@1manshow I was watching his meeting with the local officials last night and thought of what you were saying about the curtailment of property and restrictions from using all available agricultural land up there. Maybe with his influence it actually will get opened back up.
If that does...
Obviously speaking GERMAN!!!!!!!!!
Not so long ago our prior VP was demonstrating her ability to speak multiple dialects. I didn't see people applauding that at the time! 😂
Yup this... 1 8 7 7 Cars for Kids always advertises donations including boats.
Or, find a local tech school that concentrates on Marine training and see if they want to take it on as a teaching tool.
It's a talking point and I don't agree with it. Here is the reality; Once a State or Local agency takes control over an area, they are responsible for it. If they just let everyone back in prior to ensuring it is safe they will be liable.
Instead of focusing on the symptom as result of the...
You claim to have changed your views a bit but are still falling on every single word. The phrase, "Can't see the forest for the trees" comes to mind.
When teaching basic tactics I have my students/partners stand with their toes and nose against the wall and have them tell me what they see...
FBT touched on most of it. What you have to realize is that this is not a matter of knowing who and where the crooks are. It is 1 billion percent a matter of the focus of Law Enforcement and how it has been dismanteled into the Fire Fighting approach in recent years. The people who lead this...
What is clear is that your opinion on anything Trump related. He could cure cancer tomorrow and you would come in here and cry about it. The fact that you think the Pardons for J6'er's has anything to do with support of actual Law Enforcement is hilarious.
I can tell you a fraction of cops supported Biden. I have yet to find one this time around that I personally know that voted for Kamala. I'd say the support for Trump from a police perspective is solid. Fuck whatever some union representative comes out and says... they are politicians just...
I am not the police union, nor do I represent my department or any other department out there. I represent a cop who has been on for over a couple decades and has been one of the cops standing on that line facing thousands of pissed off protestors.
Like I've said from the beginning of this...
This is the way the DOJ operates on a regular basis. It is far easier to obtain a federal indictment then to get a local State Charge passed a preliminary hearing.
Lol... Do people really think the feds were just going to be watching TV then say... Oh, there.. there it is... He's giving a press conference while signing executive orders and said one was to release all the J6'ers.... Well shit, open the gates!
Come on people, even Trump acknowledged...
We all know Biden couldn't spell "O" with a full box of Cheerios at this point in time. It would be nice to know who is actually coming up with a list of who needs pardons and exactly why.
Which one would you prefer. Innocent hostages for prisoners of war? Or 1 professional female basketball player for 1 professional arms dealer from Russia?
I hope he comes to Cali with a large transport bus. Not for the illegals, but for the department heads and politicians blocking his ability to legally enforce the law.