When a hooker steals. in your home..... and then the Response options


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May 6, 2016
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Got a new friend .... living the open door lifestyle... only took a year for this one to find me.....I spent an hour during Chargers game talking to her/ him and said fuck it you can figure your shit out.... Left to walk to a bar.... came home and all I see is a little shit under desk lamp shade.... so we good


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Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Got a new friend .... living the open door lifestyle... only took a year for this one to find me.....I spent an hour during Chargers game talking to her/ him and said fuck it you can figure your shit out.... Left to walk to a bar.... came home and all I see is a little shit under desk lamp shade.... so we good
… Now…if I only knew what all that meant🤷🏽‍♀️… maybe I will get it tomorrow???…


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Whose got time for some happiness?... on July 31st I was told the street dog I rescued would no longer be allowed in my place... I rent and the lease specifically says no pets. The landlord couple are definitely criminal types and made it clear they'd remove dog if not gone in morning, evict me, deport me and throw me in jail. I offered to throw money at situation but to no avail... turns out the female of the two landlords has seen video surveillance of all my young gals coming & going and basically though criminal she as an aging 40 something has issues regarding such behavior and wants me out. Long story short I found a buddy who manages a rubber factory nearby and he took the dog on for me as a "Guard" dog so she's have food/ shelter at guard shack until I found a solution. I'd go grab her on "Visitation" days and take her back to our beach where she loves running through surf and chasing birds. So after 4 months I scored my new place which accepts dogs gladly. Its a totally different lifestyle away from prying eyes and cctv surveillance.... more of a rural mountain life but still a short drive to shore for swimming days. I interviewed the young 30s Mexican landlord spending an hour seated and telling him all my proclivities quite openly as I don't want to make same mistake twice and have to move again due to young girls, drugs, dogs etc etc etc.... Catholicism runs deep here. The new owner is cool and is recently married to a German chick who now is pregnant and they are off to Germany to be with her large family in January. I interviewed her as well cause one never knows where the true power in relationships lies. He is a Naval engineer educated and raised here but works for a US Naval ship builder in San Diego. Apparently their move to Germany is a way to keep wifey content, have the baby, work remotely and see what transpires. More later on Phase II of all that later... here's some vids of Sweet Thang before rubber factory life, during factory life and currently .... notice the rubber residue that I'll have to scrub out somehow... I now call her my negro ... If any of you heathens have ideas on a
rubber removal soap or solution I'm all ears..... so far Google search says dawn soap, vegetable oil, white vinegar oil. Move day is 11/29


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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You'll notice the shades of my negro doggy from factory dust I reckon


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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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You'll notice the shades of my negro doggy from factory dust I reckon
awesome, back to good pictures and stories in the new pad!
Oh yeah, things will be back rollin around Jan I figure.... Just gonna get settled through December. Angel, the original Dancer, Stripper, Hooker, Thief etc.... is making a comeback via texting. Come February it'll be her 26th birthday and our one year anniversary... she's definitely changing from girl to woman and I'm thinking based on what I see she is done in the clubs working till 5am and now has graduated to "Escort" status.... she has her feminine ways for sure so there would be no shortage of suiters. More to come.....


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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That full moon we're enjoying is causing our tides to take mucho sand away from my beach so now we traverse rocks carefully. Gotta be sure not to walk at high tides or you get pinned up against cliff. Tried loading vid... no bueno internet today
Edit.... Internet back... we loose about 8' of sand when these tides swing through... boating content?


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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Found a Lamb & Pig slaughterhouse.... full lamb averages about $75usd and they cut it anyway ya like. Funny these locals are stew and soup folks and they really needed to be explained as to why I wanted a "Rack of lamb" Lol... Gringos eat that funny food.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Looks sanitary. Cook that shit well-done!
And me walking through a slaughter house in flip flops sliding al over that bloody tile floor. USDA grade? Don't show where ya get this to the women folk... fresh killed is nice in my book but definitely put the 165degree reader in that thing
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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And me walking through a slaughter house in flip flops sliding al over that bloody tile floor. USDA grade? Don't show where ya get this to the women folk... fresh killed is nice in my book but definitely put the 165degree reader in that thing
People were prepping food like this long before the USDA was even a thought.

Grandma on Pops' side was one of them old school Mexicans. She could grab a chicken out of the yard, some corn from the garden, and stretch it with some beans from a 50lb sack...and be making tortillas at the same time. They were dirt floor poor, but damn good food!


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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Looks sanitary. Cook that shit well-done!

Have you ever been to a slaughter house in the States? Not much different. If you are getting your meat from a chain store, this actually might be MORE sanitary😉 and the animal was probably slaughtered and butchered the same day. Not like here(commercially) where the animal is slaughtered, then butchered, well who knows, then dyes added to make it look "fresh" 🤷🏻‍♂️


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Have you ever been to a slaughter house in the States? Not much different. If you are getting your meat from a chain store, this actually might be MORE sanitary😉 and the animal was probably slaughtered and butchered the same day. Not like here(commercially) where the animal is slaughtered, then butchered, well who knows, then dyes added to make it look "fresh" 🤷🏻‍♂️
The stories my buddy told of his time working as an inspector were a bit foul...but he was a good guy to go hunting with. He could skin a buck like Jack the Ripper, and be clean as a surgeon.
Thinking back, probably not a guy I'd want to piss off 🤣


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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People were prepping food like this long before the USDA was even a thought.

Grandma on Pops' side was one of them old school Mexicans. She could grab a chicken out of the yard, some corn from the garden, and stretch it with some beans from a 50lb sack...and be making tortillas at the same time. They were dirt floor poor, but damn good food!
I can still smell that God awful smell of scalding those damn chickens in order to yank the feathers. 🤢 The only fun part for me after dad whacked off the head, was running around with my finger up his severed throat clucking like a damned chicken. 🐔 🤣
That and pulling the leg tendons and picking up things with the feet, great fun. 🤪
Then pick fresh veggies and often corn from the garden, whoo whoo, that was a good ole Sunday night fried chicken dinner.
We were old school whites, living in Santa Ana 🤣


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I can still smell that God awful smell of scalding those damn chickens in order to yank the feathers. 🤢 The only fun part for me after dad whacked off the head, was running around with my finger up his severed throat clucking like a damned chicken. 🐔 🤣
That and pulling the leg tendons and picking up things with the feet, great fun. 🤪
Then pick fresh veggies and often corn from the garden, whoo whoo, that was a good ole Sunday night fried chicken dinner.
We were old school whites, living in Santa Ana 🤣
I didn't dislike the smell, but I grew up smelling hot tar and liking it. Grandma did the under arm neck pop, I was better with the softball pitch/ crack the whip approach. Nothing like having a bowl of soup...and having a foot in the spoon🐓


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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I can still smell that God awful smell of scalding those damn chickens in order to yank the feathers. 🤢 The only fun part for me after dad whacked off the head, was running around with my finger up his severed throat clucking like a damned chicken. 🐔 🤣
That and pulling the leg tendons and picking up things with the feet, great fun. 🤪
Then pick fresh veggies and often corn from the garden, whoo whoo, that was a good ole Sunday night fried chicken dinner.
We were old school whites, living in Santa Ana 🤣

😩🤮 growing up we dipped them in boiling water and perofane(sp) wax to strip them' worst smell ever. And "running around like a chicken with your head cut off" is a real thing! Well more like hopping around..

Broom stick and a hatchet was our method🤷🏻‍♂️
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Oh yeah that smell hit me pretty hard but I got used to it after being there for maybe 5 minutes. Not as bad as the Chicken processors I used to drive through like Perdue in Delaware... damn that was much nastier.


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May 6, 2016
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Change is in the air this week... in the last couple months I've become disenchanted with this building... and for sure the supposed "Landlord" couple has taken issue with my behavior lifestyle as they watch all their security cctv tapes constantly. I've learned in my 14 months here that they are disliked by everyone in the surrounding blocks and the lawsuits have been flying around for years. So I told em I'd be leaving in 2 weeks and that was that. I said having Sweet Thang back in my life was paramount and they don't allow dogs. That was maybe 90% of why but having cameras on you all the time creeps me a bit. So my new place is 7 miles south and very different lifestyle. You turn off paved road and climb up dirt road maybe 1/2 mile. The noise of being so close to not only ocean which is quite nice but all the traffic and sirens on weekends has become annoying so I grabbed a super private, quiet home with nobody close to spy on my naked lifestyle and girls and booze & drugs. Younger couple landlords and I interviewed them pretty intensely and shared that the reason we're talking is two fold; my love for a street dog and my criminal landlords don't appreciate my lifestyle. I got very direct explaining that I lived a full life following societies rules, made money and now at 65 want to lay back and get another phase of my time accomplished without being told what to do and not do. They both appreciated my candor and we struck a deal. I lived in my apartment building in the US off & on for 25 years successfully so I know what communal living is like when done with good people. Maybe I am just at the age that its time to be quieter. Here's a couple pics... move day is Friday and I'm getting excited... picking up Sweet Thang from factory Saturday! Phase II underway
IMG_5962 (1).jpg


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Change is in the air this week... in the last couple months I've become disenchanted with this building... and for sure the supposed "Landlord" couple has taken issue with my behavior lifestyle as they watch all their security cctv tapes constantly. I've learned in my 14 months here that they are disliked by everyone in the surrounding blocks and the lawsuits have been flying around for years. So I told em I'd be leaving in 2 weeks and that was that. I said having Sweet Thang back in my life was paramount and they don't allow dogs. That was maybe 90% of why but having cameras on you all the time creeps me a bit. So my new place is 7 miles south and very different lifestyle. You turn off paved road and climb up dirt road maybe 1/2 mile. The noise of being so close to not only ocean which is quite nice but all the traffic and sirens on weekends has become annoying so I grabbed a super private, quiet home with nobody close to spy on my naked lifestyle and girls and booze & drugs. Younger couple landlords and I interviewed them pretty intensely and shared that the reason we're talking is two fold; my love for a street dog and my criminal landlords don't appreciate my lifestyle. I got very direct explaining that I lived a full life following societies rules, made money and now at 65 want to lay back and get another phase of my time accomplished without being told what to do and not do. They both appreciated my candor and we struck a deal. I lived in my apartment building in the US off & on for 25 years successfully so I know what communal living is like when done with good people. Maybe I am just at the age that its time to be quieter. Here's a couple pics... move day is Friday and I'm getting excited... picking up Sweet Thang from factory Saturday! Phase II underway View attachment 1453872 View attachment 1453874
Not a bad view at all!! 👍 Happy to see you're doing well and moving forward. When can we see some more pics of the wildlife?? 😜👍


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Change is in the air this week... in the last couple months I've become disenchanted with this building... and for sure the supposed "Landlord" couple has taken issue with my behavior lifestyle as they watch all their security cctv tapes constantly. I've learned in my 14 months here that they are disliked by everyone in the surrounding blocks and the lawsuits have been flying around for years. So I told em I'd be leaving in 2 weeks and that was that. I said having Sweet Thang back in my life was paramount and they don't allow dogs. That was maybe 90% of why but having cameras on you all the time creeps me a bit. So my new place is 7 miles south and very different lifestyle. You turn off paved road and climb up dirt road maybe 1/2 mile. The noise of being so close to not only ocean which is quite nice but all the traffic and sirens on weekends has become annoying so I grabbed a super private, quiet home with nobody close to spy on my naked lifestyle and girls and booze & drugs. Younger couple landlords and I interviewed them pretty intensely and shared that the reason we're talking is two fold; my love for a street dog and my criminal landlords don't appreciate my lifestyle. I got very direct explaining that I lived a full life following societies rules, made money and now at 65 want to lay back and get another phase of my time accomplished without being told what to do and not do. They both appreciated my candor and we struck a deal. I lived in my apartment building in the US off & on for 25 years successfully so I know what communal living is like when done with good people. Maybe I am just at the age that its time to be quieter. Here's a couple pics... move day is Friday and I'm getting excited... picking up Sweet Thang from factory Saturday! Phase II underway View attachment 1453872 View attachment 1453874
Awe she is a cutey and you can tell she definitely loves you. I enjoyed your stories to date, but I'd take her companionship over any of those 2 legged ones any day of the week....lol


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Awe she is a cutey and you can tell she definitely loves you. I enjoyed your stories to date, but I'd take her companionship over any of those 2 legged ones any day of the week....lol
Thanks and yes Sweet Thang had my heart a year ago and it was instantaneous... I've had dogs off and on over my lifetime but I stopped after last one died many years ago. I'd forgotten how elevating they can be to ones moods daily. I'm over the moon excited to go bring her home Saturday! As for the two legged ones.... they'll always be available... this is a once in lifetime experience.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Not a bad view at all!! 👍 Happy to see you're doing well and moving forward. When can we see some more pics of the wildlife?? 😜👍
Dont you worry... its the start of holiday season and many of my flock are already circling from up in Newport where relationships are highly dysfunctional.... one is threatening to escape to my crib any day....
Oldie but goody.... and no charge which will be refreshing



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Dont you worry... its the start of holiday season and many of my flock are already circling from up in Newport where relationships are highly dysfunctional.... one is threatening to escape to my crib any day....
Oldie but goody.... and no charge which will be refreshing

View attachment 1453977
Crazy eyes


RDP Inmate #94
Sep 24, 2007
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Dont you worry... its the start of holiday season and many of my flock are already circling from up in Newport where relationships are highly dysfunctional.... one is threatening to escape to my crib any day....
Oldie but goody.... and no charge which will be refreshing

View attachment 1453977
Still looks like a lot of fun! And besides, probably a very low risk of getting pregnant.
Could be a ball of fire for a few weeks or months. 😈


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Crazy eyes
We've got a great story... a buddy brought her over to my crib 8 years ago.... we connected... smart entrepreneur type could be going places... former Ms Oregon who met Trump as a Ms Universe contestant... he dug her so told his people to screen her for the show he had where he "Fired" contestants. She got on and after he fired her asked her up into Trump tower cause he saw something special in her... or perhaps wanted to put something special in her ... so he moves in for a kiss in elevator and here's where the story gets good:



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May 6, 2016
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Her story is something else... she married a famous dentist in Beverly Hills some years ago.... they got on Lifetsyles of Rich and Famous and she came home early one day and caught that husband sucking a pool boys dick so divorced ha. She impressed me in many ways so I had an agent friend get her on that CNN show cause she had a positive Trump story when media was blowing the guy up after all these chicks came out and the "Touch the Pussy" tape came out. She likes Trump, knows Ivana and Melania so I said go defend your guy. After the CNN interview Dr Phils show picked her up at my place to be on his afternoon show. She was pissed afterwards cause they never put her on once the producers found out she was pro trump and wouldn't be manipulated. Megan Kelly was their key guest and she was seated next to her husband and he asked to be moved once someone told him she's pro Trump. Its been 8 years but I still remember that driver dropping her off and her anger at wasting a day in LA. Sounds like she'll be coming down to spend a few days. She's one of 12 children from a still married Oregon couple... I've met a couple siblings and typical solid Oregon types. Be good to see this badass.


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May 6, 2016
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Baja Lifestyle update.... move in completed.... new place much smaller and up in hills away from beach, noise and criminals. This land actually has a 24 hour live guarded gate and they each have pistols on belts.... much different lifestyle up here.... slow and peaceful more like a ranch overlooking ocean unobstructed. Sweet Thang has spent her first week getting plugged in with her new pack of two outdoor ranch dogs. She had to do some early flexing to let the other female know she comes from the mean streets but they all go off into hills togther now hunting rabbits. Got moved in just before 80 mph santa Anas rolled through knocking out water & power but only for the day. Unfortunately I lost a nice fake fireplace/ heater, microwave and coffeemaker due to not having surge protectors so off to see if local electrician can bring em back to life. Definitely feel like I'm more in Mexico up here... away from all the San Diego South action I felt in last spot though only 7 miles south. Been putting Fernando to work constructing a 12x12 workout pad for yoga and weights. Man is gravel heavy! I never did the physical labor thing ever and got a lot of respect for those that do/ did... and man are Mexicans strong lil fuckers. I grabbed a new neighbor to help today and basically he put my old ass to shame.... for $17! Tommorow I rent a packer for gravel and then the rubber final product pads arrive.



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Baja Lifestyle update.... move in completed.... new place much smaller and up in hills away from beach, noise and criminals. This land actually has a 24 hour live guarded gate and they each have pistols on belts.... much different lifestyle up here.... slow and peaceful more like a ranch overlooking ocean unobstructed. Sweet Thang has spent her first week getting plugged in with her new pack of two outdoor ranch dogs. She had to do some early flexing to let the other female know she comes from the mean streets but they all go off into hills togther now hunting rabbits. Got moved in just before 80 mph santa Anas rolled through knocking out water & power but only for the day. Unfortunately I lost a nice fake fireplace/ heater, microwave and coffeemaker due to not having surge protectors so off to see if local electrician can bring em back to life. Definitely feel like I'm more in Mexico up here... away from all the San Diego South action I felt in last spot though only 7 miles south. Been putting Fernando to work constructing a 12x12 workout pad for yoga and weights. Man is gravel heavy! I never did the physical labor thing ever and got a lot of respect for those that do/ did... and man are Mexicans strong lil fuckers. I grabbed a new neighbor to help today and basically he put my old ass to shame.... for $17! Tommorow I rent a packer for gravel and then the rubber final product pads arrive.

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Looks good, now u gotta screed it down level and flat before you start a pakin.

arch stanton

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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What riverroyal is saying is in construction if you fill anything with dirt it needs to be compacted but if filled with gravel compaction is not necessary
The deepest fill I did with rock was 36 feet deep and then compacted the dirt that was placed on top and the proof that the rock did not need compaction is the dirt passed 95% compaction required on the job under the central utility plant on the job
Level the rock and pour the concrete


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
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What riverroyal is saying is in construction if you fill anything with dirt it needs to be compacted but if filled with gravel compaction is not necessary
The deepest fill I did with rock was 36 feet deep and then compacted the dirt that was placed on top and the proof that the rock did not need compaction is the dirt passed 95% compaction required on the job under the central utility plant on the job
Level the rock and pour the concrete
Not to argue, because I don't know anything about the subject. I do know that we tamp ballast (big gravel) after being laid down and we have trains run slow while it is compacting. Surely there's some movement that will take place before everything finds it's own level, no?

arch stanton

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Not to argue, because I don't know anything about the subject. I do know that we tamp ballast (big gravel) after being laid down and we have trains run slow while it is compacting. Surely there's some movement that will take place before everything finds it's own level, no?
I believe ballast is treated differently because of the size 3 inch minus lots of possible voids
I should have specified that we use 3/4 rock when filling with no compaction required


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
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I believe ballast is treated differently because of the size 3 inch minus lots of possible voids
I should have specified that we use 3/4 rock when filling with no compaction required
Thanks, that helped me understand.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Not to argue, because I don't know anything about the subject. I do know that we tamp ballast (big gravel) after being laid down and we have trains run slow while it is compacting. Surely there's some movement that will take place before everything finds it's own level, no?
Yes, it will settle some w/weight, movement and vibration. May be an 1/8" or up to a 1/2" depending on the way it was distributed etc.


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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Packer for gravel? Gravel doesn't compact.
What riverroyal is saying is in construction if you fill anything with dirt it needs to be compacted but if filled with gravel compaction is not necessary
The deepest fill I did with rock was 36 feet deep and then compacted the dirt that was placed on top and the proof that the rock did not need compaction is the dirt passed 95% compaction required on the job under the central utility plant on the job
Level the rock and pour the concrete

I'm not sure what you guys are talking about. I deal with this almost daily. 3/4- quarry rock absolutely does compact and on some applications "compaction tests" are required by a 3rd party inspector.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2015
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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about. I deal with this almost daily. 3/4- quarry rock absolutely does compact and on some applications "compaction tests" are required by a 3rd party inspector.

I wasn't going to open that can of worms for the sake of sanity and keeping Hubbas thread on track.