Attacked while walking out pups


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
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I don't mean to go off on this subject every time is comes up.. but it is crazy to me how brain washed people are on all fronts.

I can walk up and ask my mom "What was your favorite dog that was in our family in all of your years." She won't skip a beat and answer "Neva." (the pitbull) and then I'll ask her "Would you ever consider owning a pitbull?" And she would response "God no.. I hate those dogs.. Neva was special though, she was different."

The media has played on the fears of people for so long, it is actually engrained in their brains now to hate something, that at least in this instance they love? It's crazy to me.


There's a pretty big movement for pits going on now. Sure, it will take time before opinions soften, but it's better than before. The Doberman used to be the hated one, now people have softened on them some. I own 2 Dobes and can say they are great. I take them everywhere with me. It's about 70/30 on the love/hate from people. I usually get people who want to pet them and say good things. The other 30% usually steers clear, with the occasional comment "I can't believe you brought that dog here" or whatever. It's such a small percentage though that I enjoy it. I love to make people feel and look stupid when they are up in arms and my dogs are behaved perfectly. Whoever else around is watching usually will come up after and we will share a laugh. I think pits will get to that point somewhere along the line. Between breeders breeding out aggression and public perception changing, it's only a matter of time.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Oh I do.. LOL But this subject at hand is very personal to me for a variety of reasons. I suppose it comes from a decade of owning pitbulls and having to hear all this shit how my dog was evil. How my dog should be put down. How Breed Specific Legislation is a good thing (and it came to the brink of passing a few times locally.. Which that means they come to your house, take your dog and kill it). I guess it comes from staring at fire arms and wondering if it's going to come down to a scenario where I'm going to have to kill some mother fucker for trying to come into my house and take my dog for the purpose of killing it.

Some of it I'm sure comes from various scenarios like walking my dog, and having a lady and their kid come up, and the kid petting the dog for a few minutes before the mom saying "Hey what kind of dog is that?" and me saying "Well actually it's a pit mix" only to have the lady snatch the kid and jump back in absolute horror. (It actually startled the shit out of me), and me saying "Mam.. that's the same dog your kid was just petting for the last 5 minutes?"

Might come from these fucking jack off's that spoil the fuck out of their dogs and treat them like humans, and when their dogs act like assholes find everything to blame it on except their little angel. Could come from going to the dog parks, and then when one of those jack off's little angels attempts to hump my dog and they skirmish for a second the other guy saying "I can't believe your pit bull..."

I could go on.. But I'll just finish with, my last 2 dogs were the best dogs (by a long shot) of any dogs I have ever had in my life. I have a different breed of dog now, simply because of the ignorance of others. It's the threads like these where people share the negativity, the brain washed opinions, and skewed and warped stats that take BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) an inch closer.. and I'm sure there's some guy somewhere, at his house concerned that someone is going to come and take a member of his family (kinda like the nazi's) and kill it, then give it the old mass burial.

So if I can spend a few minutes of my time shedding some light on that, and maybe pushing back a little on behalf of that gentlemen. Then I guess I will. Because Evil is what happens when good men stand by and do nothing.


Dave, I understand completely what you are saying. The issue is this growing world we live in, we are going to have these things happen. As I posted earlier, I understand animals. I also understand guns. I also understand drinking. And I also understand there are people that want to take all of them away to some extent if not completely. So we have to fight for our rights.

I would never favor or endorse BSL, but I would support kicking irresponsible owners in the groin that make the problems that cause people to wish for such a thing. I don't know how to stop them though, as they have their rights. Instead what I must do is limit myself to areas that I can use my rights. Sad but just what we face these days.

Whatever the view on dogs, the fact of the matter is there people that allow their ignorance to overcome their sensibility. Many have no sensibility to call upon, so they tend to be even worse. Good Pits just like responsible gun owners and drinkers will continue to have to deal with the fall out from the irresponsible and that is what pisses me off.:(

So fight the good fight as you will, but keep in mind it will likely get worse as the irresponsible multiply........


Sep 20, 2007
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I don't mean to go off on this subject every time is comes up.. but it is crazy to me how brain washed people are on all fronts.

I can walk up and ask my mom "What was your favorite dog that was in our family in all of your years." She won't skip a beat and answer "Neva." (the pitbull) and then I'll ask her "Would you ever consider owning a pitbull?" And she would response "God no.. I hate those dogs.. Neva was special though, she was different."

The media has played on the fears of people for so long, it is actually engrained in their brains now to hate something, that at least in this instance they love? It's crazy to me.


Ignorance is bliss Dave...those folks believe all they read and hear in the news and are unable to form an opinion on their own. True dog owners and lovers know that not all dogs are the same. I've known someone with a lab that was meaner than fuck even though he was supposed to be the "good breed". It's true some animals are bred to be aggressive for one reason or another, but even those are generally affectionate dogs until they are asked to be aggressive.
My nephew has a pit mix that is the happiest dog around and will chase whatever you throw for him til he can't anymore. Do some dog still scare me, sure, but usually it's because I don't know them yet(and vice versa).
It is my observance that most unruly dogs are ones the owner is not able to control and/or does not spend the quality time with to teach them and give them the same love back.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
There's a pretty big movement for pits going on now. Sure, it will take time before opinions soften, but it's better than before. The Doberman used to be the hated one, now people have softened on them some. I own 2 Dobes and can say they are great. I take them everywhere with me. It's about 70/30 on the love/hate from people. I usually get people who want to pet them and say good things. The other 30% usually steers clear, with the occasional comment "I can't believe you brought that dog here" or whatever. It's such a small percentage though that I enjoy it. I love to make people feel and look stupid when they are up in arms and my dogs are behaved perfectly. Whoever else around is watching usually will come up after and we will share a laugh. I think pits will get to that point somewhere along the line. Between breeders breeding out aggression and public perception changing, it's only a matter of time.

Sadly to me, there are just as many breeders trying to get bigger meaner pits. Research some hog hunting forums and you'll pick up on what I mean. Feral hogs are multiplying at alarming rates and the folks hunting them are going in numbers along with them. Not all hunters are bad by any means, but there are plenty of bigger is better hillbillies operating out there.

I've always loved Dobies but like you say, they are far from common like they used to be.


Oct 29, 2007
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Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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Damn, sorry. I was just trying to lighten it up by having you stop and check out the scenery in the thread.
Obviously that didn't happen.:D

In short, I don't think your dog (or pits) should be killed just because they are a pit. I think any dog that attacks for the sake of attacking should be put down. I'm of the frame of mind that is one and done in this case. JMHO

Oh I do.. LOL But this subject at hand is very personal to me for a variety of reasons. I suppose it comes from a decade of owning pitbulls and having to hear all this shit how my dog was evil. How my dog should be put down. How Breed Specific Legislation is a good thing (and it came to the brink of passing a few times locally.. Which that means they come to your house, take your dog and kill it). I guess it comes from staring at fire arms and wondering if it's going to come down to a scenario where I'm going to have to kill some mother fucker for trying to come into my house and take my dog for the purpose of killing it.

Some of it I'm sure comes from various scenarios like walking my dog, and having a lady and their kid come up, and the kid petting the dog for a few minutes before the mom saying "Hey what kind of dog is that?" and me saying "Well actually it's a pit mix" only to have the lady snatch the kid and jump back in absolute horror. (It actually startled the shit out of me), and me saying "Mam.. that's the same dog your kid was just petting for the last 5 minutes?"

Might come from these fucking jack off's that spoil the fuck out of their dogs and treat them like humans, and when their dogs act like assholes find everything to blame it on except their little angel. Could come from going to the dog parks, and then when one of those jack off's little angels attempts to hump my dog and they skirmish for a second the other guy saying "I can't believe your pit bull..."

I could go on.. But I'll just finish with, my last 2 dogs were the best dogs (by a long shot) of any dogs I have ever had in my life. I have a different breed of dog now, simply because of the ignorance of others. It's the threads like these where people share the negativity, the brain washed opinions, and skewed and warped stats that take BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) an inch closer.. and I'm sure there's some guy somewhere, at his house concerned that someone is going to come and take a member of his family (kinda like the nazi's) and kill it, then give it the old mass burial.

So if I can spend a few minutes of my time shedding some light on that, and maybe pushing back a little on behalf of that gentlemen. Then I guess I will. Because Evil is what happens when good men stand by and do nothing.



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Damn, sorry. I was just trying to lighten it up by having you stop and check out the scenery in the thread.
Obviously that didn't happen.:D

In short, I don't think your dog (or pits) should be killed just because they are a pit. I think any dog that attacks for the sake of attacking should be put down. I'm of the frame of mind that is one and done in this case. JMHO

Wasn't trying to explode on you.. Just explaining why I'm fairly undeterred in threads like these.



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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I would cap any pit that got close to my dog, and I love dogs...except pits. Way too many issues.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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I would cap any pit that got close to my dog, and I love dogs...except pits. Way too many issues.

I don't have a dog, am just gone too much to take on the responsibility.
Deb is a horrible dog trainer and handler. Her idea of training is to respond to whatever the dog is doing by putting up barriers. Instead of training the dog to listen, for example, she will string chicken wire to contain him. It's funny.

But I have had many dogs in the past, and have pride in my abilities to train them pretty darn well.
I just can't dedicate the time right now to train and develop a good dog. So instead of going half assed, I choose not to have one.

Some neighbors here have pits, funny and friendly dogs. I know their names and they KNOW where my yard starts.
Now and then they get loose and I'll see them running around like "I'm free!!"

I'll yell at them by name and they will run home or come up to me like they are in trouble. Funny guys.
I know the owners too.
I have made it clear that the first time the dogs are loose and in my yard, and do NOT listen to me I am dropping them.

I don't have time to have a dog of my own, I damn sure ain't training theirs out of regressive behavior.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I would cap any pit that got close to my dog, and I love dogs...except pits. Way too many issues.

That's a reasonable well thought out response to the thread. :)

Good luck with all that. I hope you walk your dogs in a bullet proof vest.


was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
That's a reasonable well thought out response to the thread. :)

Good luck with all that. I hope you walk your dogs in a bullet proof vest.


Would you actually shoot a person in public (not like a home invader or whatever) if they shot your dog?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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A little background, I have been bitten a few times by aggressive dogs, and it hurts bad. And yes, I would cap a dog if it launched on my dog. Aggressive dogs should be on a chain or in a yard. just read the news almost weekly about people being mauled or killed by dogs, almost everyone a pit. Owning a god like a pit that can kill someone takes on extra responsibility.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Dogs bred for security, sentry, etc purposes have that extra mental drive/ toughnesses coupled with physical attributes to do the job they were created for. Couple that with bad breeding practices is a recipe for disaster...

I would also protect my wife , and dogs with deadly force if faced with an aggressive dog, especially among these types of breeds.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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A little background, I have been bitten a few times by aggressive dogs, and it hurts bad. And yes, I would cap a dog if it launched on my dog. Aggressive dogs should be on a chain or in a yard. just read the news almost weekly about people being mauled or killed by dogs, almost everyone a pit. Owning a god like a pit that can kill someone takes on extra responsibility.

So does carrying a fire arm.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Would you actually shoot a person in public (not like a home invader or whatever) if they shot your dog?

The only thing lamer then saying you would brandish and fire a gun in a public place for a dog getting "near" your dog, would be having a hypothetical conversation about the consequences of the lame comment.

Lunatic Fringe

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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The only thing lamer then saying you would brandish and fire a gun in a public place for a dog getting "near" your dog, would be having a hypothetical conversation about the consequences of the lame comment.

Welcome to River Dave's Place, are you new here?:D


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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If danger from a known aggressive breed is perceived, being ready to defend a family member, human or dog, is in imo not lame.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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My pitbull has been attacked twice walking around the block, never even fought back. Good thing about your dog being on a leash it makes the dogs coming to start shit right there and a few kicks to the head ended things quickly even though the owners werent to happy about there dog getting a boot to the head.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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If danger from a known aggressive breed is perceived, being ready to defend a family member, human or dog, is in imo not lame.

It hasn't happened to him yet.
At least not at a level to make him question life itself.

There is no argument, no statistic, no headline, no shared experience from anyone that can change his mind.
Hopefully, he will be able keep that opinion his entire life.

Because the only thing that will change his view is tragedy.

Like a multi million dollar lawsuit, or God forbid something worse.

I was the same exact way, now I have removed that risk.

Dave and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum concerning these dogs.
He makes very good points and seems like a great dog owner and doesn't seem to think of dogs as kids. (God I HATE when people compare dogs to kids. Being a parent of real kids changes that pretty fast usually)
But he will never admit to even basic facts concerning these dogs.

When those facts are smeared on the kitchen floor, they become very clear very fast.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Rd is one of the best dog owners on the planet. Neva was one very special dog. Good temperament backed by sound training and leadership. Ideally their relationship was to be aspired to at the highest levels of the man dog relationship.

All similar breeds however are not the same or so blessed


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Jesus the extremes in this thread.. Lol. Bouncing around like a pinball in here!

Dogs fight on occasion. Shit happens. Yes your river can and probably will at some point "attack" something.

Difference being (like TPC says you can't reason with dog owners or drunks). Most the people will law up some excuse or justify it in their heads somehow.

Banning breeds.. Shooting a type of dog if it gets hear you.. Getting rid of your own pet because something happened at a friends house.

Those seem not so reasonable to me.

They are animals, not humans. You don't know why they do what they do. Closest guy I have ever seen that could actually speak dog was Cesar and he's unfortunately deceased.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Jesus the extremes in this thread.. Lol. Bouncing around like a pinball in here!

Dogs fight on occasion. Shit happens. Yes your river can and probably will at some point "attack" something.

Difference being (like TPC says you can't reason with dog owners or drunks). Most the people will law up some excuse or justify it in their heads somehow.

Banning breeds.. Shooting a type of dog if it gets hear you.. Getting rid of your own pet because something happened at a friends house.

Those seem not so reasonable to me.

They are animals, not humans. You don't know why they do what they do. Closest guy I have ever seen that could actually speak dog was Cesar and he's unfortunately deceased.

Just curious who is Cesar?


Distinguished Member
Dec 19, 2007
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There have been twos members kids on this site (little kids) that were suddenly attacked by Goldens. I have been attacked by two dogs. Both were chocolate labs (years apart from each other). Neighbor in the keys was flat out mauled by a golden. There was several other stories on here about labs as well, but those are from people I know personally..

Dave, while I am sorry for the incidents you report but when you are attacked by a pit, the result is really bad. The breeds you site may have nipped to assert dominance but, I have been attacked by two breeds. I was attacked by a "senior" German Shepard that lost his mind (a NORMAL event for ALL Germans eventually, this one was 9 years old) and a Rhodesian Ridgeback, that felt I was a threat to it's owner. When a pit attacks, the result is sadly much worse. I know many kind pits but it is like knowing kind chimpanzees or bengal tigers. They can't help it when they decide to kill you. As a responsible parent, you have to make choices.




In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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He can not only speak dog - he posted to Google+ from the afterlife.... earlier tonight :D

Jesus.. I read he died of a heart attack awhile back and just figured he was done. I pretty much stopped following everything about him after that.

Happy to hear he's alive.. Pretty surprised actually I read it on a few news sites at the time.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Dave, while I am sorry for the incidents you report but when you are attacked by a pit, the result is really bad. The breeds you site may have nipped to assert dominance but, I have been attacked by two breeds. I was attacked by a "senior" German Shepard that lost his mind (a NORMAL event for ALL Germans eventually, this one was 9 years old) and a Rhodesian Ridgeback, that felt I was a threat to it's owner. When a pit attacks, the result is sadly much worse. I know many kind pits but it is like knowing kind chimpanzees or bengal tigers. They can't help it when they decide to kill you. As a responsible parent, you have to make choices.



Rhodesian Ridge backs fight lions.. Pitbulls fight dogs.. I know which one I'd rather deal with if God forbid they turned.

Respectfully former pit owner vs my buddy likes Rhodesians.. Smaller the dog, easier it is to deal with. (Pits are 45-65lbs)


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I m still kinda mind blown Cesar is alive.. That was some kinda hoax! Good god..


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
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It was a total hoax, I remember when it happened.

I have not read this whole thread but I'm 99% sure of its content :D

Just a couple things cuz I probably can't add much... During the past 3 years I've been involved in dog rescue. During that time I've handled over 400 dogs, most smaller breeds, some large. Handled meaning pulling and transporting out of the shelter to rescues. I've been bit, growled at, and attacked. I've learned more about dog behavior in these 3 years than the 50 prior both first hand and dealing with other people that do this full time 24-7.

Any dog can attack. Chihuahuas are one of the most likely to do so. Terriers, I've been attacked by a cocker. All can and will do damage. Most are scared, SOME are AGGRESSIVE. The larger the dog as a rule the more damage it can potentially inflict when pissed. The simple fact is pits can do a lot of damage. But other breeds can also. German Shepherds, Mastiffs, Dobies, and Rotties all have more jaw pressure per sq in. than pits in most tests that have been done. All these (and other) large breeds will fuck you or another dog up if pissed and out of owner's control. Pits happen to represent around 7% of the dog population in the U.S. (twice the closest other large breed, the gsd). They are over-bred (in numbers) and as a result many are under-socialized and under-trained. In shelters Pits and chihuahuas are far and away the most popular breeds you see. Therein lies the story. Too many pits by comparison to other breeds that can also kill, maime, and cause damage. That is why so many are involved in bite incidents (there are so many vs other large breeds... as a direct result of that they are not socialized or trained properly). The same statement is true about chihuahuas. But chihuahuas cannot do the same damage as pits. I have been bit by many scared chihuahuas and a couple aggressive ones. Any large breed dog owner should be aware they have an animal that can cause significant damage if out of control.

Pit bulls
German shepherds
Wolf hybrids
Doberman pinschers
Saint Bernards
Great Danes, and so on...

All the dogs on the above list, and others, can do major damage in a bite situation. I was attacked by a husky myself while out walking my smaller dogs many years ago. I carry a wood tee ball bat at all times when out walking. (soon to add bear repellant). I used it that day and stopped the dog with one solid blow to the side. Since then I've been made very aware of the wheel barrel maneuver along with thumb up the dog's ass. Fortunately I haven't had to utilize.

I like pits as a breed. I also respect them and ALL large breed dogs. I have handled several pits and other large dogs. Dogs coming out of the shelter are among the most unpredictable you can find. Every dog is different regardless of breed. Dogs that are socialized well are generally much more well adjusted to dog and people encounters. Dogs that are not may not do well. It is every owner's responsibility to control their dog, through socialization and training. All that said there are some animals that don't respond well to known training and behavior techniques. Many of those dogs are the ones you read about in the newspaper. But you also read about good dogs that were just never trained or socialized by their owners. (MAJOR DOG OWNER FAILURE RIGHT THERE). I consider breed specific legislation ridiculous and a major intrusion into our freedoms. Conversely I support reporting dogs that have shown aggression to dogs or people. (That is 95% owner Failure right there I guarantee). Unfortunately many dogs are only as good as their owner's support in training and socializing them.

Spay and Neuter - There is NO excuse for not doing it for family dogs and pets. Especially pits and pit x's and chihuahuas whose population number's are totally off the charts vs other breeds. The hispanic culture and many desert lower income areas consider it "cool" to breed their dogs. Well I'm here to tell ya it's not Cool one bit. Because a very large % of those dogs will end up being euthanized in shelters due to sheer numbers. Chihuahuas and pit bulls are the 2 most killed breeds in shelters far and away more than other breeds in the U.S.. People are the reason for that, not the dogs. At the Orange County shelter only about 1 of every 12 pit bulls that come in come out alive. The rest are killed and put in the freezer for the rendering truck. That is a horrible statistic. Conversely over 90% of the chihuahuas that come in are adopted or rescued. OC has a particularly efficient support group for small dog rescue. There is simply no place that can handle all these excess pits. Spay and Neuter, breeding is a death sentence for the puppies.

Bottom line is that if you don't have full control of your large breed dog you shouldn't own that dog. You are not doing the dog or yourself any favors by not taking the time and commitment to properly train and socialize. It could easily come back to bite you (pun intended).

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Jesus.. I read he died of a heart attack awhile back and just figured he was done. I pretty much stopped following everything about him after that.

Happy to hear he's alive.. Pretty surprised actually I read it on a few news sites at the time.

Sort of selective on what news you believe, Huh?? LOL..J/K.

I agree with you 100% on Cesar.

Some people mock him but MUCH can be learned watching his techniques.

a few years ago at a family BBQ (about 50 people) one of Debs distant cousins had a beautiful one year old Siberian there. (One of my favorite breeds)

He was HEAVILY attached to his "mom" and behaved well as long as she was holding his leash.

Everytime she would go inside to use the restroom or help in the kitchen the dog would go apeshit barking and howling like he was dying.

The simplest of things to fix IMO because I could see the dog was smart but had zero social skills or pack status.
Anyway, by the end of the day I had the dog sitting silent on command, off the leash, and actually excited to be treated as an adult dog.

My actions years ago concerning my friends loss may seem crazy to you, but you weren't there.
To me, your defense of all things pit bull seems crazy to me.

I never said that I will shoot any pit that comes near me, I said I will shoot any pit that comes on my 4 acres and no longer listens to my commands.
And if they number 2 or more there is a high likelihood that they will not respond.
It isn't my job to train my neighbors dogs when I can't even own a dog because of my time constraints, and I have grandkids, kids and other pets here that depend on ME to keep the peace.

We have a developing situaion on my street right now.
A family of renters moved in a few property's down from us. They have at least 3 pits that we know of, maybe as many as 5.
They are the stereotypical BAD dog owners.
Deb came in from her walk yesterday and said one of their young kids ( maybe 10 yo or so) was outside talking to Deb when a bunch of howling started coming from the house. The little girl told Deb her parents were probably hitting the younger dog on its broken leg because it did something bad.

So...what do I do?
If I drop a dime on them the dogs will all be put down. (See Mikes post on shelters and pits)
If I do nothing then one or more of their dogs will be shot when (not if) they get loose. If not by me then by any one of the other neighbors.


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
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I can tell you flat out if they are hitting their dog they know little to nothing about dog behavioral training. And further to hit a dog that is injured, well that person is just a shitball. Should not be owning ANY dogs but ESPECIALLY Large Breeds like Pits. People want Pits for their own tough-guy status. The Thug Life so to speak. They just sacrificed that dog's life due to that attitude the first time that dog has a problem. It is highly unfair to the animal to be owned by this status of owner. But these assholes don't care about the dogs. Its all about them.

Other pit (and other large breed) owners are well intentioned but ill informed about the need for full control under all circumstances with their dog. Just like the one this thread was started about. If a dog is known to be dog aggressive a competent owner would have NEVER opened that door with the dog not locked down. That is so glaringly obvious.

At the shelter many dogs including most pits are put through behavioral tests by experts to determine if they are good adoption risks. Many factors are evaluated including people and dog aggression. Sadly few pits that end up in the shelter pass the test on dog aggression primarily due to bad owners. The number of pits TURNED IN BY OWNERS also is astoundingly high. People that got a cute pittie puppy from that nice asshole breeder down the road and now the dog is a year or two old and totally unmanageable due to their lack of commitment and understanding. A Pit is not a small dog with low energy. It is a large energetic and strong dog that needs lots of exercise and guidance daily. Almost 100% of pits turned in are killed. That includes a lot of those cute puppies from a year or two ago.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I can tell you flat out if they are hitting their dog they know little to nothing about dog behavioral training. And further to hit a dog that is injured, well that person is just a shitball. Should not be owning ANY dogs but ESPECIALLY Large Breeds like Pits. People want Pits for their own tough-guy status. The Thug Life so to speak. They just sacrificed that dog's life due to that attitude the first time that dog has a problem. It is highly unfair to the animal to be owned by this status of owner. But these assholes don't care about the dogs. Its all about them.

Other pit (and other large breed) owners are well intentioned but ill informed about the need for full control under all circumstances with their dog. Just like the one this thread was started about. If a dog is known to be dog aggressive a competent owner would have NEVER opened that door with the dog not locked down. That is so glaringly obvious.

At the shelter many dogs including most pits are put through behavioral tests by experts to determine if they are good adoption risks. Many factors are evaluated including people and dog aggression. Sadly few pits that end up in the shelter pass the test on dog aggression primarily due to bad owners. The number of pits TURNED IN BY OWNERS also is astoundingly high. People that got a cute pittie puppy from that nice asshole breeder down the road and now the dog is a year or two old and totally unmanageable due to their lack of commitment and understanding. A Pit is not a small dog with low energy. It is a large energetic and strong dog that needs lots of exercise and guidance daily. Almost 100% of pits turned in are killed. That includes a lot of those cute puppies from a year or two ago.

I could not agree more Mike.

You are the voice of true experience here, what is the proper action from me, if any?


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
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I could not agree more Mike.

You are the voice of true experience here, what is the proper action from me, if any?

You are in between a rock and a hard place. From AC's point of view the dog's you might potentially report have not "yet" had any aggression incidents. So in most locales they would do nothing (providing dogs were under allowable number of dogs limit and all licensed). yeah fat chance of that I know.

If they pick them up they'll most likely be put down even if some are good dogs. Just due to the pit population problem. There are few takers for pits out of shelters and very few rescues that number one, rescue pits, and number two, that have any space.

If you were to see the owner beating any of the dogs, particularly the injured one that would be animal abuse and grounds to report. But hearsay from a kid they likely wouldn't even come out.

The bottom line is Always... stupid irresponsible dog owners result in the dogs paying the price. Little if anything will happen to the owners short of if one of the dogs injured or killed someone.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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You are in between a rock and a hard place. From AC's point of view the dog's you might potentially report have not "yet" had any aggression incidents. So in most locales they would do nothing (providing dogs were under allowable number of dogs limit and all licensed). yeah fat chance of that I know.

If they pick them up they'll most likely be put down even if some are good dogs. Just due to the pit population problem. There are few takers for pits out of shelters and very few rescues that number one, rescue pits, and number two, that have any space.

If you were to see the owner beating any of the dogs, particularly the injured one that would be animal abuse and grounds to report. But hearsay from a kid they likely wouldn't even come out.

That's exactly how we see it also.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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In past years I adopted two dogs from the o.c. Shelter. Both great pets.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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You are in between a rock and a hard place. From AC's point of view the dog's you might potentially report have not "yet" had any aggression incidents. So in most locales they would do nothing (providing dogs were under allowable number of dogs limit and all licensed). yeah fat chance of that I know.

If they pick them up they'll most likely be put down even if some are good dogs. Just due to the pit population problem. There are few takers for pits out of shelters and very few rescues that number one, rescue pits, and number two, that have any space.

If you were to see the owner beating any of the dogs, particularly the injured one that would be animal abuse and grounds to report. But hearsay from a kid they likely wouldn't even come out.

The bottom line is Always... stupid irresponsible dog owners result in the dogs paying the price. Little if anything will happen to the owners short of if one of the dogs injured or killed someone.

Mike, I want to run this by you as it's a thought I've had for some time but most folks tell me it's crazy and "violation of individual rights".

We have too many dogs in the country. So called animal lovers rather than leave an unwanted dog or litter of pups at the pound where they have at least a slim chance, just dump them for someone to pick them up and clear their conscience in some idiotic thought process.

Many times dogs are bred by amateurs and sold, which to some degree is okay. Many times they are bred by the fools you describe.

To save all the poor dogs that are put down, why not make it a law to be licensed to breed dogs. And any pet that isn't going to be bred by a licensed breeder is fixed. My point is to some way keep the dog population down and stray population under control.

It breaks my heart seeing pound hounds facing sure death. I wish I had the means to somehow save them all but that's just not possible, so the only alternative is to limit the number being born.


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
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Mike, I want to run this by you as it's a thought I've had for some time but most folks tell me it's crazy and "violation of individual rights".

We have too many dogs in the country. So called animal lovers rather than leave an unwanted dog or litter of pups at the pound where they have at least a slim chance, just dump them for someone to pick them up and clear their conscience in some idiotic thought process.

Many times dogs are bred by amateurs and sold, which to some degree is okay. Many times they are bred by the fools you describe.

To save all the poor dogs that are put down, why not make it a law to be licensed to breed dogs. And any pet that isn't going to be bred by a licensed breeder is fixed. My point is to some way keep the dog population down and stray population under control.

It breaks my heart seeing pound hounds facing sure death. I wish I had the means to somehow save them all but that's just not possible, so the only alternative is to limit the number being born.

I agree with you, but I don't think it will ever happen. Hell government can't even manage people problems. Homeless people are everywhere. Politicians for the most part are not much concerned with homeless pets.

Not only is it backyard breeders, but puppy mills are a HUGE problem. These breeding places thrive throughout the mid west, south and even some in the west. They are horrid condition for the breeding dogs. Kept all their lives in small cages, not vetted, just killed if they get sick (which they do). If you want a clearer picture of what I'm talking about Google puppy mills and go to images. It is sickening. Almost every dog that is SOLD in a pet store in this country comes from a puppy mill somewhere. These places need to be legislated out of existence. I don't think that will ever happen either though. Laws protecting dogs and cats are weak or non existent in many areas where these puppy mills thrive. So each time someone buys a cute puppy in a pet store they are supporting a puppy mill. And many of these dogs and cats are either sick or have genetic weaknesses due to the extensive inbreeding that occurs. That is the reason you see rescue promoting the phrase "adopt, don't shop". Rescues do not make any money either even though they charge adoption fees. The rescue and vetting of a shelter dog is not cheap and the money spent on rehabbing sick and broken dogs far outweighs the adoption fees charged by rescues. Most rescuers dump their own money in continuously to keep afloat. There are always a couple exceptions but that is by far the average.

10000 dogs approx die in U.S. shelters every DAY, 365 days a year. Puppy mills and backyard breeders of dogs that should be spayed and neutered feed this number. If breeding were limited by legislation to a number that approximated the number of pets adopted into families there would be no more need for Kill shelters or rescues for the most part.

Advantage 1

Dec 31, 2008
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So the wife talked with Oceanside Animal Control today:

  • A formal report will be documented.
  • They did not know of any priors, but will be looking into the history.
  • They are going to make a visit to the house where this incident occurred.
  • They will educate the owner(s) about the breed and how to restrain said breed.
  • They are going to verify the dog is currently registered and has all the proper shots.
Have no idea what will come out of this.

Animal Control again assured us this will be done anonymously. Come on... would seem too coincidental that these folks would show up after our run in last Saturday. We live right around the corner from the house and are out every single day. If she wanted to find the couple who walk their blonde and black lab, it would not be too hard to find us. :)

Didn't tell us when the 'visit' would take place. Any further updates, I will let you know.

Other than her scabs, June is just fine. I was a bit shaken and pissed with my initial post. I know it stirred some Inmate emotions too. Lots of personal experiences shared in this thread... good, bad, sad and some tragic. Really appreciate your time to post and share your stories.

Thanks, all.
