For the left leaning inmates, why?


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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When McCain came to our monthly political breakfast group to speak he made it very clear even a year before his vote. He wanted to repeal the ACA but they needed to repeal and replace simultaneously so there was no lack in coverage.

As he explained, the R's had the House, Senate and Executive Branch at the time so it seemed like a reasonable position to me?
Bullshit son.
He did it because he was ate the fuck up with TDS like you are and for exposing him for the RINO fraud that you and he are / were.
Nothing more that that.
Just a bitter old traitorous RINO that you supported. Birds of a feather....
Now, answer my questions son.
Yes or no?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Wash 11...

I struggle to just label them "the left" anymore. If you look at the platform, if you look at the actions they have taken in the offices they hold through the country, they are about as far from the old school democrat party as you could be. There has been a seismic shift in this party over the past 30 years.
Couple that with the words some of their leaders use and I think "the left" has clearly grown more Marxist, pushed more towards out and out socialism, and abandoned many of the core values this country was built on.

It isn't hard to pick out the "true believers" in these forums, they don't hide their true colors. Decades of evidence to the contrary nor withstanding, they are convinced that government should be the tree from which all blessings flow, and that there are few, if any, problems in this country or in our individual lives that a dose of government intervention, coupled with tax dollars and government regulation, cannot be solved.
Trains to nowhere, Obamacare, ad nausem....they don't let facts get in the way.
When you point out that almost none of these government programs EVER actually finish applying a solution to the problem, and NEVER seem to go away, you get the deer in the headlights look.

We also have people who simply like to troll, who really don't have a clue, but something in their lives has happened that makes them unable to control or change a personality online that really looks like a serious mental health issue is in play.

All of that said, a big chunk of Today's Marxist Leftists are in that camp simply because their family has been in that camp for generations. People laugh about the 60's hippy generation, but a lot of those people grew older (not up, mind you...older) and never found their way to the truth. A lot of these people never developed any critical thinking skills, and were willing takers from a government always willing to give...as long as they give back something in return...freedom. And they had children. They first generation hippies were big on going into "teaching" when I was in college, and they are the ones who moved the Marxist/Socialist/progressive indoctrination program out of the shadows and into the classrooms.
Those people, who are now in their 50's, are the ones who wanted trophies for everyone and raised their children to believe they have a right to go through life without being offended, and that the government should see to it that "being offended" comes with compensation, and the offender is ostracized.
These folks children, the radical marxist left, are the people burning down property, assaulting people, taking over government facilites, and assaulting peace officers, and calling for anarchy, and the dismantling of law enforcement agencies. I think, to the surprise of traditional old school liberals, the people who studied and admire Jack Kennedy, have been shocked by where "their" party has gone.
I said elsewhere that this election is yet another battle for the soul of the nation.
Look at what has happened to California in the last 40 years. Once a place people wanted to live, a place with good jobs, a place where innovation took place and people wanted to be.
Look at it.
40 years of almost uninterrupted leftist control has decimated this state. Yes, we have folks who see no further than their own front door, and as long as everything looks good from that vantage point , and the blinders they wear while moving around don't slip, they can continue to believe their own lie that all is well.
There is hope, tho.

I will pick on @BHC Vic here a second. Look at the change this young man has experienced since he first came to RDP. He changed himself, changed his attitude, changed his way of thinking, and has become one of the great success stories I know of. He is an example for his children, and even I suspect has had an impact on the way his Father is seeing the world.He told us his Dad is voting for Trump. That is awesome, and that....that is a major shift. He should be danged proud of himself. I am proud of him, and proud of what he represents...a young adult doing it on his own and kicking ass.
And I am sure their are other young people in his orbit that are looking at his success and thinking, "hey...I like what Vic has done, I like where he is going, I need to listen to him and see if I can learn something"

So people can change. I hope we change more. I hope the young people come to understand that their is no free lunch, that any goodie the government offers comes with a barbed hook, and that the country was built for them to succeed...

The others I listed above...well...I am sorry to say that anyone who supports, either verbally or by action, or by lack of action, the sickening violence and crime we see in our cities is an enemy of the country. The leaders who are letting this happen and holding back the enforcement of written laws are criminals.


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Do you mean grab your daughter by the pussy like:
Camelah Harris, Willie, grab my pussy, I won't tell your wife!
Jill Stevenson. Joe, grab my pussy I won't tell my husband!
Monica Lewinsky, Bill grab my pussy and bring me a cigar, I won't tell your wife.!
You forgot,
Hunter Biden, Natalie let me grab your pussy and film it, don't tell your mom!
Joe Biden, Natalie take a shower with me so I can grab your pussy, don't tell anyone!