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  1. JBS

    FBI Raid at Mar-a-lago

    What am I missing?
  2. JBS

    43 years ago

    Congrats Gramps
  3. JBS

    Outdoors question

  4. JBS

    Speaking of retirement

    Congrats!!! I grew up in VT. NH is similar. Enjoy
  5. JBS

    Stacy popped her cherry she got a Stalker

    I will have to look for some of the letters I got in the old days. May still have one
  6. JBS

    1 year since the dreaded "Vaccine".

    Read the book the real Anthony Fauci. This guy is a criminal
  7. JBS

    Rocky Point Mexico…….. Thanksgiving?

    No idea as I have not been in years myself, But we are also going for Thanksgiving with a few other families. I believe the same resort
  8. JBS

    Current Situation - a picture thread

    Coronado for the month
  9. JBS

    Whats up with Sundance now ?

    LOL Dog father. That couple was a handful:eek:
  10. JBS

    Groomers Are Getting Upset

    My wife was a teacher. Very common reference. BTW Disney is out of control in my opinion. A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. She says hello. He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her from. So he says, 'Do you know me?' To...
  11. JBS

    Here’s an idea for River Dave

    Dave once you have the new shop setup lets come up with a new design and make a mold.
  12. JBS

    So, I'm starting my own business

    Might think about farming them out for the extractions. What we sometimes battle on the bench can be milled or removed with an EDM pretty cost effectively Especially if there are enough to develop fixtures to hold in position.
  13. JBS

    Well that sux - rdp cop

    The gate just got cracked 😎
  14. JBS

    I think Whoopie may just be right.

    I agree as a Jew that being Jewish is not a separate race. Like you I am of German decent. Where it gets complicated is the Nazi parts declared that the "jews" were a different race. Jews were not considered "white"
  15. JBS

    "Mitch", We Will See About That?

    That is why I am confused :)
  16. JBS

    "Mitch", We Will See About That?

    Hey Roger: Maybe I am missing something but as I recall DT was president during this time period. As you might recall I had an issue with his spending.
  17. JBS

    So, I'm starting my own business

    At some point you will miss something and the buyer will figure out the source. I know contracts are hard to enforce but you may want to consider one in this case even if you do the rebranding. Depending where you need this done I know of a good sheltered workshop in the Midwest with a couple...
  18. JBS

    How many?

    How about you site the original source of the “article”. And not from the Weekly World news 😂
  19. JBS

    How many?

    You are arguing with a like minded person :) I was anti vax way before this "new one" My perfectly healthy 8 year old has never been vaxed nor had an antibiotic. She has never needed one. It would be cool if Kissinger had said that quote. The problem is he did not. If you even look at...
  20. JBS

    How many?

    LOL Kissinger never said this. I wish he had but there is no basis in truth. Prove me wrong Please. 2009 is not that long ago. The record would be out there.