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  1. Big B Hova

    Holy Earthquake Batman

    Not helpful when the earth shakes while checking in your 3 year old for surgery! He's having his tonsils and adenoids removed, and getting tubes in his ears. Were in Westlake and it shook real good and rattled the crap out of the surgery center.
  2. Big B Hova


    This the same body?
  3. Big B Hova

    2024 GM TPMS - Reprogramming Range Values

    Just gotta find the right person
  4. Big B Hova

    2024 GM TPMS - Reprogramming Range Values

    Dealer won't lower then because it's a liability issue. Unless you know someone at a dealer....
  5. Big B Hova

    Looking to buy an RV and need advice

    You might wanna wait. Union says if Trump wins the union is doomed. Pretty sure they said that in 2018 and I had my best years ever $$$ wise. 🤷🏻‍♂️💸🤔
  6. Big B Hova

    I had to _____ because the site was down

    I try not to put anything down sink anyways, but sometimes it just needs to be chewed up with the disposal. My in-laws came over once and basically put all the dinner scraps down the sink on purpose, like plates full and of course we had to call a rooter service after lol
  7. Big B Hova

    5 Guys!

    Honestly their pastor tastes like street vendor pastor. Even comes with pineapples cut up in the taco. Highly recommended lol
  8. Big B Hova

    5 Guys!

    Del taco has new pastor tacos that are BOMB
  9. Big B Hova

    Underwater Lights While Running at No Wake Speed

    What about a disco light?
  10. Big B Hova

    I had to _____ because the site was down

    Are they bad? They are easy to swap out.
  11. Big B Hova

    I had to _____ because the site was down

    I feel they rust out (like mine did) after 5 or so years
  12. Big B Hova

    I had to _____ because the site was down

    It's costco so basically if it ever fails I'll take it back lol. $99. Box says 12 year warranty
  13. Big B Hova

    I had to _____ because the site was down

    Since RDP was down u had so much free time, I had to take matters into my own hands. My pool guy and plumber both sux.
  14. Big B Hova

    WTB clean Commuter

    Better buy soon, When Harris is in office my Fusion will be worth 16K
  15. Big B Hova

    Best car for 16 year old girl?

    My first car was a 66 bug that I bought at 14 years old. Now my son wants to buy a bug and fix it up for his first car, but safety is a concern...
  16. Big B Hova

    Best car for 16 year old girl?

    2017 ford fusion 4 cyl with a audiophile stereo is the best option. I happen to have one that I might sell......
  17. Big B Hova

    Salt water pool VS Chlorine

    Chlorine is cheaper. Salt generators only last a few years. Shit all the pool equipment only lasts a few years.