As background I work in Energy Trading and recently transferred into a new group in July. My counterpart has been here around 18 months and came from the legal department. She’s very nice, however her ability to the get job done is just not there. Legal to Trading is a huge leap, while I’m well versed in my field, If I went to the legal department I’m sure I would suck for a while too. Groups we support frequently leave her out of projects for her area, which means all of that work comes to me. When going through things she’ll ask questions that do not reflect well on her at all, it would be similar to a mechanic asking the difference between gas and oil, or an electrician asking the difference between hot and ground. Anything not spelled out in a process document she’ll ask me to figure out etc. I am all for helping out co workers and have done so a lot in my career. Even with her I’ve scheduled learning sessions, loaned her reference text, and pulled some strings to get her into a class that I think would really help her, however I don’t have the time to keep doing this and it’s really getting old. I’ve tried to include her on all communications that the groups we support cut her out of, the result of this has been she thinks I am hogging all the work and attention. In my mind this leaves 3 bad choices.
I’ve had my fill of all of this and want to address this with my boss, I don’t want to come off like a whining 2 year old though.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
- I can tell the groups we support they have to go to her, I can’t help them
- I can give her the work she should be doing and tell her you just have to figure this out with out me.
- I can just do the work myself and completely cut her out.
I’ve had my fill of all of this and want to address this with my boss, I don’t want to come off like a whining 2 year old though.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.