Unfortunately not yet, been busy with work and out of town camping over thanksgiving for a week. But last time I talked with them, they had the heads pulled and were going to send them to Teague to be tested, I know Bob wanted them to do a few more tests to make sure it isn’t the block before...
Didn’t read every post but I think I saw you said he called. They’ll send out a Troubleman and he’ll check the service, weatherhead connections and pole connections (if overhead service) if it’s bad connectors they’ll change them right then usually. Bad service is 50/50 if they change it or put...
no, I truly don't believe he knew. and having the pre buy done and everything checking good helps me believe that also, not that it matters now lol. Plus 4 or 5 back to back trips of no issues what so ever.
completely agree. I just know that if something happens later on and they were repaired, I would kick myself for not going new. As much as it's gonna suck on the wallet if I have to get new springs, rockers etc, at least I know I did everything I could.
Replace is my gut feeling, I'm already this far into it, may as well put in new. I'm tired of looking at that damn ass of the Boat US boat lol. But we'll see what they say once the heads get over to Teague.
So Nail it is correct as far as it not being the oil cooler, if it were then I would be low on oil as a result of it mixing and blowing out of the exhaust. The headers we re pressure tested, checked good, they pulled the blower and the intercooler, all good there. Have the heads off now which is...
yeah, we launched idled around for about 10 minutes which is what the shop recommended since the drive and gears were all brand new, after that we started to head down to the springs from Riviera, ran about 55-60mph the whole way, I started to get cold and just stopped to throw on my sweatshirt...
Got soaked down last year, I wasn’t driving but saw the boat coming up quick, told the driver just hold his line and drive straight, they will pass. (We were in a wakeboard boat doing maybe 32-35mph, no ballast btw, not a new wave maker boat) We were on the right hand side of the river heading...
Don just got 2nd. Boat looked good and planted. They said they’re more out here just to test for mpg for the enduro. His rush is a badass boat. Not many made
Should be soon, hopefully lol. All the parts finally got ordered beginning of last week. So hopefully everything is in stock and shipping to absolute goes quick.