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  1. Spray-N-Sand

    What in the fuck!?!?!

    And Cracker Valley used to be such a neat little town...
  2. Spray-N-Sand

    Dear Mr. President

    Gonna need a lot more ROPES
  3. Spray-N-Sand

    Some truth to ease the pain...

    Really, Russia...again???
  4. Spray-N-Sand

    The One I Most Want to See Tortured

    But also don’t forget about Feinsten‘s driver for 20 yrs. another Chinese spy. And we haven’t even gotten into what the Chinese have on Kamala...
  5. Spray-N-Sand

    Interesting read fills in some facts on voting corruptuon

    That mindset is exactly what the dems are expecting the ‘spineless republicans‘ (RINO’s) to repeat. Time to pull up the big boy pants and start throwing punches back.
  6. Spray-N-Sand

    hahaha this Anti-American................

    Sorry Regor but there‘s no freaking way I want to read a DAMN thing the moose has to say... Stop the Cheat!!
  7. Spray-N-Sand

    Hunter's Computer

    Bio weapon plot??? Like the ChinaVirus?
  8. Spray-N-Sand

    Uh Oh, Trouble in Utopia

    Liberal hot, damn that’s a low bar!
  9. Spray-N-Sand

    Uh Oh, Trouble in Utopia

    Yesterday Congressman Doug Collins filed a resolution for removal of Eva Pelosi 😂https://dougcollins.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/fox-news-rep-doug-collins-introduces-resolution-push-pelosi-removal
  10. Spray-N-Sand

    Can a flu shot make you test positive for the china virus?

    That’s what my Dr. said as well. He said his office has given more shots this year than the last few years. LIke I said, I asked my Dr. about the shingles shot. He advised me it’s actually 2 shots, he told me 3 months apart. He did advise me he got the shots personally and the first one made him...
  11. Spray-N-Sand

    New toyhauler trailer

    Seems like Attiitude sure has the crowds following It. Look, I’d done all the shows, thought we had it dialed, but I can attest to 2 identical trailers (different color graphics), sequential serial #’s, exactly the same options. Both had flaws exposed during the build (we witnessed them). One...
  12. Spray-N-Sand

    New toyhauler trailer

    Figure out what you plan to haul inside the toyhauler. That means if you plan to haul multiple atv’s, a UTV and an atv, etc. I suggest you dry run your plan in your garage and take a Shitload of measurements. If you only have one atv, a small garage might be fine, but if you plan to haul...
  13. Spray-N-Sand

    Well, today was the day...

    Sorry for your loss. Dogs are amazing, no matter what shit goes down, their always there to make you smile. Looks like he had a great life and buddy too.
  14. Spray-N-Sand

    FBI Thwart Plot to Kidnap MI Governor

    Throwing this out there, but I’d suspect her husband. Large family and all, her leftist bent political stand, the poor guy’s probably Mr. Mom and then she comes home and starts her ranting shit. He calls a few buddies and the rest is in the papers... I’m thinking like a Bill & Hill Clinton...
  15. Spray-N-Sand

    Can a flu shot make you test positive for the china virus?

    Yes, I was told the 65+ version was the better choice for my needs, I’m 62, slightly overweight, hi-blood pressure, boarderline diabetic (type 2), etc. So for me it was a no brainer. Hell I even asked about the Shingles shot! Me personally, I’m not worried about testing positive to the flu...
  16. Spray-N-Sand

    And the family still got 12 million

    I guess it doesn’t matter that she’d actually done something illegal herself. The girls Ex-boyfriend is a shitbag, she was known to have supported him. Yes there was likely a surveillance issue here, but what happened was directly due of her involvement here. PERIOD. You know, an old famous...
  17. Spray-N-Sand

    Can a flu shot make you test positive for the china virus?

    Saw my Dr. last week for a physical exam (like 5 months late due to the CV). He advised I get a flu shot (I’m old), he said due to the strain this years shot is quite a bit stronger. The damn shot hit me pretty good that night with typical flu symptoms, but next day I was fine. I asked him a...
  18. Spray-N-Sand

    Annnnnnnd It's Over

    ^^^^^^^^THIS IS SOOOO AWESOME^^^^^^^^
  19. Spray-N-Sand

    LOL Biden camp actually puts this ad out

    WHAT A BALLSY FUCK. His 47 yr. suckfest career provided this country little or no positive results other than lining his family’s pockets with cash... Seriously, how the fuck does this guy sleep???
  20. Spray-N-Sand

    Kayleigh McEhany - Covid-19 positive

    Any logically thinking person would come to the same conclusion. Can’t imagine where Don can go though to have this investigated, other than his personal security team. i seriously hope this isn’t true because of all the distrust associated, but damn it’s just too close...