Got pulled over in channel this weekend

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The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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Simple question for you. If I have two areas to patrol, one is A, the other is B, and I constantly get calls for service from A, never hear of any crime from B, where do you think I should patrol? Part of my job is to enforce and try to prevent crime, where do you think I'm going to spend my time patroling? It's all good with me if you just want to complain, but what you don't seem to understand is the bigger picture here. Statistics drive patrol meaning cops patrol where the crimes occur. If they never hear of issues at your house then they have no reason to go there other than a random drive by.

So you have a complaint about the cops doing nothing, but you refuse to inform them something needs to be done. Can they get all CSI on your vandalism case? Probably not. But the point is if they aren't aware of the issue they aren't going to look for the issue.

I understand it perfectly.

Question B:

WTF are you really going to do about a random vandalism in a rural residential area?

Answer B:___________________________


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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I think that's cool and it's happened to me up here before....BUT.....I think it's just another excuse for LEO's to approach you. Have you ever noticed that cops will hand out free turkey gift certificates around thanksgiving to "good drivers" but they always pull over shady looking cars? Don't think for a second that if they thought you were impaired at all they would think twice about hauling your ass off to jail in front of your kids wearing their brand new t-shirts.

Is that an honest assessment of the intentions of their program? You seriously think they need an excuse beyond probable cause? They have to print T shirts to get around the PC? As an aside, when I used to pull over "shady looking" cars to hand out a gift certificate, it was always predicated on the idea that they looked like they could use something positive for once. It used to be called "goodwill". It's in short supply nowadays.


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
I understand it perfectly.

Question B:

WTF are you really going to do about a random vandalism in a rural residential area?

Answer B:___________________________

It's called patrol. That's what we do. We check crime statistics and calls for service all the time. If we have vandalism issues in one specific are we target that area and conduct investigations/pedestrian stops/traffic stops, etc... If we know of a specific time or general day of the week it's occurring, we target that time and day etc. Basic cop 101 here. But again, if we don't know anything about it, then how are we supposed to target your specific concern?


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
It's called patrol. That's what we do. We check crime statistics and calls for service all the time. If we have vandalism issues in one specific are we target that area and conduct investigations/pedestrian stops/traffic stops, etc... If we know of a specific time or general day of the week it's occurring, we target that time and day etc. Basic cop 101 here. But again, if we don't know anything about it, then how are we supposed to target your specific concern?


Well since it happens every 6 months or so, I will mark it on the calendar and call in another 6 months from now so you have the best chance of catching some random fucktard.

If I knew the specific time, I wouldn't need you. I can clearly see her truck from our upper story window. Well in range, with no obstructions. Youknowwhatimasayin?

Lets continue with this over PM, I have jacked this thread far beyond it's intent.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Not speaking for any other agency. But I can tell you that LHCPD is out there to make sure people are safe. They understand that your sales tax pays their salary and without vacationers Havasu would not exist.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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cop tee.JPG


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Is that an honest assessment of the intentions of their program? You seriously think they need an excuse beyond probable cause? They have to print T shirts to get around the PC? As an aside, when I used to pull over "shady looking" cars to hand out a gift certificate, it was always predicated on the idea that they looked like they could use something positive for once. It used to be called "goodwill". It's in short supply nowadays.

Hey ur retired and I like you. Settle down. [emoji2][emoji106]

Also jus wanted to say after reading through this thread. I still think I am better than everyone [emoji12]


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
I love my job. It does take a "certain" kind of person, not sure it's really special. You have to be able to contact people with objectivity, instead of bias, in order to do it right. Most people don't have that ability. You specifically have an very obvious bias regardless of how many times you hit the "thank" button. Try reading, and posting in here, with the perspective of it being a boating site with a bunch of people hanging out having a good time and the posts might read a bit different;).

The real problem is everyone seems to think they really know how to do my job because they have had prior contacts with police or watched a couple episodes of COPS. Reality is you don't really understand it until you actaully do it. Kind of like having children. Most people can relate, but it's a whole other ball game once you actually have them. In both cases, the Cops or the Parents just have to sit back and shake their heads a bit when someone who is either not a cop, or not a parent, tries to give them advice on how things are really done in either scenario.

Oh and, we don't hand out shirts. That's a water cop thing.
People might have a better attitude towards cops in general if (IF all caps ) they actually didnt treat everybody like guilty until proven innocent.

For instance everytime i have been pulled over, and not for speeding, havent gotten one of those in 12 years, things like brake light out, instead of "do you have any guns, alcohol or drugs in your vehicle". How about "hello sir do you have ......."

Actually had one that didnt give me a fixit ticket and i said thank you. Went to shake his hand and he just looked at me like i was holding a shive, then turned and walked away.

Yeah, i would say they are respectful. You want respect, then show some .

Not aimed at you t&y. Im being general here. But unfortunately if you are polite and courteous, then you are the extreme minority.

i am of the inclination, that if a cop is being nice, hes probing for something, this is based on my past experience with cops.

When i was growing up, cops were always courteous, or at least not making people feel like criminals, i dont know when that changed but it did.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I love my job. It does take a "certain" kind of person, not sure it's really special. You have to be able to contact people with objectivity, instead of bias, in order to do it right. Most people don't have that ability. You specifically have an very obvious bias regardless of how many times you hit the "thank" button. Try reading, and posting in here, with the perspective of it being a boating site with a bunch of people hanging out having a good time and the posts might read a bit different;).

The real problem is everyone seems to think they really know how to do my job because they have had prior contacts with police or watched a couple episodes of COPS. Reality is you don't really understand it until you actaully do it. Kind of like having children. Most people can relate, but it's a whole other ball game once you actually have them. In both cases, the Cops or the Parents just have to sit back and shake their heads a bit when someone who is either not a cop, or not a parent, tries to give them advice on how things are really done in either scenario.

Oh and, we don't hand out shirts. That's a water cop thing.

Hey Meter maid. Don't go felling all special and shit.

You know I had to say something. [emoji2][emoji379]


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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We were cruising through the channel this weekend and the LHCPD pulls up next to us, I'm thinking what the H... I havent been drinking. Well they reach over and hand us two T shirts, I am confused. It turns out that they like to reward people for doing the right thing and being safe. My niece and her friend are under 12 years old and they received T shirts that said they were caught wearing life jackets, they were so exited. Anyway just thought it was pretty cool of LHCPD good job guys and THANKS.

As they were looking at your eyes and sniffing your breath.:p


Never home on weekends
Dec 19, 2007
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No they don't.

About a month ago we pulled into the Marina and I tied up to the gas docks like always (to drop off the wife to go get the truck and trailer), at first I did'nt notice it, but 2 LEO's were tied up getting gas on the opposite side. The one was just starring at me with a nice smile on his face, I was polite and asked him "how are you today, Great and how about yourself" he replies. We'll that started it... he walks across the dock, right next to the boat and starts some idle chit chat crap about my boat, oh cute dog.. the whole time looking around in the cockpit, moving back and forth with me as i'm wiping down everything inside. I'm thinking all this guy wants is to get close enough and smell some alcohol on me :rolleyes. I played his game and won.

I was sober, so his loss :p

Sober or not, I would've given you a ticket for tying up to the gas dock instead of the courtesy dock!:p:D


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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That is what the media and internet websites would have you believe. Reality might be a bit different. I am a white guy, working with another white guy, in a very not so white area. Given the uproar in the media you might assume my contacts following all the recent things post Mike Brown have been nothing but negative. Reality is we have been flagged down more now then before by Blacks and Hispanics in the area we patrol thanking us for what we do everyday. You would never know that because that is the last thing the media is going to give you.

Maybe that is why threads like this always seem to turn into a shit show. Most people posting really don't have too much to go on other than what they hear/see/read in the news. Maybe their only contacts with police are receiving tickets or on the water inspections. I can see how that might make someone think negative. I can only hope they have a bit of reason and understand that tickets and boat inspections are a very small portion of what Law Enforcement actually does.

I form my opinion based on what I hear from others. But mostly I go by My own personal experience and observation. I grew up thinking cops were nice guys.

I've been in court trials 3 times. 2 as a witness where I witnessed a uniformed badged under oath cop lie through his teeth. Last time was a bench trial with one of the Windsor rangers who cited me for a dog leash issue who became emotionally disturbed when he admitted he didn't know what the regulations are. Talk about escalation. He was acting like a frustrated child. He didn't like the fact that I knew what the regulations say about dogs and leashes. He had no problem lying under oath and accusing me of all kinds of things I didn't do. I was amazed how incompetent and dirty this guy is.

So I have a hard time having respect for police. They lack integrity in my book.

Police are paid to do a job. I'll never understand why people rave about a cop helping in a traffic situation.

People say not everyone can be a cop. Well I know I could never do a job like that, lying and jacking people up while acting like a friend.

So my conclusion is cops are not your friend and cant be trusted.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
A lot of bad damn apples out there. insert roll eyes here.

I form my opinion based on what I hear from others. But mostly I go by My own personal experience and observation. I grew up thinking cops were nice guys.

I've been in court trials 3 times. 2 as a witness where I witnessed a uniformed badged under oath cop lie through his teeth. Last time was a bench trial with one of the Windsor rangers who cited me for a dog leash issue who became emotionally disturbed when he admitted he didn't know what the regulations are. Talk about escalation. He was acting like a frustrated child. He didn't like the fact that I knew what the regulations say about dogs and leashes. He had no problem lying under oath and accusing me of all kinds of things I didn't do. I was amazed how incompetent and dirty this guy is.

So I have a hard time having respect for police. They lack integrity in my book.

Police are paid to do a job. I'll never understand why people rave about a cop helping in a traffic situation.

People say not everyone can be a cop. Well I know I could never do a job like that, lying and jacking people up while acting like a friend.

So my conclusion is cops are not your friend and cant be trusted.


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
I form my opinion based on what I hear from others. But mostly I go by My own personal experience and observation. I grew up thinking cops were nice guys.

I've been in court trials 3 times. 2 as a witness where I witnessed a uniformed badged under oath cop lie through his teeth. Last time was a bench trial with one of the Windsor rangers who cited me for a dog leash issue who became emotionally disturbed when he admitted he didn't know what the regulations are. Talk about escalation. He was acting like a frustrated child. He didn't like the fact that I knew what the regulations say about dogs and leashes. He had no problem lying under oath and accusing me of all kinds of things I didn't do. I was amazed how incompetent and dirty this guy is.

So I have a hard time having respect for police. They lack integrity in my book.

Police are paid to do a job. I'll never understand why people rave about a cop helping in a traffic situation.

People say not everyone can be a cop. Well I know I could never do a job like that, lying and jacking people up while acting like a friend.

So my conclusion is cops are not your friend and cant be trusted.

Agreed. :thumbup:


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Reminds me of another story my cop "friends" told me...

He made contact with someone at their house...stupid shit...neighbors complaining about noise from a party or something...guy was getting all upset with the cop and the cop started backing up and talking to the guy. Guy...being an idiot, and drunk, moves forward with the cop to continue responding to his questions....after whatever distance needed......

BNAG....arrested for public intoxication.

Dirty shit.

I am so glad I don't have to deal with him anymore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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A lot of bad damn apples out there. insert roll eyes here.

It's frustrating when I take the time to review the regulations when using the park. I've been swimming my dog in the channel there for a decade. Even previously discussed the matter with the park manager and agreed that I was within the regs to unleash my dog to enter the water. Somehow the younger LE ranger didn't like that. He had a copy of the regs in his truck and couldn't comprehend what was written and became frustrated. He was wrong and couldn't handle it. I've always heard stories about the rangers at Windsor. None good. I used to exercise my dog there every day. Bought a pass. Now I don't want to be there at all. I'm tired of assholes ruining things for others.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
It's frustrating when I take the time to review the regulations when using the park. I've been swimming my dog in the channel there for a decade. Even previously discussed the matter with the park manager and agreed that I was within the regs to unleash my dog to enter the water. Somehow the younger LE ranger didn't like that. He had a copy of the regs in his truck and couldn't comprehend what was written and became frustrated. He was wrong and couldn't handle it. I've always heard stories about the rangers at Windsor. None good. I used to exercise my dog there every day. Bought a pass. Now I don't want to be there at all. I'm tired of assholes ruining things for others.

A cop pissed off that they are wrong, and you DARE question their authority or ego?

"Oh no you di int."



Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Sober or not, I would've given you a ticket for tying up to the gas dock instead of the courtesy dock!:p:D

No worries, I started using the covered slips at the east end of the Market now... im sure they were built especially for me :p:D


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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I for one am greatful for cops. Hate getting tickets. But I would rather get inconvenienced a 1000x than have a drunk or person on a phone Kill a bystander.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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In recent years it seems that the cops cleaned up Havasu and there's less jerkoffs with POS boats on the water and a better vibe all around. I'm 100% sure they profile shady people and slam them with a BUI and hope they sell their boat and don't come back to AZ. Win win and cuts to the root of the problem which is rare nowadays. Unfortunately though with so many cops out on holiday weekends many of us get caught in the crossfire and once a cop suspects that you are doing something illegal he really has no choice but to take action since he has a supervisor next to him.

But anyway I think the Havasu cops are for the most part actually out to make the lake more enjoyable and safer for people since they tend to go to the lake too with their families.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
In recent years it seems that the cops cleaned up Havasu and there's less jerkoffs with POS boats on the water and a better vibe all around. I'm 100% sure they profile shady people and slam them with a BUI and hope they sell their boat and don't come back to AZ. Win win and cuts to the root of the problem which is rare nowadays. Unfortunately though with so many cops out on holiday weekends many of us get caught in the crossfire and once a cop suspects that you are doing something illegal he really has no choice but to take action since he has a supervisor next to him.

But anyway I think the Havasu cops are for the most part actually out to make the lake more enjoyable and safer for people since they tend to go to the lake too with their families.

Keeps a lot of the good peeps away as well. Nobody likes heavy handed enforcement.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Let's lighten this up.



Jan 9, 2010
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I form my opinion based on what I hear from others. But mostly I go by My own personal experience and observation. I grew up thinking cops were nice guys.

I've been in court trials 3 times. 2 as a witness where I witnessed a uniformed badged under oath cop lie through his teeth. Last time was a bench trial with one of the Windsor rangers who cited me for a dog leash issue who became emotionally disturbed when he admitted he didn't know what the regulations are. Talk about escalation. He was acting like a frustrated child. He didn't like the fact that I knew what the regulations say about dogs and leashes. He had no problem lying under oath and accusing me of all kinds of things I didn't do. I was amazed how incompetent and dirty this guy is.

So I have a hard time having respect for police. They lack integrity in my book.

Police are paid to do a job. I'll never understand why people rave about a cop helping in a traffic situation.

People say not everyone can be a cop. Well I know I could never do a job like that, lying and jacking people up while acting like a friend.

So my conclusion is cops are not your friend and cant be trusted.

That's awesome. So you've had personal experience with 3 court proceedings, and a run-in with a uninformed ranger. You are absolutely justified in your belief that cops are not your friend and can not be trusted.:rolleyes

I'll still sleep soundly at night knowing that I do my job, along with ten's of thousands of other cops out there, with integrity and well within the law. We can compare war stories if you want. If I used your logic, everyone would be an asshole criminal willing to slit their own kids throat to get a candybar at 7-11. Glad I have just a tad bit more common sense then that.


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Let's lighten this up.


Would have been better if he offered to take her to Red Robin.:D


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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In the various run-ins I have had over the years most of the time it has gone well.

They tend not to want to listen to what you have to say. Ticketing has always gone as well as it could I suppose. Speeding.... well, yeah, I guess I was speeding. Sorry. They will often write me up for a slightly lower speed to keep it easier for everyone. On my phone? Well, yeah I was. Why? Because it rang.... I am always polite. I got a warning once or twice in 35 years of driving.

I have had my head pushed down on the hood of their car and been cuffed. I thought that was a little harsh, but there was a bunch of us kids doing burnouts and fishtailing corners. They didn't like that. Got arrested and detained once, they were not overly harsh. I was a minor, parents picked me up. That went worse. LOL :rolleyes

A motor officer accused me of being on the phone in my ragtop a few weeks ago... I moved my hand and he could plainly see my bluetooth headset in my ear. He must have thought I was a magician. He didn't like being wrong. I just assume that guy is always just a dick.

When we were having issues with the crazy college kids down the block the cops came eventually after many calls...from multiple neighbors... but they finally shut the party house down.

Mission Bay Patrol kindly let me know that having two six year olds watching their moms being towed on the tube did not equal a 12 year old observer.... that was just a warning. :D


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Weird... On the streets it's nothing but problems w the police. But on the water it's always been good [emoji2]

Sun burners

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I got pulled over by the Coast Guard Sunday in Thompson bay SB at the buoy line just about to exit. Brother in law was drinking I had a water in my cup holder. All of the crew was out on the boat for a "My Safety Check" All went well, I had more than what was asked, However they asked for a lot of personal information. I complied and gave them what they wanted and was given what they called a Golden Pass. The officer said if you get pulled over again for a Safety Check show them the copy its good for 6 months? I thanked them for being professional and not Jerk Offs that I have heard so much and experienced myself.


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
My house borders a trail, as such we get a lot of walkers at all times of the day. My wife's truck seems a target to get vandalized. Last year someone sprayed orange construction paint all over it the passenger side. Lucky I was able to buff it off. Wife insisted on a police report. I didn't call. She called and said they came out two days later, the officer acted bothered that he had to make a report.

Last week, someone keyed the entire drivers side. Bed, rear passenger quarter, drivers door, fender. Completely fucked up the paint. She called last Monday and as of today, no one even came by. Maybe the holiday weekend has them busy.


Maybe you should move ... go get a dog ...


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
When i wss younger, had two cops that wanted my chevelle ss. I built it to run 1/8 mile but it was also my daily driver. I actually could not go over 35 in town without it over heating.. i had a 2 week period with 15 tickets for speeding in it. I gave the keys to my dad for a week and i drove his car. He had 8 in that 10 days. My dad knew the judge so we both go to court on the same day. Needless to say, those 2 cops had harassment charges against them. If they pulled me over again for anything, they were gonna spend time in jail themselves.

Thats why i dont trust cops.

If im speeding, yes i deserve the ticket. If im being an asshole to them, then i deserve to be treated like one. But if im being calm, polite and courteous to them, dont you think i should have some of that back towards me from them.

Oh sorry i didnt stroke their egos enough.


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Saw lots of LEO's on the water this weekend, multiple agencies. Most did kinda look at us sternly but nothing else came of it. I actually think the Coast Guard fellas looked the funniest all cuddled up in their small inflatable cabin:p
I'm glad to hear some kids get a positive feeling from them rather than the sense of fear and loathing.:thumbup::thumbup:


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
That's awesome. So you've had personal experience with 3 court proceedings, and a run-in with a uninformed ranger. You are absolutely justified in your belief that cops are not your friend and can not be trusted.:rolleyes

I'll still sleep soundly at night knowing that I do my job, along with ten's of thousands of other cops out there, with integrity and well within the law. We can compare war stories if you want. If I used your logic, everyone would be an asshole criminal willing to slit their own kids throat to get a candybar at 7-11. Glad I have just a tad bit more common sense then that.

I know first hand for a fact some cops lie. The cop that took the stand in my case lied and changed his story multiple times. However I realize there are many good cops out there as well.my momma is one of the good ones [emoji4]I know I wouldn't want the job


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Have you thought about cameras, motion lights etc

Not yet. I am not a paranoid kinda guy, and I don't exactly live in a shitty neighborhood. The idea of cameras all around...I don't know, I just don't live like that.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
If it's not a shitty area maybe somebody doesn't like u? I'd be paranoid if my shit got messed w more than once but it could be all the kush [emoji2]


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I know first hand for a fact some cops lie. The cop that took the stand in my case lied and changed his story multiple times. However I realize there are many good cops out there as well.my momma is one of the good ones [emoji4]I know I wouldn't want the job

Most humans tend to CYA when attempting to remember facts or trying to prove a point. The ones who do their job correctly never waiver from their stance.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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I had a bad dealing this weekend. A orange and green DCB was entering the mouth of the channel and the people started yelling at my group racial slurs. Calling them wetbacks and to get the f out of here. One of my members went to talk to them where the beached and who seemed to be the owner was apologetic....I went to retrieve my member noticing the Police where 10'feet away. As I ask a couple guys why they called us wetbacks.They were apologizing and then boom..This is when a steroided dude hit me with an elbow from behind. Cops and sarge threatened to arrest me. I ask why he wasn't arresting the big guy for assault. Simple said I was ensiting them according to witnesses around his boat. I had been there less than a minute. They actually watched it and denied that they seen it They never question our witness and actually refuse to. They then refused to give me their badge # for a couple minute first stating they didn't have it. Later giving me their cards. Afterwards I questioned them and requested them to seek out our witnesses. They then became hesitant still refusing. I have always been one to try and stay calm and avoid trouble. This situation blew my mind. I know they are out in the heat trying to keep the peace.
I think its bullshit that you have to have a baller boat as previously stated. I left my boat behind to enjoy the day in the channel so that made me not entitled. As for the Sarge and his partner they made it clear when you said you don't want our kind in AZ.
Firemen, Border Patrols, cops, black, Hispanic, and whites all citizens of the US.

Joe mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Hard to believe that a boat pulls in and starts yelling racial slurs just for the fun of it..But what do I know, worse things have happened im sure..:thumbsdown


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
I had a bad dealing this weekend. A orange and green DCB was entering the mouth of the channel and the people started yelling at my group racial slurs. Calling them wetbacks and to get the f out of here. One of my members went to talk to them where the beached and who seemed to be the owner was apologetic. I went to retrieve my member noticing the Police where 10'feet away. This is when a steroided dude hit me with an elbow from behind. Cops and sarge threatened to arrest me. I ask why he wasn't arresting the big guy for assault. Simple said I was ensiting them according to witnesses around his boat. I had been there less than a minute. They never question our witness actually refuse to. They then refused to give me their badge # for a couple minute first stating they didn't have it. Later giving me their cards. Afterwards I questioned them and requested them to seek out our witnesses. They then became hesitant still refusing. I have always been one to try and stay calm and avoid trouble. This situation blew my mind..
I think its bullshit that you have to have a baller boat as previously stated. I left my boat behind to enjoy the day in the channel so that made me not entitled. As for the Sarge and his partner they made it clear when you said you don't want our kind in AZ. Firemen, Border Patrols, cops, black, Hispanic, and whites all citizens of the US.

The laws these days are designed to protect asshole behavior - it's "their right". If you call them out on it, you're the one who'll get in trouble.

Sucks ass, but best bet is to remove yourself from the situation, and not pull in alongside of them.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2015
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There are good cops and bad cops. I have had good experiences with cops as i've grown older and become more mature. All that being said; if it wasn't for cops, this society would descend into anarchy faster than you could say Dunkin Donut.

Sometimes when you go to the DMV you get a bad civil servant, and sometimes its a good one. It doesn't matter what the profession.

I love to drink; fact of the matter is, on holiday weekends, or any weekend really, when i'm the captain I do not drink. Boating is hard enough sober. I for one am thankful for water cops.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Hard to believe that a boat pulls in and starts yelling racial slurs just for the fun of it..But what do I know, worse things have happened im sure..:thumbsdown

Last week I was just telling my Hispanic side of the family that I've never experience what they talk about here and there thus me being white. A Member was pissed as this happened in front of his two young children. He was gone before I noticed and his wife told me to go get him. So I went to find him. Needless to say that streak ended.


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Last week I was just telling my Hispanic side of the family that I've never experience what they talk about here and there. That streak ended.

There's a guy who I made a lot of money for, but have never met in person. I couldn't put a face to his name and he couldn't put a face with mine. He is a trust fund baby out of Alaska, who hasn't had to do much of anything on his own and by the way he talks about it, he seems pretty proud of it. Anyways, he liked to talk my ear off every now and again and while doing so, would go off on rants: Beaner this, arab that, nigger this and blah blah blah. He also likes talk about how America is going to shit, because of all of the colored people. He made a comment about Natives which after being a avid student of Western History and part Native American (Lakota) I could've taken offense, but I didn't. Maybe it's the half white in me. LOL

Here's my point. I can think of a few dozen times where people made racist comments (not jokingly) or had racist opinions of me. I'm not going to let some ignorant racist ruin my day, but I will make money off those crackers all day long and not think twice about it.

Ethnic pride next to religious pride is by far one of the biggest downfalls of human life. We are all the same and none of us know exactly what we really are. Think back ten generations in your family; Do you know those people? Where they were from? What they look like? Probably not. Lets go back 20 generations? You could have a white supremacist, who has African and Jewish in him, yet he doesn't even know it. We are all human beings. Period. Realize that, go on about your life and remember that anyone who is a racist, is just an ignorant idiot who shouldn't be taken seriously whatsoever. Next time a white person calls you a wet back, remember that your people only crossed a river, but the white man crossed an entire ocean to get here. So who's the bigger wet back now?:D

I think you made a mistake by beaching near them and walking over to their boat. Any brown man should know not to start a battle between the white man and the police. You'll never win. :D Next time laugh it off and go enjoy the remainder of your day. Life is too short to give a fuck what others think of you. Especially those opinions based merely on something you had no control over (the color of your skin).


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score

I've never met you, but you are alright.

Pretty much how it is.

We are separated by many factions, all so we can be dominated, one way or the other.


There's a guy who I made a lot of money for, but have never met in person. I couldn't put a face to his name and he couldn't put a face with mine. He is a trust fund baby out of Alaska, who hasn't had to do much of anything on his own and by the way he talks about it, he seems pretty proud of it. Anyways, he liked to talk my ear off every now and again and while doing so, would go off on rants: Beaner this, arab that, nigger this and blah blah blah. He also likes talk about how America is going to shit, because of all of the colored people. He made a comment about Natives which after being a avid student of Western History and part Native American (Lakota) I could've taken offense, but I didn't. Maybe it's the half white in me. LOL

Here's my point. I can think of a few dozen times where people made racist comments (not jokingly) or had racist opinions of me. I'm not going to let some ignorant racist ruin my day, but I will make money off those crackers all day long and not think twice about it.

Ethnic pride next to religious pride is by far one of the biggest downfalls of human life. We are all the same and none of us know exactly what we really are. Think back ten generations in your family; Do you know those people? Where they were from? What they look like? Probably not. Lets go back 20 generations? You could have a white supremacist, who has African and Jewish in him, yet he doesn't even know it. We are all human beings. Period. Realize that, go on about your life and remember that anyone who is a racist, is just an ignorant idiot who shouldn't be taken seriously whatsoever. Next time a white person calls you a wet back, remember that your people only crossed a river, but the white man crossed an entire ocean to get here. So ho's the bigger wet back now?:D

I think you made a mistake by beaching near them and walking over to their boat. Any brown man should know not to start a battle between the white man and the police. You'll never win. :D Next time laugh it off and go enjoy the remainder of your day. Life is too short to give a fuck what others think of you. Especially those opinions based merely on something you had no control over (the color of your skin).
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