Cruising at 15-16 thousand feet at 180-200 miles an hour in a turbo Saratoga gives you a lot of options in mountain flying… I would be comfortable in that plane!
My buddy flys one out of mammoth all summer
Rent it to a trustworthy family member. Charge them “expense sharing” in lieu of rent. All tax free under the table and the property remains in encumbered by tax/depreciation etc…if you give them a reasonable discount you should net more than dealing with tenants/evictions/damages.
Coming soon to an area by you because people are going to fuck it up:
Expensive registrations
Confusing stickers
Uneducated public safety officers
A reason to pull you over for no reason
Safety inspections
The tree line on the continental divide is 11-12,000 feet. They are above that… which is somewhere any 152/172 never should be in the summer. Probably somewhere anything without HP and a turbo doesn’t belong in the summer
I have been back in Face canyon twice in May… there are not many beaches, but one good beach off to the right about half way in. West has better sandy beaches at the entrance, enough for a couple house boats. I always end up in the South East canyons in my cruiser because I don’t need more...
When I remodeled my pool 15 years ago I built a pad for a glacial pool cooler. I never installed one, but maybe that’s the trick. If it has the pool at 85 all day that would be a great temp…
When I remodeled my pool 15 year ago I added aerators all around the pool creating a complete blanket of night time evap cooling. It lowers the temp about 5 degrees... From disgusting 93 to gross at 88.... lol... If I am being honest, 88 feels slightly ok for a few hours in the morning, but...
Is this in AZ? With nighttime lows of 90 degrees, I don’t see how the basic laws of thermodynamics would stop a pool from going close to 90 regardlesss of sun exposure…. The night low basically sets your water temp
Pool temp is 89 at 7:30 am and will get into the low 90s in a few hours. Got into it yesterday and it feels worse, downright gross, versus not getting into it at all. It’s a 15k gallon pool with an 8 foot deep end.
I need to remove the deep end and cut the capacity in half, down to 6-7k...
I am in S. Utah like you and I was a mouse killing machine on peanut butter last month… but the peanut butter stopped working, so the mice must be talking. The peanut butter started getting lizards and I don’t kill lizards, I consider them allies…
Normally I would bitch about the wind, but it’s light wind, rain on the RV cover and not hot! The Phoenix swamp was miserable.
Stormyest end of June I can remember up here. Keep you head on a swivel out on the lake!
Thursday I will run the cut in the old Sundance 290… I have a depth gauge and I am not afraid to use it. The extra 22 gallons will be needed for generator/AC run time in this heat!