Yuma we know that was all by design. When the administration says they are mandating everyone and their mother but say oh btw, congress is exempt you know there is a problem lol. Weaken the military was all part of the plan.
The irony to all of it was it was stated from the start that all the...
I don't see red states doing anything close to that currently. The extreme left states sure will try maybe at some point. The question is who is going to enforce it? I can tell you that many law enforcement people I talk to said they would never enforce anything like that even if it cost them...
I've listened to a lot of his interviews. He specifically says certain three letter agencies and mentions them. So you know faa/TSA/VA/food inspectors were never mentioned. He actually specifically mentions fbi,CIA,irs. I personally believe he wouldn't do it anyhow and is just trying to...
I have some reservations about him still but will admit he's sharp and quick on the microphone. He does have some Trump traits while debating and does it better actually because of how he words things.
I would love to see him be Trumps vp for two reasons. First and my main reason, considering...
Almost same exact damage I had when it happened to me. One of the scariest moments in my life for sure.
Just got on the 86 from the 10 heading toward Glamis doing 60mph. I see the first light ahead about a mile ahead and let off the throttle, then what sounded like someone firing a gun right...
You know Reg, you can't even blame Biden, everyone knows he isn't steering the ship at this point. He's just the front man that's going down in history taking the blame for it all. His wife must have made a hell of a deal and hates that man to no end to let things happen like this.
LOL...I've talked to him about this topic. I will hold my ground and say that the President "influences" the market without a doubt by his words and actions. The oil industry loves the left and support them, why, because they make the most money when they are in power unless I am wrong...
Maybe, but he's promoting Mike Yoder who is there for a couple of days and that dude seems relentless. He will sue anyone and everyone he has to to get answers. The concern is what the Gov will attempt to do under emergency authority to the land owners and citizens there.
The whole...
I hope I am wrong but if I was a betting man I would bet that the goal this round is for it to be more severe. Now if it's actually more severe or if the media machines pumps the numbers harder like proven they did last time will be the interesting part. The goal isn't to break the weak that...
Have you seen Dr. Peter M. protocol to flush out the body of vaccine proteins he just released? You might want to take a look into that, it's natural but said it takes close to a year from what they have seen to rid the body of any remaining vax proteins.
Both my father and a friend of his same age got JJ and both needed 3 stints 3 months after and they took the shot. Both of them took the JJ about 9 months apart. Could it just be a coincidence, maybe.
Well sure, look at the wording you highlighted. Got covid or the vaccine which is almost everyone.
Efficacy levels of the vaccines were all under a year anyhow, JJ one being the lowest. They also were supposedly designed under the first strain (Wuhan) so at this point it doesn't even matter...
Correct, BOS didn't like him because he didn't jump to their every request. He reminded them that while he is obligated to work with the BOS he is not bound to them because he was elected by the people and is the Sheriff. That didn't go over to well naturally because he was right so they put...