Leaning on People's Boats


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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So we were at our regular beach a couple of weekends ago with our regular group. Some acquaintances were also there who are friends with a few others in our group. My wife and I know the couple, but not well and have seen them a couple of times on offroading trips.

When the 43 is beached, the nose is about shoulder height for most guys. I was cooking brats on the BBQ for everybody and while I was doing that, I noticed the male half of this couple leaning on the nose of our boat, arm up on the deck, and setting his beer (in a coozie) on the edge while talking to someone.

I made my wife aware and putting on her usual charm and trying to be very nice, she told the guy, "Hey, that's the part I have to clean, so if you aren't going to help me, don't make it dirty!" He just looked at her like he didn't know what to say and one of our other friends said, "Um, yeah. Probably not a good idea to be leaning on that." He stopped and didn't do it again, but I heard through the grapevine this past weekend he and his wife are kind of butthurt about it.

I won't say the boat is perfect, but it's a 9.98 out of 10. Perfect enough where we don't particularly care for suntan lotion mixed with beer and sand and whatever else smeared on it.

Are we being too picky here? For me, it's kind of like a car show. You don't go touching shit or leaning on things, especially when you don't really know the owner. Whatever might have gotten on the boat would likely be able to be cleaned off with maybe some extra effort, but I guess in this case it's more of a respect thing than a damage thing.

I wouldn't dare lean on a six figure boat (or any boat) even if I did know the owner though.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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So we were at our regular beach a couple of weekends ago with our regular group. Some acquaintances were also there who are friends with a few others in our group. My wife and I know the couple, but not well and have seen them a couple of times on offroading trips.

When the 43 is beached, the nose is about shoulder height for most guys. I was cooking brats on the BBQ for everybody and while I was doing that, I noticed the male half of this couple leaning on the nose of our boat, arm up on the deck, and setting his beer (in a coozie) on the edge while talking to someone.

I made my wife aware and putting on her usual charm and trying to be very nice, she told the guy, "Hey, that's the part I have to clean, so if you aren't going to help me, don't make it dirty!" He just looked at her like he didn't know what to say and one of our other friends said, "Um, yeah. Probably not a good idea to be leaning on that." He stopped and didn't do it again, but I heard through the grapevine this past weekend he and his wife are kind of butthurt about it.

I won't say the boat is perfect, but it's a 9.98 out of 10. Perfect enough where we don't particularly care for suntan lotion mixed with beer and sand and whatever else smeared on it.

Are we being too picky here? For me, it's kind of like a car show. You don't go touching shit or leaning on things, especially when you don't really know the owner. Whatever might have gotten on the boat would likely be able to be cleaned off with maybe some extra effort, but I guess in this case it's more of a respect thing than a damage thing.

I wouldn't dare lean on a six figure boat (or any boat) even if I did know the owner though.

Honestly if the can was in a koozie…. I wouldn’t care, and I’m pretty anal about my shit..

Gel is extremely tough.. suntan lotion etc isn’t gonna do anything to it


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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I don’t make it a habit to lean on boats that I’m not riding in. I don’t even touch gel at boat shows when I’m up on ladders, drool but no prints..
A surprising amount of people don’t clean their boats every trip or understand how much work is put into cleaning a boat, much less 43’ of it. 😬

That being said, I probably wouldn’t have said anything unless it was a stranger. My wife made me numb to it with the kids. The crap they brought on the boat would make me cringe. The amount of sand toys, squirt guns, water ballon launchers i “lost” was epic. If people lean on or get the boat wet i usually just shrug it off. When they start kicking up sand I’m out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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You are not being too picky at all IMO. You have nice shit and take pride in caring for your investment. I'm over the top OCD with everything I own but many are not the same way. That doesn't mean they are disrespectful people its just something they will never relate to and think we are being a bit excessive. I hear it constantly from my friends and family but thats why all their shit is beat LOL.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2022
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I buy my boat to use it and have a good time, leaning and things like that wouldnt bother me. I do take really good care of my things, standing on vinyl and shoes on the boat are a no no. To be fair, I dont have a crazy high dollar boat so my opinion could change when I get there. Its your boat, you have the right to treat it how you want.


Landing Loser
May 14, 2018
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I just clean mine constantly and don't stress about . If I do say something it's, "don't worry about me cleaning. I do it all day and has nothing to do with you." Life is too short to make others uncomfortable.

Boat 405

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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So we were at our regular beach a couple of weekends ago with our regular group. Some acquaintances were also there who are friends with a few others in our group. My wife and I know the couple, but not well and have seen them a couple of times on offroading trips.

When the 43 is beached, the nose is about shoulder height for most guys. I was cooking brats on the BBQ for everybody and while I was doing that, I noticed the male half of this couple leaning on the nose of our boat, arm up on the deck, and setting his beer (in a coozie) on the edge while talking to someone.

I made my wife aware and putting on her usual charm and trying to be very nice, she told the guy, "Hey, that's the part I have to clean, so if you aren't going to help me, don't make it dirty!" He just looked at her like he didn't know what to say and one of our other friends said, "Um, yeah. Probably not a good idea to be leaning on that." He stopped and didn't do it again, but I heard through the grapevine this past weekend he and his wife are kind of butthurt about it.

I won't say the boat is perfect, but it's a 9.98 out of 10. Perfect enough where we don't particularly care for suntan lotion mixed with beer and sand and whatever else smeared on it.

Are we being too picky here? For me, it's kind of like a car show. You don't go touching shit or leaning on things, especially when you don't really know the owner. Whatever might have gotten on the boat would likely be able to be cleaned off with maybe some extra effort, but I guess in this case it's more of a respect thing than a damage thing.

I wouldn't dare lean on a six figure boat (or any boat) even if I did know the owner though.
Fuck em. It's your boat. Never disrespect another man's woman or property.


Unknown Member
Jun 2, 2015
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I get the car show anaology because I love my boats and care for them as much as my classic cars. However, most pants have zippers or buttons but most swimsuits don’t. And most cars are dent prone sheet metal and thick fiberglass with gel is not. I get the cleaning thing and I love the way your wife worded her suggestion.

That being said, my general rule is people are more important than things, so if it’s not gonna cost me money I would have just left it alone. But the “leaner” also shouldn’t be butthurt about it, it’s not his shit and he ain’t cleaning it, hold yourself up!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I agree. It’s your shit and can tell people how they should treat it but on the flip side, don’t be surprised if someone is like “wtf? Sorry I touched your gods gift to boating!” Lol.

I like to keep my shit nice. I clean and detail and scrub and shine before launching AND after launching. But It’s a boat. Made to be used. People leaning on it? Don’t give two shits. Beer can with sand on the bottom? I’d walk over and say hey bro, mind if I get you a coozie? Just polished the gel. Or some shit like that.

People getting on the bow to get in to the boat, I leave a towel and tell everyone to wipe their feet. Do they wipe them off all the way? Hell no, never! We start running and I get sand in the face. 🤦‍♂️ shoes off in the boat, don’t eat your chips and spill shit. The basic Stuff. But again, shit happens, it’s a boat, fuck it, I’ll fix it if something gets bitched up.

I do have friends that are OVER THE TOP anal about their shit. I get it. Expensive as shit. but if you’re that stressed out about it, what’s the point of putting it in the water? I can say this, it’s SOOOOOOO much more enjoyable to boat in friends boats that view it the way I do. Like, fuck it, I’ll fix it if something happens, let’s have fun. The anal ones? Im like, nah, I’m good have fun. Lol😂😂


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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I think it's a bit much, people are relaxing having a good time, some things you just accept, might take a few seconds more to wipe down that area. Now leaning on a car, that's different, paints a lot more delicate than gel.


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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Hey, you said it wrong, it’s not that 43 it’s “The 43.” Get it right or don’t comment next time, how dare you.
Since it's "The 43", the next time I see it I'm gonna rub myself in baby oil and lean on it while I rest my bud light in the cup holder with no coozie. 😄🙈
🖕 To both of you funny guys. 😄

I have a habit of calling it "The 43" because we also have a '69 17-foot Glastron we use on our lazier days and refer to that as "The Jungle Cruise."

I really wouldn't be too thrilled with someone leaning on that one either.


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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I agree. It’s your shit and can tell people how they should treat it but on the flip side, don’t be surprised if someone is like “wtf? Sorry I touched your gods gift to boating!” Lol.

I like to keep my shit nice. I clean and detail and scrub and shine before launching AND after launching. But It’s a boat. Made to be used. People leaning on it? Don’t give two shits. Beer can with sand on the bottom? I’d walk over and say hey bro, mind if I get you a coozie? Just polished the gel. Or some shit like that.

People getting on the bow to get in to the boat, I leave a towel and tell everyone to wipe their feet. Do they wipe them off all the way? Hell no, never! We start running and I get sand in the face. 🤦‍♂️ shoes off in the boat, don’t eat your chips and spill shit. The basic Stuff. But again, shit happens, it’s a boat, fuck it, I’ll fix it if something gets bitched up.

I do have friends that are OVER THE TOP anal about their shit. I get it. Expensive as shit. but if you’re that stressed out about it, what’s the point of putting it in the water? I can say this, it’s SOOOOOOO much more enjoyable to boat in friends boats that view it the way I do. Like, fuck it, I’ll fix it if something happens, let’s have fun. The anal ones? Im like, nah, I’m good have fun. Lol😂😂
I get that. Like I said, actual damage is unlikely. It would probably be just a little more cleaning.

I guess it's some of my car show origins coming into play. Seems like just common courtesy not to touch/lean on someone else's stuff, especially if you don't know them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I get that. Like I said, actual damage is unlikely. It would probably be just a little more cleaning.

I guess it's some of my car show origins coming into play. Seems like just common courtesy not to touch/lean on someone else's stuff, especially if you don't know them.
I get it. Cars are a completely different animal. I think it's pretty common sense for people not to lean up against a nice car. At least it should be. When people are congregating in an area where the boat is beached, never fails people lean on it, put their drinks on it and even jump up and sit on it. Meh, is what it is. I just make sure I watch out of the side of my eye to ensure that sand doesn't get grated into the gel. That's really my only concern. I'll walk over and wipe the sand off the bow if I see some. That usually gives most people a hint. But we also put sea deck down the middle of the bow so, that is nice people don't have to walk across the gel.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
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Man, of all the things going on in the world, to have to worry about someone leaning against your boat while its beached? And they are more or less part of the group you are with? When I am out on the lake with family and friends, thats probably gonna be the least of my worries! I am out there to have fun and relax, not worry about someone leaving a little sun tan lotion on my gel coat.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
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I completely understand where you are coming from. I would get those same thoughts as I see someone leaning with their back full of sunblock on my boat or spraying sunblock up wind right next to it or even in it. That being said, I usually hold back, I say usually because depending on who it is I might say something, and once they have moved on, I would probably grab a micro fiber and wipe the area down depending on what I see. If they happen to see me wipe the area, maybe they will clue in for next time.

I have also learned to let most of the shit go and have a good time. One of the reasons I am hesitant on getting a new float is I don't want the stress of what comes with it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2016
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I wouldn’t lean on or put my beer on a boat I didn’t know the owner. I also wouldn’t beach my boat either if I was that concerned about a beer koozie on the bow (yeah I know there’s keel guards and such). Your boat, your rules and I’d certainly respect that, so wouldn’t be butt hurt.

In my youth, got in my uncle’s Audi and I touched the inside of door window. He says “don’t touch the glass.” Never forgot that and one reason I don’t touch people’s property.

People leaning on my vehicles piss me off. Even my classic car friends do it. Boggles my mind.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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The best & worst day when I got my first custom boat was when it received a brutal dock scraping from exposed nails when a buoy came loose. I finally quit stressing about every little scrach & enjoyed my boat. We had a shitload of people in it most of the times in some pretty harsh environments at Meade, Powell, Mohave, local lakes, rivers from here to Iowa so it'd get some wear & tear. This allowed me to relax & blow shit off a bit.

That being said, DON'T LEAN ON MY BOAT MOTHER FUCKER & GET YOUR BEER OFF OF IT! It's your boat that you spent a shit load of money on & work to keep it nice. Maybe just talk to that couple & say sorry but I'm sensitive about my baby. I'm sure they'll lighten up after that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Hey, you said it wrong, it’s not that 43 it’s “The 43.” Get it right or don’t comment next time, how dare you.
If you account for both sides and the back, it’s deck , it’s looking like 100’ plus
That’s a lot of boat . Lol


Haters gonna Hate
Aug 24, 2008
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Wait until it gets used as a table...

She didn't set a beer on the gel though!

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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So we were at our regular beach a couple of weekends ago with our regular group. Some acquaintances were also there who are friends with a few others in our group. My wife and I know the couple, but not well and have seen them a couple of times on offroading trips.

When the 43 is beached, the nose is about shoulder height for most guys. I was cooking brats on the BBQ for everybody and while I was doing that, I noticed the male half of this couple leaning on the nose of our boat, arm up on the deck, and setting his beer (in a coozie) on the edge while talking to someone.

I made my wife aware and putting on her usual charm and trying to be very nice, she told the guy, "Hey, that's the part I have to clean, so if you aren't going to help me, don't make it dirty!" He just looked at her like he didn't know what to say and one of our other friends said, "Um, yeah. Probably not a good idea to be leaning on that." He stopped and didn't do it again, but I heard through the grapevine this past weekend he and his wife are kind of butthurt about it.

I won't say the boat is perfect, but it's a 9.98 out of 10. Perfect enough where we don't particularly care for suntan lotion mixed with beer and sand and whatever else smeared on it.

Are we being too picky here? For me, it's kind of like a car show. You don't go touching shit or leaning on things, especially when you don't really know the owner. Whatever might have gotten on the boat would likely be able to be cleaned off with maybe some extra effort, but I guess in this case it's more of a respect thing than a damage thing.

I wouldn't dare lean on a six figure boat (or any boat) even if I did know the owner though.

Why didn't You go and say something? Sending the Wife, to do the "Dirty Work":confused:


Well-Known RDP Inmate #211
Oct 4, 2007
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Long while back while camping at Lake Barryessa I wandered down to my slip early AM to check on the boat. Some fisherman dude made his way down there and was using my bow as his tackle box he had shit everywhere. I asked him to pick it up he said it was hurting anything so and kept on fishing two slips over throwing his line across people's boat's etc. so I fired up my really loud boat took his shit for a ride and it accidentally slipped off my bow about 6 ft from where he was fishing and couldn't get it back


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2019
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When the 43 is beached,?!?!?

This right here as others have mentioned if I didn’t know anything about boating and a boat is plowed through the sand on a beach and a dude asked me to not lean on it with lotion?


Feb 19, 2008
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When the 43 is beached,?!?!?

This right here as others have mentioned if I didn’t know anything about boating and a boat is plowed through the sand on a beach and a dude asked me to not lean on it with lotion?
Never understood the aversion to beaching on sand. I get that there are rocky beaches and fuck that but on sand there is maybe some scratching on the keel(s) but little else. Way different than smearing your body all over someone else’s boat. Would you want someone leaning up against your glass at your house?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2019
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Never understood the aversion to beaching on sand. I get that there are rocky beaches and fuck that but on sand there is maybe some scratching on the keel(s) but little else. Way different than smearing your body all over someone else’s boat. Would you want someone leaning up against your glass at your house?
My comment was made from the viewpoint of a non boater. But I don’t beach my boat ever.


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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Why didn't You go and say something? Sending the Wife, to do the "Dirty Work":confused:
I was on the BBQ and it's not like I gave her a mission to accomplish. She's as conscious as I am about this kind of stuff (and way nicer than I am), so she decided to try and solve the problem.

Besides, who am I to deny a feisty redhead from being a feisty redhead?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2018
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There's no way I would even think about leaning or setting a beer on another man's boat if I didn't know them period. I too am from the car show way of thinking and regardless if it will hurt it or not for me it's a respect thing. I am pretty picky but the boat aside to me it's respect. I don't care if it's a 15 ft bayliner or a million dollar cat it's someone else's boat and should be respected. Not that I don't have fun and shit does happen but I would for sure say something. Not in a dick way just like "hey bud...think you could hold your beer instead of setting on the boat please" or something to that effect and how the guy responded would determine how the rest of the day went. If he was cool about it..."aw sorry man didn't think about it" I would probably say you're good just be careful not to scratch it with the can or whatever but if he lit like a match and got all butthurt to me shows a lack of respect and entitlement that MY boat is there for HIS convenience and I'm not ok with that.

Kind of a double edge sword but I agree with you and would have said something....like I said above I would be ok with it if I talked to him and he was cool but if he got all butthurt....NOPE! But that's just me and I'm sure others will disagree.


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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Is the bbq inside the boat or outside the boat?
Outside. Well outside and far away.

As far as beaching, I see the irony. But, dragging the anchor(s) in and out of that thing to make it stay put in the Lake Mohave wind would result in more damage than touching it up to our sandy beach and at least any scuffs will be way far back on the bottom.

Good discussion with lots of different viewpoints. For me it's a common courtesy thing regardless of any damage that may or may not happen. I've just never thought is was okay to assume I could touch, lean on, or otherwise come into contact with someone else's car, boat, or whatever if I didn't know them and know they'd be cool with it.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Never understood the aversion to beaching on sand. I get that there are rocky beaches and fuck that but on sand there is maybe some scratching on the keel(s) but little else. Way different than smearing your body all over someone else’s boat. Would you want someone leaning up against your glass at your house?
Believe me, I get it.
It’s one reason I always avoid crowds. You’ll never see me at any raft up or gathering of more than a few people.
I have no interest in it.
But…when you beach up, break out the grill, cook “brats for everyone” you’re kind of turning your area into the epicenter, and all that comes with that.
If I had a bunch of people over to my house, some close friends some just acquaintances, and was barbecuing for everyone, I’m pretty sure there’d be a spilled beer or two and probably some glass needing cleaning afterwards.
It comes with the territory.

In short, don’t be the host if you don't want people touching your shit.
Yeah. I’d never set a beer down on anyone’s boat. Goes without saying.
He was 100% inconsiderate.
But that scolding probably embarrassed him, and ruined his fun day out for sure.
Now he wants nothing to do with any of it.

Reminds me of a time my first wife and I went on a weekend “retreat” with the owner and his wife of the salon she worked at.
Maybe 10 employees and the owners. We all drove ourselves to Homer AK for 2 days there and then 2 days up by Skilak lake.
We paid them $200 a head, so $400 for us both for food and they were going to cook everything and basically supply an all inclusive trip. They had a big party tent to set up for us and they had their big fancy coach with dual drive axles and a big Cat motor. Back then, this was a total baller motorhome, you didn’t see them like today.
Long story short, we left the second day, and she quit the next week. As it turns out their idea of food was a boiling pot of Bar S hot dogs and a gallon of chili that they brought out of their lair. NO ONE was allowed to step foot into the motor home, and when I poked my head in to see about a beer I got the same type of scolding for stepping onto the door mat with sand on my shoe.
Being at Homer spit, I told them never mind. We got in our car, drove the 1/2 mile to Lands end resort, got a room overlooking the ocean and ate and drank at the bar/ restaurant.

Now I’m not saying our Wizard is like that, but it’s all the same to the person getting scolded.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Your boat, your rules!
Would it bother me. Yes. Would I have asked him to avoid leaning against the boat. Maybe. If he is riding in my boat no issue, he will clean it when done. If not in my boat, he might be handed the small boat cleaner and rag to whip it clean :)


Hallett 240
Sep 10, 2021
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Fuck em. It's your boat. Never disrespect another man's woman or property.
Honestly if the can was in a koozie…. I wouldn’t care, and I’m pretty anal about my shit..

Gel is extremely tough.. suntan lotion etc isn’t gonna do anything to it
I see both sides on this. Our bote isn’t a 43 or a 9.8765309 / 10 but it is my boat. And when people lean on it and such it fuckign irritates me. It’s more of a me problem than a them problem.

It’s poor manners to lean on someone’s boat… now if it’s part of my core group I DGAF at all but when it’s someone I don’t know well it just gets under my skin.

I suspect that I’m a little on the spectrum but I have learned how to imitate human behavior and if they are not damaging the boat I just don’t say anything and remind myself I was going to wash it anyways.

Everybody is having a good time, why fuck it up with my necrosis? If the oppertunity arises, I might mention it to them in the spirit of teaching but if there is a girl he’s impressing just give it up because it will be an argument.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Seems a bit much 🤷‍♂️

I’m pretty OCD about my stuff being clean, but if the guy didn’t have a metal watch on and had the can in a koozie… I wouldn’t trip about it. If it was a totally random guy, I’d say something. Someone in our group? Wouldn’t care much. 75% of the fun in boating is who you’re hanging out with anyway… at least to me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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It's your boat dude. If you had a show car out would you want a guy putting his beer on the hood?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2018
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I will add to my above post as some have mentioned....if it's someone that's there with my group and I just don't know them I wouldn't be nearly as put off by it but a random passerby would def get my attention.