Do you?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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Still have liberal friends? I was looking at a picture from my wedding almost 10 years ago the other day and realized that I haven’t spoken to about 4 of my groomsmen, who were liberals then and I'm sure are liberals now, and it’s probably just because of our political differences, but it was never said out loud, we just drifted apart because we have less in common than ever.

Some of them just married uber liberal women and are now pussy whipped into submission and the others are just too emotional and can’t think past their noses. Has this been your experience?

I still have a few liberal friends I speak to every once in a while and see even less but am about ready to cut off completely because I don’t want my kids hanging out with their kids and having it rub off on them. Aside from that, I’m pretty tired of avoiding every subject under the sun because it’s all political now and we don’t agree on much which also pisses me off because, again, they’re incapable of thinking past their own existence or getting past their little feelings.

Also, I have about 5 to 8 liberal in-laws I haven’t spoken to in years, but again, it was never said why, but we all know why.

What saeth you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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I have a couple of old friends that I rarely see and are libs, but probably would talk briefly with if I ran into them. Also, a couple of relatives that are out of state and don't speak to and I've let them know what I think of them. 😁
As far as any new friends or acquaintances since moving to Havasu were all on the same page, I couldn't actually develop any sort of relationship with today's left, and don't have much use for fence sitters or apathy either.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
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Lost one of my best buddies to it, his folks are ultra libs and he is following the path.

We had a heated conversation during the first trump election calling him raciest tax evader and plenty of other CNN things.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2023
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No, can’t stand talking to them. All the constant virtue signaling and ignorance is exhausting.
I'm with ya! I got nothing to say to the brainwashed imbeciles...they wouldn't listen anyway. Like Frogman said..."It's never said why, but we all know why"
The libs, when shit goes down, will be totally bewildered wondering what happened. They have no clue on how to think for themselves or use the brain the good Lord gave them. Sad society these days!

17 10 Flat

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2023
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Only one ultra liberal I associate with my sister.
She thinks Nancy Pelosi is too conservative....🤣🤣

She is my sister though and we never talk current events or politics. Normally family stuff.

As I meet people if they exhibited liberal ideas I was done.


Distinguished Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Up until a few years ago yes. Then one by one as they suddenly figured out I was conservative, I was excommunicated. I always knew they were liberal but liked them for who they were. I guess they lacked the character I had assumed they had. I mean, as if all the guns I had prior to the boating mishap wasn't a big enough clue!🤣


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2008
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totally have a bunch. (and a ton of family also)

sure we break some balls back and forth, and thats to be expected. Back in the day you could disagree with someones perspective and still share a beer or meal with them. I dont know when that changed for people, but I still subscribe to that mentality.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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totally have a bunch. (and a ton of family also)

sure we break some balls back and forth, and thats to be expected. Back in the day you could disagree with someones perspective and still share a beer or meal with them. I dont know when that changed for people, but I still subscribe to that mentality.

Good for you, but you're obviously not busting their balls enough!! 😝


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Lost what I thought was a good friend. He started dating an ultra lib teacher and quit all the things we did together. No more off roading, no more boating, no more shooting and no more beer drinking. The last conversation I had with him, I said she must suck a mean dick for you to change so fast.

Most of my close family are libs, we have learned not to talk politics.
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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My wife graduated from college in 2000. Through her, I met some libs. Been married 25 years, she's more conservative than she ever thought she'd be. She has 1 or 2 "teacher friends" she still talks to, but not frequently. I don't really socialize much in general, but the people I do speak with tend to be more along the conservative lines. In general, most business owners tend to be, as do people into the same hobbies as myself. (You know, things that Greta hates)

My brother is a die hard lib. He's voted for every dem, and taken every booster. When covid happened, he and his wife wouldn't see us for a year, because we were not vaccinated. When my son was really ill (not covid related), he didn't return my calls or emails. I've talked with him a handful of times in 4 years. We were never really close, but the last few years has shown me we may share blood, but have nothing else in common. Pretty sad really, probably many other people have the same issues in their family.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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My wife graduated from college in 2000. Through her, I met some libs. Been married 25 years, she's more conservative than she ever thought she'd be. She has 1 or 2 "teacher friends" she still talks to, but not frequently. I don't really socialize much in general, but the people I do speak with tend to be more along the conservative lines. In general, most business owners tend to be, as do people into the same hobbies as myself. (You know, things that Greta hates)

My brother is a die hard lib. He's voted for every dem, and taken every booster. When covid happened, he and his wife wouldn't see us for a year, because we were not vaccinated. When my son was really ill (not covid related), he didn't return my calls or emails. I've talked with him a handful of times in 4 years. We were never really close, but the last few years has shown me we may share blood, but have nothing else in common. Pretty sad really, probably many other people have the same issues in their family.
You and your brother sounds like my wife and her sister. Very sad situation.

17 10 Flat

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2023
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As to losing friends and or family members, my 2 cents is the libs are not immune to the realities of life. They of course believe the media lies about Trump so they hate him. But day to day they see the results of the Biden adminastration. Even as the media hides what is happening, interest rates, energy costs, food costs are a fact of life.
There is absolutely no way a lib will ever admit to your face you were right. So by not engaging they are safe.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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As to losing friends and or family members, my 2 cents is the libs are not immune to the realities of life. They of course believe the media lies about Trump so they hate him. But day to day they see the results of the Biden adminastration. Even as the media hides what is happening, interest rates, energy costs, food costs are a fact of life.
There is absolutely no way a lib will ever admit to your face you were right. So by not engaging they are safe.

Very true, they can't admit when they're full of shit. Edumacation is their golden calf and admitting they're wrong, is not possible for some. Especially to a bunch of backward ass, gun touting, uneducated rednecks!!! 😆

NPC it's a hoax.PNG


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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You and your brother sounds like my wife and her sister. Very sad situation.
I think the liberal folks pushed themselves further away. At least that's how it seems to me.

I have not changed really. My voting habits are for what I feel helps my family's interests, and my Vax views were the same. I've said it before, my son's doctor didn't suggest it because of his condition, and not knowing if there may or may not be a problem. We, wife and I, decided as a family we shouldn't. If it were the miracle cure they touted, wouldn't have been right either.

As @regor said, maybe their education leads my brother and SIL to believe they are more "advanced". They both have masters, but my wife was "just" a teacher for 23 years, and I didn't do much more than a few college units. They seemed to have changed though. If either of them were ill and needed help, I'd drop everything to go and help them. The problem is, I don't think they'd even tell me. (My brother was hospitalized last year, I wouldn't have known if I didn't call him for his Birthday a few weeks later)

Strange times we're in. A lot of people don't see it though :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
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It's a tough one...

My family has wonderful friends of the alternate lifestyle who are libs. We don't talk politics.. Frankly, we've been friends so long and have had so many good times I don't want to lose them as friends. Although it's never been said out loud,I'm sure they feel the same way. They also socialize with a couple of other families who are just as conservative we are.

Ya, It hurt when I saw the rainbow flag with "BLM" in their yard a few years ago.. Rainbow... I dont care.. But BLM is a whole different issue. Thankfully, that flag didn't last long....