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  1. Loony Toon

    Free Pancakes

    Happy National Pancake Day. IHOP has free Short Stack today until 8pm 🥲 🥲
  2. Loony Toon

    LA earthquake

    They say when the Big One hits, everything east of the San Andres Fault will drop into the Atlantic Ocean🤔
  3. Loony Toon

    All CA State employees ordered back to the office 4 days per week eff. July 1

    Why wait for July 1st? Get back in the office NOW!!!!
  4. Loony Toon

    RDP Group Cruise 2/27-3/5 2025

    I was one of the superintendents on the Terminal project when built in 02&03. Demoed the existing English Village and built the terminal inside the Dome, dredged for the ship depth, Gang way to the ship and the dock. Parking structure and Central Plant for the Queen Mary were under another...
  5. Loony Toon

    Pre Season PSA

    This time was Squamous Cell. I've had Basal as well, no Melanoma thank god. She had to go back two times until she got all roots. Grew sideways instead of going deeper. I started getting checked at 40, and have had years of going every 3 months. Now going every 6 months unless I notice...
  6. Loony Toon

    Pre Season PSA

    Don't Forget to use your skin protection. Sunscreen and shade!!!
  7. Loony Toon

    Current Situation - a picture thread

    Judy's, sit on the deck and watch the parade of life go by 👍 💪
  8. Loony Toon

    I understand that it's an exciting time to be alive.. (politics)

    Just remember that RDP has a large membership of diverse opinions. And opinions and assholes have one thing in common: We all have one And some just smell worse than others ;) 😎
  9. Loony Toon

    My SHOT Show Adventures

    Congrats on the Range Invitation👍 A Range Invitation is on my bucket list.
  10. Loony Toon

    My SHOT Show Adventures

    I volunteered for 2 5hr shifts for the American Gunsmithing Institute booth and spent another 14hrs walking the exhibits. By Friday afternoon I was wore out. Always fun to be able to see and hold all those bad ass goodies! 💪 😁👍
  11. Loony Toon


    They claim it's served at the Vatican. :cool:
  12. Loony Toon


    I blend a 50-50 mix of LaVazza Espresso Barista & Grand Riserva in a Burr Grinder. Started buying LaVazza after having it served at Bonanza Cafe in Fort Mohave. Now when several of us ask about having breakfast we say, Lets have Italian in the morning. And we know where to show up.
  13. Loony Toon

    Current Situation - a picture thread

    Day one done
  14. Loony Toon

    Its time to go

    Congrats, don't hesitate to reach out if you need any help. 💪 👍
  15. Loony Toon

    It Hit Home: Eggs

  16. Loony Toon

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

    Christmas barely over and Valentine's already on the shelves
  17. Loony Toon

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

    I might have to start raising Rabbits again. In the late 70s-mid 80s I would get .40-.50 lb. live weight, the processor was getting 1.50-2.00 lb. We would have anywhere between 250-300 rabbits at a time. We had several breeds for show, meat and wool. Angoras were plucked and spun the wool, other...
  18. Loony Toon

    Need physical help in Fort Mohave with new boat cover getting on boat.

    Mike it was great meeting you and your wife this morning. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything again. Bill
  19. Loony Toon

    Need physical help in Fort Mohave with new boat cover getting on boat.

    Going to the gym now. If you still need help, I'll have my phone just call the number above. Bill
  20. Loony Toon

    Need physical help in Fort Mohave with new boat cover getting on boat.

    I'm in Bullhead, pm or call me and I'm happy to help. Bill 9284447252