NYC- assassination of United Healthcare CEO


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Dumb ass should have ditched everything and on the first greyhound to another state then a flight to some 3rd world shit hole
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
And just like that the conspiracy theories and the posts about ridiculous connections, trained assassins, Nancy Pelosi, and a bunch of other stupid shit collapse.

The guy is nothing more than a privileged leftist punk raised in money and thinks he's smarter than the rest of the world. He evaded arrest for five whole days.

Now we are supposed to believe the media?
I can’t keep up.

Terminal Velocity

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Ok, so hear me out...Cousin? LOL


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Like most amateur murderers, "SOMEONE" was popped days after the crime.
Fixed it for you.
The .gov has lied to many times. They don't get the benefit of the doubt. If they don't have solid proof...

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Fixed it for you.
The .gov has lied to many times. They don't get the benefit of the doubt. If they don't have solid proof...
C’mon man!
The news said it, so it’s true!!🙄😂
What's to believe or not to believe? Like most amateur murderers, he was popped days after the crime.

If anyone wants to clutter their head with silly ass theories, it's a free country.

"CIA asset."

Oh, OK.
These so called “silly ass theories” seem to really bother you?
I mean, this guy barely is in handcuffs and you’re posting about how wrong everyone is?
Was he already convicted?
And what’s with that dudes glue on uni-brow??

For the record, I said there is a wide range of reasons and motives for a wide range of people to want to do this.
If the thought of others thinking that there is more to some things than meets the eye frightens you or agitates you, hey…it’s a free country! (Sort of)

Anyway, the more they parade this guy around the more curious it’ll be to me.
I mean, at the end of the day who is this dead guy?
What makes his murder more newsworthy than the other 57.5 gun murders that happen every day in America?
His wealth?
His position?
How is it that you are already “in the know” that he has zero connections?
Like Trumps dead shooter being in black rock commercials…just coincidence?
I think it’s a good thing that there are more and more citizens questioning everything we are fed. 👍
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Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
C’mon man!
The news said it, so it’s true!!🙄😂

These so called “silly ass theories” seem to really bother you?
I mean, this guy barely is in handcuffs and you’re posting about how wrong everyone is?
Was he already convicted?
And what’s with that dudes glue on uni-brow??

For the record, I said there is a wide range of reasons and motives for a wide range of people to want to do this.
If the thought of others thinking that there is more to some things than meets the eye frightens you or agitates you, hey…it’s a free country! (Sort of)

Anyway, the more they parade this guy around the more curious it’ll be to me.
I mean, at the end of the day who is this dead guy?
What makes his murder more newsworthy than the other 57.5 gun murders that happen every day in America?
His wealth?
His position?
How is it that you are already “in the know” that he has zero connections?
Like Trumps dead shooter being in black rock commercials…just coincidence?
I think it’s a good thing that there are more and more citizens questioning everything we are fed. 👍
To me, it appears that you have trained your computer to continuously serve you up conspiracy theories and other similar algorithms. It’s ok……. You’re not the only one with this disease. You can thank the internet. It has many side effects.

Just remember…….. The internet is where the truth goes to die. You are certainly proving the theory.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
To me, it appears that you have trained your computer to continuously serve you up conspiracy theories and other similar algorithms. It’s ok……. You’re not the only one with this disease. You can thank the internet. It has many side effects.

Just remember…….. The internet is where the truth goes to die. You are certainly proving the theory.
At what point does "common sense" enter the conversation?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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If the thought of others thinking that there is more to some things than meets the eye frightens you or agitates you, hey…it’s a free country! (Sort of)

It does neither. It makes me wonder how people can be so gullible.

I have better things to do than analyze why some dipshit kills another person. He was caught with what will prove to be the murder weapon. I really don't give a shit about the details.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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I find it humorous that some are blasting the media for running with this story, when there are so many other murders every day that are ignored. Did anyone notice that this thread is at nearly 370 posts thus far?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
To me, it appears that you have trained your computer to continuously serve you up conspiracy theories and other similar algorithms. It’s ok……. You’re not the only one with this disease. You can thank the internet. It has many side effects.

Just remember…….. The internet is where the truth goes to die. You are certainly proving the theory.
I completely believe that it appears that way to you.
Anything less would be a surprise to me.

But it’s really mostly just my brain and experience that makes me question things. I don’t sit in front of my computer typically.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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It does neither. It makes me wonder how people can be so gullible.
This comment goes both ways, how can someone be so gullible to believe what they are told from "who ever"?
I have better things to do than analyze why some dipshit kills another person. He was caught with what will prove to be the murder weapon. I really don't give a shit about the details.
You are entitled to your opinion. Someone else's opinion may be it is their prerogative to analyze why someone is killed and make sure it is investigated to make sure the perpetrator is known.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I have better things to do than analyze why some dipshit kills another person. He was caught with what will prove to be the murder weapon. I really don't give a shit about the details.

Seems like you care at least as much as anyone else in this thread cares.
But that aside, someone has to care about the details.
They matter. To cops, courts, jury’s, and defendants.
They matter to me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2019
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If this is the guy and it was self motivated it would be no surprise to me about his education being a factor in why he was believing he was un-catchable , between the internet and the colleges and the media we as a country are not doing our best to raise our kids as smart big picture thinkers..Reminds me of the college kid that killed the 4 students at Idaho a couple years back , same thing smart kid who thought he was smarter then everyones ring porch camera !!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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If this is the guy and it was self motivated it would be no surprise to me about his education being a factor in why he was believing he was un-catchable , between the internet and the colleges and the media we as a country are not doing our best to raise our kids as smart big picture thinkers..Reminds me of the college kid that killed the 4 students at Idaho a couple years back , same thing smart kid who thought he was smarter then everyone’s ring porch camera !!
Regardless of how smart or how educated a society is, the entire bell curve must be filled.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
If this is the guy and it was self motivated it would be no surprise to me about his education being a factor in why he was believing he was un-catchable , between the internet and the colleges and the media we as a country are not doing our best to raise our kids as smart big picture thinkers..Reminds me of the college kid that killed the 4 students at Idaho a couple years back , same thing smart kid who thought he was smarter then everyones ring porch camera !!
We can see it in all facets of life, and not just young people.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Good chance the guy did it, all things kind of point that way. Does he have a high IQ? Maybe, but that doesn't mean he is sane, or as smart as he thinks he is. There's also the chance he was "pushed" in this direction. A mentally ill individual is an exceptable tool to be used in some people's eyes.

There are places out there to get files for printing guns, suppressors and a lot of not quite legal parts. I don't know who hosts these things, but I'm sure they are watched by people. Maybe the same post as watch? There's no shortage of sick people in the world. Some become killers, others have people killed. Others still, just never act on those voices.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Good chance the guy did it, all things kind of point that way. Does he have a high IQ? Maybe, but that doesn't mean he is sane, or as smart as he thinks he is. There's also the chance he was "pushed" in this direction. A mentally ill individual is an exceptable tool to be used in some people's eyes.

There are places out there to get files for printing guns, suppressors and a lot of not quite legal parts. I don't know who hosts these things, but I'm sure they are watched by people. Maybe the same post as watch? There's no shortage of sick people in the world. Some become killers, others have people killed. Others still, just never act on those voices.
The unibomber had genius IQ….
The files for the guns are readily available and easy to get from a variety of sources..

Had the McDonald’s employee not identified him I’d wager he woulda killed another CEO of some in his mind evil corporate company doing wrong to the general public..

I’d bet if they really analyze this guy or we get to see his manifesto we can draw some parallels to him and Ted..


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
The unibomber had genius IQ….
The files for the guns are readily available and easy to get from a variety of sources..

Had the McDonald’s employee not identified him I’d wager he woulda killed another CEO of some in his mind evil corporate company doing wrong to the general public..

I’d bet if they really analyze this guy or we get to see his manifesto we can draw some parallels to him and Ted..
this. plus add in the 5 minutes of fame he will receive via social media from the wacko crowd that doesnt fee all that different than he does and views him as a martyr. i mean we have self righteous idiots all over social media that think of themselves as the trailer and shopping cart police. we can expect more of this.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
To me, it appears that you have trained your computer to continuously serve you up conspiracy theories and other similar algorithms. It’s ok……. You’re not the only one with this disease. You can thank the internet. It has many side effects.

Just remember…….. The internet is where the truth goes to die. You are certainly proving the theory.
Found your imaginary internet show car yet?

Apparently, the internet (at least RDP) is also where due process goes to die as well…as you and a few others are certainly proving.
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
To me, it appears that you have trained your computer to continuously serve you up conspiracy theories and other similar algorithms. It’s ok……. You’re not the only one with this disease. You can thank the internet. It has many side effects.

Just remember…….. The internet is where the truth goes to die. You are certainly proving the theory.

Now do climate change. 👍


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Reaction score
Now do climate change. 👍
That’s easy; The climate has been in a constant state of change since the planet’s beginning, and will continue to change until the end.

Do I win anything?

That was way easier than the conspiracy-is-a-theory vs. conspiracy-is-a-truth thing. I’m somewhere in that huge gap between @C-Ya and @was thatguy on that.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
That’s easy; The climate has been in a constant state of change since the planet’s beginning, and will continue to change until the end.

Do I win anything?

That was way easier than the conspiracy-is-a-theory vs. conspiracy-is-a-truth thing. I’m somewhere in that huge gap between @C-Ya and @was thatguy on that.

@was thatguy was privy to "conspiracies" long before "conspiracies" were a thing, thanks to his dad that was DOD connected long ago. I definitely lean in his direction and remember being called a conspiracy theorist simply for claiming there was a Deep State. I'm pretty sure that "conspiracy" theory has been proven to be true, as many have at this point.

I think the main point is to keep an open mind. I get the other side and it's tough not to look at everything as a conspiracy these days, but our lying ass government has really given anyone with a critically thinking brain, no choice.

Conspiracy Democrats.jpeg

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
That’s easy; The climate has been in a constant state of change since the planet’s beginning, and will continue to change until the end.

Do I win anything?

That was way easier than the conspiracy-is-a-theory vs. conspiracy-is-a-truth thing. I’m somewhere in that huge gap between @C-Ya and @was thatguy on that.
You win the common sense critical thinking award this morning! For real.
I personally do not engage in so called conspiracy theories…a term first found in print in the 1860’s to mock certain people for their views on the civil war and its potential consequences. But in the 1940’s it shows up in Karl Poppers book “the conspiracy theory of society”.

From an AI search:
“Philosopher Karl Popper popularized the term in his 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies. In the book, Popper criticized the "conspiracy theory of society" as a simplistic and unscientific way of understanding social relations.”

Ironically, one so called conspiracy theory is the conspiracy theory that the CIA invented the term “conspiracy theory”. Lol
Most people that regularly use the term as a means of mockery can’t really define what the term actually implies.
To them it’s really more of a “anything I don’t believe is possible is a conspiracy theory” application …lol
Its current popularity is generally used as a form of reductio ad absurdum, as a means of encompassing real possibilities and even truths with the ridiculous and implausible, thereby enabling those with dismissive agendas to “throw the baby out with the bath water”, so to speak.
Like when 530 immediately pivots to “chemtrails” to mock posters.

To me, it’s vital for our society to question everything we are fed, especially at this point in history.
Is this guy a crazy over educated idiot that wasted some big shot as a solitary mission of some sort, then had his entire “kit” with him in a fucking McDonald’s?
Maybe, sure looks like it. But that doesn’t dismiss legal process and requirements. And it certainly doesn’t magically erase any other possible connections or agendas.
Those must be investigated and eliminated.

That’s not conspiracy theory, that’s reality.
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Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Found your imaginary internet show car yet?

Apparently, the internet (at least RDP) is also where due process goes to die as well…as you and a few others are certainly proving.


Was that guy, please fill out the above. I obviously hurt your feelings.


Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Doubling down huh?
That’s cool.
Actually…… I am in a great mood. I am just making a few last posts before I head for Australia, where you won’t need to worry about my posts for the next month.

Hey Was Thatguy, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. You too Regor.

And to everyone else……. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!

I leave tomorrow morning so you guys are still stuck with me a just a few more hours. lol

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Actually…… I am in a great mood. I am just making a few last posts before I head for Australia, where you won’t need to worry about my posts for the next month.

Hey Was Thatguy, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. You too Regor.

And to everyone else……. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!

I leave tomorrow morning so you guys are still stuck with me a just a few more hours. lol
Happy travels!
(And I’m not worried about your posts, now or ever! Lol)
Did you ever figure out how to successfully manage that flight time??🤷🏼‍♂️

Guess I’ll have to pick on the professor emeritus for a while…


Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Happy travels!
(And I’m not worried about your posts, now or ever! Lol)
Did you ever figure out how to successfully manage that flight time??🤷🏼‍♂️

Guess I’ll have to pick on the professor emeritus for a while…
I actually have some anxiety as to how I will handle the 17.5 hour flight. It’s actually going to be 28 hours, doorstep to doorstep, with massive jet lag on arrival.

My wife and I are planning on decorating Ducks for the cruise we are going on. I guess it’s a thing now? lol

I am about to take the longest airplane ride of my entire life. (Previous record: 12 hours) I recently found out that there is a 22.5 hour flight, somewhere in the world………. So I keep telling myself…….. it could be worse! Lol

The biggest problem………. I have trouble sleeping on my way to a vacation. The way home, it’s easy. I have trouble turning off the feeling of anticipation.

Again…… Happy Holidays to you!


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Actually…… I am in a great mood. I am just making a few last posts before I head for Australia, where you won’t need to worry about my posts for the next month.

Hey Was Thatguy, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. You too Regor.

And to everyone else……. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!

I leave tomorrow morning so you guys are still stuck with me a just a few more hours. lol

Have a safe trip.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I actually have some anxiety as to how I will handle the 17.5 hour flight. It’s actually going to be 28 hours, doorstep to doorstep, with massive jet lag on arrival.

My wife and I are planning on decorating Ducks for the cruise we are going on. I guess it’s a thing now? lol

I am about to take the longest airplane ride of my entire life. (Previous record: 12 hours) I recently found out that there is a 22.5 hour flight, somewhere in the world………. So I keep telling myself…….. it could be worse! Lol

The biggest problem………. I have trouble sleeping on my way to a vacation. The way home, it’s easy. I have trouble turning off the feeling of anticipation.

Again…… Happy Holidays to you!
That’s a long one no doubt.
My longest ones were always on C5’s.
I had run of the plane and always rode in the cockpit in those backward facing crew seats.
That sort of made it easier I guess?
I’d sleep, play cards, walk around the plane checking my stuff and whatnot.
It was like being in a building more than flying.
Maybe My longest was from Yokota to New Zealand.
Like 8 hours or more I think?
But only like 24 hours time on the ground, then straight to Hickam/ Pearl Harbor, then finally to Travis, then to Elmendorf.
The crew I hitched a ride with went there from Japan to pick up a WWII airplane of some sort for museum restoration.
By the time I landed at Elmendorf I didn’t even know what day it was.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Its the radiation, all the chemical contrails, the food ingredients, and the booze you ordered is not what's actually in the bottle.

Have a great flight. Everything will be fine. You will sleep when you body is ready.

This should help...

Its not the contrails that are the issue. Its when he hits the Tax switch.