Damn Damn Damn, washed my patio off the other day moved the grills out of the way. They are always covered when not in use. Looking at the hourly weather wind velocity was not suppose to go over19mph. Well I forgot the wheel locks on one grill wind kicked up to 30 mph blew the sob off the patio...
I'm in the wrong business. Wasn't there a book to TV movie about some guy buys a little island and declares war on United Staes and ends up with millions in foreign aid. Maybe now go throw some rocks a a Navy ship it would net you billions.
First I need enough cash to buy my island...😁😁😆😆
Please don't tow 11K with a F150, pay no attention to the factory tow limits as the engineers are encouraged to find creative way of increasing tow capacity all the while knowing full well shit will fail. Personally it would be 8K max with a F150.
Live in Cocoa Beach area about 4 miles west of ocean. Got some much needed rain yesterday, winds 10-12 mph.
Currently overcast. More rain forecasted for today. winds speed forecasted up to 27-29 mph.
As to losing friends and or family members, my 2 cents is the libs are not immune to the realities of life. They of course believe the media lies about Trump so they hate him. But day to day they see the results of the Biden adminastration. Even as the media hides what is happening, interest...
Only one ultra liberal I associate with my sister.
She thinks Nancy Pelosi is too conservative....🤣🤣
She is my sister though and we never talk current events or politics. Normally family stuff.
As I meet people if they exhibited liberal ideas I was done.
It was a slow trend. How many public schools middle and high school offer wood shop, metal shop or auto shop. I had metal shop in middle school learned to use a metal lathe, welding, wood shop using lathe in there a well.
Look at the nonsense being pushed now.
What's next all funding pulled from Oxford University, all the Doctors lose their credentials? Any chance this report will be picked up by the media.....doubt it.
Make a mouse house, small cardboard box like an old shoe box. Cut a small hole arch doorway if you will. Set trap down I always used peanut butter. Put box over trap with opening up against trap one way in.
The Costco and Sams club around me do not carry Tri Tip, although the local grocery stores and the Commissary (military grocery store) do. Just seems odd.
I enjoy the flavor of Tri Tip although my wife does not care for any beef that is not Prime Filet..😂, burgers are ok.
We get same thing around here. Community pool, pretty nice. Each homeowner gets 2 keys. If hous=e get rented renter gets one key. More often than not they take it. Months later there they are at the pool with a boat load of kids none live here. Owners sell house keep a key rinse, repeat