DCB M35 Rollover... THE TRUTH!!!!


In a Purple Haze
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Let me preface this with a few statements/observations...

1. Everybody who witnesses any sudden event sees sees things differently. Single event, multiple stories, sometimes VERY at odds with each other.

2. Even if you are the driver that is involved in an "incident" you will have a very different and also very narrow perspective of what actually happens.

That said, here is what actually happened from my perspective, viewed from the air, in the helicopter that was probably less than 100 feet away and directly on top of the rollover. Unfortunately, due to some stupid technical problems I was unable to capture any of this on video. Jay Nichols/Naples Image has a great still sequence of the entire event from start to finish however that if he so chooses will share and will corroborate the narrative that follows...

The silver DCB's were running together, side by side at about 75 MPH behind the pace boat, with the 41 that Tony was driving to the right and about 3/4 of a boat length ahead of the 35. The first group was running very organized, all together in what is probably one of the best starts that I have ever witnessed at Desert Storm. Nobody jumped or even tried to jump the start. Absolutely GREAT cooperation and driving from the first group.

When the first group made it to the natural left turn at Pilot Rock the boats were released and had just started spooling up. Very shortly after being released, the boats were probably running about 80 - 90 MPH, Tony had to make a very slight course correction to the left to avoid another boat ahead of him that was on the lake either as an unaware lake user or as a tardy spectator. Tony, in the 41, bore slightly to the left, just enough that I could see that the spacing between the 41 and 35 was narrowing. He did nothing out of the ordinary and certainly did not cut anybody off or unnecessarily cause anyone to take evasive action. Just a very gentle left drift to avoid an obstacle ahead.

The 35, rather than bearing left in parallel with the 41 and the rest of the group for that matter, chose to back out of the throttles and bear RIGHT, crossing fairly close, about 15 or 20 feet, behind the 41 and over the wake of the 41.

Once the 35 hit that wake the whole program got loose. The nose of the boat was rising and the boat started to "tail walk" for lack of a better term. The 35 chined side to side on the tail several times, perhaps 5 or 6 times, with the nose progressively rising higher and higher with each chine... Left, right, left, right, nose higher, higher, higher until the boat was pretty much vertical... sponsons pointed to the sky.

Once vertical, the rear right corner hit the water and pulled the boat back down, perfectly on its right/starboard side.

The boat then rolled to the left bringing the boat upright and going straight on its original course having slowed down significantly. Both the driver and the navigator were still in the boat at this point and we in the helicopter were actually thinking that he was going to actually save the boat from rolling. We even had time to verbally say to each other over the onboard intercom system, "Holy shit!!! He's gonna save it!!!"

At that point the boat pulled hard to the left and hooked, rolling the boat hard over to the right and at that point the driver and navigator were pitched out of the boat and the boat crashed upside down on the water surface, wherein it then swamped and sank to a sponsons up attitude. The whole sequence took several seconds to develop. It was not a fast crash. One thing led to another over the course of some time, enough so that we in the helicopter were able to have our own commentary along the lines of "Whoa!!! Whoa!!! WHOA!!! WHOA!!! HOLY SHIT HE'S GONNA SAVE IT, OH SHIT!!! QUICK, LET'S GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!

Almost all of the first group boats stopped and circled around the 35 in a protective and aid rendering mode. The DS rescue & safety helicopters and boats were on top of the 35 within seconds, with one rescue diver deployed and another ready to go in. Both the driver and the navigator were accounted for and safe with only cuts & bruises. Once the safety of the driver and navigator was ascertained everybody that didn't have an immediate involvement in the rescue/salvage process was released and proceeded on with the rest of the poker run. The safety plan that has been in place for all of the years of DS worked perfectly and the people involved were safe and the boat had been recovered and on its trailer by late afternoon.

Everybody is safe, priority number 1. And THAT'S the truth....


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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Nice to hear about it first hand from someone with an actual bird's eye view.. Thanks. :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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I know there is video out there. Like you said everybody sees it differently. I want to see it before I make my own conclusion.

Summer Boater Winter Offroader

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2011
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No way it was 80 to 90 those guys were movinn. I find that hard to believe. More like 100 +. You don't flip at 80+ With little to no wind. What's the real story?


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
Reaction score
No way it was 80 to 90 those guys were movinn. I find that hard to believe. More like 100 +. You don't flip at 80+ With little to no wind. What's the real story?

Not true. The orange M35 lost it up river last season in the gorge reportedly doing 50 or 60 withe the same type of cross wake situation. location might be wrong but everythi.g else is what was reported last season.


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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No way it was 80 to 90 those guys were movinn. I find that hard to believe. More like 100 +. You don't flip at 80+ With little to no wind. What's the real story?

North Korea was testing their new stealth submarine and had to suddenly surface due to technical problems. Thinking they were in a remote area of a little known or traveled lake in the middle of the desert, they surfaced without raising the periscope to look around. It wasn't the wake of the 41 DCB but the top of the sub that caused the 35 to point its nose skyward. :eek

And that's the rest of the story. Good day!:thumbsup


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Let me preface this with a few statements/observations...

1. Everybody who witnesses any sudden event sees sees things differently. Single event, multiple stories, sometimes VERY at odds with each other.

2. Even if you are the driver that is involved in an "incident" you will have a very different and also very narrow perspective of what actually happens.

That said, here is what actually happened from my perspective, viewed from the air, in the helicopter that was probably less than 100 feet away and directly on top of the rollover. Unfortunately, due to some stupid technical problems I was unable to capture any of this on video. Jay Nichols/Naples Image has a great still sequence of the entire event from start to finish however that if he so chooses will share and will corroborate the narrative that follows...

The silver DCB's were running together, side by side at about 75 MPH behind the pace boat, with the 41 that Tony was driving to the right and about 3/4 of a boat length ahead of the 35. The first group was running very organized, all together in what is probably one of the best starts that I have ever witnessed at Desert Storm. Nobody jumped or even tried to jump the start. Absolutely GREAT cooperation and driving from the first group.

When the first group made it to the natural left turn at Pilot Rock the boats were released and had just started spooling up. Very shortly after being released, the boats were probably running about 80 - 90 MPH, Tony had to make a very slight course correction to the left to avoid another boat ahead of him that was on the lake either as an unaware lake user or as a tardy spectator. Tony, in the 41, bore slightly to the left, just enough that I could see that the spacing between the 41 and 35 was narrowing. He did nothing out of the ordinary and certainly did not cut anybody off or unnecessarily cause anyone to take evasive action. Just a very gentle left drift to avoid an obstacle ahead.

The 35, rather than bearing left in parallel with the 41 and the rest of the group for that matter, chose to back out of the throttles and bear RIGHT, crossing fairly close, about 15 or 20 feet, behind the 41 and over the wake of the 41.

Once the 35 hit that wake the whole program got loose. The nose of the boat was rising and the boat started to "tail walk" for lack of a better term. The 35 chined side to side on the tail several times, perhaps 5 or 6 times, with the nose progressively rising higher and higher with each chine... Left, right, left, right, nose higher, higher, higher until the boat was pretty much vertical... sponsons pointed to the sky.

Once vertical, the rear right corner hit the water and pulled the boat back down, perfectly on its right/starboard side.

The boat then rolled to the left bringing the boat upright and going straight on its original course having slowed down significantly. Both the driver and the navigator were still in the boat at this point and we in the helicopter were actually thinking that he was going to actually save the boat from rolling. We even had time to verbally say to each other over the onboard intercom system, "Holy shit!!! He's gonna save it!!!"

At that point the boat pulled hard to the left and hooked, rolling the boat hard over to the right and at that point the driver and navigator were pitched out of the boat and the boat crashed upside down on the water surface, wherein it then swamped and sank to a sponsons up attitude. The whole sequence took several seconds to develop. It was not a fast crash. One thing led to another over the course of some time, enough so that we in the helicopter were able to have our own commentary along the lines of "Whoa!!! Whoa!!! WHOA!!! WHOA!!! HOLY SHIT HE'S GONNA SAVE IT, OH SHIT!!! QUICK, LET'S GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!

Almost all of the first group boats stopped and circled around the 35 in a protective and aid rendering mode. The DS rescue & safety helicopters and boats were on top of the 35 within seconds, with one rescue diver deployed and another ready to go in. Both the driver and the navigator were accounted for and safe with only cuts & bruises. Once the safety of the driver and navigator was ascertained everybody that didn't have an immediate involvement in the rescue/salvage process was released and proceeded on with the rest of the poker run. The safety plan that has been in place for all of the years of DS worked perfectly and the people involved were safe and the boat had been recovered and on its trailer by late afternoon.

Everybody is safe, priority number 1. And THAT'S the truth....

Thanks for the birds eye perspective. :thumbsup

Havasu Hangin'

Lord of the Drinks
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Yes... They were spread across the entire span of the narrow at Pilot Rock... The roll itself was left of center.

So the 41 was going left, and the 35 was going right...toward the centerline?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Looks like passenger flew out before it came down.


In a Purple Haze
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Were any other boats trying to get to the centerline around that corner? Did any others get washed down?

No. Not that I saw. All of the boats were trimmed up at that point and roosting as they were spooling up... It gets tight in that part of the lake hence the pace boat escort through the narrows. If you're behind anybody you're gonna get washed down through no fault of the boat/driver ahead of you...

Rich to summarize your post.


Yes sir, it does...


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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Spotondl-you obviosly werent at the drivers meeting.The pace boat did not release anyone as he didnt have a flag.The instructions were to make the turn at pilot rock and once everybody made the turn and were all lined up,they could go.Tony jumped the start pure and simple.Ask him,he will tell you he jumped.The M35 had his drives trimed to the moon and in turbulent ,rough water ,that isnt good.I was to the right and slightly behind the M35 and next to the pace boat with Lombardo in the 32 DCB just to my left. Lombardo swerved to avoid the M35 and cut right in front of me washing me down and i swerved right to avoid him.My port motor got washed down and shut off,so i stopped completly to restart.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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Good analogy, well written and perfectly easy to follow, from someone who had the same view of it as God himself. Kudos.:thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Im just waiting for someone in a helicopter to release this footage. The damn sky looked like a helicopter convention this weekend and the only video we get of this is from Cell Phones? Who is going to be the first to break the silence?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Im just waiting for someone in a helicopter to release this footage. The damn sky looked like a helicopter convention this weekend and the only video we get of this is from Cell Phones? Who is going to be the first to break the silence?

Rich shorted his camera out by hooking up the power supply backwards so there is no video. JayBoat has been releasing the photos from this perspective one at a time in his photo thread..


Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Im just waiting for someone in a helicopter to release this footage. The damn sky looked like a helicopter convention this weekend and the only video we get of this is from Cell Phones? Who is going to be the first to break the silence?

Nicely said, Rich. And yeah, I think my sequence tells the story.

The footage I want to see is the aft-facing gopro on the 41. ;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Rich shorted his camera out by hooking up the power supply backwards so there is no video. JayBoat has been releasing the photos from this perspective one at a time in his photo thread..

Noted. Ill settle for one of the hundreds of Go Pros mounted on any of the first packs boats?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Nicely said, Rich. And yeah, I think my sequence tells the story.

The footage I want to see is the aft-facing gopro on the 41. ;)

Exactly! And thanks for posting your pics Jay.

Havasu Hangin'

Lord of the Drinks
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Spotondl-you obviosly werent at the drivers meeting.The pace boat did not release anyone as he didnt have a flag.The instructions were to make the turn at pilot rock and once everybody made the turn and were all lined up,they could go.Tony jumped the start pure and simple.Ask him,he will tell you he jumped.The M35 had his drives trimed to the moon and in turbulent ,rough water ,that isnt good.I was to the right and slightly behind the M35 and next to the pace boat with Lombardo in the 32 DCB just to my left. Lombardo swerved to avoid the M35 and cut right in front of me washing me down and i swerved right to avoid him.My port motor got washed down and shut off,so i stopped completly to restart.


Looking at the lineup, how the heck did the M41 even get left enough to even tangle with the M35?

Hope all is good with your motor Gary- that's never good to drink that much water.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2010
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Looking at the lineup, how the heck did the M41 even get left enough to even tangle with the M35?

Hope all is good with your motor Gary- that's never good to drink that much water.

Very good question HH. Wasn't it stated that JT in Roth's boat got washed down by the M41 as well?

Havasu Hangin'

Lord of the Drinks
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Very good question HH. Wasn't it stated that JT in Roth's boat got washed down by the M41 as well?

I heard that as well. Hope all is good with JT's motor, too. If they suck up enough water, it can bend rods, and lots of other bad things.


B Team Member #27
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score

Looking at the lineup, how the heck did the M41 even get left enough to even tangle with the M35?
In this pic the 35 is on the right and the 41 is on the left (as you're looking at the pic), correct? It's my understanding that the 35 cut across the wake of the 41 going left to right (from the driver's perspective, not the photo). Tony was holding his line, the 35 cut behind him.

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B Team Member #27
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Yes M35 on the right. F32 blue boat between them. Then M41 on the left..Predator yellow boat on the far left. Other than that, I have no idea, I wasn't there.

I briefly talked to Tony on Sunday and his perspective, as he lived it and watched the video, was that the 35 came across his wake (as stated above) as everyone was moving to avoid a boat that was in the middle of their path. The 41 was making a sweeping turn and held it's course; the rest is history. He gave me the play by play but I couldn't begin to re-tell the story with any amount of accuracy.

I saw the 35 up close yesterday, windshield was broken and it had some stress cracks in the port side of the stern. Couldn't see the interior, but overall the boat looked good.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

New to boating

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Spotondl-you obviosly werent at the drivers meeting.The pace boat did not release anyone as he didnt have a flag.The instructions were to make the turn at pilot rock and once everybody made the turn and were all lined up,they could go.Tony jumped the start pure and simple.Ask him,he will tell you he jumped.The M35 had his drives trimed to the moon and in turbulent ,rough water ,that isnt good.I was to the right and slightly behind the M35 and next to the pace boat with Lombardo in the 32 DCB just to my left. Lombardo swerved to avoid the M35 and cut right in front of me washing me down and i swerved right to avoid him.My port motor got washed down and shut off,so i stopped completly to restart.

Nothing new about someone jumping the start at this event. I've been in the first row on more than one occasion, waiting for the start boat to throw the green flag (when they used to do that), I waited and waited and waited just like I was instructed at the 'Drivers meeting".... and by the time we were "released" almost every single boat was 1/4 mile ahead of me. it's not like an ABPA or SBI race where if you do that you are penalized or disqualified so we respected the start boat and the starter, we still pushed it, but we didnt want to get penaiized. There is simply no consequence to doing it so at a Poker Run so everyone does it.

Sounds like the M41 needed to jump since it only ran in the 140's in the shootout and we know there were at least 3 other boats capable of 180+ speeds in the event.

Good to have the perspective on the drives and probable trim setting and it makes sense. Sponson walk does not become more violent if your backing off to settle it down, it becomes more violent (or sometimes goes away) under acceleration. Like I said in a prior post it is incredibly difficult to "blow over" a 35ft cat in bathtub water (or lake water that is a little messed up) without a very unique set of circumstances and lets not forget about Driver Error which is typically the cause of all of these incidents. In the instant case, Improper navigation of a wake, overtrimmed, not compensating for messed up air coming from the 41 changing direction, the nose getting a "pop" over the wake and sounds like they likely held it wide open which would cuase the sponson walk to get worse and worse and with 3000 lbs of torque it walked its way up and over center..... adn they went for a swim

Big power CATS talk to you when you are running them and talk back at you when they are unhappy....you just have to have enough experience, seat time and skill set to understand the language and react accordingly.

Even if the boat was cut off (which it sounds like it was not) who cares, so you slow down and gather the thing up and an M35 with 1500's is going to run down an M41 w-1350's in the short term pretty quickly so giving up a few seconds to properly correct would not have been an issue.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the Desert Storm Start, it is challanging because of a wide variety of skill set's in fast boats that some of them have very little experience running (not like a actual race) and some boats that are 30% to 40% faster than the boats 12 inches to the side of them, limited to no spectator boat control etc. Expect to be cut off, and washed down, assume that the Guy next to you has ZERO seat time and just got the boat delivered that weekend etc.

There is nothing wrong with the M35 DCB, yes there have been two incidents at the lake with these boats, its entirely coincidental and I feel bad for Guys that work at DCB who there, if you take the time to talk to them are actually pretty cool guys (the guys that actually build the boats - the fabricators) they have clearly found their place in the market and make a nice quality product.

Time to move on. It is a shame that it went down this way becuase for the first time you had a nmber of very fast boats all running properly (at least at the start) with Roth finally getting the bugs worked out, and London (Ex Romer Skater) with minimal seat time in a proven 200 MPH boat and of course Smith running "the bag" off his boat as usual, all of whom would have been all over the M41 in short order and we really didnt know what that boat was capable of. Would have been interesting.


In a Purple Haze
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score

Looking at the lineup, how the heck did the M41 even get left enough to even tangle with the M35?

Hope all is good with your motor Gary- that's never good to drink that much water.

This photo was taken well before Pilot Rock. I had my pilot climb in altitude so that we could get a diving run at the guys being released so we could stay with them a little bit longer. The reason Jay got this great perspective shot is that we are still at altitude & climbing.

Whether there should be or not, there is some jockeying that takes place as the boats approach the Pilot Rock squeeze and the boat positions did shuffle a bit from what is shown here. . .

This photo is taken right at Pilot Rock and you can see their has been some position changes.




Head Ram Rod
Apr 11, 2011
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Shame on you Rich, come in here spreading the trruth like that. Some people were not done speculating:lmao


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
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Nothing new about someone jumping the start at this event. I've been in the first row on more than one occasion, waiting for the start boat to throw the green flag (when they used to do that), I waited and waited and waited just like I was instructed at the 'Drivers meeting".... and by the time we were "released" almost every single boat was 1/4 mile ahead of me. it's not like an ABPA or SBI race where if you do that you are penalized or disqualified so we respected the start boat and the starter, we still pushed it, but we didnt want to get penaiized. There is simply no consequence to doing it so at a Poker Run so everyone does it.

Sounds like the M41 needed to jump since it only ran in the 140's in the shootout and we know there were at least 3 other boats capable of 180+ speeds in the event.

Good to have the perspective on the drives and probable trim setting and it makes sense. Sponson walk does not become more violent if your backing off to settle it down, it becomes more violent (or sometimes goes away) under acceleration. Like I said in a prior post it is incredibly difficult to "blow over" a 35ft cat in bathtub water (or lake water that is a little messed up) without a very unique set of circumstances and lets not forget about Driver Error which is typically the cause of all of these incidents. In the instant case, Improper navigation of a wake, overtrimmed, not compensating for messed up air coming from the 41 changing direction, the nose getting a "pop" over the wake and sounds like they likely held it wide open which would cuase the sponson walk to get worse and worse and with 3000 lbs of torque it walked its way up and over center..... adn they went for a swim

Big power CATS talk to you when you are running them and talk back at you when they are unhappy....you just have to have enough experience, seat time and skill set to understand the language and react accordingly.

Even if the boat was cut off (which it sounds like it was not) who cares, so you slow down and gather the thing up and an M35 with 1500's is going to run down an M41 w-1350's in the short term pretty quickly so giving up a few seconds to properly correct would not have been an issue.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the Desert Storm Start, it is challanging because of a wide variety of skill set's in fast boats that some of them have very little experience running (not like a actual race) and some boats that are 30% to 40% faster than the boats 12 inches to the side of them, limited to no spectator boat control etc. Expect to be cut off, and washed down, assume that the Guy next to you has ZERO seat time and just got the boat delivered that weekend etc.

There is nothing wrong with the M35 DCB, yes there have been two incidents at the lake with these boats, its entirely coincidental and I feel bad for Guys that work at DCB who there, if you take the time to talk to them are actually pretty cool guys (the guys that actually build the boats - the fabricators) they have clearly found their place in the market and make a nice quality product.

Time to move on. It is a shame that it went down this way becuase for the first time you had a nmber of very fast boats all running properly (at least at the start) with Roth finally getting the bugs worked out, and London (Ex Romer Skater) with minimal seat time in a proven 200 MPH boat and of course Smith running "the bag" off his boat as usual, all of whom would have been all over the M41 in short order and we really didnt know what that boat was capable of. Would have been interesting.

Wait a minute...you said you have been in the first row of this Poler Run In years past? And that you have participated in sanctioned Offshore events? So you're not "New to Boating!!"

All kidding aside. Thanks for all of your professional opinions and views. I enjoy reading your post.

Sent from my iPhone


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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I heard that as well. Hope all is good with JT's motor, too. If they suck up enough water, it can bend rods, and lots of other bad things.

Both Roths and my motors suffered no mechanical failures as a result of getting water injection at the start.My ignition got wet and 140 was all i could maintain after that and the MSD finally gave out on the way to the second card stop.Roths boat suffered a misfire on the last run they made in the shootout and we believe it is also ignition related.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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I thought that too. It was interesting to read Gary's view in Post#17, I would like to hear what the driver of the Blue/White F32 had to say. He was right in the middle of that, I would be interested to see how the M41/35 got side by side and what happened to the F32 after that pic was taken?

Jay Nichols has all the blow by blow details and when he is ready,he will show them.Frame by frame.


In a Purple Haze
Dec 21, 2007
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I too would love to see the inboard go pro footage. There were a lot of them mounted everywhere.



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
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Saw this. At the 0:18-20 sec mark, you can see that boat coming right towards the boats.


Right at the 37-38 mark also you can see a boat that stands the front up a little also.. :eek

Havasu Hangin'

Lord of the Drinks
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Saw this. At the 0:18-20 sec mark, you can see that boat coming right towards the DCBs


In this video, it looks like that boat is actually on the other side of the lake?



Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Saw this. At the 0:18-20 sec mark, you can see that boat coming towards the DCBs


Find the original filmer and show him this ASAP :p


Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Spotondl-you obviosly werent at the drivers meeting.The pace boat did not release anyone as he didnt have a flag.The instructions were to make the turn at pilot rock and once everybody made the turn and were all lined up,they could go.Tony jumped the start pure and simple.Ask him,he will tell you he jumped.The M35 had his drives trimed to the moon and in turbulent ,rough water ,that isnt good.I was to the right and slightly behind the M35 and next to the pace boat with Lombardo in the 32 DCB just to my left. Lombardo swerved to avoid the M35 and cut right in front of me washing me down and i swerved right to avoid him.My port motor got washed down and shut off,so i stopped completly to restart.

My guess when I saw the first video was high speed and over trimmed when he crossed the wake and it turned the boat into a kite.

Thanks for the info

I'm glad everyone in the M35 walked away and the drivers of the other boats were able to get out of the way.:thumbup:

Havasu Hangin'

Lord of the Drinks
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
My guess when I saw the first video was high speed and over trimmed when he crossed the wake and it turned the boat into a kite.

Yeah...you can see the F32 make it through to roost, too. He's 3' shorter...but made it with no drama.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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Both Roths and my motors suffered no mechanical failures as a result of getting water injection at the start.My ignition got wet and 140 was all i could maintain after that and the MSD finally gave out on the way to the second card stop.Roths boat suffered a misfire on the last run they made in the shootout and we believe it is also ignition related.

Talk to Rex about the MSD... he will take care of that in a jiffy...


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
No way it was 80 to 90 those guys were movinn. I find that hard to believe. More like 100 +. You don't flip at 80+ With little to no wind. What's the real story?

I've seen a DCB blow up and almost over at 35 MPH. Granted the wind was blowing, and there were whitecaps, but it was scary to follow them. I gassed it and got around them so we wouldn't become part of the disaster if it happened, but we kept an eye on them the rest of the way to the dock.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I've seen a DCB blow up and almost over at 35 MPH. Granted the wind was blowing, and there were whitecaps, but it was scary to follow them. I gassed it and got around them so we wouldn't become part of the disaster if it happened, but we kept an eye on them the rest of the way to the dock.

I have been staying out of this.. But I gotta admit that was one of the dumbest things I have read on in the Internet.. Lol

Give me a F-29 through an m-41 any day of the week on Havasu over 99% of the boats out there..



Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
I have been staying out of this.. But I gotta admit that was one of the dumbest things I have read on in the Internet.. Lol

Give me a F-29 through an m-41 any day of the week on Havasu over 99% of the boats out there..


LOL, don't get me wrong Dave, I like the DCBs just fine, and if I could afford it, I'd have two so one would be running on any given weekend (which is NOT the hull's fault), my response was to the guy who thought one of them would have to go over 100 to blow over. Driver error, a "rogue wave", or a gust of wind may have been a big player in what I witnessed, as well.


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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What are we gonna do with the truth?

We want rampant speculation followed by summary judgement ;)


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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LOL, don't get me wrong Dave, I like the DCBs just fine, and if I could afford it, I'd have two so one would be running on any given weekend (which is NOT the hull's fault), my response was to the guy who thought one of them would have to go over 100 to blow over. Driver error, a "rogue wave", or a gust of wind may have been a big player in what I witnessed, as well.

The way I read it made it "imply" there was something wrong with the boats.