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  1. S

    Back on it

    A few pics of the "module" being assembled. All downhill from here......
  2. S

    Back on it

    Thanks! The time is pretty much every spare weeknight and weekend I have. Weeknights don't really move it along quickly, but it all adds up. That's why I'm gonna bust ass all next week for the final push.
  3. S

    Back on it

    Sometimes I can't leave well enough alone, but it doesn't always bite me. Spent some time with 600, 1000 and 2000 grit to take some orange peel out. Not show quality, but let's call it "nice street". Time to assemble this sucker. Took all next week off to get this on the road by Labor Day.
  4. S

    Back on it

    I can't improve on her :thumbup:. I think I'm going to let this kick for a few days, wet sand it with some 2000 and do a light buff on it. With the harness done, re-assembly will go real quick, and I'm taking a week off to get this done so we should be cruising by Labor day.
  5. S

    Back on it

    Hit the garage early. Before you look at the pic, keep in mind this is a learning deal.... I'm not a body man and I'm sure not a painter. The past 4-1/2 years has been trying new things and sometimes crashing and burning. The next car will be leaps and bounds above this just from what I've learned.
  6. S

    Back on it

    Body, prime and prep today. Paint tomorrow! I hope my painting skills are better than my bondo skills (self inflicted booger on the top)!
  7. S

    Back on it

    Done about all I can do on the harness until the tank's painted I start re-assembly. Can't tell you HOW over I am with wiring. Of course I'll be saying that about bondo this weekend too......
  8. S

    Back on it

    Made progress with the first coat of epoxy primer. Need to skim some filler where the panels were added then time for finish paint and re-assembly.
  9. S

    Back on it

    Apart for the last time. Yes, that's supposed to be a harness (it'll clean up a bit while it's out). Time for a bit of metalwork, paint and reassemble the harness and gauges.
  10. S

    Back on it

    Thanks, I appreciate it. To be honest I'm kind of done building boats (but still enjoy taking the cruiser out and have engine plans for it). It may seem a bit odd posting a car build on a boat board, but there's a lot of the build that crosses over. This'll be on the street soon, so the next...
  11. S

    Back on it

    A little different look with the new wheels
  12. S

    Back on it

    I hope someone in my house knows electrical. :eek: I'm only about 5 circuits away from done, so it looks further away than it really is. We're here for the next 3 weeks so I should be able to get the wiring finished, blow it apart, do the finish work and paint on the tank, THEN re-assemble and...
  13. S

    Back on it

    No rumble seat on this (trunk). This is being built so she can drive it, so as soon as it's done I'll toss her the keys and move on to the next project. Been looking for the right one for months. The next one will only "technically" be a street car...... time to go racing again. :D
  14. S

    Back on it

    Thanks, they're MY wheels. I'll throw the chrome spokes back on it when Shelley wants to drive. :cool
  15. S

    Back on it

    Was tracking the tire shipment all day and looking forward to getting home, mounting the tires and throwing them on. Got home, changed and headed out to the garage to mount the tires. Got them on with very little hassle then jacked up the right front and pulled off the spoke (insert screeching...
  16. S

    Back on it

    Brought the front wheels home today and tires will be here tomorrow. Now the age old question (and about the only time I play the "traditional" card).......push in wheel caps or exposed hub and bearing caps? When I'm looking for an older look I go back to my youth and get ahold of chrome bearing...
  17. S


    The stretch from Goffs Rd to Mountain Springs Rd has been closed down for a couple years now. Doubt they'll ever fix it since there are no businesses or houses on it. Don't know why it's "sketchy"..... been taking it every other weekend for years and there are far worse roads.
  18. S


    According to the article above, it was east of Cadiz which is in the closed down stretch. Be interesting to see on a map whether is was at the bottom of the grade to the old gas station, or at the top. Only bridges east of Cadiz are on top past the kiosk.
  19. S


    That stretch has been closed to thru traffic for months. They have been rebuilding 2 bridges west of Essex since March or April. Don't know how you can have accidents when there isn't supposed to be traffic.
  20. S

    Back on it

    Had a few of those nights already. I'm at the point now where just a few circuits are left then ........ done.