Latter Day Saints


Aug 25, 2011
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I'm pretty sure that much of my delusional opionion is written down in a book. ;)

So it is in a book therefore it is fact? Sorry if you believe everything you read, maybe Harry Potter is more your speed.


Voice of Reason
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Epic not worth my time to put any thought into a conversation with you. Just calling it as I see it. You say others should not discuss these things and yet you feel empowered to say things that are not true.

Thank You Doc.

I have no idea what Epic's agenda is here but to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong is not going to fly with me or many others. I believe in Freedom of Religion.

Epic I know you will not answer as I have asked before but I will ask once again just so it is clear.

Who are you?

Where do you boat?

Post up pictures of you and your mom....

I mean wife/girlfriend.

Is it cool in your basement bedroom at your parents house year round?

I'm not calling people names and this is actually a discussion to most people except for you. You're end all is to call names which I don't think I have except for comparing your conversation skills to a child.

I have quoted information and questions from the books that we are discussing. The information that I have provided is found in either the Bible or Book of Morman in order to have an intellectual conversation on religion. I have not told him he is WRONG, just expressed my opion on what I know to be differences and stated WHY I think that. You seem to say something and then just say AND THAT'S THE WAY IT IS CUZ JBS SAID IT. If that flies for you, good for you. You seem to be the only one angry in this conversation.

I have stated who I am in posts previous. Feel free to browse my old posts. As stated, I'm named after one of the twelve. I don't have a boat unless a SeaDoo is considered as such. I live in Mira Loma and work in the IE. And I don't post pictures of myself on the internet. What's your next direction? If you can't attack my content you're going to try and attack me as a person?


Voice of Reason
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
So it is in a book therefore it is fact? Sorry if you believe everything you read, maybe Harry Potter is more your speed.

Faith is what you believe in that cannot be seen. In accordance to the title of this thread, I'm going to use such documentation as a basis of conversation.

If you would like to discuss muggles and magic as that is more your comprehension level, then I'll get my little sister to log in here. ;)


Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
Faith is what you believe in that cannot be seen. In accordance to the title of this thread, I'm going to use such documentation as a basis of conversation.

If you would like to discuss muggles and magic as that is more your comprehension level, then I'll get my little sister to log in here. ;)

My Point exactly. Faith is not FACT! I will compare my CV to yours anytime.


Voice of Reason
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Why are you spreading so much hate?

Please show me where this happens without spinning my comments? Have I stated that we should kill people? That we should ban them from posting here? Called them names? Nope. Just typing along...... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Is it racist if you hate Mormons? Just asking.

Sent from manly black iPhone using tapatalk!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Only if your attracted to black women......
Guess I ain't racist, then again I hate black people so maybe I am. Fuck I'm all confused.

Sent from manly black iPhone using tapatalk!

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Guess I ain't racist, then again I hate black people so maybe I am. Fuck I'm all confused.

Sent from manly black iPhone using tapatalk!

lol...your telling me

Your black married a white chick and love boating....wtf:eek::D


Voice of Reason
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
I think he is busy fixing his CV..LOL Oh maybe taking copies of his GED and McDonalds Pay check.

Wow. I think I predicted the future. If you can't attack the content, attack the person. I'm just down the street from Alta Loma. Would you like to have a cup of coffee sometime? I'll even buy!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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Aug 25, 2011
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Wow. I think I predicted the future. If you can't attack the content, attack the person. I'm just down the street from Alta Loma. Would you like to have a cup of coffee sometime? I'll even buy!

Anytime..Tonight? I am heading to Chilli's for the football game in 5-10 minutes...I'll be there doubt you will!

Attack the person? Hmm you started with the ignorant thing. I offered to compare our CVs and you didn't even know what it was?


Voice of Reason
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Anytime..Tonight? I am heading to Chilli's for the football game in 5-10 minutes...I'll be there doubt you will!

Attack the person? Hmm you started with the ignorant thing. I offered to compare our CVs and you didn't even know what it was?

You're right, I won't be there. I have plans this evening. Anytime during the day I'm good.

So I missed an abbreviation. :rolleyes:

That Guy

Rack em'
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Faith is what you believe in that cannot be seen. In accordance to the title of this thread, I'm going to use such documentation as a basis of conversation.

If you would like to discuss muggles and magic as that is more your comprehension level, then I'll get my little sister to log in here. ;)

I don't know you, but I have already decided I don't really care much for you....and I'm always suspicious of people who have been on this board for 3+ months and already have 700+ posts.....I figure they must be full of shit if they have that much time to post on a boating board where they have no history and apparently not much respect......have a nice day...:p:smackbum::party:

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
It seems as though political discussions will inevitably turn to threats of violence. I'm astounded by the number of people who can't deal with those who don't share their point of view.

Religious discussions, however, have had a much better track record. I've seen a couple of threads go nasty but it seems like, generally, there is quite a bit of respect for individual points of view.

I would go as far as to say religious threads have been among my all time favorites and they tend to not be particularly humorous.

There is something profound about a friend sharing their deeply held personal beliefs. It's uplifting. It helps you understand the person better and helps to provide a view of the world through their eyes.

Sooner or later, some dipshit will cut and paste the bible into threads like this. That's unfortunate but inevitable. EpicOne, I'm watching you.

So you remember the "god is fake" thread.....:bowdown:


Voice of Reason
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
I don't know you, but I have already decided I don't really care much for you....and I'm always suspicious of people who have been on this board for 3+ months and already have 700+ posts.....I figure they must be full of shit if they have that much time to post on a boating board where they have no history and apparently not much respect......have a nice day...:p:smackbum::party:

Wow. Thank you for stopping by. So I work on a computer all day. Sorry if maybe you have a laborious job.:rolleyes:

And you're getting your opinion from this thread? Errrr okay? Everything I said was quite civilized in conversation form. No insults, just questions, just answers. Never attacked a person and I don't think I attacked a religion. Posted a thought and then asked a question. If you saw that the bandwagon was going east and you wanted to jump on it then think what you may.

That Guy

Rack em'
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Wow. Thank you for stopping by. So I work on a computer all day. Sorry if maybe you have a laborious job.:rolleyes:

And you're getting your opinion from this thread? Errrr okay? Everything I said was quite civilized in conversation form. No insults, just questions, just answers. Think what you may.

I run a global consulting firm, so no....I just think you need to have some respect for the dynamics of how each board works (i.e., the Tom Brown effect here) before you jump in and take on some of the regulars that have been here since the beginning....many of us had been on Hot Boat long before that....hey, it's just my .02 but that was my perception based on your posts in this thread....

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score


I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
Serious question, I had some business interaction at the AZ temple in Mesa today and observed 3 young women leaving with their hair wet and combed straight. Is that like a baptismal for LDS?

As we say, "Bring on the Women and Bringham Young" :D

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Paul, if I were to put in a special request ahead of time and state I enjoyed livin in the 80's, do you think I might be able to get a lowered truck?

The lowered truck could probably be arranged but Jesus draws the line at Rick Astley. There's only so much 1980s he can take.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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So basically there is no white meat in heaven?

I will slap you for saying that. If that's the case, lucifer sign a n---- up.

Sent from manly black iPhone using tapatalk!


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I will slap you for saying that. If that's the case, lucifer sign a n---- up.

Sent from manly black iPhone using tapatalk!

Lol, slap the taste out yur mouf.


Kill Em All
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
First things first.
When someone dies the scriptures are clear that they will ultimately be judged. Remember the thief beside the Savior being crucified? The Lord clearly stated to him "To day, shalt thou be with me in "Paradise." (Luke 23:43)
Different churches will give you their take on Paradise, which is referred to a number of times in the New Testament as a Spirit World where spirits will await resurrection which will come to all - despite their beliefs.
Many believe this spirit world will contain additional teaching and instructions for the spirits who otherwise would accept gospel truths to do so. The other news is that whatever spirit possesses us here on earth will also prevail there so it's not like a complete agnostic will all of a sudden become a devout believer nor will an antagonist suddenly accept religious truths so the notion of death bed conversions or post death conversions is false. What we come to believe in our hearts here on earth will remain our beliefs, generally speaking. This spirit world will be very valuable to civilizations that never had exposure to Christ's gospel but were good people such as primitive tribes, sheltered groups or even religiously deprived societies or individuals. It is believed that many may generally accept the teachings once they receive them. Then, the baptism for the dead, as spoken of by Paul, (1Corr 15:29) will have full effect for, and in behalf, of these spirits as if they had been baptized here on earth which Christ clearly stated is a requirement (St. John 3:5.)
Many believe the reason some are taken from this earth prematurely such as children dying, etc. is because they were already proven valiant and needed as teachers in this spirit world hence, the answer, how could God allow such a thing to happen? He simply needed them there more than they needed to be tested in this mortal probation called life.
The family is central to God's plan and it will be so in the eternities. Those who qualify to go to heaven after a fair judgement will be assembled into family units. Unfortunately, some may be missing from that unit but God's law is crystal clear on what is required of us to reach this eternal destiny. Personally, it's worth everything for me to continue the associations I enjoy here eternally. That's why I practice religion. I also understand a good many don't believe as I do and live their lives differently as a result. That's our choice - another God given right. Hope this helps.

First of all, you excessive rambling is the typical response I get which does not address my questions specificly. Ie, if god must take that young child why does he do it in such tortureous and violent ways? 2nd, you can take that judgemental attitude about how you live your life so much different then atheists such as myself "oh great god fearing doctor" and shove it up you tight fucking ass :fingers::fingers:


Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Your all full of shit, except tom brown and epic one, tom's full of canadian bacon and epic is a pompous dick...IMO:moon:

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
First of all, you excessive rambling is the typical response I get which does not address my questions specificly. Ie, if god must take that young child why does he do it in such tortureous and violent ways? 2nd, you can take that judgemental attitude about how you live your life so much different then atheists such as myself "oh great god fearing doctor" and shove it up you tight fucking ass :fingers::fingers:

Not trying to start a fight with you at all, I have a fundamental problem with religion as a whole, Mans religion dilutes my faith, I feel.

But I am wondering, as I am not familiar with any proclaimed atheists, that beautiful dog in your avatar, says "R.I.P.", is that contradictory to atheism??

(Real question)

The Doctor

Land Sales GURU
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
First of all, you excessive rambling is the typical response I get which does not address my questions specificly. Ie, if god must take that young child why does he do it in such tortureous and violent ways? 2nd, you can take that judgemental attitude about how you live your life so much different then atheists such as myself "oh great god fearing doctor" and shove it up you tight fucking ass :fingers::fingers:

I could've sworn you were actually interested in an answer. Sorry to have wasted your time.

p.s. I have never said I was better than any other. I just stated my views which explained my actions. How that offended you is beyond me. Again, sorry.