Obamagate -Spy Gate, Obama accused of wiretapping Trump Tower


Jan 9, 2010
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Hahahahaha... How cute watching BB30 trying to prove how much of a super duper smarty smartykins he is.... šŸ˜‚


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Long list. Hereā€™s a recent loss in court showing Trump violated the law.

Really dude?
You really need professional help son.
NPC Shotguns.png


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Iā€™m not aware of those videos.

But letā€™s focus on your last paragraph which states that you get to pick and choose which laws are just and which you can ignore. You get to decide when it is appropriate and not appropriate to conform with the rule of law.

If that is your view then it applies to everyone including Looters rioters and other anti LE groups. You canā€™t logically have it both ways.

For me the rule of law is not perfect but our system beats all other systems. At least until such time as a majority of people agree with you and other groups and then we end up with exactly what you seem to protest.

Bottom line is that if they had charges that could be proven in court against high level Obama administration officials the Trump led DOJ and FBI would have or will bring them prior to the election.

Let's take a look at that last paragraph. But first. Pull your head out of the black hole it must be in.
Where in the holee fuck have you been for the past four years? Are you fucking blind? You Sir, are either in denial, or an agent of full on Treason. IMHO.
Repeat after me:
" The swamp is real. They obstruct justice. It's what they do."
The main priority is to run out the clock, steal the election, and sweep all the Bullshit under the rug. Say whatever you want. Doesn't make it the Truth. You just may get the government you want. Don't whimper when it turns around and comes for the freedoms you now take for granted.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Let's take a look at that last paragraph. But first. Pull your head out of the black hole it must be in.
Where in the holee fuck have you been for the past four years? Are you fucking blind? You Sir, are either in denial, or an agent of full on Treason. IMHO.
Repeat after me:
" The swamp is real. They obstruct justice. It's what they do."
The main priority is to run out the clock, steal the election, and sweep all the Bullshit under the rug. Say whatever you want. Doesn't make it the Truth. You just may get the government you want. Don't whimper when it turns around and comes for the freedoms you now take for granted.
He is the swamp. He thinks and acts EXACTLY as a deep state swamp rat. Enriching himself, playing loosely by the rules, and greasing palms along the way, as legally as possible. Then, he spouts off about his impeccable conservative bona fides and talks down people that live in the real world. He loves his Thunderbird too, but its cheap and gives hangovers, so thats a area of improvement for him.

I personally like seeing his posts. I also like watching Phineas and Ferb too, for the exact same reason.


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Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Two Trump positive stories from the "Old Grey Lady "in two successive days. Perhaps they see the writing on the wall and want survival more than Trump's head?
Last edited:

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Two Trump positive stories from the "Old Grey Lady "in two successive days. Perhaps they see the writing on the wall and want survival more than Trump's head?

Starting to wonder that myself.

(BTW, knocked out 18 miles this morning!)


Jan 9, 2010
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Two Trump positive stories from the "Old Grey Lady "in two successive days. Perhaps they see the writing on the wall and want survival more than Trump's head?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Exactly right. If we would have had another 4 years of Trump there was maybe half a chance. With the current corruptocrats in charge, things will get even worse, probably much worse.
The more criminals get away w/their crimes the more they elevate the risk. You bet this will only get worse before it gets better. They are so brazen now they don't even bother to try and hide anymore. They think they have their system at fool proof.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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The more criminals get away w/their crimes the more they elevate the risk. You bet this will only get worse before it gets better. They are so brazen now they don't even bother to try and hide anymore. They think they have their system at fool proof.

They donā€™t care to (or have to) fool anybody at this point.
What is anyone going to do?
Bidens got the WH ringed with razor wire.
He (they) are going to do whatever they want and no judge, no court, no politician, no one, is going to stop them until this Nation implodes


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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So here's where we stand as a nation when dumb fucks are allowed to vote, believe their government and are too fucking stupid to decipher through the fake news.

The very day in January 2017 that then-FBI Director James Comey signed a FISA surveillance warrant application declaring content from Christopher Steele's dossier had been "verified," he wrote President Obama's outgoing intelligence community chief with a very different assessment of the British spy's intelligence on Russia collusion, a newly released memo shows.

"We are not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting," Comey wrote in a Jan. 12, 2017 email to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper that was declassified and made public through an open records lawsuit by the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

The scumbags walk free, will continue to walk free and millions of imbeciles will continue to believe the Russian collusion hoax. šŸ˜‚


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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So here's where we stand as a nation when dumb fucks are allowed to vote, believe their government and are too fucking stupid to decipher through the fake news.

The very day in January 2017 that then-FBI Director James Comey signed a FISA surveillance warrant application declaring content from Christopher Steele's dossier had been "verified," he wrote President Obama's outgoing intelligence community chief with a very different assessment of the British spy's intelligence on Russia collusion, a newly released memo shows.

"We are not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting," Comey wrote in a Jan. 12, 2017 email to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper that was declassified and made public through an open records lawsuit by the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

The scumbags walk free, will continue to walk free and millions of imbeciles will continue to believe the Russian collusion hoax. šŸ˜‚

To Paraphrase Comey.
Itā€™s fake, but Iā€™ll sign off on it anyway.