Who carries cash and who doesn’t?


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
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I was at the store one day and used my phone to pay. Well, the register computer locked up and had to be rebooted. Huge line of people there just glaring at me. I asked the cashier if I could still pay with cash instead of waiting. She says no problem, I paid and said, "so long suckers!". I mean that's what I was thinking. :D

76 Hondo

76 Hondo
Dec 22, 2007
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2 dollar bills, my Wife’s oldest Sister always carried a stack to tip with especially when out of the country, people will remember you!
So she also sent 2 dollar bills to all the kids in the family 💵💵💵💵💵, then to the Grandkids on Birthdays. Well she passed away a few years ago, so I have picked up the task somewhat, the look on my Granddaughter’s face when she got a card for her Birthday 4 months after Aunt Louise had passed, just signed with hearts and Angel wings.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Went into a Tower Records, a while back, Saturday before Christmas. Picked out $200 of stuff and headed for the cashier. Ran the CC, declined. Tried several times, same result. Pulled out cash and left. Went home and called. Bank had done software upgrade that left every BofA Visa card holder with zero available credit. Told the call center guy you must be up to your ass In alligators. He said you would not believe.
I now carry a Visa, MC, Amex and Cash.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… went out to nice restaurants with my playboy, bunny, gourmet chef girlfriend… got used to paying a lot for dinner…
always had a few hundred in my wallet…

… later started going to dinner with my buddies on hot rod car night… told them don’t worry I got this… they would have none of it. They would figure it out to the last 50 crnts…. Very aggravating.???

.. later on, on hot right night with with a couple of other friends… One of them would count it to the last penny… Take myself in the other friends money go to the cashier and we caught him getting the 10% senior discount… The guy is a mega multi millionaire owns 20 or so homes in Havasu …
… nowadays I just carry 40 bucks and everything is on my credit card even a five dollar purchase.., get old do strange shit🤷🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Canada has a one and two dollar coin. I hate change. We also have bills made out of this plastic like material. I don't like them. In Canada, I no longer carry cash. Tap pay is easy. In the US, since I stay in hotels. I get out $100 to break up for cleaning lady tips. Left over cash since I'll get a lousy exchange rate in Canada, I just buy lotto tickets.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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… went out to nice restaurants with my playboy, bunny, gourmet chef girlfriend… got used to paying a lot for dinner…
always had a few hundred in my wallet…

… later started going to dinner with my buddies on hot rod car night… told them don’t worry I got this… they would have none of it. They would figure it out to the last 50 crnts…. Very aggravating.???

.. later on, on hot right night with with a couple of other friends… One of them would count it to the last penny… Take myself in the other friends money go to the cashier and we caught him getting the 10% senior discount… The guy is a mega multi millionaire owns 20 or so homes in Havasu …
… nowadays I just carry 40 bucks and everything is on my credit card even a five dollar purchase.., get old do strange shit🤷🏽‍♀️

If I gotta argue over 50 cents, it’s probably the last time that we go out to eat without getting separate checks. Some people are just weird, and cheap.

I went Strokes one night with my wife and a friend. Tab come at the end, it’s like 120.00 bucks, plus tip of course. My friend throws like 25 bucks, says he had the pork chop and a beer. Didn’t eat any appetizers or have any other drinks. I’m just like what a cheap mother fucker, I would have just paid for him if he’d kept his mouth shut. If your gonna throw in, than split the check three ways and include the tip. Don’t be a bitch and order the cheapest thing on the menu and shun the appetizers so you don’t have to spend any money. This guy has always had the reputation for being the cheapest person on the planet so no should have expected it. 🙄

Carrying cash, I usually have a couple hundred bucks on me, not even sure why anymore. I never spend it. Old school I guess. In the old days what if you needed help with car or a tow, or help with your boat on the water? You usually need some cash in case someone helps you out. Guess that really doesn’t apply anymore Desert Bar is still a cash business and we go there every other week or so in the winter. Thats about the only place I spend cash lately.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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I never have coins, never.
and I rarely have cash for everyday walking around in the US.
5$ max for the beggar who might be sketchy if they don’t get anything.
But when I travel, I carry ones, fives and tens for tipping.