I know it was on here before, but anybody know anyone who does it or has done it? Got an old pair of Hifonics w1034 speakers that I have had forever. Since mullet is getting a makeover I figure it might be the perfect candidate for the old school Hifonics amps and speakers I have had laying around
Trade schools should be mandatory out of high school. Learn something that can support yourself. Then if you don't like what you are doing, You can put yourself through higher education.
You have to believe that things are happening behind the scenes. We are dealing with the most corrupt government of all against Trump for the past 9 years. He will get his revenge. It’s better they do it to themselves as the party implodes on itself. If they get voter id passed, that is...
Any body bitching about the price now days, have you checked on the price of resin lately?? I shit when I have to buy a gallon of it. I can't imagine what a 55 gallon drum costs.
The schools will never have a life class. It is way easier to fleece an uninformed populace. Need a class that teaches true life. Basic finance should be the minimum they teach.
You need Id for all the government freebies. You don't think every minority on the tit has an ID?? Healthcare, food stamps, sec 8, all of them require an ID. And yet there is still rampant fraud in all of them.