass and Victorville to Barstow was smooth, just had to dodge some drizzle. Cool flight.

XC 1.jpg

XC 2.jpg

XC 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Turbulence is no fun, but sounds like you had a good flight and filled the experience bucket a little bit. Getting close...


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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Spent the afternoon flying around socal hanging flyers on bulletin boards at airports, obviously not the most economical approach to passing out flyers, but it was a good time LOL



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Sep 18, 2012
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Dec 26, 2018
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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I went to fly today a friends plane who instructs a couple students a year…. While waiting for a student solo on her cross country to return, she lost her alternator, battery and radio stack on the way through the phoenix bravo. She kept her wits and landed under an emergency at KDVT without any issues minus her nerves.

I carry a sporty’s hand held radio with the two headphone jacks in my go bag for just this scenario. If you students don’t carry a hand held I would get one.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Long XC is done... I'm .1 hours away from the required total XC solo time 😂 Had I been paying attention I would have taken a slightly longer ride back from Barstow today.

But man was it bumpy for a bit. First pic is somewhere between Bracket and the 15 at about 5500. Once I passed Cable up against the hills it started to go to shit. Downdraft pushed me down about 1200ft between Cable and the 15. No wonder no one else was flying that route today :). I pulled throttle and eased it down staying under VA and had Ontario's frequency set up in case I needed to go into their airspace to avoid the turbulence. Bumpy ride is a bit of an understatement. Surprisingly, turning up Cajon pass and Victorville to Barstow was smooth, just had to dodge some drizzle. Cool flight.

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That’s pretty cool.my uncle had a piper Cherokee years ago. Was fun to go in it. We left elk monte to kernville had lunch then over the mtns to Santa barbara then back to El Monte. He always flew 12-13k ft even if going to Catalina. His reasoning was if engine failure he could glide for a long ways.

I remember him telling my other uncle about coming into kernville where you cross over the river you will drop. That uncle was a stubborn guy came in like you would my uncle Larry kept saying you need to pull up pull up. He took over and was close. The stubborn one still thought he was in control and to this days thinks he was fine. I never flew with uncle stubborn again after that.

One spent time getting his license(Larry) the stubborn one think took short cut and got the swift transport of the skies version. 🙈
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Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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What would a 50 hour block approximately cost (*with my CFI) for part of the commercial? How long at a time can a session be?
In theory you could do it for about $1000.00 for simulator time. I’m running a deal for $490.00 for 25 hours in a 30 day period. If you wanted to come in at night I’d be okay with you running some longer sessions but we would need to talk about your specific plan upfront.

I’ve had some kids come in who are cheap and trying to build time fast attempt to book out sim for extended periods of time that creates access issues for other clients. I’m okay with folks knocking out some time in these on the cheap, but we need to be realistic about what’s happening here and how effective the training you’re getting yourself is when booking out extended periods of time. At some point your log books will go through an audit if you get hired someplace and you will have to own up to what’s in your log books 😉

50 hours commercial is cumulative, you can refer to the LOA on my website which will point you to the far/aim sections for what the FAA will allow you to do in these AATD’s.


We provide no flight instruction so you will need to schedule with a CFI on your own.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2018
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In theory you could do it for about $1000.00 for simulator time. I’m running a deal for $490.00 for 25 hours in a 30 day period. If you wanted to come in at night I’d be okay with you running some longer sessions but we would need to talk about your specific plan upfront.

I’ve had some kids come in who are cheap and trying to build time fast attempt to book out sim for extended periods of time that creates access issues for other clients. I’m okay with folks knocking out some time in these on the cheap, but we need to be realistic about what’s happening here and how effective the training you’re getting yourself is when booking out extended periods of time. At some point your log books will go through an audit if you get hired someplace and you will have to own up to what’s in your log books 😉

50 hours commercial is cumulative, you can refer to the LOA on my website which will point you to the far/aim sections for what the FAA will allow you to do in these AATD’s.


We provide no flight instruction so you will need to schedule with a CFI on your own.
It's for my daughter's boyfriend (almost fiancée). He is finishing up his instrument now and moving to commercial next. Trying to help him get the most bang for the buck.


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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It's for my daughter's boyfriend (almost fiancée). He is finishing up his instrument now and moving to commercial next. Trying to help him get the most bang for the buck.
Send him my website link and tell him to read the LOA. If there is applicable stuff for him he will figure it out. More than happy to set him up with what he wants.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2018
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Send him my website link and tell him to read the LOA. If there is applicable stuff for him he will figure it out. More than happy to set him up with what he wants.
I just sent him the site info. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Sedona yesterday:
Bumpy ride both ways
Landed in Sedona with a 6 knot tailwind.
Fly back to KDVT with a 10 knot headwind doing 86 knots gnd speed.

There is a 3.5 mile hike that loops around the runway for those that don’t know.

Great burger at the restaurant after hiking.

Great day!


Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Jan 9, 2010
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Still chugging away at this. Real life and work completely screwed up my schedule the last few months so my check ride is still yet to be scheduled. Still flying weekly and I'm actually going to start flying around a bit in a dual prop working towards the dual and complex endorsements. Still not in a hurry, but I'm hoping to get the official check ride done before end of May. We will see if life settles down a bit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Keep posting the updates. It's fun to follow your progress.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Still chugging away at this. Real life and work completely screwed up my schedule the last few months so my check ride is still yet to be scheduled. Still flying weekly and I'm actually going to start flying around a bit in a dual prop working towards the dual and complex endorsements. Still not in a hurry, but I'm hoping to get the official check ride done before end of May. We will see if life settles down a bit.
For those of us with clipped wings, what's a "complex" endorsement? Duals seems self explanatory, but what is complex in reference to?


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Still chugging away at this. Real life and work completely screwed up my schedule the last few months so my check ride is still yet to be scheduled. Still flying weekly and I'm actually going to start flying around a bit in a dual prop working towards the dual and complex endorsements. Still not in a hurry, but I'm hoping to get the official check ride done before end of May. We will see if life settles down a bit.
Get that check ride knocked out and keep your training cadence going. Stoked to see your progress👍 I’ve been onboarding some clients into the mutli setup we have for the sim, some are high hour pilots that have there own twins and are using the sim to practice emergency procedures. Impressive to watch some of these guys beat on themselves in the simulator.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Still chugging away at this. Real life and work completely screwed up my schedule the last few months so my check ride is still yet to be scheduled. Still flying weekly and I'm actually going to start flying around a bit in a dual prop working towards the dual and complex endorsements. Still not in a hurry, but I'm hoping to get the official check ride done before end of May. We will see if life settles down a bit
Get in a hurry and get that check ride scheduled.

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Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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You got your private ? Awesome. I’ve been gone from Komifornia for a while.
Not yet, but it’s part of my professional development plan. Really lucky to be surrounded by some solid people as I figure out what it is I want to do and how I want to go about it. For now I’m getting some seat time in various aircraft and learning how to think 😂

It’s been an interesting ride diving into this aviation education business, the exposure to various aspects of the industry has been eye opening and stimulating. I will say that I am developing a passion for flying, the little tail dragger is so pure and raw, I didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much as I do.

Not sure where this is all headed yet, but I’m enjoying the ride.


Jan 9, 2010
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Flew Duals for the first time this morning in an Apache. It Was AWESOME!. Found an opening and cleared the clouds then flew down to San Diego. The importance of properly functioning navigation becomes very apparent when everywhere you look is white puffy clouds. Should be getting my pre-check ride sign off by the lead flight instructor next week. Guessing it will be late May before I'm on schedule for the actual test.


Jan 9, 2010
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Doing the School check ride prep test today. Check ride hopefully will be end of May if the schedule works out. Last few weeks have been like a revisit to cramming for finals at college 😂