Pennsylvania Please


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
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Surely you dont believe this is anything more than a movie trailer?
Please Fact check, 2000 mules thousands upon thousands of fake ballots and not a one of them is talking or a single tangible shred of evidence?

Think about it;
-Hey Joe, whats our plan to steal the election
-Lets get a bunch of fake ballots for the 5 swing states
-Traffic them on the dark web to anybody willing
-Pay them $50 for each ballot they stuff
-most importantly make them promise not to tell

I am on it!

Granite that does sound like a Biden plan which we all know how much success they have!
OR is mr bidens group of cronies really smarter than we think,
I dont think so


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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OK, you are talking about the "pipe burst" theory, which implied there was a vote dump of fake ballots from suitcases that occurred at the same time while observers were not present..

Urenil overflowed 11/3 6am Observers did leave, there is no ACTUAL evidence that I can find that observers were "KICKED OUT".
There is a whole lot of he said she said that is a bit of embellishment "kicked out" to fit a narrative.

Tell me you're not serious dude.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
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Tell me you're not serious dude.
OK how about this I will stipulate to the "kicked out", even though I don't buy it.
then what, the so called suitcases that were actually video taped 16 hours later.
Have you watched the security footage that is actually from that room on the night of the "pipe burst"
Have you gone back and looked at the supposed graph time line that was supposed
to depict the "spike" coinciding with the alleged "kick out" none of it holds water.

UNLESS you only listen to small fringe far right wing media outlets, and twitter

I am having a hard time figuring out just which "fraud" you want me to de bunk.
whether they were "kicked out" in a cover up
or was it the secret fake ballots from the suitcases that "spiked" the election tally

Its not like they haven't already been de bunked.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Regor has a good point. IDK Man, Criminals gonna do some Crime. Left wing Woke Gender Bender Rabid anti Trump anti Constitution, many Democrats, Rino Swamp Creatures, will stop nothing and have for 5 frickin years now. Jeez. Aww Hell, they Kill People, that shit is reals for a loooong time. IDK, Promise them protection, they know what will happen if they talk? Some House of Cards scenario there eh? Conspiracy Theory was the term invented to discredit the opposition to the official narrative about JFK. Your timeline reads like a battle plan. Nice work! It's kinda humorous, but tragically, if so. No?

I've seen alot of shady shit. Bribes on a Construction site. Union Officials willing to ruin peoples lives financially and following through in order to win an election. Had Union charges filed against me for hiring said person. A, "Trial to Midnight. 1 vote away from ruin. Man I bet he got some shit for that but He had no choice but to do and did do the right thing. Still a Union Brother. IDK Man, ask Jimmy Hoffa?

I had 5-O in my LR surveilling a dealer who lived across the street next door to a female Explorer Cadet that used to baby sit Brandon. 20 years prior let PD walk a stolen rifle up the food chain. Got my TV back too! So Justice can be and is served often. You gotta have Faith. And Hope. Godspeed America and Truckers!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
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You guys are wearing me down, flame away, at least i leave here for the next couple days with plenty of fat for you to chew on!
Shit this thread would be boring without me!

maybe when I come back I will start a thread on issues like
-immigration reform,
-tax cuts to the middle and upper class,
-re negotiating trade agreements,
-election reform at the federal level,
ID required
consistent voting rights and laws
-gun laws
-reduction in social programs that encourage unwanted pregnancy and the social support programs associated with it
-minimum work requirement instead of minimum income BS
-increase funding to SS (I am really down with that one)

How about a poll to see how many on here actually reap the benefits of ANY social handout programs

I may actually find myself in the majority for once!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
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I had 5-O in my LR surveilling a dealer who lived across the street next door to a female Explorer Cadet that used to baby sit Brandon. 20 years prior let PD walk a stolen rifle up the food chain. Got my TV back too! So Justice can be and is served often. You gotta have Faith. And Hope. Godspeed America and Truckers!
another topic for my comeback thread yet to be determined, however I may never come back here again!!!

-Implement stiffer sentencing guidelines
-re institute the death penalty, fuck it make it at the federal level
-do away with court appointed representation, you cant afford an atty OH well!!
that one may be a bit much, I may need to walk that one back!!
-adult sentencing guidelines more available to youth offenders for serious crime or repeat offenders, you shoot me and you are going away to big boy jail, bitch!
-federal castle doctrine, this would be nice

Now I know not many of these stand a chance in hell, but arguing/discussing/debating these seems a bit more productive/encouraging.
I know I sleep better at night envisioning some of these as opposed to election fraud and covid vaccination!--OOPS should have not brought that up:p
I take it back!

OR I may have a bad day and come back in here to piss in your cheerios and then run and hide!!!

Adios for now, going out of town!


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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OK how about this I will stipulate to the "kicked out", even though I don't buy it.
then what, the so called suitcases that were actually video taped 16 hours later.
Have you watched the security footage that is actually from that room on the night of the "pipe burst"
Have you gone back and looked at the supposed graph time line that was supposed
to depict the "spike" coinciding with the alleged "kick out" none of it holds water.

UNLESS you only listen to small fringe far right wing media outlets, and twitter

I am having a hard time figuring out just which "fraud" you want me to de bunk.
whether they were "kicked out" in a cover up
or was it the secret fake ballots from the suitcases that "spiked" the election tally

Its not like they haven't already been de bunked.

You don't have to "stipulate" anything. There was video ALL OVER showing the Fulton Co. election officials sending EVERYONE home after that BULLSHIT excuse of a "pipe burst" AND video of them counting shortly after that.

Now why in the hell would they do something like that? Whether you buy into the ballots pulled out from under the table when EVERYONE was gone or not, the time stamp showed they were clearly counting after EVERYONE was sent home and they had the same clothes on REGARDLESS of what your beloved corrupt "fact checkers" tell you. Why would they do that?

Your little fact checking websites can tell you all you want, it doesn't make it true. They lied about the pipe burst and they lied about not counting while EVERYONE was gone. This was hashed out long ago and why did all these swing states just stop counting on election night? I'll tell you why, Trump was kicking their ass and the R's & D's couldn't have that, pull your head out dude.

Just say Trump hurt your feelings too and you'll believe ANYTHING they tell you as long as he's gone, we can handle that better than you trying to defend a stolen election. It will also save you some credibility.

Did you buy into the Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit also? 😆
Last edited:


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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This is too easy, I am bookmarking this for a huge laugh later
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach, so you get we had here last week, which is the way he wants it...
well he get's it.
I don't like it anymore than you men."

-Strother Martin-
Cool Hand Luke

I'm going to save this as well.
I won't laugh though.
Maybe I will muster some pity later...



Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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another topic for my comeback thread yet to be determined, however I may never come back here again!!!

-Implement stiffer sentencing guidelines
-re institute the death penalty, fuck it make it at the federal level
-do away with court appointed representation, you cant afford an atty OH well!!
that one may be a bit much, I may need to walk that one back!!
-adult sentencing guidelines more available to youth offenders for serious crime or repeat offenders, you shoot me and you are going away to big boy jail, bitch!
-federal castle doctrine, this would be nice

Now I know not many of these stand a chance in hell, but arguing/discussing/debating these seems a bit more productive/encouraging.
I know I sleep better at night envisioning some of these as opposed to election fraud and covid vaccination!--OOPS should have not brought that up:p
I take it back!

OR I may have a bad day and come back in here to piss in your cheerios and then run and hide!!!

Adios for now, going out of town!
Stay safe on your trip. Don't ever go out on a backcountry fishing adventure with Burt Reynolds! Good advice! 👍


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
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Can ANYONE answer the 1 question that has been asked and never been answered.

Who has the authority to simultaneously stop the vote counting across 5 different states?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
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Thanks Regor.

Anyone who feels the election was accurate care to take a crack at it?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Thanks Regor.

Anyone who feels the election was accurate care to take a crack at it?



Jan 9, 2010
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Thanks Regor.

Anyone who feels the election was accurate care to take a crack at it?
Yes, It was the most fairestest election ever because that is what they said it was. No prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
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Yes, It was the most fairestest election ever because that is what they said it was. No prove me wrong.
I'm a bit confused by this response. What does it have to do with the original question?

Who had the authority to halt the vote counting across 5 different states at the same time?


Jan 9, 2010
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I'm a bit confused by this response. What does it have to do with the original question?

Who had the authority to halt the vote counting across 5 different states at the same time?
Who ever wanted to. Most fairest election ever! And anybody denying it is simply RACIST!


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
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Thanks Regor.

Anyone who feels the election was accurate care to take a crack at it?

Pretty ironic that the Dems were worried about Dominion election machines before the election.

We then had the most secure election in history.

And now the Dems are worried about election integrity just 1 year after it.

Can one of you that feel this was a legit election answer the question?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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America has a constitution and a law based system. To date, not a single case that was presented has concluded that any of these allegations would change the outcome of the election.

That is just a fact that can either be accepted or not. But not accepting it will not change where we are today. It is simply wasted energy that could be better spent on working towards electing in the next elections those that agree with one’s views, whatever those views may be.

The system may not be perfect, but it certainly beats the alternatives.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
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America has a constitution and a law based system. To date, not a single case that was presented has concluded that any of these allegations would change the outcome of the election.

That is just a fact that can either be accepted or not. But not accepting it will not change where we are today. It is simply wasted energy that could be better spent on working towards electing in the next elections those that agree with one’s views, whatever those views may be.

The system may not be perfect, but it certainly beats the alternatives.
So nobody has the legal authority to stop the counting of 5 separate state elections and there was no fraud committed?



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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The lawsuit filed Tuesday claims that the county at about the time of the 2020 election "became aware of severe anomalies in the Dominion Voting Systems due to the inaccuracy and/or inability to reconcile voter data with votes actually cast and counted" by the company's proprietary system.

County officials claims that a report from earlier this month revealed that "security measures necessary to harden and secure" Dominion's systems had not been performed, that "external USB hard drives had been inserted in the machines on several occasions," and that "there is no known list of approved external drives that could have been or were used or inserted into the machines."

The suit also alleges the county discovered a "python script” had been installed on one device, and that that same device was "connected to an external device on an external network," reportedly one linked to Canada.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
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But thats not what they say on twitter truth socail! 🤣
🤣 🤣 🤣

I am bored so I will play along;

Votes were misreported for someone after all--Trumpty Dumpty!

In other updates, besides the 61 out of 62 court battles tossed of course, not one of which produced a single shred of credible evidence,
but as we know trumpies only want trump facts, trump truth, they just need their "orange jesus"
to rally them like Jim Jones, come forth and drink from the koolaid!!

Cyber Ninjas and bamboo ballots
-I cant even get passed the name🤣
-Trump ended up with fewer votes than he started with, can we say "backfire"

2000 mules and secret black ops operatives
-they should be called ghost mules since they are just figments of the imagination
-people actually believed this shit!

Suitcases of fake ballots
-aka real ballots in real ballot boxes

Hacked voting machines
-870 million of them apparantly

11,780 votes in GA
-because "you know we won the state"
-every good mobster knows to plead the fifth and never talk on the phone, trumpy got the first one down pat!!

Wayne County decertification
-don't sign, we will get you lawyers, wonder what Jenna Ellis has to say about that one

Melissa, drunk as a skunk, Carone "star witness"
-To quote Larry the Cable Guy "Thats some funny shit right there".

Fake Electors, this one "TRUMPS" them all
-do I even need to say how stupid and gullible they were/are, have another sip, and get a lawyer!

Kenny, fake elector, Cheese
-Mr Cheese flipped faster than a pancake at IHOP

"Elite (Indicted) Strike Force"

Rudy hair dye G

-don't let them see you sweat--TOO LATE

Sidney the "Kraken" Powel
-"show me the KRAKEN" from the crack head herself

Jenna, poor little Jenna
-Cry me a river right after you spill your guts to the DA

Mr Meadows, oh what he is gonna spill!!
-he has buried himself so deep just from shitin his drawers!!

Some tasty “Kraken Koolaid” straight from the Trump Teet!
Not to worry MAGA, even the runt of the litter eventually weens himself off!

But what do I know, I am just a RINO amongst MULES and NINJAS, surrounded by kraken, dripping hair dye, and suitcases of fake bamboo ballots


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
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You forgot a vaggot also. 😝
No Idea what a vaggot is but coming from you I will take it as a compliment, seeing as you cant point to one single post in this thread or any of the "rigged" election threads as panning out in 3 years. ;)

Sorry, I left out pour Mike, the pillow, Lundel. Now there's someone full of credibility, if trump wins, maybe he should be secretary of commerce 🤣

I shouldn't laugh, Trumps just dumb enough to do that, along with Dinesh as head of the CIA!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2014
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Sorry, I left out Mike, the pillow, Lindel, someone of stoic credibility. When Trump wins, maybe he should be secretary of commerce 😍😘

Trump is clever enough to do just that, along with Dinesh as head of the CIA!

Oooo…👏👏👏👏🙌🙌...these are excellent recommendations, I will bring this up the levels. This will make the forthcoming Trump admin very happy.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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No Idea what a vaggot is but coming from you I will take it as a compliment, seeing as you cant point to one single post in this thread or any of the "rigged" election threads as panning out in 3 years. ;)

Sorry, I left out pour Mike, the pillow, Lundel. Now there's someone full of credibility, if trump wins, maybe he should be secretary of commerce 🤣

I shouldn't laugh, Trumps just dumb enough to do that, along with Dinesh as head of the CIA!

You should stop watching TV for stupid people toyboy. 😆

And don't tell me you don't know what a vaggot is!!!




THAT'S a vaggot.......................... 🤣

NPC Pfizer.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Daaang, step away for a day taking care of bidness and all hell breaks loose down here. This is way worse than the solid citizens up there in the lounge.. !°°!
Aww hell... :D