No more TikTok

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Simply saying IT is letting bullshit into the company. There software should be able to handle it. So they pass it off on a person that’s career is not in security/IT, and then fire that person, for nothing that has to do with their career.
First off…it’s “their”…just warning you the teacher is going to scold you. 😂🤷🏼‍♂️

Downloading a social app onto a company owned device is a clear violation of policy in most companies.
How is that IT’s fault?
(Our computers don’t allow downloads so we can’t do it if we wanted to, so our IT does have that capability.)
When we get any email from outside our network a big giant warning tells us it’s from an external source.
That doesn’t automatically make it bad, we have legit vendors, trucking, payroll company etc that email all the time from outside our happy little network.

But the most common intrusion into company data/ emails/ etc is an internal non malicious action by an employee.
Someone does something stupid or simply without paying attention and BAM…the hacker is in.
Whether the employee knows it or not.
The only way to combat this fully is training training training.
I’m sure you know all this as well.

We are a drilling solutions company. I work weeks at a time on a drilling rig location.
All of our revenue is generated from field work.
Over the years our annual and monthly training was always safety. Safety Safety Safety.
Now, field safety, performance, etc do not hold a candle to potential cyber attack costs.
It is easily the biggest cost threat to any company of this size. Before I hired on they had experienced a ransomware attack demanding tens of millions of dollars.
They did not pay and it took months to recover what data they could. It cost millions in revenue and took years to fully recover as far as client trust and insurance premiums.
Employee training is paramount to internet security.
Our IT security department is bigger now than even the legal department. And we’re just a drilling company.
Granted, our parent company has revenue in the hundreds of millions, but still if a drilling company faces these kinds of threats I can’t even imagine what an internet based business faces.

So like Nordie said, a first time failure to see a trick email from IT results in an immediate onslaught of training above and beyond our WEEKLY micro training program.
Another failure and you’re heading to corporate in Texas for in-house training.
After that you’re gone. There’s simply too much at risk.

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Thinking that stunt cost the taxpayers.

And it’s still up and running. 😂

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Don’t worry…..Trump still controls the switch…..that’s what it was all about anyway. 🤠


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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Simply saying IT is letting bullshit into the company. There software should be able to handle it. So they pass it off on a person that’s career is not in security/IT, and then fire that person, for nothing that has to do with their career.
There is software for email. Its called anti-spam. Its an effective tool but its a constant fine line of catching bad stuff while allowing legitimate through, and constantly adapting to changing spam techniques.

It can be cranked down to the point that nothing gets through but that's almost more disruptive than asking users to be vigilant and aware of what constitutes spam and reporting it so the system learns.

That being said, no system is perfect and ultimately the end user has to be aware of what they are doing and not be careless. The human is, and always will be, the weakest link in the security chain.

If you don't like it, go work at McDonalds where I doubt email is a thing most employees need to be trained on.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Looks like “Them Commie Bastards” got Tik Tok turned back on in 1 day. 😳🤔😂
Did they reconcile the illegalities of ownership, as defined in the Supreme Court, or did Trump just flip the switch?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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any chance Elon takes over and buys tic toc ?

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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There is software for email. Its called anti-spam. Its an effective tool but its a constant fine line of catching bad stuff while allowing legitimate through, and constantly adapting to changing spam techniques.

It can be cranked down to the point that nothing gets through but that's almost more disruptive than asking users to be vigilant and aware of what constitutes spam and reporting it so the system learns.

That being said, no system is perfect and ultimately the end user has to be aware of what they are doing and not be careless. The human is, and always will be, the weakest link in the security chain.

If you don't like it, go work at McDonalds where I doubt email is a thing most employees need to be trained on.

Nothing like getting all your personal information displayed for everyone to see on the “Dark” web. 😉

IT is broken. Big disconnect between works, and IT responsibilities.

They use the employee as a scapegoat to save their fucked up way of passing the Buck.

Happens everyday. 🤠


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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So, Chinese stealing info from American citizens is bad, must be stopped. What about FB and such, is it OK because they're a US company? Or because they share what they know?

It really sounds like both are screwing the American people, but one does it with approval


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
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I find it interesting that Biden banned TT which allot of you are happy about and had allot of negative things to say about TT. But Trump brought it back and Trump is very popular on this site. If it were reversed everyone would be grilling sleepy joe. You should keep it real and be grilling Trump too. Just saying.


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
I find it interesting that Biden banned TT which allot of you are happy about and had allot of negative things to say about TT. But Trump brought it back and Trump is very popular on this site. If it were reversed everyone would be grilling sleepy joe. You should keep it real and be grilling Trump too. Just saying.

Actually I believe it was Trump that signed a law banning TikTok or wanting to ban TikTok back in 2020.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Adults understand that there is a time for recreation and a time to get shit done. Kids don't. I've got a mom and her 2 kids living with us right now....and the fucking kids cannot do a single thing without tik tok videos playing on their phones, or youtube, or something else stupid. They just watch stupid people doing stupid shit all day long. They're literally incapable of doing anything functional. The people that make these dumbass videos need to get jobs too.

It's a parenting problem, for sure....but in todays society, we have a lot of single parents, or even conventional households where both parents work and the kids are left unsupervised to simply fuckoff all day...and they don't know anything different.

This is a problem and it's gonna be a bigger problem as they grow old enough to join the workforce.

Everyone thinks they can be an "influencer"....with absolutely zero life experience or experience in anything for that matter. My kid had a youtube acct where he was posting up the shit that was so fucking stupid I couldn't watch it. I made him delete it and sent him out to mow the lawn and pick up dog shit as soon as I learned about it.

We need a reset. Not sure how, but the future doesn't look bright.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
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Actually I believe it was Trump that signed a law banning TikTok or wanting to ban TikTok back in 2020.
Really, I didn’t know that . Interesting that he brought it back then.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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Who believes a change in ownership is actually going to change anything?

It will probably still be hosted by the same datacenters and running the same CCP compromised software that is currently data mining everyone.

Change in ownership is pointless. Where are the promises of fixing the underlying issue?

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… Trump just stated in his speech about two minutes ago… “As of today, TikTok is back”…

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Who believes a change in ownership is actually going to change anything?

It will probably still be hosted by the same datacenters and running the same CCP compromised software that is currently data mining everyone.

Change in ownership is pointless. Where are the promises of fixing the underlying issue?

The only thing it cures is the legality of ownership.
You are correct…it’s just as stupid to put tik tok on your device now (and in the future) as it was last week.


Commercial Banker
Dec 19, 2007
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I find it interesting that Biden banned TT which allot of you are happy about and had allot of negative things to say about TT. But Trump brought it back and Trump is very popular on this site. If it were reversed everyone would be grilling sleepy joe. You should keep it real and be grilling Trump too. Just saying.
You’re still here? I thought with TT back you’d be gone by now. lol

That is just sarcastic hate. Please don’t take it seriously. If I hadn’t seen a post by you today it would have read:

Well I guess with TT back up, @SKIDMARC is gone.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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"Two weeks ago a Chinese hacker ring broke into the US Treasury Department network and accessed gigabytes of classified data."

Was this hack committed utilizing Tik Tok to gain access either directly or by utilizing some information mined from it ?
My only exposure to Tik Tok is what I've seen here on RDP.
I don't know the details. I referred to the break-in as exemplary of the activities by Chinese actors to bypass and penetrate critical networks protected by the most robust security protocols extant. Two things have been revealed by the data breach. One, there has been a successful effort by hackers to access arguably the most critical and important aspect of the US government, the monetary system. Two, the protections against hacking and exploitation of this most critical and important aspect of the US government, the monetary system, are inadequate.

There are multiple instances of this glaring weakness, yet the federal government has not properly addressed them. One area of failure is espionage by lower level employees. From the Obama administration to today, there has been a steady stream of indictments and conventions.

There are over a dozen more actions against espionage like these I have linked, all since 2000.

The instances of hacking into government networks is also widespread. The worldwide ubiquity of TikTok and the Chinese government's complete access to its data gathering capabilities present a threat to US national security that is so great it cannot be quantified. Russian hackers have also gained access to US government networks. Efforts by others malefactors across the globe have repeatedly entered classified systems.

The idea that hackers could infiltrate and disable military command and offensive weapons systems isn't just a movie plot anymore. But incredibly, our government makes decisions that make it easier for this to occur. A few days ago, Biden removed the desigation of Cuba as a terrorist government.

This stops enforcement of sanctions that cripple its government and prevent access to American financial assistance. This foolish act will increase Russian surveillance of the US and the buildup of military alliances on Cuban soil. At the same time, as in my examples of court actions above, leftist US government low level GS-5 through GS-8 employees will continue to use their classified materials access to supply foreign governments with information that will weaken our country.

While social media users cry and moan about the removal of TikTok, China will continue to develop and implement methods to replace it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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THANK YOU!!!!!! You do not know how difficult it was for me not to quote about 5 people on here and make them wear the dunce cap while writing "I couldn't care less" 500 times on the chalkboard. You're my hero today. ❤️
It makes me almost loose my mind when these common and lazy errors are made. I seen it happen more and more often.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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So, Chinese stealing info from American citizens is bad, must be stopped. What about FB and such, is it OK because they're a US company? Or because they share what they know?

It really sounds like both are screwing the American people, but one does it with approval
The way I understand it, it was never about the "American people", it was about government and business "property".


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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I find it interesting that Biden banned TT which allot of you are happy about and had allot of negative things to say about TT. But Trump brought it back and Trump is very popular on this site. If it were reversed everyone would be grilling sleepy joe. You should keep it real and be grilling Trump too. Just saying.
Why is that interesting? That's the way it should be, it doesn't matter who takes credit for it. It is ideology like you are speaking that is hurting the country.


Dec 19, 2007
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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You asked.
Sorry if that upsets you.

You do understand the premise of Tic Toks banning, right?
I'm thinking he's completely oblivious to the fact it's Chinese developed, owned and accessing his personal info.
But hey, He's entertained so there's that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
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You’re still here? I thought with TT back you’d be gone by now. lol

That is just sarcastic hate. Please don’t take it seriously. If I hadn’t seen a post by you today it would have read:

Well I guess with TT back up, @SKIDMARC is gone.
I try not to take things too seriously. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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TikTok is so bad, china and most of the developed countries around world have banned it.

Where else does a country just make sensitive information about it's citizens to a potential adversary?

Anyway just me 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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So, Chinese stealing info from American citizens is bad, must be stopped. What about FB and such, is it OK because they're a US company? Or because they share what they know?

It really sounds like both are screwing the American people, but one does it with approval
No one is stealing anything.

People freely volunteer to give up their info as consideration for using that and other applications.

If people don’t want to give up their data, don’t use the application. It should be up to the individual, not the government.

Exactly how freedom is supposed to work.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
No one is stealing anything.

People freely volunteer to give up their info as consideration for using that and other applications.

If people don’t want to give up their data, don’t use the application. It should be up to the individual, not the government.

Exactly how freedom is supposed to work.
It’s both dumb ass.



To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
No one is stealing anything.

People freely volunteer to give up their info as consideration for using that and other applications.

If people don’t want to give up their data, don’t use the application. It should be up to the individual, not the government.

Exactly how freedom is supposed to work.
Very true...I am free to leave my cellular tracking device at home when I commit crimes as well. The only social media I am on is here. I have no "apps"...but the companies that supply the phones and service have apps installed that you must have for service. Those are very loosely described in the TOU agreements.
None of them say flat out: "We can and will use your phone to track locations, listen to conversations and even use your camera when we want. We will also work in tandem with the federal government to utilize these abilities to further curtail your freedoms"

People I guess would still sign up though, just for the chance at having a new phone with better cameras and more memory...


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Very true...I am free to leave my cellular tracking device at home when I commit crimes as well. The only social media I am on is here. I have no "apps"...but the companies that supply the phones and service have apps installed that you must have for service. Those are very loosely described in the TOU agreements.
None of them say flat out: "We can and will use your phone to track locations, listen to conversations and even use your camera when we want. We will also work in tandem with the federal government to utilize these abilities to further curtail your freedoms"

People I guess would still sign up though, just for the chance at having a new phone with better cameras and more memory...

We all survived perfectly fine before this technology, we can choose to not use it.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. And that applies to pretty much everything in life.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score

We all survived perfectly fine before this technology, we can choose to not use it.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. And that applies to pretty much everything in life.
Or free rent.