Official 2018 Los Angeles Boat Show Report!


Sep 24, 2007
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Im confused on the seat design. That cushion appears to be two seats. Or is the pop out on bottom portion go under each leg?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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since it seemed like the rage won my last question of rage vs 25xs, now lets have rage vs tremor, which would you have?
I'd go Tremor hands down. The 25 Tremor feels like a big 28 inside. Awesome ride, still quick for how deep of a V it has. Good quality, priced right


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Introducing the DCB M28! Now there's a lot of questions about this boat, and I hope to address a few of them right off the bat.

Why does DCB build an M29 and an M28? What are the differences? Well I'm glad you asked.

The M28 is actually the same running surface as an M29. What they did was create an insert for the transom to remove the notch and they cut the boat down about 10 inches to make it more low profile. It still sports the 9' Beam, and is truly the same running surface as the 29. With the 28 though you can run 20 inch mid sections, or a single Stern Drive. The M29 is more of a dual inboard boat, but can be built with outboards with 25 inch mid sections as well.

This particular boat was built for RDP Member X-Rated, and maybe it's the RD SUX sticker on the motor, but it was one of my favorite boats at the show. There is also a build thread from start to finish of this boat right here on RDP in the "From the Mold" section.

Contact info for DCB - 619-442-0300 / www.dcbperformanceboats.com

One of the things that is always a little hard to do is get a complete pic of the DCB's at the show because no matter what time you arrive at the show there is always people around them. There's something about the M28 which I haven't quite put my finger on yet, but it looks more East Coast'ish to me, and not normal DCB. I think they changed an edge detail on the deck or something. (I'd have to look to compare)


When seeing it from this angle, it definitely looks DCB and you can see the iconic side vents that give it style.


Doesn't get any more sleek / low profile than this! You can also see the entrance to the tunnel (wing) looks to be sharper here than typical on most DCB's.


We are going to kind of start with a theme here, and that theme is "It's all down hill from here boys." DCB's has consistently been at the top of the game in the West Coast Boating scene since their inception 20+ years ago. The way DCB is building boats now is literally the best of the best of the best. Their interiors truly are the bench mark that everybody else is being measured off of right now. Every interior they do is as custom as the Customer wants it. You can pick the upper end designs and just choose the colors, or you can choose various materials and combinations of such, but year after year in every build they get a little better.

DCB has taken their own approach to the ever popular diamond pattern and you can see here in the seat backs where they stretch them in the centers of the seat backs. You can also see in the headrests their new style of baseball stitching (which from what I understand they went and bought some specialized machine to do that).


I'm sure this won't be a big deal to most, but it's a first that I've seen on a DCB. I really thought the smaller side hatches were a nice touch.


The side hatches were designed to be fender holders. It's nice that you don't have to lift a giant heavy hatch just to get to the Fenders, and it's also pretty cool to keep them separated from the rest of the junk. It's fairly frustrating when you are trying to get one out, and the quick pin cleats are getting hung up on other random things when they are all in the same compartments. Kudo's to DCB for stepping outside of their own box on that. (Plus I think it adds a nice contrast towards the rear of the boat with the carbon hatches)



Pretty cool to roll into the LA Boatshow and see this on a boat. As I was walking around taking pictures, I also noticed a big RDP logo appear on their TV Screens. They had used some of the RDP coverage from their regatta on their video loop.


Nice play on words here.. I'm assuming it refers to the weight savings from a Carbon layup. Note the fusion stereo control on the transom and two grab handles.


Back inside the boat you can see the DTS Throttles, to the absolute far left you will see a Red Dot, that's most likely going to be a broadcast button for "car to car" or in this case "boat to boat." To the right of that you will see the individual trim switches from Merc, than up top the squelch / volum for the headsets, below the switch panel, and to the right the individual push to start buttons.


This boat will be an all glass dash (no traditional gauges). You can see in the top of this pic the dash pad, that also integrates some of the stitched in designs, and again multiple materials. Isotta Steering wheel with the fusion stereo control on the right.

That looks like a typical IMCO tilt helm, that will run back to the Electric power steering.


In the Center section you will have your third screen that can run Charts / Gauges / or in this particular case you can also plumb in the forward / rear facing cameras as well. You can see me taking a pic of the screen, on the screen.


Passenger side will have another Simrad, and the main stereo in the gunnel. I thought that little square foot rest under the bottom was a kind of a neat idea, especially to be tooled into the boat. I'd think if I was out pounding around in this thing though I'd want it to be a little bigger. Take note of DCB's grab handles integrated right into the passenger seat, as well as the level of detail in the seat itself.


This is just a gunnel shot behind the back of the drivers seat. At the very top right of the photo you can see they keep the interior details going even on panels that are going up and into hidden areas. Most everyone would just leave that panel flat. Below you can also see they ran a typical diamond pattern, but again the diamonds are "stretched" so they look a lot more aggressive. Take note where the diamond pattern ends, and they finished it out to a point. Again these are all tiny details, but everyone else would've just ran a straight diamond pattern from the white panel to the flat grey and called it a day. DCB is actually going out of their way to "style" the boat beyond that. As well you can see the fiberglass gunnel inserts are gelled to match the boat and completely finished out.


You wouldn't know what this is by the picture so I have to explain it a bit. If you are looking at the back seats, this is directly under the center of it on the rear wall facing the cabin. The vinyl you are seeing in the top right / left of the pics are the seat cushions of the rear seats. This particular thing is where I think the OCD of rigging might have outweighed the actual function a litte bit. That is where you plug the boat into 110V power so it charges the batteries etc.. Personally I would've put this near the edge of the boat somewhere hidden. It kinda looks cool when it's not plugged in, but do you really want to climb in the boat everytime to charge it up, or disconnect it?


Again just some more overall pictures of the interior. The more you look at it, the more details you are going to pick up.


Now we go to the back of the boat to where the engine hatch would typically be. I opened the larger center compartment and there's a big (light weight) fiberglass Tub in there. This is going to be the main storage area for this boat. Remember the boat was cut down 10 inches, so while it's possibly to climb up under the deck it's not going to be for someone my size by any means. This tub is plenty big enough to fit your soft sided cooler, and whatever else you need for a day out on the lake. (Sorry for the upside down pic) You can see on the back side of the tub there is a grey door that is pretty easy to open. That is one way of accessing the rigging and main parts of the boat. There is another one of those grey doors on the front.

The other grey door, and you can see they put a little rigid LED light here in here to light it up at nigh time.


If you open the side closest to the seat you will find where the batteries are.. Disregard that black wire running vertically in the pic. That was just the 110 Chord they plugged the boat into for the show to keep the batteries charged.


If you open the other door on the tub towards the Transom you are going to find the fuel water separators.

Now I know what you are thinking.. Man Dave that would be kind of a Pain to change those batteries, or get to the rigging on the transom? Have no fear.. The tub is bolted into the boat with these four Alan screws. You pop these out, and unplug that little Rigid light and that whole giant tub pulls right out of the boat and it's more than large enough that even my portly self could get in there and do whatever needs to be done quickly and easily.


For a twin rig West Coast Cat it honestly doesn't get any better than this in my humble opinion. I'm not sure how fast it is compared to some of the other ones out there, (I have not gone out and ran an M28 yet) but I can tell you nobody to my knowledge is building one "nicer" than DCB is right now.


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In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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The latest and greatest M35 built by DCB! This is the boat we were talking about in the video above, and I can tell you flat it's my favorite color scheme to date. The boat has Timeless (not overstated graphics). In this photo the boat looks black and white, but it actually has red metal flake throughout / red pinlines, and there's a bunch of subtle touches "ghosted" into the black, which as it turns out is actually carbon up close!


A lot of people always try to claim they are rigged like DCB's.. They aren't. Virtually no detail is overlooked when they are building these boats. Everything right down to the on board fire extinguishers are either painted or powder coated to match.


As well I'm no boat rigger (keep that in mind), but I'm kind of surprised to see this wire dropping down the back of the boat. It wasn't on the other side, so I'm not sure what it is? Either way this thing is still a 10 / 10 by anybodies measure.


I'm being way overly nit picking when I say this, but I kinda wish the hoses coming off the dry sump tanks were a little more symmetrical. That would involve custom making the tanks themselves though (which honestly I don't think would be out of line for a million dollar rig). That said please understand there's no freakin way I could ever build a boat this nice, so I'm over my head on even judging it at this point.


Jumping to the front of the boat we have a very large center screen. This boat was actually modified so that the screen would fit there. (They can do that as a retro fit on previous M31/35's by the way if you want a larger screen) You can also see they have the switch panel pulled up on the screens at this time.


Take a look at the interior work not only above the screen, but on the sides of it. They are the only manufacturer that owns a machine to do that baseball stitching to my knowledge, and now they are show casing off another recently purchased machined that automated those octagons as well.


Looking at the drivers side Helm, you can see that this boat is clutter free. There's virtually zero switches in the boat with the exception of the push to start and trim switches. There's another Simrad in front of the driver, and a smaller screen down by the throttles that also currently has the main function switches pulled up on it.



The boat is setup with both white cabin lights and..

You can turn those off, and hit the red cabin lights.


Everything about it is the best of the best of the best.. Even the mood lights are all "rigid" brand. Take note of the hatch handle on the inside! That's new for DCB as well and I'll get into it in a minute.


Focal Amps / Audio in this boat


Down by the driver and passenger feet you will see that little red button on the step plate. This is where they have decided to install the buttons for the car to car / boat to boat. For those that aren't familiar how that works, everyone in the boat will have a headset on. There is generally music streaming through the headsets that turns down while the people in the boat are talking, however if the front seats want to talk to a boat next to them that is on their same channel, they can push that button (or step on in this case) and it will broadcast from one boat to the next)


Quick pic of one of the head phone jacks.


Here you can see a little of DCB's interior work, but more so the gunnel (with carbon accents), the GPS puck, glove box, and of course that same headphone jack shown above.


In the glove box itself is the spot to hook up your phone (stream music / charge) and there is also a knob from Focal.. I'm guessing that is a base knob.


This is the one thing that I'm kind of bummed about is I was talking to Tony while I was taking pics of the boat, and I didn't end up getting entire interior shots. One thing I wouldn't have seen if he didn't show me though is this! If you go to the rear seats, there is to Alcantara panels on either side that are just beauty panels that are velcro'd into the boat. If you pull those beauty panels you can see they hid the trim pumps there to help clean up the bilge! I thought it was pretty damn cool anyways. (makes it a breeze to add more fluid as well)


Moving back towards the middle of the floor, they went a different path on this boat then most others that are being built right now. Instead of sea deck hey went with thick white (plush as all get out) carpet.


I have never met the owner of this boat but I can tell me and this guy would get a long just fine.. lol. I love his tastes!


Looking down over the deck


Here you can see an example of some of the "ghosting" in the carbon that DCB did on the boat. I had to catch it at the right angle to get it to show up on the Camera, it's very subtle.


Above the carbon stripe is a black stripe with Red Metallic. That Red Metallic is going to pop a lot more out in the sunlight then it does in the convention center.


It honestly doesn't get any more sexy than this.. Take note of the little "Wide Body" ghosted into the front as well.


The boat name "XXX" ghosted into the other side. These are all just subtle details you wouldn't notice unless you were looking for them.


Some more of the red Metallic as it approaches the windshield


If you look at the bottom of the hatch in this pic you can see somethings ghosted into it. That's about what it looks like in person on the rest of the boat. It's there, but it's very subtle and done tastefully.

You can also see that the latch on the bottom of the hatch is modified by DCB. They installed a handle from the inside so that you can open and close it without having to get on the deck of the boat. It's a cam style latch so it secured the hatch extremely tight (no rattles).


A new feature on this boat is the rubber seal / drainage on the top hatch. A lot of the midwest guys (and other areas where it rains a lot) have had past concerns about that hatch leaking water into the cabin area. That issue has been resolved with the rubber seal, and drains built into the hatch recess itself.


I need to get Paul or Jeff to send me some interior pics, because somehow I missed them while I was at the boat show. :( What I can say is without a doubt, this is my favorite M35 built to date. I think they killed it with the color combo, and the interior. The subtle things this boat has (including tunnel lights) are over the top, and no matter where you look you can find something new and out of the box they did on this boat, that is "new" for the M35 model, and new to DCB.

Two big thumbs up!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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That M28 has a bad ass stance cut down!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
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I just re looked at the Livorsi pictures and it reminded me how much I wish they would make a single lever control to fit in place of my duel lever control.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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This was their tilt boat that they brought to the LA Boat Show. It was one of only two tilt boats in the show! Both of them made extreme statements about the manufacturers capabilities!

Unfortunately with a tilt boat in a show like this you aren't really going to get any detailed pics, because you can't get up in it and climb around in it etc.. So it's going to be a fairly short review other than to say this thing definitely has a lot of visual impact, and it's making a statement.

Once again DCB's attention to detail in their interiors is unsurpassed. This is their latest revision of their bucket seats, and I'd expect this style to stay current for at least another year before they make any changes.


The upside of a tilt is you get to pretty much see the whole cockpit in one picture! Things that stick out to me in this pic are the seat cushions (bases), and the fact that they did a little art work again with those diamonds.. This time just fading out. The triangle switch panel is a one off to this boat, and the switches are different than any other DCB I have seen (customer choice most likely)


Little more close up on that switch panel. Note that's 4 screens for the driver in this pic! (Not including the center screen)


This thing is moving, even when it's not moving! j/k I'm not sure what the GPS's were picking up, but they were bouncing from .6 mph to .8 mph the whole time I was there. Check out the sides and rears of the front seats!


The rest is just prototypical DCB! Everything is going to be rigged to the 10's.. I wish there was some subtleties I could point out to you guys, but honestly they having these things so dialed in now that the whole thing is just kind of a work of art.






The boat itself is just beautiful.. The paint is a little "loud" for my tastes, but a lot of people like things that way. I don't think it's arguable that this thing will turn heads just as easily in Miami as it will in Lake Havasu. It should be noted that this boat is also a twin to a Monster MTI!

(Take note of how many lights are down the side of the trailer! Probably not going to be missing this thing at night.)
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In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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For those that are paying attention this is the same boat that Tony and I just recently took out in Lake Havasu. (I have already uploaded some pics and vids, but full article coming shortly)

This is actually the first Cat that has the new Merc 860's in it! There's quite the story behind this boat (at least from my perspective) but I'll leave that to the full article on it. The one thing that I'd tell you to take note of is the lack of aeration tubes on the drive.

This particular boat Merc Racing sent a team of guys out here twice to try various setups with drive heights / props / rotations etc.. This boat originally had the tubes on it, but with the latest setup it doesn't need it, and it gets on plane considerably quicker than the traditional setup!



Again you can see the dual lights (which might be an on going theme for awhile). You can hit one switch and the lights that are currently turned off will light up the engine bay white for actual lighting / working on the boat, or you can hit the other switch for the color matching effect at the dock.

Take note of the individual carbon intakes! These motors are so new, that it originally came with a different intake, and was replaced by those.


Not much to say other than they are bad ass, and I want em!


Again, each interior might have a "similar" look to it, but they are all subtly different. Note the head rests changed, this particular boat has a diamond pattern in the bolster supports (white boat had octagons etc..) You can see on this one on the two inside seats they did some down stripes on the inside arms. Overall the look is similar though.


I'd have to check with DCB to be sure, but it looks like they might have actually recessed that area on the hatches for that sea deck / Gator step to widen the pathway. This boat is also one of the few M's that doesn't have the plexi glass in the hatches themselves. I like them both ways, but if I was given the choice, I'd probably take the solid hatches. The clear ones are cool at the dock, but these are a little more functional.


The entire dash on this boat (including the dash pad on top) is clean as hell.. The best the boat has seen so far is 142 mph, but realistically with some fuel and people this is going to be 130-135 mph boat during the summer time. That's pretty damn impressive, and when you guys find out about the maintenance schedules on the 860's vs the Turbo motors, it's EXTREMELY impressive!


Overall the boat is well done, and not "overstated" like some of these builds can be.

I don't think there's any question that DCB is at the top of the game right now for West Coast builders. Everything about them is exotic, from the layup's they do, to the parts they use, to how they install those parts.

The only downside I can see to the entire program (all the boats / company) is they are for a very select clientele. They no longer offer a 26 Cat with a single inboard, etc.. I'm not even sure it's possible right now to build a new DCB that would be worth driving for under 300K? That's kind of given the assumption that nobody would go and actually build an M28 with a single 502 in it etc.

For more information please visit www.dcbperformanceboats.com or call 619-442-0300

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Commercial Banker
Dec 19, 2007
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View attachment 618824
Take a look at the interior work not only above the screen, but on the sides of it. They are the only manufacturer that owns a machine to do that baseball stitching to my knowledge, and now they are show casing off another recently purchased machined that automated those octagons as well.

Hexagons. That's all I have to add. :D


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Quick stop by the Eddie Marine booth to say hello to Joe and crew!

One of the few parts manufacturers that is still putting out a full blown catalog! If you haven’t gotten one yet you should get one!

They are free (pay for shipping) and it's worth browsing to see what you can upgrade or change on your boat!




Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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That white M35 has white carpet / sea deck....how in the hell do you keep that looking good?
Impressive boat none the less. I suppose you just install new carpet as needed cause money ain't a thang!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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I agree with you Dave, I noticed the dry sump tanks on all of the twin engine boats also. When a boat costs what these cost, you can easily afford a mirrored dry sump tank... In fact I am surprised that Mercury doesn't offer them already knowing that a ton of these engines are going in twin applications?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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This might be a stupid question but how much wider are the wide body DCB's ? I'm assuming not that much wider as there is only 1 tilted and the rest of them would still need to be pulled around. Guessing it's just for ultra high speed stability ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I agree with you Dave, I noticed the dry sump tanks on all of the twin engine boats also. When a boat costs what these cost, you can easily afford a mirrored dry sump tank... In fact I am surprised that Mercury doesn't offer them already knowing that a ton of these engines are going in twin applications?

Since you brought up the dry sump tanks, I went back and checked out that pic. They could have easily mounted the starboard tank right side up and with the elbows rotated (I'm assuming they can be rotated), the side to side difference would be negligible.
So I'm left to wonder if the one up, one down orientation is due to the trailer slant ?? Perhaps Dave can enlighten.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Since you brought up the dry sump tanks, I went back and checked out that pic. They could have easily mounted the starboard tank right side up and with the elbows rotated (I'm assuming they can be rotated), the side to side difference would be negligible.
So I'm left to wonder if the one up, one down orientation is due to the trailer slant ?? Perhaps Dave can enlighten.

I don't believe any M35's are on tilt trailers, so I don't believe that would be an issue. Generally speaking when looking at a pic of something like this there's always something you aren't going to see. If they did it this way there's a reason for it in short. I'm guessing the reason is they didn't want to make custom tanks.



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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This might be a stupid question but how much wider are the wide body DCB's ? I'm assuming not that much wider as there is only 1 tilted and the rest of them would still need to be pulled around. Guessing it's just for ultra high speed stability ?

Well just on a stability stand point wider is usually better.. An M35 is 9'7", By comparison the M41 / 44 would be 10' 10". For other reference M29 / 28 is 9'



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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It must be preeeeeeeeety nice to have a west coast million dollar boat (DCB) and an easy coast million dollar twin (MTI) [emoji15][emoji15]


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I don't believe any M35's are on tilt trailers, so I don't believe that would be an issue. Generally speaking when looking at a pic of something like this there's always something you aren't going to see. If they did it this way there's a reason for it in short. I'm guessing the reason is they didn't want to make custom tanks.

Actually I was speaking of the M44, but after checking out the pic closer on the M35, I see more clearly it's just the hose routing that made it appear in the M44 pic that the starboard tank was upside down. It's not and the aesthetics as mounted doesn't bother my OCD in the least. --- sooooo nevermind :D
Don't forget, should you ever get the opportunity to do a video or photo series on tilting one of these rigs and what it entails, I think it would be most interesting and entertaining.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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So as Bob talked about in the video they are going to be getting into the center console game! They had a rendering of the 40 Cat in the Booth and this mock-up board as well! (Those outboards are way out of scale on that beast, but none the less it’s cool to see they are going to try something new)


Something else I thought was cool was they included a lot of their own company history into the booth this year


To get into that history a bit they also brought this day cruiser that was completely kick ass! Also loved how they tied the 48 Years collage into the display.


Somebody must really love this boat to do the Bravo Conversion.. Nothing about that program is cheap!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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That Eliminator restore was awesome. I spent more time looking at that boat than any other. I would have loved to have seen under the hatch.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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All manufacturers should take note on how DCB installs their windshields, they look awesome.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2010
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Before my new m28 was delivered, Tony covered it with magic dust and achieved 119 mph, we chose to go with labbed Max 5 props for our elevation and how I felt we would run the boat most often and have managed 112.
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In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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This Eliminator Fun Deck was over the top! It’s really amazing to see how some graphics and simple changes can elevate a boat to rockstar level.

The greys / blacks and / whites are definitely sinister.. they are going to be warm during the summer, but most the interior of the boat is done in white so I don’t see it being a huge problem.


Just a quick Transom shot.


There’s a lot of different ways you can do the seadeck. With traditional plank patterns, consistent diamonds, patterns designed specifically to the boat, or in this case straight classy. I like some more than others depending on the application, but I thought the simplicity of the styling was nicely done here.


Kicker stereo control on the front.


This is that little billet drive shower, nestled into its little billet compartment. I know these have been around for awhile but it’s pretty rare you see them.


Looks a lot nicer than that plastic RV piece of junk everyone has used for years. Downside is kids might drop it and scratch the boat.


Check out the cup holders.. it’s the little things like that, that are taking this thing up a notch. Everyone does the brigh bling led rings.. These are adding to the sinister theme without being overstated. In my best sixth sense voice “I see badass cup holders... their everywhere”


And of course they match the kicker speakers..


Little better shot


Which takes us to the helms.


These are about the same size as most decks but Eliminator does have very large openings! I even crawled down in this one to show the rigging.

This is how you do it ladies and gentlemen.. Bravo!

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In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Moving further back you can see the area where they would place the table, drivers seat (with side bolsters)


Under the drivers seat they integrated 10 inch subs into the pedestal. (Space saving and functional!) By hiding the subs and recessing the speakers (with the exception of driver and passenger seat) it really adds to the overall look. A lot of guys place speakers everywhere and then add those horrible billet speaker covers in the brightest colors imaginable.. makes it look kind of polka dotted in the main areas of the boat.



I liked how they ran more than just the speedo and tach on the dash. It’s a nice blend of analog and screen. Most guys when they add the screen only put two gauges and sometimes that can seem a little “plain”. You can also see the Livorsi recall / mode switches in front of the DTS throttle / shifter.


I know they put it here just because “why not?” But I’m not sure how functional a cup holder down by your feet is. Then again I’m fat and struggle to put on my socks in the morning if you know what I mean.


These fiberglass seat backs were custom built for this boat from what Brandin told me. Again it’s a nice touch that ties everything together. Also cool they just did the colors and didn’t try to incorporate graphics into them because that can get “busy” quick.


More fiberglass inserts with speakers and lighted cup holders. Also take note that Eliminator is one of the only manufacturers that has a jump seat behind the driver ahead of the walk off.


I believe this is just storage in this boat, but I’m sure they would be happy to make it a draining tub (cooler) if you asked for it.


Under the rear seat is a draining storage, that can be used as a cooler or for dry storage.



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Getting into the engine bay the first thing you will notice is they put the battery switch in a discreet yet really functional location. If you pull the center out of the seat back it is right there. It is recessed into a little billet component that makes it a flush mount. They also added an access hatch god forbid you ever did have to pull the pins on the hatch rams. The way this boat is setup you would never have too. Between where that battery switch is mounted, and the batteries themselves you could always get a charger or jump pack on the boat and get things working.




Again guys, it looks so simple, but making thick battery cables look good is truly an art form.

The backside of that battery switch, and where all the big breakers are located.



Everything in this boat is finished out and bad ass. I think they should have put the billet collar on the hose for the front drive shower though. No point in doing it on the bulge line right next to it if you aren’t going to do it on both.

(Thought for the owner - upgrade to the GRP Trim Tank or TCM)


Better shot of that hose deal I was talking about. Shower hose on right, bulge hose on left.


Picture of the DTS unit


The only thing I didn’t like on the whole boat was this ski pole deal.. it’s a billet cap that presses into the hole and is a snug fit which is nicely done.

When it’s in place it looks large to me and kinda weird.


When you pull it out you are stuck with a large piece of billet that you have to find a home for. In my life I see one of my kids dropping that thing in the water never to be seen again.. or better yet yet dropping that hunk of metal onto my brand new boat.


Overall though this boat as far as decks go was my favorite boat at the entire boat show! Two huge thumbs up to Eliminator, the customer that built it, and Cole Trickle for helping add his flair to the build! Nice job!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
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Why don't the DCBs have the Teague Polished billet trim pump reservoir? I would expect boats of that caliber to have premium parts everywhere! even if they are hidden behind a "beauty panel"


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Why don't the DCBs have the Teague Polished billet trim pump reservoir? I would expect boats of that caliber to have premium parts everywhere! even if they are hidden behind a "beauty panel"

They never have to be honest.. I'm not sure why? If I was building them, I'd deliver them in the build process. I have four trim pumps in my Hallett, most of which you can't see, and all of them will be getting the upgraded tanks and mounts etc. Granted mine will be GRP, but kind of the same thing.



We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
That white M35 has white carpet / sea deck....how in the hell do you keep that looking good?
Impressive boat none the less. I suppose you just install new carpet as needed cause money ain't a thang!

You cover the boat in the garage.

Havasu Surfer

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
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Getting into the engine bay the first thing you will notice is they put the battery switch in a discreet yet really functional location. If you pull the center out of the seat back it is right there. It is recessed into a little billet component that makes it a flush mount. They also added an access hatch god forbid you ever did have to pull the pins on the hatch rams. The way this boat is setup you would never have too. Between where that battery switch is mounted, and the batteries themselves you could always get a charger or jump pack on the boat and get things working.

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Again guys, it looks so simple, but making thick battery cables look good is truly an art form.
View attachment 621135

The backside of that battery switch, and where all the big breakers are located.

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Everything in this boat is finished out and bad ass. I think they should have put the billet collar on the hose for the front drive shower though. No point in doing it on the bulge line right next to it if you aren’t going to do it on both.

(Thought for the owner - upgrade to the GRP Trim Tank or TCM)

View attachment 621138

Better shot of that hose deal I was talking about. Shower hose on right, bulge hose on left.

View attachment 621139

Picture of the DTS unit

View attachment 621141

The only thing I didn’t like on the whole boat was this ski pole deal.. it’s a billet cap that presses into the hole and is a snug fit which is nicely done.

When it’s in place it looks large to me and kinda weird.

View attachment 621142

When you pull it out you are stuck with a large piece of billet that you have to find a home for. In my life I see one of my kids dropping that thing in the water never to be seen again.. or better yet yet dropping that hunk of metal onto my brand new boat.

View attachment 621143

Overall though this boat as far as decks go was my favorite boat at the entire boat show! Two huge thumbs up to Eliminator, the customer that built it, and Cole Trickle for helping add his flair to the build! Nice job!

Dave, real interested in the billet battery switch recessed housing. I've checked the usual billet retailers without any luck. Any idea who manufacturers them or do you think they are an in house (Eliminator) CNC'd part?

Marine Industries West

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Dave, real interested in the billet battery switch recessed housing. I've checked the usual billet retailers without any luck. Any idea who manufacturers them or do you think they are an in house (Eliminator) CNC'd part?

Marine Industries West part number BSB-505. They fit blue sea dual battery switches.