OUI Checkpoint yesterday


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Would have been nice to have had one of these out the weekend the Fountain killed the man on the PWC or the weekend when Sara was killed.

Flame away

You don't know that he was drunk.. Nor do you know that he was sober.

I think most people feel that way until their life is forever changed by a drunk driver.

Like I said, a few years ago I was pulled into a checkpoint and thought for sure I was going to jail. Five minutes later I was on my way.... It's not as bad as most of what I've read on here.

Still I agree about the infringement on our rights. It's a catch 22. But if you're not breaking the law, you have zero to worry about. Fairly simple as far as I'm concerned. It's not like its a secret and they're making up the rules as they go. Last week there was a post on here about the checkpoint this weekend.

Some points here.. That checkpoint that you thought for sure you were going to jail and then was let go.. That is exactly the point. The breathylizers are like a fucking slot machine.. And no the copper ones aren't any more accurate. Somewhat buzzed in front of my house, I was blowing in a cops breathylizer and the guy was telling me I should be legally dead? Things like "HotShots" calibration, and a host of other things, but mostly their complete misuse by police officers make them terribly innacurate.

I am a retired cop.... never yanked anyone for things I did so long as they could maintain and behave accordingly.

Different times now... I hope the youngsters out there use some good judgement.

Same guy that flat said some cops live by the constitution / some guys wipe their ass with it. You are ok with planting evidence to get the job done when necessary. LOL.. The point isn't to pick on you, it's to say that cops are human and very foul able. If they are brainwashed into thinking DUI's are the shit like most new cops are.. they'll do what it takes to "get it done."

The concern I have with this stop is the part where they will not help hold boat while at dock. Who is responsible for the damage. The one time I was pulled over I advised my passengers to hold the sheriff boat so it would not scratch my boat. Cop flipped out and told them do not touch his boat. They could give a rats ass if your boat is damaged. Any way to make a claim against department for damage caused?

I don't know why they do this, but it's the common theme.. They flip out if you hold the boats apart? I have had this happen to me 1st hand years ago with some of Alan's guys. (Note, the cop doesn't work there anymore). The guy screaming "DON'T HOLD THE BOATS" I just told everyone in my boat, hold the boats apart, I'll deal with the cop. They did, nothing came of it.

Being that I am on the water with a 10 month old little girl. I have no problem at all with check points. Anything that will deter people from drinking on the water which means keeping my family safe is welcomed.

I'd be far more concerned with inexperienced drivers, bad hull designs, and bad judgement, then an experienced person at a .08, or truthfully even much higher then a .08. Check Points are NOT doing anything to make the water safer when you really get to the grit of it.

Agreed, and I'm one of the few here that would like to see drinking on boats illegal. :thumbsup

There's a million people that think wake boats and boats designed to produce a larger wake should be illegal. The logic that you are using applies to you and your situation.. but it's flawed. One must think about the greater good of the people when campaigning for something, not personal gain.

If sharpshooter had his way, you're boat would be illegal tomorrow.. actually today. People could use erosion, dock damage, boat damage, etc.. and make some pretty damn strong arguments that make a lot of sense. It'd suck to take away from your river experience right? Then don't take away from others. There are rules in place, and they are not zero tolerance for a reason.. because it doesn't make sense.

I'd suspect most the WB crowd would have zero problem torquing some bowls and going out WB'ing, and driving though.. ;) :D Just saying..

Again, I don't know you or the situation. You are right, it would suck to have a cop "grind his boot into your gelcoat", but that doesn't seem to be the majority of the peoples experience here.

It has been my experience, but to move onto the point
Besides, shoe polish buffs right out with a little wax & elbow grease. Approaching it with that attitude will get you on your way much quicker. Just because your boat (not picking on Racey here) is worth more then the whole LEO crews annual salary, doesn't mean you get to tell the cops what to do or how to do itheir job.

I have found that giving them a little respect gets me the same courtisy(sp?) in return.

Brett, you don't care about your boat.. I don't own the most expensive shit on the planet, but I care about mine deeply.. and if someone stuck their shoe anywhere except on the non skid of my boat, it'd piss me off to a point of seeing red.

It sure is my job and I do it just fine at it.]But having less drunk idiots on the water makes my job a lot easier.

Again, you are relating any amount of alcohol with "drinking." Do you really believe the water is "safer" if someone had a beer an hour all day long vs nothing? Do you think it's safer if I ran down to the local high school and put a 16 year old cheer leader behind the wheel of a 180 mph Skater? Because that's legal.. or do you think it's safer if maybe the guy that has driven that boat for years, and tested boats for magazines, and every other accreditation you could think of, had a beer up at Pirates and then drove home. (which isn't illegal bTW)

My View: Most of these current check points are a HUGE waste of time, money and just a bullshit show.....If they really wanted to make an impact they would put the check points where it would make the most sense and where the most suspected drunk driving traffic would likely be....

Put a check point in a "NO WAKE" area like the gorge and Marina / ramp areas so the water is much calmer and there are no boats blasting by. Rig the LEO boats with buoys resulting in much less chance of damage to a boaters rig...(results, the boat owner would not get as upset being stopped when they know their boat is safe from damage and they will be back on their way in less than 5 minutes)...

Conduct these checks after a day of boating from 12:00 noon to 6:00/7:00pm (still light til 800/830pm during the season)..

AND GUESS WHAT? you are going to get ONE OF TWO MAJOR RESULTS......Either a shit load of FUCKING drunk driver idiots off the water and in Jail where they belong or a SHIT load of Sober DD drivers making the water ways a much safer place to be your family and friends...

Lots talk such with a self righteous don't step on my rights tune......wait til a loved one is KILLED BY A DRINK DRIVER then see how you feel and react.......Driving a boat or a vehicle does not give a person the RIGHT to be an idiot and risk the life of others.....when an idiot drunk driver thinks they can do whatever they want at the cost of another persons right to be kept safe then its time for big brother to come in and smack you in the face and pocket...

I hate big brother as much as the next guy but when idiots go running ramped then someone has to step in and take control of these idiots....

JMO shared by most responsible level headed boaters

Endorsing checkpoints is neither level headed or responsible IMO.

Can't fix stupid also applies to those that think it's ok to drink and drive and think someone blowing a .08 is a qualified operator too :rolleyes:

Tell ya what COZ, lets put it to the test.. :D I'll get a dead sober driver that has never driven a boat before, and we'll let them cruise the keys in your boat.. Then I'll do it at whatever BAC you want, I'll guarantee I don't hit shit.. LOL The other? I'll guarantee it's going to be like a pinball machine bouncing off everything from the word go. ;) I'm not sure if I've made the point yet, but experience is the key.. .08 doesn't effect it either way.

I can agree to some point but I have to say that I have personally seen and have read way to many reports and outcomes of a .06 or a .08 or even the old number of .10 that has killed or injured someone including themselves directly caused by being under the influence.... Are there sober idiots that cause wrecks YES are there some that should never get behind the wheel YES...but factually a .08 is NOT safer than someone that has NO alcohol in their system. Just not correct.

I can argue that out of 1000 people driving at a .08 I can almost guarantee that 95% + have lost a measurable amount of both reaction time and judgement from what they would have had prior to being under the influence. It is just a fact...People think they can do things better while under the influence and facts state differently.

You can't garuantee that, because if you could, it would be zero tolerance.

i think there is way more inexperienced idiots on the water than the drunk idiots. those are the ones that worry me.

That's the key right there.. someone does something stupid, people used to say "that guy is an idiot." With all the propaganda and MADD bullshit, now people say "look at that drunk." I would wager in 95% of the cases it is inexperience combined with alcohol that causes a problem. Not alcohol alone.



Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ineresting point of view. Boatcop always gave good honest answers. I don't blame him for not posting here.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

I'd be surprised to hear BoatCop doesn't post here anymore over that muffler/noise ticket thread. He was part of an unpopular situation wherein his actions were legally justified just not liked. Pretty much par for the course in Law Enforcement.

Hope he comes back some day. He was a good source for legal issues on the water and kept us up to date on incidents out there.

Ultra26 # 1

2007 Ultra 26 Shadow
Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score
You don't know that he was drunk.. Nor do you know that he was sober.

Some points here.. That checkpoint that you thought for sure you were going to jail and then was let go.. That is exactly the point. The breathylizers are like a fucking slot machine.. And no the copper ones aren't any more accurate. Somewhat buzzed in front of my house, I was blowing in a cops breathylizer and the guy was telling me I should be legally dead? Things like "HotShots" calibration, and a host of other things, but mostly their complete misuse by police officers make them terribly innacurate.

Same guy that flat said some cops live by the constitution / some guys wipe their ass with it. You are ok with planting evidence to get the job done when necessary. LOL.. The point isn't to pick on you, it's to say that cops are human and very foul able. If they are brainwashed into thinking DUI's are the shit like most new cops are.. they'll do what it takes to "get it done."

I don't know why they do this, but it's the common theme.. They flip out if you hold the boats apart? I have had this happen to me 1st hand years ago with some of Alan's guys. (Note, the cop doesn't work there anymore). The guy screaming "DON'T HOLD THE BOATS" I just told everyone in my boat, hold the boats apart, I'll deal with the cop. They did, nothing came of it.

I'd be far more concerned with inexperienced drivers, bad hull designs, and bad judgement, then an experienced person at a .08, or truthfully even much higher then a .08. Check Points are NOT doing anything to make the water safer when you really get to the grit of it.

There's a million people that think wake boats and boats designed to produce a larger wake should be illegal. The logic that you are using applies to you and your situation.. but it's flawed. One must think about the greater good of the people when campaigning for something, not personal gain.

If sharpshooter had his way, you're boat would be illegal tomorrow.. actually today. People could use erosion, dock damage, boat damage, etc.. and make some pretty damn strong arguments that make a lot of sense. It'd suck to take away from your river experience right? Then don't take away from others. There are rules in place, and they are not zero tolerance for a reason.. because it doesn't make sense.

I'd suspect most the WB crowd would have zero problem torquing some bowls and going out WB'ing, and driving though.. ;) :D Just saying..

It has been my experience, but to move onto the point

Brett, you don't care about your boat.. I don't own the most expensive shit on the planet, but I care about mine deeply.. and if someone stuck their shoe anywhere except on the non skid of my boat, it'd piss me off to a point of seeing red.

Again, you are relating any amount of alcohol with "drinking." Do you really believe the water is "safer" if someone had a beer an hour all day long vs nothing? Do you think it's safer if I ran down to the local high school and put a 16 year old cheer leader behind the wheel of a 180 mph Skater? Because that's legal.. or do you think it's safer if maybe the guy that has driven that boat for years, and tested boats for magazines, and every other accreditation you could think of, had a beer up at Pirates and then drove home. (which isn't illegal bTW)

Endorsing checkpoints is neither level headed or responsible IMO.

Tell ya what COZ, lets put it to the test.. :D I'll get a dead sober driver that has never driven a boat before, and we'll let them cruise the keys in your boat.. Then I'll do it at whatever BAC you want, I'll guarantee I don't hit shit.. LOL The other? I'll guarantee it's going to be like a pinball machine bouncing off everything from the word go. ;) I'm not sure if I've made the point yet, but experience is the key.. .08 doesn't effect it either way.

You can't garuantee that, because if you could, it would be zero tolerance.

That's the key right there.. someone does something stupid, people used to say "that guy is an idiot." With all the propaganda and MADD bullshit, now people say "look at that drunk." I would wager in 95% of the cases it is inexperience combined with alcohol that causes a problem. Not alcohol alone.


Dave we all know how you feel about drinking and boating. Some of us feel differently.


Not On The Boat
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Where do you go boating?

Tennessee River/Kentucky Lake. 186 miles dam to dam. A typical weekend might see 25-30 boats all weekend not counting the 6 or 8 that I'm hanging with.

Idiot factor is pretty low...LoL


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Ya, but start a thread about making boaters get a license and the inmates lose their minds.

The solution to these problems, isn't solved by the government. It can be solved by us the people.

Dave we all know how you feel about drinking and boating. Some of us feel differently.

Everyone else was repeating the same thing they have said 1000 times before.. why can't I? :D



Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Did I say anything about damage. And who said anything about "destroying" anything. I read damaging.......plus there are policies in place to handle these situations.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

So if there are policies in place to handle "these situations" I would bet there would be training as well...on how to best avoid "these situations"...I dont know what you think of the gelcoat on your boat....If it were mine, and it was being treated with disrespect by an officer leaning on policies to "handle these situations" I would be pretty unhappy....and now a bad situation becomes worse. Alan would be the first to say that his officers were first line ambassadors on the water.....The ambassadors we are hearing about in this thread have failed in my view....We can agree to disagree...but respect is indeed a two way street.


Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
You don't know that he was drunk.. Nor do you know that he was sober.

Some points here.. That checkpoint that you thought for sure you were going to jail and then was let go.. That is exactly the point. The breathylizers are like a fucking slot machine.. And no the copper ones aren't any more accurate. Somewhat buzzed in front of my house, I was blowing in a cops breathylizer and the guy was telling me I should be legally dead? Things like "HotShots" calibration, and a host of other things, but mostly their complete misuse by police officers make them terribly innacurate.

Same guy that flat said some cops live by the constitution / some guys wipe their ass with it. You are ok with planting evidence to get the job done when necessary. LOL.. The point isn't to pick on you, it's to say that cops are human and very foul able. If they are brainwashed into thinking DUI's are the shit like most new cops are.. they'll do what it takes to "get it done."

I don't know why they do this, but it's the common theme.. They flip out if you hold the boats apart? I have had this happen to me 1st hand years ago with some of Alan's guys. (Note, the cop doesn't work there anymore). The guy screaming "DON'T HOLD THE BOATS" I just told everyone in my boat, hold the boats apart, I'll deal with the cop. They did, nothing came of it.

I'd be far more concerned with inexperienced drivers, bad hull designs, and bad judgement, then an experienced person at a .08, or truthfully even much higher then a .08. Check Points are NOT doing anything to make the water safer when you really get to the grit of it.

There's a million people that think wake boats and boats designed to produce a larger wake should be illegal. The logic that you are using applies to you and your situation.. but it's flawed. One must think about the greater good of the people when campaigning for something, not personal gain.

If sharpshooter had his way, you're boat would be illegal tomorrow.. actually today. People could use erosion, dock damage, boat damage, etc.. and make some pretty damn strong arguments that make a lot of sense. It'd suck to take away from your river experience right? Then don't take away from others. There are rules in place, and they are not zero tolerance for a reason.. because it doesn't make sense.

I'd suspect most the WB crowd would have zero problem torquing some bowls and going out WB'ing, and driving though.. ;) :D Just saying..

It has been my experience, but to move onto the point

Brett, you don't care about your boat.. I don't own the most expensive shit on the planet, but I care about mine deeply.. and if someone stuck their shoe anywhere except on the non skid of my boat, it'd piss me off to a point of seeing red.

Again, you are relating any amount of alcohol with "drinking." Do you really believe the water is "safer" if someone had a beer an hour all day long vs nothing? Do you think it's safer if I ran down to the local high school and put a 16 year old cheer leader behind the wheel of a 180 mph Skater? Because that's legal.. or do you think it's safer if maybe the guy that has driven that boat for years, and tested boats for magazines, and every other accreditation you could think of, had a beer up at Pirates and then drove home. (which isn't illegal bTW)

Endorsing checkpoints is neither level headed or responsible IMO.

Tell ya what COZ, lets put it to the test.. :D I'll get a dead sober driver that has never driven a boat before, and we'll let them cruise the keys in your boat.. Then I'll do it at whatever BAC you want, I'll guarantee I don't hit shit.. LOL The other? I'll guarantee it's going to be like a pinball machine bouncing off everything from the word go. ;) I'm not sure if I've made the point yet, but experience is the key.. .08 doesn't effect it either way.

You can't garuantee that, because if you could, it would be zero tolerance.

That's the key right there.. someone does something stupid, people used to say "that guy is an idiot." With all the propaganda and MADD bullshit, now people say "look at that drunk." I would wager in 95% of the cases it is inexperience combined with alcohol that causes a problem. Not alcohol alone.


Epic large post...:p


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
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You have received an infraction at River Dave's Place


Dear shintoooo,

You have received an infraction at River Dave's Place.

Reason: Threadcrapping
Bobo sez.....All the Best....One night in the box for you....woof!


This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Ahhh haaaa, mystery solved.



BoBo is one of the cops that was at the boat dock checking out the 5 drunk nurses in One A Day's boat while they made him back it in....

Bad Bobo :smackbum:


You're gonna get locked down. I would fear BoBo if I were you :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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I maybe the odd guy out there, but there is ZERO booze on my boat. never has and never will be.

I've got a bunch of metal in my back due to a drunk driver.


The Ass Man
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Brett, you don't care about your boat.. RD

Where did that come from???

You saw my boat 1 time, when Kyle was working on it in your shop after it had been sitting covered for a year and half (covered I might add)due to economic reasons (wait til you have 3 teenagers ~ hopefully Stacey will still be around to give ya a hand raising & feeding them). After spending $1K to get it mechanically sound I spent another $300 on a detail that included clay bar work. It looks & runs like new. :cool:

I don't have that kind of wedge to spend on it every year and I do take care of my boat.

Is it that, or since it's not a Schiada (or a DCB or an Eliminator or a Nordic [did I miss any other advertisers?]) :D


The Ass Man
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
The solution to these problems, isn't solved by the government. It can be solved by us the people.


And how do you propose we go about that???

Maybe we should all carry a .45 cal under our seats....That it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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I have a neighbor friend who had a bunch of people from out of town. Saturday they were sucked into the checkpoint being discussed,. They had a designated driver ( Boat owner) driving all day. When they docked they were told that they switched seats and were under arrest. They swear that did not happen, even showed the police the pictures and video of the day clearly showing the sober owner driving. They said they don't care, the spotter on the hill said they switched. My friend had his 16 year old daughter on the boat and he would never risk her safety by letting someone else drive his boat or drink and drive with her on the boat. They got into a big argument with them, they were told they would all go to jail. The cops were complete dicks. They did arrest the one guy that was drinking on the boat, a guest, and not his boat.
When they were released the cops helped by taking out a knife and cutting the dock lined and booting the boat away from the dock.

The 16 year old was crying, frightened and said she would never ask an officer for help, big lesson for her.

And the guests said that this place sucks and will never come back again.

I for one don't think theres a difference between .00 and .08 I think a person is more impaired when tired.

It's about margin of safety. When flying there is a narrow margin of safety, one beer would impare performance. When boating there's a large margin of safety due to the seperation between vessels. I have always found it amazing that someone would consider them self or anyone drunk after one drink or (.08)

I for one never go on the water on a Saturday, not because of drunk boaters but because of uneducated stupid people who don't care or take the time to learn boating. I like others here feel more at risk by these type boaters than drunks. The police would do much better if they had a reason to pull someone over, like doing something stupid or unsafe.

I do believe that all this is just a way to generate revenue and justify jobs.


The Ass Man
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
And how do you propose we go about that???

Maybe we should all carry a .45 cal under our seats....That it?

Oh, doesn't the Constitution start with, 'We the people...'?

The government (cops in this case) is/are the people. Sheese...


The Ass Man
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
I have a neighbor friend who had a bunch of people from out of town. Saturday they were sucked into the checkpoint being discussed,. They had a designated driver ( Boat owner) driving all day. When they docked they were told that they switched seats and were under arrest. They swear that did not happen, even showed the police the pictures and video of the day clearly showing the sober owner driving. They said they don't care, the spotter on the hill said they switched. My friend had his 16 year old daughter on the boat and he would never risk her safety by letting someone else drive his boat or drink and drive with her on the boat. They got into a big argument with them, they were told they would all go to jail. The cops were complete dicks. They did arrest the one guy that was drinking on the boat, a guest, and not his boat.
When they were released the cops helped by taking out a knife and cutting the dock lined and booting the boat away from the dock.

The 16 year old was crying, frightened and said she would never ask an officer for help, big lesson for her.

And the guests said that this place sucks and will never come back again.

I for one don't think theres a difference between .00 and .08 I think a person is more impaired when tired.

It's about margin of safety. When flying there is a narrow margin of safety, one beer would impare performance. When boating there's a large margin of safety due to the seperation between vessels. I have always found it amazing that someone would consider them self or anyone drunk after one drink or (.08)

I for one never go on the water on a Saturday, not because of drunk boaters but because of uneducated stupid people who don't care or take the time to learn boating. I like others here feel more at risk by these type boaters than drunks. The police would do much better if they had a reason to pull someone over, like doing something stupid or unsafe.

I do believe that all this is just a way to generate revenue and justify jobs.

Wow, if true, that sucks ass big time.

I rarely boat on the weekends too and avoid holidays like cigarettes.

Joe mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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No, its just the finger docks they had were about 10 feet long, if I pulled in facing forward, me, and my life jackets would be unaccessable, so I backed in. As I did it I joked with the cops, that I should be good to go, because if I was f'd up I wasnt going to be able to pull that off since it was so frikn windy. They didnt think I was funny.

Thats because most of them don't have a sense of humor


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Where did that come from???

You saw my boat 1 time, when Kyle was working on it in your shop after it had been sitting covered for a year and half (covered I might add)due to economic reasons (wait til you have 3 teenagers ~ hopefully Stacey will still be around to give ya a hand raising & feeding them). After spending $1K to get it mechanically sound I spent another $300 on a detail that included clay bar work. It looks & runs like new. :cool:

I don't have that kind of wedge to spend on it every year and I do take care of my boat.

Is it that, or since it's not a Schiada (or a DCB or an Eliminator or a Nordic [did I miss any other advertisers?]) :D

Has nothing to do with it being a Commander. Has to do with the 1 time I saw the boat, it was beat to shit. Has nothing to do with kids, or economic times, or anything of the sort. The boat was beat to shit, because you didn't care for it. Plain and simple.. don't get all pissy about it, because that's just the way it is.

I'm not judging you.. I'm just saying it's hard for you to understand why it would make someone so insane that they'd want to knock somebodies teeth down their throat for putting their work boots on the gel of something you work so hard to keep it at it's best..

If I took care of my boat like you took care of your boat.. I'd say the same thing, "Little elbow polish and wax, that shoe polish and scratches will come right out." For myself, I would struggle with it a bit, if that foot landed anywhere other then non skid.



Mr. Potatohead
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
And how do you propose we go about that???

Maybe we should all carry a .45 cal under our seats....That it?

That works well in Idaho!!
It's kind of like having a mandatory fire extinguisher on board your boat....If there is a fire, you can put out the fire before the FD shows up.
If there is an "issue," you can solve the "issue" before the PD shows up making the job much safer and easier for the cops, improving their demeanor therefore creating less asshole cops!!
You're on the right track PBK!!


The Ass Man
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Has nothing to do with it being a Commander. Has to do with the 1 time I saw the boat, it was beat to shit. Has nothing to do with kids, or economic times, or anything of the sort. The boat was beat to shit, because you didn't care for it. Plain and simple.. don't get all pissy about it, because that's just the way it is.

I'm not judging you.. I'm just saying it's hard for you to understand why it would make someone so insane that they'd want to knock somebodies teeth down their throat for putting their work boots on the gel of something you work so hard to keep it at it's best..

If I took care of my boat like you took care of your boat.. I'd say the same thing, "Little elbow polish and wax, that shoe polish and scratches will come right out." For myself, I would struggle with it a bit, if that foot landed anywhere other then non skid.


LOL, I'm not being 'pissy'. Funny thing is, I don't even know if I have non-skid area on my boat. I always subscribed to the bare feet or high heels on ANY boat. I'll say it again though, more people have had good experience with the LEO's on the water than not (in this thread anyways).

I also think that it's funny how people spend so much time freaking polishing their shit (Hardley riders are the worse) and then whine when something gets dirty. I guess I just prefer to enjoy my toys.

Oh, and get back to me in 15 years about the kids.... :D


The Ass Man
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
That works well in Idaho!!
It's kind of like having a mandatory fire extinguisher on board your boat....If there is a fire, you can put out the fire before the FD shows up.
If there is an "issue," you can solve the "issue" before the PD shows up making the job much safer and easier for the cops, improving their demeanor therefore creating less asshole cops!!
You're on the right track PBK!!

I hear ya. My brother just bought a spread in Washington State (where concealed weapons are LEGAL) and every one is so polite. LOL


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Ahhh haaaa, mystery solved.



BoBo is one of the cops that was at the boat dock checking out the 5 drunk nurses in One A Day's boat while they made him back it in....

Bad Bobo :smackbum:

Haha, as we pulled in the girls said can we keep drinking? I said please do as I took a swig from my water.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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So if there are policies in place to handle "these situations" I would bet there would be training as well...on how to best avoid "these situations"...I dont know what you think of the gelcoat on your boat....If it were mine, and it was being treated with disrespect by an officer leaning on policies to "handle these situations" I would be pretty unhappy....and now a bad situation becomes worse. Alan would be the first to say that his officers were first line ambassadors on the water.....The ambassadors we are hearing about in this thread have failed in my view....We can agree to disagree...but respect is indeed a two way street.


Due to the "respect" Alan got.......I'm sure we won't be hearing from him.


Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score

Due to the "respect" Alan got.......I'm sure we won't be hearing from him.

That's his choice, and Im fine with whatever he decides. He didn't get any disrespect from me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
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I'd be surprised to hear BoatCop doesn't post here anymore over that muffler/noise ticket thread. He was part of an unpopular situation wherein his actions were legally justified just not liked. Pretty much par for the course in Law Enforcement.

Hope he comes back some day. He was a good source for legal issues on the water and kept us up to date on incidents out there.

fyi he does have his own website with a forum for anyone that needs info or to bs with him.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
That's his choice, and Im fine with whatever he decides. He didn't get any disrespect from me.
Truthfully the only disrespect he got was from Wicky, and wicky lives in idaho, and doesn't respect much on the web.. LOL



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Alan has a lot of better things to do than get called a pig on a recreational site, after 25+ years of solid service,folk's opinions of him isn't even a piece of bird crap on his boots, pro or con, about what he or his guys do.
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Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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Wait a minute. I think we are all missing the point here

The original poster said he had 4 drunk girls in his boat :hmm

Let me be the first to say it......



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
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I have a neighbor friend who had a bunch of people from out of town. Saturday they were sucked into the checkpoint being discussed,. They had a designated driver ( Boat owner) driving all day. When they docked they were told that they switched seats and were under arrest. They swear that did not happen, even showed the police the pictures and video of the day clearly showing the sober owner driving. They said they don't care, the spotter on the hill said they switched. My friend had his 16 year old daughter on the boat and he would never risk her safety by letting someone else drive his boat or drink and drive with her on the boat. They got into a big argument with them, they were told they would all go to jail. The cops were complete dicks.
When they were released the cops helped by taking out a knife and cutting the dock lined and booting the boat away from the dock.

The 16 year old was crying, frightened and said she would never ask an officer for help, big lesson for her.

And the guests said that this place sucks and will never come back again.

I do believe that all this is just a way to generate revenue and justify jobs
Havasteve I feel your pain!
4 years ago my brother and I was out on the water with my a brand new Nordic, it was the Thursday before Laborday we were floating the parker strip engin off. LaPaz's finest comes and ties up to the boat, we think all is fine & ask how can we help (my brother is a fireman & had a beer in his hand, I had a water, we were both sober). The cop then ask what we are doing here, we replied we are just here to enjoy the new boat and do some Dove Hunting on the 1st. He replied - quote "the only thing I hate more than boaters are hunters" and proceeded to be an ass, treating us like shit, no talk just barking out orders while running us through the full boating safety drill all the while his boat was trying to beat the shit out of mine. He offered no help & just watched us. He never found or cited us for anything, again we were just floating in the current.
Here is the deal - if you want respect give respect - that is a 2 way road, and the police can start by keeping their shitpiles off of others and treat people with some damn respect! 95% of us are responsibile, family, boaters, looking to get away from stress and spend time with friends and family. Nobody wants to deal with the stressfull situation a cop with a bad attitude can bring down on you during one of these crapy checkpoints - some police do infringe on our rights, some abuse their power, and give no respect to the ones that they are there to protect. I personaly feel many of them could do a much better job when dealing with public, I feel they hide behind the mask of safety while abusing funding to pay for their check point charade, they fail to treat people with respect and have no care for the property of others. That is my personal experience - They signed up for the job and they need to do a better job of balancing thier attitude when dealing with common public! :grumble:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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They ended up with 3 OUI's and 1 for drugs......apx 20 safety violations.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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The Arizona Game and Fish Department teamed with other agencies, including the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Department of Public Safety, Lake Havasu City Police Department, Mohave County Sheriff?s Office, San Bernardino County Sheriff?s Department, Arizona State Parks, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Saturday to conduct an OUI checkpoint at Contact Point from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Lake Havasu.

The effort was intended to help filter boat operators in violation of Arizona?s .08 blood-alcohol limit laws while boating on the Colorado River and its reservoirs, according to earlier reports.

AZGFD officials said Monday four individuals were arrested on suspicion of operating a watercraft while under the influence; three were alcohol-related, and one was drug-related.


?There wasn?t as much boat traffic as we thought there was going to be,? said Chris Bedinger, Arizona Game And Fish Department regional public information officer. ?But (the checkpoint) was a success because we took some intoxicated operators off the water.?

Bedinger said there were about 20 citations written for boating-safety equipment violations, including not having a required throwable Type IV portable flotation device, not having enough lifejackets for the number of people onboard, and children under age 12 who weren?t wearing a lifejacket while boating.

All boaters who passed through the checkpoint were subjected to a systematic safety inspection. Operators were checked for alcohol impairment, and all boats were checked for required safety equipment, including proper life jackets and working fire extinguishers.

AZGFD officials advise boaters to review boating-law requirements prior to launching.

Boating laws from California, Nevada and Arizona can be reviewed at www.boatcoloradoriver.com after selecting the Colorado River tab and following the boating laws link.

Additional OUI checkpoints are set to occur on the Colorado River and its reservoirs through this boating season.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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I can agree to some point but I have to say that I have personally seen and have read way to many reports and outcomes of a .06 or a .08 or even the old number of .10 that has killed or injured someone including themselves directly caused by being under the influence.... Are there sober idiots that cause wrecks YES are there some that should never get behind the wheel YES...but factually a .08 is NOT safer than someone that has NO alcohol in their system. Just not correct.

I can argue that out of 1000 people driving at a .08 I can almost guarantee that 95% + have lost a measurable amount of both reaction time and judgement from what they would have had prior to being under the influence. It is just a fact...People think they can do things better while under the influence and facts state differently.

That argument is completely arbitrary, because someone who is an extremely qualified and talented driver starts out with skills well in excess of the average joe blow, and even more so than the average moron. Even after 6 or 7 beers will still out drive, out dock, out maneuver them 10 times out of 10. Basically not everyone starts out on the same skill index, that's what makes it arbitrary, because there is no way to actually determine the effective skill of the operator, the way they measure it is with a BAC, but that doesn't mean anything in tangible terms, it's just a number, it doesn't translate to any real world performance metric, because you haven't taken into account other factors, the initial skill of the operator, or the amount at which a certain BAC effects their abilities or concentrations, their ability to raise their SA while driving. Edit: The person who is a 'regular drinker' is far less impaired at a 0.08, than the person who never drinks getting to a 0.08, they are two completely different levels in reality, but not in the eyes of the law, one is a fully functioning person, someone who could pass for sober no problem, the other is someone that you can tell is definitely fucked up.

I grew up through the 80s when drinking on the water was perfectly acceptable, everyone drank beers all day long while on the water, including the driver, never once did any one of them in the 1000s of times we boated, ever have any type of incident, never even an incident as minor as rubbing the dock. The guys who i boated with growing up all were boat racers and ski racers from the 60's 70's and 80's, and i'll still bet my life on the fact that they can drive a boat at a 0.08 with more skill than the rangers who would be pulling them over, because i've seen the way both of them drive first hand, several dozen times.

Who's more dangerous in reality vs the eyes of the law: The sober guy who is driving his boat up the river, dicking with the stereo, looking at his phone, looking backwards flirting with the chicks in the back seat. Or the guy who has had a few beers, respects the boat, respects the water, has been driving, racing, living boats his entire life, and pays complete attention to his surroundings? It's a no brainer question.... One's gonna get a 10k 'ticket', arrest, impound, etc. the other is gonna a quick fine and be on his way. This is the way our system operates.

To many of you I sound like an asshole for stating the facts, but i can guarantee that many of us who grew up in a different era, and were raised with a different skill set and appreciation of boating will agree with my sentiment, even if they are afraid to make their stance public because of the lampooning that comes with the confused stance that these statements 'Condone Drunk Driving', they don't, my statements condone safe driving, and condemn wrongful authority. The majority of the time unsafe driving is not done by a drunk, it's done by a person that is sober and simply doesn't have a clue, or respect, for driving a boat. Just like on the roadways, the vast majority of accidents are sober people.

The bottom line is, just because you are sober doesn't make you a safe driver, and just because your BAC is over some arbitrary limit determined by politicians doesn't make you an unsafe driver. Safety can be measured in far better ways than the content of ones blood.

But back to the subject of the global stop and search, and why it's wrong. Yes, it is illegal to operate a boat while under the influence, let's put aside everything else i've stated above and just accept the fact that the law is the law and it is illegal to drink and drive. Under what authority do they have to stop every single vessel on the water and check them for OUI? It's also illegal to grow or posses marijuana, so should it then also be legal and moral for the police to go into a neighborhood, and go house to house, door to door, room to room, and search everyone's possessions for drugs or paraphernalia? Where does it stop? when is enough enough? at what point do we just throw probable cause completely out the window and allow the government to rule our lives from morning to night, cradle to grave? I have no problem with an officer seeing unsafe driving or behavior, and then going to investigate that, but to globally stop every single person on the water is a huge waste of valuable and expensive resources, and a huge violation of the public's rights and liberties.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2008
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That argument is completely arbitrary, because someone who is an extremely qualified and talented driver starts out with skills well in excess of the average joe blow, and even more so than the average moron. Even after 6 or 7 beers will still out drive, out dock, out maneuver them 10 times out of 10. Basically not everyone starts out on the same skill index, that's what makes it arbitrary, because there is no way to actually determine the effective skill of the operator, the way they measure it is with a BAC, but that doesn't mean anything in tangible terms, it's just a number, it doesn't translate to any real world performance metric, because you haven't taken into account other factors, the initial skill of the operator, or the amount at which a certain BAC effects their abilities or concentrations, their ability to raise their SA while driving.

I grew up through the 80s when drinking on the water was perfectly acceptable, everyone drank beers all day long while on the water, including the driver, never once did any one of them in the 1000s of times we boated, ever have any type of incident, never even an incident as minor as rubbing the dock. The guys who i boated with growing up all were boat racers and ski racers from the 60's 70's and 80's, and i'll still bet my life on the fact that they can drive a boat at a 0.08 with more skill than the rangers who would be pulling them over, because i've seen the way both of them drive first hand, several dozen times.

Who's more dangerous in reality vs the eyes of the law: The sober guy who is driving his boat up the river, dicking with the stereo, looking at his phone, looking backwards flirting with the chicks in the back seat. Or the guy who has had a few beers, respects the boat, respects the water, has been driving, racing, living boats his entire life, and pays complete attention to his surroundings? It's a no brainer question.... One's gonna get a 10k 'ticket', arrest, impound, etc. the other is gonna a quick fine and be on his way. This is the way our system operates.

To many of you I sound like an asshole for stating the facts, but i can guarantee that many of us who grew up in a different era, and were raised with a different skill set and appreciation of boating will agree with my sentiment, even if they are afraid to make their stance public because of the lampooning that comes with the confused stance that these statements 'Condone Drunk Driving', they don't, my statements condone safe driving, and condemn wrongful authority. The majority of the time unsafe driving is not done by a drunk, it's done by a person that is sober and simply doesn't have a clue, or respect, for driving a boat. Just like on the roadways, the vast majority of accidents are sober people.

The bottom line is, just because you are sober doesn't make you a safe driver, and just because your BAC is over some arbitrary limit determined by politicians doesn't make you an unsafe driver. Safety can be measured in far better ways than the content of ones blood.

I can agree with that. I remember the 80's on the river with my dad always having a beer in his hand and never "drunk". I'm sure he would be arrested everytime the way things are now.

All of the rules are set for the lowest common denominator! I think it's a bunch of bs the way they harrass people. They need to have a reason to pull some one over I believe. They would still catch the crazies and the regular folks would be fine. Definitely different times.

The Imperial County guys on the southern river have proven time and again they are clueless.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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The bottom line is, just because you are sober doesn't make you a safe driver, and just because your BAC is over some arbitrary limit determined by politicians doesn't make you an unsafe driver. Safety can be measured in far better ways than the content of ones blood.[/QUOTE]

:thumbsup Totally agree!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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HAVASTEVE, if what you stated is true that's F'd up.

As for dickhead LEO's they can be all over, just not on the water. From my experience which has been good I'm lucky not to have run into many, for the most part the LEO's that I have encountered have been cool. I will say that during these checkpoints they need to tone it down a bit once they realize it's all good with the boat they are checking.

My example is when my friends pregnant wife was driving the boat and they insisted we beach the boat just below the gorge, I suggested we beach at my friends more sandy beach about 100 yards away, LEO said no, I suggested they come out to us than, they said no, I suggested we idle just a touch off their beach so we wouldn't hit the rocks, they said no, I than said too bad we aren't coming in unless they hold the boat off the rocks, they agreed. This LEO's made her step off the boat and do the breath alayzer, of course .00. They wished us well and pushed us off, I thought to myself what a waste but I guess they have a job to do and we left. We start to pull into Moabi when we are instructed by another LEO to turn around and head below the gorge for an OUI CK point, we explain that we just left there, he says we are lying and he just saw us leave Topock, I tell him your lying pal, radio to the CK point and ask them, he refuses. By now we are all getting pretty pissed off, that happens when your called a liar. I tell him we aren't turning around and that we'll stay there and he can go back and ask if a 7 month pregnant lady just left there, I explainedd to him that since we just left the chances of another preggo lady just leaving was slim and none. He instructs us to stay put, I give him a suggestion, take my I.D. with him, that way if we leave he'll know exactly who to search for. He leaves and returns about 5 minutes later and tells us to go about our business, no apology no nothing. I make another suggestion to him, be respectful of the people that contribute to your salary because keeping up your attitude will keep people off the river, less people to police means less officers needed to patrol.

Just one dickhead though in the last 5-7 years isn't that bad I guess!


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2008
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When they are harrassing us on the southern river, I tell em that their moms must be proud of them or I don't pay you to do this kind of shit! Only when I'm sober of course.

Got pulled over on the express lanes in sd for tinted windows during rush hour traffic. Told the guy his mom must be proud of him and he threw the ticket through the window at me. I waved as I drove off.

Police officers have the same mentality as the FAA Inspectors. Typical power trip. You just have to know when to stroke them or tell em to f off.

I carry a video camera now on the boat. If they pull me over I video everything. They've scratched my stuff before, told me rude shit. I have almost zero respect. There are exceptions I know.


Feb 19, 2008
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HAVASTEVE, if what you stated is true that's F'd up.

As for dickhead LEO's they can be all over, just not on the water. From my experience which has been good I'm lucky not to have run into many, for the most part the LEO's that I have encountered have been cool. I will say that during these checkpoints they need to tone it down a bit once they realize it's all good with the boat they are checking.

My example is when my friends pregnant wife was driving the boat and they insisted we beach the boat just below the gorge, I suggested we beach at my friends more sandy beach about 100 yards away, LEO said no, I suggested they come out to us than, they said no, I suggested we idle just a touch off their beach so we wouldn't hit the rocks, they said no, I than said too bad we aren't coming in unless they hold the boat off the rocks, they agreed. This LEO's made her step off the boat and do the breath alayzer, of course .00. They wished us well and pushed us off, I thought to myself what a waste but I guess they have a job to do and we left. We start to pull into Moabi when we are instructed by another LEO to turn around and head below the gorge for an OUI CK point, we explain that we just left there, he says we are lying and he just saw us leave Topock, I tell him your lying pal, radio to the CK point and ask them, he refuses. By now we are all getting pretty pissed off, that happens when your called a liar. I tell him we aren't turning around and that we'll stay there and he can go back and ask if a 7 month pregnant lady just left there, I explainedd to him that since we just left the chances of another preggo lady just leaving was slim and none. He instructs us to stay put, I give him a suggestion, take my I.D. with him, that way if we leave he'll know exactly who to search for. He leaves and returns about 5 minutes later and tells us to go about our business, no apology no nothing. I make another suggestion to him, be respectful of the people that contribute to your salary because keeping up your attitude will keep people off the river, less people to police means less officers needed to patrol.

Just one dickhead though in the last 5-7 years isn't that bad I guess!
I think you may be the exception and not the rule. Most that I have encountered are dicks. Could be an age thing too, but I pay taxes to their salary just like everyone else.

As for the lower river guys, yeah they're morons, the few encounters we have had with them have been a total turn off. We had a sandbar with probably 10 boats on it, and everyone had dogs. All the dogs were being well behaved, and no one was complaining, but the Sherriff comes up and gets on the bullhorn to tell everyone "your dogs must be on a leash and we will cite you if they aren't." So, after a minute or two we get everyone to get their leashes out and put them on their dogs and tie the leash to the collar so its not dragging. The dogs get to run around and have fun, they have leashes on, and everyone just started laughing at the cop and turned their backs on him. :thumbsup The guy just took off, what could he do LOL
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Jan 9, 2010
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Hahahaha... I pay your salary... your mom must be proud??? You people really need to come up with some new lines.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
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Just my .02 but really never had any bad issues with the cops on the river. Had many safety inspections before and seemed like if your shit was in order they worked off that. Kids always rolled away with either a free shirt or toy. The one time that we slipped and got caught, LEO checked my wife for OUI and let her drive the boat/ guys home. :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2008
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Hahahaha... I pay your salary... your mom must be proud??? You people really need to come up with some new lines.

Trust me, works good. They aren't used to people saying anything to em. You gotta keep it simple. ;)

That Guy

Rack em'
Sep 24, 2007
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I miss Alan and his insights....sorry to see him not posting anymore.:(


Jan 9, 2010
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Trust me, works good. They aren't used to people saying anything to em. You gotta keep it simple. ;)

Lolol... Hate to break it to ya but people talk to us all the time. The difference is as soon as I hear the usual drab my discretion leans more towards offering you a little something to remember me by in the form of a ticket.

If you wanna keep it simple try talking to them with out the personal comments. More than 90% of the people I contact get off without a citation. They might go to jail for something else:D but not the citation.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2008
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Lolol... Hate to break it to ya but people talk to us all the time. The difference is as soon as I hear the usual drab my discretion leans more towards offering you a little something to remember me by in the form of a ticket.

If you wanna keep it simple try talking to them with out the personal comments. More than 90% of the people I contact get off without a citation. They might go to jail for something else:D but not the citation.

Trust me, you are the exception! Sounds like you are a normal person?! :thumbsup We couldn't all be wrong could we?!


Mr. Potatohead
Dec 22, 2007
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I'm thinking the ratio of good cops to asshole cops back in the 80s was about 9 great ones to 1 asshole. Now it appears that ratio has been inverted to 1 to 9. It makes me wonder what has created this dramatic change? Media? Rap music? Lady Gaga? Money? Sexual frustration? Bad economy? All of the above? Please do tell...


Mr. Potatohead
Dec 22, 2007
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Oh yeah, it appears that T&Y is one that falls into the 10% good category.:D
P.S. If I were a cop, I know I'd be an asshole!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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we all have a good and bad times with the cops i believe,

for example sunday in the channel we were partying pretty hard and one of the songs that came on was pretty offensive with foul language and other stuff cop comes up asks whos boat i say mine he ask me if i can change the song, yes sir not a problem. Got to talking with him for a few minutes and he was telling me how they have been alot more leanent this year and they love seeing the same boats day n and day out, and if some other officers would have heard those songs at the volume we would have been cited or arrested for disturbing the peace he was a great guy

but i have been on the other side of the field and watched people get hammered by the cops for not asking permission to wipe there ass

i guess it all depends on the officer and if he got some the night before


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Oh yeah, it appears that T&Y is one that falls into the 10% good category.:D
P.S. If I were a cop, I know I'd be an asshole!!!

If i were a cop, i would get fired for letting people have a life and a good time.

I wouldnt arrest people for little shit, only the people who deserved to be arrested.

I would try to let people have a good time and only stop someone for a serious issue, example if i were to stop a car for going 10mph over i would write them a warning, if they were doin 20mph maybe write them a ticket for 10mph over

And the only issues i would have a zero tolerence on is;

demestic violence cases
child abuse
drug problems
if i stop someone and they were very honest and respectful and blew a .08 maybe give them a ride home not a ride to jail

but I'd never be a cop
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