Did he get paid?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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The benefit of the doubt was given to the boat owner. It was as simple as what does it take to resolve this? He laid terms.. Now those terms are either being honored or not.

Mini Kat

Hammer Makin' Payments
Aug 20, 2009
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Dave I watched Straight Outta Compton on the Magic Box the on Tuesday.:thumbup:


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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If I had my choice of spending some time with my wife or dealing with this shit...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I already posted the reason why in the earlier threads. To answer your question though (again) it was because it was posted on here. If I delete it then obviously I'm protecting the vendor and an asshole for not warning people. If I don't delete it, it goes against the policies of RDP mostly because in 90+% of these situations it rarely is the actual business at fault. I want to be clear on that for the reading impaired like Tyro.. There is a 10%.

Tyro you really need to go back and reread all of my posts in all of the threads. For the 100th time just because I'm not willing to burn someone at the stake based on "heresay" doesn't mean I'm taking sides, or backing one or the other. You have to give the person a chance to make it right, or explain, or make someone whole etc..

We went over this 100 times yesterday with the gas cans, or blowing OCM.. And I thought it was pretty clear about how anybody can paint a picture when I lightly touched on your own experiences in the matter.

The seller wants resolution (obviously). Tim and the seller came to an Agreement with Terms, all that I have done was listen to the terms of the agreement. As of yet the Agreement has not been honored. That being said there is some amount of EVIDENCE that it was attempted to be honored, and it could be a hold up outside of either parties control. (Whether that's bullshit or not.. we dunno but I suspect we will find out tomorrow morning)

The seller has agreed to extend the terms of that agreement until 12:00 tomorrow based upon that evidence that was produced. The seller does not believe that the terms were honored, but figures quite literally "Fuck it.. What's another day at this point."

The seller has made it very clear that if the terms are not met by 12:00 tomorrow that at 12:01 he will be posting yet another thread. Tim has made it clear that if the seller doesn't have the funds by 12:00 tomorrow he deserves whatever he gets.

Me personally off to the side (in running the board) am going to publish one of two things tomorrow. Either OCM honored the agreement and all that entails.. Or OCM didn't honor the agreement and all that entails.

I have given Tim the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, because unlike you and most on this board, I have referred him business. I watched the transactions go smoothly. I watched the checks get cashed and they did not bounce. If for some reason this time is different, Well then I guess this time is different. Just walking up to the situation though, Tim has purchased all 3 wood boats from Dan Donahue SR. I'm the guy that put the deal together between Tim and Dan.. and it literally took one day and Tim said "I'll take them" and as soon as Dan got him the title's Tim wrote him a check. So again I'm not so quick to say "fuck this guy" because my experience with him has been good up to this point. I Know people that have sold and bought boats from OCM that have had positive experiences and shared them with me. (as said previously in other threads)

When both the seller, and the Broker agree to extend the terms until noon tomorrow, it would seem to make sense that we would leave things as they are.

Being that I was the person that put the V-drive down at OCM. I called Dan Donahue and have completely informed him of the situation, and my opinions of what actually is going on. Dan is sending me power of attorney for the v-drive, and whatever I decide to do with the boat will be happening tomorrow. Whether that's leave it right where it's at.. Or pull it out and rip it over to Prime Marine.. Or put it in the water and take it up to Topock tomorrow for their pool party. I talked to Dan, and we are on the same page.

I haven't steered him wrong in anything to do with his sons boats since Danny's passing yet. I'm not planning on starting now. He has faith in whatever I decide and why I decide it, and yes I have already decided exactly what I'm doing with it. I am treating it no different then I would treat my own boat.

If there's no funds at noon, as said before then all I can say is the Agreement wasn't honored..

I'm getting tired of your constant attacks on me 460. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt, and saying you "believe what they are saying" does not equate to blowing the guy.. It's saying "I believe what the guy is saying" because you measure the odds of it likely being the truth or likely being bullshit and coming away with a conclusion.

I'm not a banker, and I'm not sure how all this shit works.. All I can say is what I heard on the phone from the bank, which I did. The seller and the Broker have again come to an agreement that ends at Noon tomorrow.

Pacific standard time / 12:00 noon.

My intentions were to hopefully vindicate OCM from any implications of wrong doing, and help a guy get his money a little quicker. You are correct, at this point it hasn't worked.

I think it would have been easier to just pay the guy then setup a fake Chase bank phone #, with Chase hold music and messages etc.. But what do I know.. LOL

I'm handling the situation as consistently as I can. People that have reading comprehension problems, need to re-read the threads.

Hopefully The guy gets funded before Noon tomorrow, or in my opinion OCM did not honor their end of the agreement. If the guy gets a Federal transfer # in the morning, and gets funded before Noon, then OCM did honor their end of the agreement.. It really is as simple as that.

What happens after either of those circumstances is what remains to be seen. If they don't honor the agreement, then from a public relations standpoint they are fucked 6 ways to sunday.

IF they do honor the agreement then Tim will start the process of changing OCM's image online and he will likely pay me to help him do it.

That is as honest and as transparent as I know how to word things. I really don't appreciate some of these guys like Joker and Tyro joking about my integrity. It is something I have always, and will always take very seriously.

Peace in the hood fucksticks.. Straight out of Compton starts in 10 minutes and I'm taking STacy to see it! :D


My personal experience was my fuck up. I owned up for it. Difference is, i put facts out and didnt hide. Why hasnt tim come here to tell the masses about his personal experience? Why isnt he owning up to all of this? why is someone else doing the talking for him? why has it taken so long to fund? etc. Its a cluster fuck.

i put myself in the middle of a business deal between 2 members not to long ago. Guess what, the buyer sent the money and the seller provided the title. No funny business no nothing. point is, ocm calls himself a business but he has shady business practice. That makes not only me, but everyone think the guys a stroke. You are a business man, if you gave your word about funding something wouldnt you make sure it happened on the day you said it would not a day or 2 later Way i see it, there shouldnt have been given another day.

Im still readying my pitch fork and im loading the guns.


Fair winds and following seas George.. Rest Easy..
Jan 28, 2009
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Lots of smart people here and a number posts covered a lot of points I was going to bring up, but I now don't need to repeat them .

I will state that "wire transfer use depends on the amount of the transfer, and the remaining amount of available funds in the sending account" . "Send $250K on a $300K account, THREE TO FIVE DAY WAIT . Send $500K on a three million dollar account, INSTANT credit . I deal with Chase and B of A, and that is how both of those banks work .

I would also disagree with the point about going INTO THE BANK, rather than doing transfers on line . There are so many ways for crooks to do 'on line fraud', that the local (Havasu) banks I deal with PREFER large 'wire transfers' be done by their own people, in my presents . I ALWAYS get a printed receipt !

This is just how the "west coast boat business' has been done for decades, everyone wants to 'make good', but only some will endure the 'pain and bumps in the road' . The majority of businesses in this 'spot' are honest, and just got caught 'behind the banking curve', but again I feel that this is all about a business being 'underfunded' .

On a lighter note, how many 'car title loans' can one take out on an Ecoboost Ford, to pay their bills ? HA HA


Jan 8, 2015
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Aug 18, 2015
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Still not paid......
I have called out every delay and excuse thus far by Tim of OCM.

I still have no faith in "wire" being successful tomorrow. We will hear another wire lie.....

I cannot thank River Dave enough. He has been extreamly helpful with all this, and very PATIENT, as have I. However, at 12:01PM pst tomorrow all patients will be fully exhausted if payment is not made.

I hope I am wrong. I hope funds will be deposited so I can notify all of you immediately.

To be continued.........


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Bump...this was slippin' down the page

Good luck Commander


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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I agree with 460 where the hell is OCM on all these threads? Why are you doing all the typing RD and not him? He listed his rail on Glamisdunes recently so we know he can post on forums. If it was my business and everything I was doing was right and how business is conducted you could bet your ass I would be on here myself defending my business practice.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
If I have someone trim my palm trees, how long until I have to pay them?

<<<<<<sorry, had to chime in, couldn't take it any longer.

From the looks of things... U don't [emoji4]


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
Why would anyone want to ban 460?
I mean,he's a Ford nut and all but he shouldn't be banned for it.Sheesh.

Hey since you're here do u think it's ok for me to run the boat like this? That's the edge of the pad ImageUploadedByTapatalk1440142160.645017.jpg


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Uhhh resolution to this or no?

I'm not typing all that shit out again... Go back a page or two and read.

Short answer is no.. Long answer is "NOT YET" Hopeful answer is Tomorrow morning.. Deadline is 12:00 PST.



No Bad Days
May 8, 2014
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Looks like this still kept on overnight and we even had a 29 commander visit.......[emoji42]


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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Still not paid......
I have called out every delay and excuse thus far by Tim of OCM.

I still have no faith in "wire" being successful tomorrow. We will hear another wire lie.....

I cannot thank River Dave enough. He has been extreamly helpful with all this, and very PATIENT, as have I. However, at 12:01PM pst tomorrow all patients will be fully exhausted if payment is not made.

I hope I am wrong. I hope funds will be deposited so I can notify all of you immediately.

To be continued.........

Looks like this still kept on overnight and we even had a 29 commander visit.......[emoji42]

Here ya go OldSchool


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Shit I am out of beer and popcorn got to run to the store nobody post anything until I get back. I don't want to spend another 2 hours catching up. Can I pick up anything for anybody else?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I agree with 460 where the hell is OCM on all these threads? Why are you doing all the typing RD and not him? He listed his rail on Glamisdunes recently so we know he can post on forums. If it was my business and everything I was doing was right and how business is conducted you could bet your ass I would be on here myself defending my business practice.

Not only can he post on GD and forums but he has an account on here. He just posted this week in another thread on here...:thumbsdown

tunnel vision

Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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I have wondered the same thing, he never defends himself or his actions...Hmm


Sep 26, 2007
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Not only can he post on GD and forums but he has an account on here. He just posted this week in another thread on here...:thumbsdown

He has RD for a publicist here. lol.

The one thing that baffles me is that RD is willing to put his own credibility on the line for him. All the signs point to a royal fucking or at least some shady money stuff going on. I would guess that Dave knows more about the situation than what is being let out hence why he is so strongly backing Tim.

Just seems like too many "accidents and mishaps" keep happening to avoid getting him his money.

Hopefully this all gets cleared up and like Dave said there is a public relations nightmare on Tim's hands so will be interesting to see how he handles it, or if he even does.


c ya on da lake
Oct 4, 2007
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Hopefully The guy gets funded before Noon tomorrow, or in my opinion OCM did not honor their end of the agreement. If the guy gets a Federal transfer # in the morning, and gets funded before Noon, then OCM did honor their end of the agreement.. It really is as simple as that.

What happens after either of those circumstances is what remains to be seen. If they don't honor the agreement, then from a public relations standpoint they are fucked 6 ways to sunday.

IF they do honor the agreement then Tim will start the process of changing OCM's image online and he will likely pay me to help him do it.



I might suggest cash in advance, right after the other person that you said you knew also needed to get paid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Lots of smart people here and a number posts covered a lot of points I was going to bring up, but I now don't need to repeat them .

I will state that "wire transfer use depends on the amount of the transfer, and the remaining amount of available funds in the sending account" . "Send $250K on a $300K account, THREE TO FIVE DAY WAIT . Send $500K on a three million dollar account, INSTANT credit . I deal with Chase and B of A, and that is how both of those banks work .

I would also disagree with the point about going INTO THE BANK, rather than doing transfers on line . There are so many ways for crooks to do 'on line fraud', that the local (Havasu) banks I deal with PREFER large 'wire transfers' be done by their own people, in my presents . I ALWAYS get a printed receipt !

This is just how the "west coast boat business' has been done for decades, everyone wants to 'make good', but only some will endure the 'pain and bumps in the road' . The majority of businesses in this 'spot' are honest, and just got caught 'behind the banking curve', but again I feel that this is all about a business being 'underfunded' .

On a lighter note, how many 'car title loans' can one take out on an Ecoboost Ford, to pay their bills ? HA HA

I'm sorry, this is wrong.

My client wired approximately $650k from his BofA account Wednesday morning using an online wire. Escrow received confirmation of the wire at 11am. The account had a little over $800k in it.

This is an example of many that I see yearly. I've never seen a wire take longer than 24 hours. That's the whole point of them, otherwise you would just write a check.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Not a word about the guy who bought the boat,not one word.A bank employee talking about business on a speaker phone with strangers,phuck that.

Makes no fucking sense right?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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On Monday I wired my son's college his tuition and housing money, as I clicked approved that $$$$$ was GOOOOONNNNNEEE, and that's from my lil Pac West Bank.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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I'm sorry, this is wrong.

My client wired approximately $650k from his BofA account Wednesday morning using an online wire. Escrow received confirmation of the wire at 11am. The account had a little over $800k in it.

This is an example of many that I see yearly. I've never seen a wire take longer than 24 hours. That's the whole point of them, otherwise you would just write a check.

A swing a long fly ball to left center field. Way back way back and its GONE. Grand slam home run....

Sounds like the robbing peter to pay paul didn't go as expected. The peter part didn't quite work out as anticipated


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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PVHCA TRACY here, I called Matt "chumpchange" to ask about transfers and all he could say was, "this is all BULLSHIT".

PM 460 for all ur RDP needs!!

I'm pretty sure people ain't going to message me for any thing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I can't figure out how the new owner has the title?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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I'm pretty sure people ain't going to message me for any thing.

Well then can you please make sure all swag is mailed out before you get the boot to your chest? :)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2010
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On a lighter note, how many 'car title loans' can one take out on an Ecoboost Ford, to pay their bills ? HA HA

Are you saying Tim gets title loans on his truck?