Here are some pics from this weekend. We did 155 miles and I’d says 30 really hard with me trying to break it on Parker race course type terrain. I had a great weekend I’m I’m happy with the car. Hopefully these pics make all you salty fuckers extra happy 😘
Race cars or production? Production, the verdict is still out until it’s in consumers hands. On paper very good but still a lot of uncertainty on quality and reliability. However I’ll respond to everyone who talks out there ass as if they know something, if anything.
The results are on KOH website. 15 and 20 in class. Both had issues. Neither car has had much testing so no surprise. The racing attempts have been subpar for sure and likely due to focusing so much on getting cars to market.
I heard someone say both both I did not hear that from him so?
They are legal in the local race series from what I have read/heard. I don't know about Score but I wouldn't see why not. I think the only reason why most were saying the cars are not legal is because production numbers haven't...
Robby said more than one speed car is racing KOH. We will see if it happens. The last few speed racing attempts have been fairly half assed if you ask me.
Heated and air cushion seats, spare tire/axle/tierod, crescent rear bed box, window nets, PCI radio/intercom/pumper, windshield, display package (belt temp, tire temp/psi, front and rear camera, rear view mirror, full car UHMW skid plate, electric jack.
Thanks, that would be appreciated. I have a buddy who flies and he's asked me a couple times if I wanted to head out there and check them out. I don't know for sure that I could just show up and I also wanted to give them some time to get more of my upgrades installed. I might be able to get...