Obamagate -Spy Gate, Obama accused of wiretapping Trump Tower


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Prove that whackadoodle conspiracy theory and I'll donate $1000 to the charity of your choice.
Not my job. Nor is it much of a conspiracy theory. I was mearly pointing out that his brain cannot even fathom that to be a possibility, hense why it wasn't on his "list of possibilities".

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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News flash mac daddy, not everything is a conspiracy theory.
Be careful, with obamas history, and Trumps tendency to actually know more than you think he knows, you could be out a grand pretty fast.

I appreciate your concern but again if somebody proves an illegal wiretap ordered by Obama I'll eat my shorts by donating that $1000. In the meantime, why is that only Dems and Trump critics like Lindsey Graham in the Senate are calling for evidence of these allegations while folks like Paul Ryan are shushing folks and saying there's nothing to see, move along. Just like so many of Trump's wild ass allegations this is another embarrassment to serious Republicans. And if it turns out that a FISA warrant was lawfully issued by a judge on probable cause, well that is wildly different from what Trump has alleged but no less embarrassing to the Administration.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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News flash mac daddy, not everything is a conspiracy theory.
Be careful, with obamas history, and Trumps tendency to actually know more than you think he knows, you could be out a grand pretty fast.

Tardpa better have has his pen and check ready.....incoming

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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I appreciate your concern but again if somebody proves an illegal wiretap ordered by Obama I'll eat my shorts by donating that $1000. In the meantime, why is that only Dems and Trump critics like Lindsey Graham in the Senate are calling for evidence of these allegations while folks like Paul Ryan are shushing folks and saying there's nothing to see, move along. Just like so many of Trump's wild ass allegations this is another embarrassment to serious Republicans. And if it turns out that a FISA warrant was lawfully issued by a judge on probable cause, well that is wildly different from what Trump has alleged but no less embarrassing to the Administration.

You ended any discussion about Lindsey Graham when you also applied the "conspiracy theory" label to my pointing out that Graham was the only GOP senator in attendance at last years Bilderberg meeting.

I'm not sure what you mean by "serious Republicans"? Is that what you call the entrenched Rino's?

But to your question, I get the feeling it's a trap.

One thing I do know is that NOTHING is beyond the realm of possibility when it comes to what otraitor and his handlers will do....nothing.
You have a tendency to rationalize flagrant foul deeds to fit your perceptions, while rejecting out of hand anything that you can't imagine happening in real life.
To think that a megalomaniac like O is incapable of illegal deeds, and only follows legal channels is ludicrous.
The SOB literally voiced contempt for the SCOTUS. His AG was primarily an ENABLER for illegal activities.
Willy's "talk on the tarmac" was a felony act at the very least...and you think it impossible that O would bug a phone without a Judge saying so?
He probably has a dozen orders he can display from bought and paid for Judges, if he even thinks he needs to bother with it back then.
Then again, you think Benghazi was CIA getting killed in the line of duty...


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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One thing's for certain:
The cat's out of the bag, and it's not going back in.

There's really only two paths this can take:
1. Trump was wrong
2. Trump was right

Anything else is speculation.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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On the news last night the courts denied a wiretap and then 3 months later, granted one.

I imagine no one thought Trump would win, and thus, never have access to the records to know it happened.


One thing's for certain:
The cat's out of the bag, and it's not going back in.

There's really only two paths this can take:
1. Trump was wrong
2. Trump was right

Anything else is speculation.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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wouldnt doubt it...

after what they did by going after Tea Party groups via the Taxman...

these POS will do anything...

can they link it to the top...

probably not but you know it came from there...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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If I have to choose between Mark Lavin and Grandpa Mac, guess who wins?;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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wouldnt doubt it...

after what they did by going after Tea Party groups via the Taxman...

these POS will do anything...

can they link it to the top...

probably not but you know it came from there...

As well as James Rosen and the AP.:rolleyes


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 8.47.01 PM.jpg


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Look at this dumb fuck GRADS

Schumer said Obama has "flatly denied that he has done this."

"And either way, Chuck, the president's in trouble. If he falsely spread this kind of misinformation, that is so wrong," Schumer said.

"It's beneath the dignity of the presidency. It is something that really hurts people's view of government." :rotflmao:

Why do you think Trump was elected DUMBASS?


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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Who is that ass clown?:headscratch::rolleyes


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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And now Comey is asking the DOJ to refute Trump's claim!!!! :rotflmao:

Que paso Jaime? :drink

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
You ended any discussion about Lindsey Graham when you also applied the "conspiracy theory" label to my pointing out that Graham was the only GOP senator in attendance at last years Bilderberg meeting.

I'm not sure what you mean by "serious Republicans"? Is that what you call the entrenched Rino's?

But to your question, I get the feeling it's a trap.

One thing I do know is that NOTHING is beyond the realm of possibility when it comes to what otraitor and his handlers will do....nothing.
You have a tendency to rationalize flagrant foul deeds to fit your perceptions, while rejecting out of hand anything that you can't imagine happening in real life.
To think that a megalomaniac like O is incapable of illegal deeds, and only follows legal channels is ludicrous.
The SOB literally voiced contempt for the SCOTUS. His AG was primarily an ENABLER for illegal activities.
Willy's "talk on the tarmac" was a felony act at the very least...and you think it impossible that O would bug a phone without a Judge saying so?
He probably has a dozen orders he can display from bought and paid for Judges, if he even thinks he needs to bother with it back then.
Then again, you think Benghazi was CIA getting killed in the line of duty...

Does all that mean you're willing to donate a grand to my charity of choice if the Republicans running all three branches of the Federsl government FAIL to prove Trump's wing nut allegations?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
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Face it tards, it was win at all costs for your party and they blew it spectacularly. Good job!:lmao

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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where there is smoke there is fire, let see what really happened.;)

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
where there is smoke there is fire, let see what really happened.;)

Yes, let's! Either Trump is full of shit or a judge concluded there was probable cause to believe Trump's team was engaging in criminal activity (that's how you get a warrant for a wire tap). Either way I can't wait for the Congressional investigation!

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Yes, let's! Either Trump is full of shit or a judge concluded there was probable cause to believe Trump's team was engaging in criminal activity (that's how you get a warrant for a wire tap). Either way I can't wait for the Congressional investigation!

Mighty cocky considering your posting on blind faith...you know nothing more about it than anyone else here including myself.
The difference is you fail to allow yourself to imagine a scenario where O would operate outside of the law, where as others consider it his primary MO...considering his entire life and existence consists of lies based on lies.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Does all that mean you're willing to donate a grand to my charity of choice if the Republicans running all three branches of the Federsl government FAIL to prove Trump's wing nut allegations?
Don't take that bet WTG! We all know that the ONLY way PaPa here will accept being proven wrong is with a conviction. Cause if someone isn't convicted, they didn't do it. OJ is his biggest supporter!

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Didn't the Obama administration get into hot water for listening/tapping into Angela Merkel's phone conversation just a little while ago? What say you, GrandPa?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Don't take that bet WTG! We all know that the ONLY way PaPa here will accept being proven wrong is with a conviction. Cause if someone isn't convicted, they didn't do it. OJ is his biggest supporter!

No worries, I never mentioned a wager at any time in this thread.:thumbsup:)
I just think it's reckless for linkdaddy mac to throw his money up when this thing hasn't even begun to unfold.
He seems to be unable to wrap his head around the possibility that O and company could actually break the law.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Didn't the Obama administration get into hot water for listening/tapping into Angela Merkel's phone conversation just a little while ago? What say you, GrandPa?

She was clearly a Russian operative...


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Yeah, let's see where this leads.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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The tards accuse him of multiple sexual abuses with multiple women and they want to play the "if" card? BTW, what happened to all those cases?

Oh I get it, only THEY can make unproven allegations! :thumbsup



Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Yes, let's! Either Trump is full of shit or a judge concluded there was probable cause to believe Trump's team was engaging in criminal activity (that's how you get a warrant for a wire tap). Either way I can't wait for the Congressional investigation!
Who ever said it was legal?

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
If there was a wire tap it is because one of our law enforcement or intelligence agencies convinced a
Judge that there was probable cause to believe somebody in Trumps circle broke some pretty serious laws. Or Trump could just be full of shit about there being a warrant. I'd say 50/50 odds.

If you truly believe that and think that those in DC can't and haven't gotten around that I have some pristine beachfront property in AZ to sell you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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I can see this going down 1 of 3 ways

1 he was right and the shit hits the fan.

2 some one lied too him to make him look bad, gets found out, traced back too some one high up in the dnc and the shit hits the fan.

3 he is full of shit.

I give 1 45%, 2 45% and 3 10%


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score


These Tards are so dumb, and so easily played it's becoming laughable.

Trump has a history of purposely doing things like mispelling words so that these rube journalist still have to play the message he wants, while they get to believe they are getting an easy attack on him by covering the typographical errors. At the end of the day they cover the story he wants, and the media looks like fools for missing the big picture to focus on mis-spelling.

He's been using this same tactic for what, 18 months now, and these idiots still haven't caught on.

Beyond that as to the actual wire taps, These dumbasses will all be chewing soap when the facts come out. By Trump requesting a full investigation he knows that not only will the authorization of the types be scrutinized, so will the entirety of the content within them, forcing the Dems to publicly acknowledge that there is zero link between him and Russia, in a very objective way. Because if there was a shred of proof they would already have leaked it, and Trump would not want any investigation. By not releasing any proof now, he has also played the anti-Trump media to run with the story that these are unsubstantiated accusations, no proof, blah blah blah, even though they ran with Russian hacking the election stories, with no proof, Russian ties to Trump, with no proof, Sexual abuse allegations, with no proof, etc, etc, etc. One again further exposing their inherent bias against him. He will continue waiting out while hack morons like John Oliver crack jokes from their believed high horses, and will chop them down when he does disclose the warrants and extent of the tapping.

Like i said a few days ago, this whole thing is the missing puzzle piece for the Russia narrative, as they used that accusation to (finally) get the FISA warrant in the first place, which multiple prior warrant requests were shot down it appears.

They had to keep pushing the Russia story hoping and praying that something would materialize that would vindicate them for issuing the warrants in the first place, it hasn't, and the warrants will prove to be a complete abuse of executive power that quite frankly is in direct parallel with McCarthyism, using the power of the state to attack your political opponents.

Every day watching these attacks on Trump will continue galvanizing his base, it keeps pulling back the curtains on who has really been pulling the strings in Washington for the last several decades. Finally there is someone with the balls to take on this battle. Every day what used to be consider far fetched conspiracy theories keep looking more and more plausible to more of the mainstream population.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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...r a judge concluded there was probable cause to believe Trump's team was engaging in criminal activity (that's how you get a warrant for a wire tap). Either way I can't wait for the Congressional investigation!

Yes, that's how it's legally done.
You're assuming that there are no other ways to do things besides following the letter of the thaw.

We can mind-fuck this thing to death, but no one has any idea how this will ultimately play out.
Time will tell...

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Trump offers the rope and the Dems, backed by their media buddies, tie it into the noose with which they hang themselves, out in the open, with the public following along to the last chapter.

The irony to the scenario Racey points out, is Sessions will be cleared and in charge of prosecution. It's gonna be a bitch to escape without DOJ support in the back pocket. In fact Loretta may even get to sit with her lawyer to do some "splainin'".....This could get really really good.:skull

The one thing that tells us this wiretapping deal is real is, the lack of the media piling on the stories. Even the resident tards are less than their pushy selves. We're seeing too much calm before the storm for there not to be worries in Tardsville......:yikes

And when the dam breaks, how many involved are gonna sit and take the medicine? Deals will be cut for the rank and file.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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These Tards are so dumb, and so easily played it's becoming laughable.

Trump has a history of purposely doing things like mispelling words so that these rube journalist still have to play the message he wants, while they get to believe they are getting an easy attack on him by covering the typographical errors. At the end of the day they cover the story he wants, and the media looks like fools for missing the big picture to focus on mis-spelling.

He's been using this same tactic for what, 18 months now, and these idiots still haven't caught on.

Beyond that as to the actual wire taps, These dumbasses will all be chewing soap when the facts come out. By Trump requesting a full investigation he knows that not only will the authorization of the types be scrutinized, so will the entirety of the content within them, forcing the Dems to publicly acknowledge that there is zero link between him and Russia, in a very objective way. Because if there was a shred of proof they would already have leaked it, and Trump would not want any investigation. By not releasing any proof now, he has also played the anti-Trump media to run with the story that these are unsubstantiated accusations, no proof, blah blah blah, even though they ran with Russian hacking the election stories, with no proof, Russian ties to Trump, with no proof, Sexual abuse allegations, with no proof, etc, etc, etc. One again further exposing their inherent bias against him. He will continue waiting out while hack morons like John Oliver crack jokes from their believed high horses, and will chop them down when he does disclose the warrants and extent of the tapping.

Like i said a few days ago, this whole thing is the missing puzzle piece for the Russia narrative, as they used that accusation to (finally) get the FISA warrant in the first place, which multiple prior warrant requests were shot down it appears.

They had to keep pushing the Russia story hoping and praying that something would materialize that would vindicate them for issuing the warrants in the first place, it hasn't, and the warrants will prove to be a complete abuse of executive power that quite frankly is in direct parallel with McCarthyism, using the power of the state to attack your political opponents.

Every day watching these attacks on Trump will continue galvanizing his base, it keeps pulling back the curtains on who has really been pulling the strings in Washington for the last several decades. Finally there is someone with the balls to take on this battle. Every day what used to be consider far fetched conspiracy theories keep looking more and more plausible to more of the mainstream population.

If Trump's accusation is true that Obama personally ordered, and individuals acting on their own or some branch of government under Obama's instructions, specifically "tapped" Trump's phones in his personal office and residence at the Trump Tower as alleged, a lot of people are going to jail as there is no FISA granted authority and as such, this alleged crime by Obama would be as big or bigger than Watergate. Congress would be tied up for a year in hearings over this matter like Watergate was on every day in the 70's on live national TV.

This is not the typical type of Trump allegation, this is a very serious allegation that will be investigated and if the Democrats truly believe it is false, they will want a very detailed investigation. The knife could cut either way with this allegation.

But at the end of the day, I do not understand how Trump's "strategy" is gonna help him move his aggressive agenda through Congress and achieve measurable results for his base with all this side stuff burning time and resources?



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
If Trump's accusation is true that Obama personally ordered, and individuals acting on their own or some branch of government under Obama's instructions, specifically "tapped" Trump's phones in his personal office and residence at the Trump Tower as alleged, a lot of people are going to jail as there is no FISA granted authority and as such, this alleged crime by Obama would be as big or bigger than Watergate. Congress would be tied up for a year in hearings over this matter like Watergate was on every day in the 70's on live national TV.

This is not the typical type of Trump allegation, this is a very serious allegation that will be investigated and if the Democrats truly believe it is false, they will want a very detailed investigation. The knife could cut either way with this allegation.

But at the end of the day, I do not understand how Trump's "strategy" is gonna help him move his aggressive agenda through Congress and achieve measurable results for his base with all this side stuff burning time and resources?


Was DRAIN THE SWAMP not a campaign promise? :hmm

Are your buddies getting nervous? You know damn well your little RINO whore buddies are involved and were hoping they get nailed too!!! Besides Trump can walk and chew gum and bang the hottest broad to ever grace the halls of the WH all at the same time! :drink

Oh yea, Clapper..............CLAPPER!!! :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao


Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
If Trump's accusation is true that Obama personally ordered, and individuals acting on their own or some branch of government under Obama's instructions, specifically "tapped" Trump's phones in his personal office and residence at the Trump Tower as alleged, a lot of people are going to jail as there is no FISA granted authority and as such, this alleged crime by Obama would be as big or bigger than Watergate. Congress would be tied up for a year in hearings over this matter like Watergate was on every day in the 70's on live national TV.

This is not the typical type of Trump allegation, this is a very serious allegation that will be investigated and if the Democrats truly believe it is false, they will want a very detailed investigation. The knife could cut either way with this allegation.

But at the end of the day, I do not understand how Trump's "strategy" is gonna help him move his aggressive agenda through Congress and achieve measurable results for his base with all this side stuff burning time and resources?

I think it's as simple as he let's them hang themselves. They've been relentless in the first 60 days, asked to work in accord as possible, yet just keep bringing the muck to the surface. This is self destruction in the classic sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I think it's as simple as he let's them hang themselves. They've been relentless in the first 60 days, asked to work in accord as possible, yet just keep bringing the muck to the surface. This is self destruction in the classic sense.

I suspect this is true, just not yet sure for whom?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Just like you were sure he would get demolished and we might lose the Senate!!!! :yikes


That might be why I am not sure........but either way I will enjoy it as it will cut down on him enacting a lot of the legislation that I disagree with as the Senate and House are tied up in investigation after investigation. :thumbsup:thumbsup


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score

That might be why I am not sure........but either way I will enjoy it as it will cut down on him enacting a lot of the legislation that I disagree with as the Senate and House are tied up in investigation after investigation. :thumbsup:thumbsup

Did you miss my Clapper post? :rules:D


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Trump offers the rope and the Dems, backed by their media buddies, tie it into the noose with which they hang themselves, out in the open, with the public following along to the last chapter.

The irony to the scenario Racey points out, is Sessions will be cleared and in charge of prosecution. It's gonna be a bitch to escape without DOJ support in the back pocket. In fact Loretta may even get to sit with her lawyer to do some "splainin'".....This could get really really good.:skull

The one thing that tells us this wiretapping deal is real is, the lack of the media piling on the stories. Even the resident tards are less than their pushy selves. We're seeing too much calm before the storm for there not to be worries in Tardsville......:yikes

And when the dam breaks, how many involved are gonna sit and take the medicine? Deals will be cut for the rank and file.

Someone is gonna get whacked.