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  1. bonesfab


    Dumb,dumb likes yum, yum. They are all fucking crazy. How much can you tolerate.
  2. bonesfab


    Angie hot. Yum yum.
  3. bonesfab

    What ever

    Can you imagine the grief he took in the pits for how long? Talk about feeling like a dipshit.
  4. bonesfab

    Crap! When Did Stuff Get This Expensive?

    My mom grew up in Downey. Imperial and Amery i believe it was. Used to be a little market on the corner. My grandma would give us a dollar and we would walk down and load up. Sometimes even picking up cigs for them I believe she went to Warren also. Maybe 62-66 somewhere around there.
  5. bonesfab

    Jasmine Crockett

    She's all yours. No fight from me.
  6. bonesfab

    What ever

    Women do better in drag racing because it lasts less than a minute. Having to concentrate for duration of a full nascar race doesn't work well for them. Probably get bored and start trying to post shit to tik tok when they should be driving.
  7. bonesfab

    The ultimate HOA revenge

    Just convert it to a section 8 rental or a halfway house for rehab.
  8. bonesfab

    The ultimate HOA revenge

    FUCK HOA'S. No thank you to those nazi assholes.
  9. bonesfab

    Another fall from grace??? Black Diamond Fleet

    Karma is a wonderful thing. Not always fast enough though. Years ago a guy screwed me. Ok. I hear he is at a buddy of mines shop. I warn him and he gets screwed to. A few years he moves to Arizona and gets ass cancer. Hard to feel to bad for him. 1000 mili of Fuk-it-All a day does...
  10. bonesfab

    Another day at the shop.

    One of the cars I want one day is the 1989 turbo trans am pace car. Best looking and with a grand national engine.
  11. bonesfab

    Another day at the shop.

    All aluminum 505 Pontiac with a 5-speed. Just what a convertible needs.
  12. bonesfab

    Another day at the shop.

    Just had this 65 convertible in to make it run. It’s amazing what some shops do to customers cars.
  13. bonesfab

    Another day at the shop.

  14. bonesfab

    Another day at the shop.

    Yes this one kicked the rods out.
  15. bonesfab

    Another day at the shop.

    Always. A ride in the car dad? Let me in. When I go for a test drive he gets pissed and sulks that he didn’t get to go.
  16. bonesfab

    Door #1 or door #2??

    And the current project at the house. 57 four door wagon. New vintage air and new Dakota dash. Pretty cool cruiser. 350 crate engine 200r4 trans. A nicer interior than most of my rides.
  17. bonesfab

    Door #1 or door #2??

    Door #3.
  18. bonesfab

    Another day at the shop.

    Didn’t think I would be restoring a 1987 Camaro. But what the hell. Mullet is looking much better. Have some interior on order for it so now we wait.
  19. bonesfab

    Door #1 or door #2??

    If you are still selling cutting tooling, you could call it a business trip.
  20. bonesfab

    Russia and Ukraine

    They keep this up, they will be asking Putin for protection from big bad Orange man.