Depends on situation, as far a vehicles I pick the drivetrain, 2WD or 4WD, Engine, after that she can picks colors and other stuff. Vacations we seem to agree on where to go and what to do. Places to eat we take turns. Friends kinda common goal = MAGA works best. Except family I have one member...
Do they make locks that work like a vehicle using a key fob. Each owner gets one. Like the vehicles you need 2 to program an additional fob. The second fob is in the office and someone there has the capability to make another fob. No doubt these can be replicated but not that easily.
If non...
IMO if Hill was smart he would embrace a forgive and forget attitude maybe even say if this happens again he would be more cooperative. There is about a 100% chance he gets stopped again, maybe even after clubbing downtown Miami. That stop could go 2 ways. Everybody being nice maybe Hill has had...
Only read it when I'm all alone. Don't want anyone else to catch me..;)
But I can see where you are coming from. Stories are getting more and more out there.
Guess I can understand some folks not enjoying all of Hubbas posts, but ya all read them. Just put the thread on ignore or don't open the thread. Reading something you find offensive and then complaining about...why??? At this point it's no surprise where it's going.
If I was in his shoes would...
Many years ago met 4 guys at a VFW they would winter in Costa Rica, a house maid at that time was $600 a month. She took care of Everything. Periodically would get a new one. Seemed to work for them. No doubt inflation has had an effect.
You're not a CNN plant are you.......😁😆😆😉, if they see this.... CNN will go live, trump supporters acknowledge Trump and Putin are in this together. 😇😇🙂
If he waits till after the election, Putin will know who he will be dealing with. If its Trump Putin gonna get all the territory he can before January 21, 2025. If it's the skank he will be checking his nuclear arsenal and counting it twice.
I have always looked at life as forks in the road
Go in military yes or no
Should I ask her on a date, yes or no
Which job should I keep, A or B or maybe another
Get married yes or no, this one or wait??
Won't get into stupid stuff like was it a good idea to go 150 mph on a public street.
Where this could really be bad is if one of the girls really did have $550.00 and one of the roommates lifted it.
It's your fault.
If someone is just trying for some free money should go away by itself.
My 2 cents