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I’m still chuckling at that one.I just read that again and laughed harder this time
I’m still chuckling at that one.I just read that again and laughed harder this time
I’m still chuckling at that one.
Ok, update:
Of course there was no way to meet with the Super...I knew that was coming, the way of school districts in general. They allowed me to meet with the lady who takes reports concerning parental issues and concerns.
Nice lady, maybe about 50, short cropped hair...no ring, a certain style of dress and appearance. Know your audience, those you will play to.
I opened by making it quite clear I did not wish to paint my son as a Saint. He screwed up, I am fully aware of that and that there must be consequences for actions.
I then went into the incident, and how it was reported to me. I also made it clear that I only have the one side, and even then, the administrative staff at the school did not furnish me with a copy of his written statement. When I said the slurs that were used...both Anglo and Hispanic, I told her that being a "halfer" I've heard them my whole life. She agreed, being a mix herself...made a small connection there. The problem, I told her, was not my son being punished, nor the length of time. The problem is the fact that the one child, of mostly white appearance, was given a much lighter punishment for using multiple slurs, as well as making physical contact. My sons permanent record will be marked as fighting and racially motivated... At which point I told her, "My son is 6ft tall, and pretty stout. If it were an actual physical altercation, this would be a much different scenario."
I did close with a plea to their liberal gods: If, as educators, you are striving for equality, why is it the disciplinary actions taken seem so inequal?
Well, the report will be submitted...oddly enough it goes to a lady that my wife works with for early entry testing. At least they know each other.
Time to put my boots on, and get out of slacks.
I did give my email, and asked for a copy of the typed up "report" that will be made from the notes on the form.Dave gave some solid advice here…
I will add one more thing.
Its one thing to say something verbal in a meeting…. Its an entirely different thing, when you say something verbal and then hand them the exact message in writing, date/time stamped, with witness stating it was hand delivered. That puts there ass on notice officially, and forces them to document there actions regarding your concerns..
Key thing here… Put it in writing and that forces there hand…
I have been in several bad scenarios with teachers when both of my kids where in high school. Due to the fact that I had everything in writing prior to events, during and post events… Our ass’s where covered. There are alot of horrible teachers out there, so document everything, and prepare to fight. Your odds of success will be alot higher.
MW, regardless of the outcome your son knows you have his back and that is worth more than what you are trying to achieve.
I think my kids know this, but this is kind of different. He, myself and the school, all agree he F'd up. I'm not going to stand behind his mistakes, but I'll help him through them...if that makes any sense? We all learn from them.MW, regardless of the outcome your son knows you have his back and that is worth more than what you are trying to achieve.
Standing up for what's right shouldn't be a big deal...it should just be what's done. That's one of society's many problems right now. There is no discussion, only raised voices of opposing positions. 1+1=2...there is only one correct answer.Knowing that you will stand up for what’s right regardless of who you have to stand up too is a big f’n deal.
My Dad, "Don't you EVER let me hear you started a fight BUT by God don't let me hear you ever walked away from one"!!! Another one we were always told "There aren't ANY rules in a fight"!!Shit happens and it will all work out.
My son got jumped by two brothers at his JH. My son broke his wrist but he fucked up both of those brothers. They didnt have any more issues after that.
I didnt encourage my son to fight but if it went that way end it quickly. Sometimes you have no choice and its go time.
Holy shit.. thats how I was raised, but I was the youngest of all my cousins, They used me for batting practice.My Dad, "Don't you EVER let me hear you started a fight BUT by God don't let me hear you ever walked away from one"!!! Another one we were always told "There aren't ANY rules in a fight"!!
In high school, the only thing I feared was my Pops. Never beat on me...but I know full well he could've taken me down up until his last day...and I was roofing at the time!Holy shit.. thats how I was raised, but I was the youngest of all my cousins, They used me for batting practice.
Growing up in Texas… graduated in 1989… friday night lights football player… Nose Guard…
17 years old… 6ft tall, 225lbs with 30 inch waist and 48 in chest
benched 405 lbs, dead left 650lbs..
There was not anything on this planet that made me blink, or remotely scared me at 17.
Why.. I practiced with dudes bigger than me for 4 hours a day, and fought dudes every firday night bigger than me for 2 hours..
I was not afraid of anything…walk into any bar in Texas at 17 years old, buy drink and challenge every person at that bar to arm wrestling contest… I never lost.
When it came to a real fight… I have never swung a fist at a opponent more than 3 times..
Because that fucker is lights out..90% of the tme on the second swing.
I am not that man today at 50 years old… I promise one thing… I know how to fight, your odds are not good..Night Night MFCKR.
I think there's been some misunderstanding here. My son didn't get slapped...would have been game on I think. He was only called names. No big deal. His friend was slept, and didn't do anything. He may be pulled, but the only other schools around any better don't have athletics...you know, normal kids.I would pull him out of that school. Use someone else's address and put him in a better place. Your son doesn't deserve that!
My 9 year old son is going through the bullying stuff right now. I have always told him, as long as he doesn't start it he'll never be in trouble. If someone trying to hit him and my son hits him in the nose, I will take him to ice cream.
If I was to be mad at your kid, it would be because he didn't defend himself with the slap. He should have punched him right in the nose!
I think there's been some misunderstanding here. My son didn't get slapped...would have been game on I think. He was only called names. No big deal. His friend was slept, and didn't do anything. He may be pulled, but the only other schools around any better don't have athletics...you know, normal kids.
Take the day off and take him fishing , boating or shooting DadOK, my youngest got suspended...good one, five days. So, here it goes...
Jr.Mint was having a discussion with a classmate, part of their class talking period. They were told to talk about where they would choose to be, if they could be anywhere in the world. My son's "Interviewee" said he would choose Nigeria. My son asked why, as that was part of the "project". Apparently, the kid knew about the natural resources there, like rare earth minerals and such. This kid is a friend of my son's. My son told him in 3rd grade he got in trouble for mispronouncing "Niger"...something here, my son had some issues with speech in elementary school. Well, he said the "N" word as he was telling him what he had said then. He's not that type of kid, the context is kind of a factor here...
So, the kid in the seat in front of him, no part of the conversation, whips around and says something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up cracker!" This kid in question is mostly white...
Jr.Mint responds, "But I'm part Mexican" Kid in in front responds, "Shut the fuck up wetback!"
My son responds with "Why don't you go back to whatever zoo you came from!"
Well now, we've covered most bases...
By this time, my son's friend, my son and the kid in front have stood up, and the teacher has finally moved his lazy ass out of his chair, and started to approach the situation. The situation was kind of tense, but lazy ass teacher turned back to his desk. At this point, kid in front slaps my son's friend across the face...
Shouting, yelling...only one person made physical contact with anyone.
Oddly enough, my phone didn't ring at all. They called my wife at school. They ended up making my son walk to her campus, as she couldn't get coverage for her class.
Now, my son was suspended for five days. F I V E days, for fighting and disrupting the class.
The kid who got slapped, and really didn't do a damn thing, was suspended for 2.
The kid who did both the slapping of one kid, and shouted racial slurs towards my son, received a 2 day suspension...T W O days, physical and verbal altercation with racial overtones.
Wait for it....
Wait for it...
The kid up front, slur happy slapper, is a "non-binary" individual. It prefers to be called by a male name this semester, but has had a couple different ones I believe.
Can't piss of or upset the loud minority.
Wife and kids are shocked I'm ironing slacks and a shirt. Going to walk into the district office at 8am, and ask for a meeting with the Superintendent or the assistant. 10 to 1 they "won't be available". So, I'll make an appointment, and come back at a later time. I'm good with that.
The worst thing they can do is give me more time to think about it. Well, bad for them...not so much for me.
Maybe leave the last line out - It may be construed as threating and you will end up on Biden's school board terrorist list.Realistically you are gonna have to put yourself in their shoes for a half a second here.
I read your story and I’m reading the speech impediment deal and thinking “ok maybe”. Than as soon as the “go back to the zoo” comment came out, I am instantly thinking “ok we can say he isn’t that kid all he wants, but he is that kid.” (Whether he is or isn’t is irrelevant… life isn’t fair and you know that)
Likely what the teacher thought, definitely what the board is gonna think.
If it was me I would calmly go in and discuss with the board the following.
1. We don’t use language like that in our house, I will be addressing that with him at home, but make no mistake he picked it up here at school. (Shift blame)
2. I understand completely that life can be difficult for a non binary child. I believe in not only preaching equality but living by it.. which brings me to why I am here today. (Now questioning their character because they are preaching it but not living by it)
You have a non binary student that has shouted several racist slurs, and now attacked another student.
We are here to discuss equality.. why is it both students received a two day suspension and mine received a five day? What kind of message does that send? It encourages the outbursts and violence of one student regardless of gender.
The non binary student needs to make apologies to the person he attacked and to my son, and vice versus.. they can all shake hands and use this as a learning lesson.. but encouraging temper tantrums and violence is not going to do non binary any favors in life especially as they grow older. It is simply pouring gasoline on a fire that will end in a columbine style situation.
Put them on their liberal heels.. but also put them on notice that If something happens in the future with this kid this has been documented and they will be held liable in the court of public opinion. You warned them.. their actions are directly responsible.
You don’t think it’s the liberal ideology that over ran the system?for all the lazy teachers you think are out there based on your kids points of view, there are even more teachers that care more than you imagine. I have watched it first hand over the last year as I am now in the teaching profession. I got into this because I too thought teachers didnt give a shit. boy was i wrong. and the amount of fucked up insane kids and problem kids and broken home kids is so catastrophic. We need to spend more on teachers and make it worthwhile to hire great talent out of college or get people like me. Im not doing it for the money. Im doing it for the kids and to have summers in havasu.
and with that being said....there are definitely issues with school systems. everyones worried about being sued. cant hold kids accountable. cant discipline them without fear of lawyers.....WE as parents are the problem. WE allowed this to happen.
its a few things but lawyering up is #1 and the pussification of our youth is #2. The number of zombies walking around campus these days is scary. We had our soners back in the day but kids now are so over medicated. I came into this thinking im gonna change the world one kid at a time. And I can tell you there a re a lot of teachers who feel the same. Its getting harder and harder to hold them accountable to their actions for fear of a lawsuit. Again parents are the #1 problem. dont matter if they are liberal or conservative they dont think their kids are a mess and they are.You don’t think it’s the liberal ideology that over ran the system?
and thats how us kids held each other accountable to our actions. very very little fighting these days. Its all mental warfare now.What happened to a good old fashioned ass beating in the playground at lunch or after school?
Settles all. At least around here.
I think
its a few things but lawyering up is #1 and the pussification of our youth is #2. The number of zombies walking around campus these days is scary. We had our soners back in the day but kids now are so over medicated. I came into this thinking im gonna change the world one kid at a time. And I can tell you there a re a lot of teachers who feel the same. Its getting harder and harder to hold them accountable to their actions for fear of a lawsuit. Again parents are the #1 problem. dont matter if they are liberal or conservative they dont think their kids are a mess and they are.
for all the lazy teachers you think are out there based on your kids points of view, there are even more teachers that care more than you imagine. I have watched it first hand over the last year as I am now in the teaching profession. I got into this because I too thought teachers didnt give a shit. boy was i wrong. and the amount of fucked up insane kids and problem kids and broken home kids is so catastrophic. We need to spend more on teachers and make it worthwhile to hire great talent out of college or get people like me. Im not doing it for the money. Im doing it for the kids and to have summers in havasu.
and with that being said....there are definitely issues with school systems. everyones worried about being sued. cant hold kids accountable. cant discipline them without fear of lawyers.....WE as parents are the problem. WE allowed this to happen.
First of all, thank you for stepping into the profession trying to make a difference, I don't think people that do get enough credit for putting their lives where their mouth is.
You said we as parents are the problem, we allowed this to happen to our schools and our society.
And you are 100% dead nut on the money. This happened because we the people in general, and not enough parents and voters were paying attention to what was going on in our public education system over the past 30 years.
I spent enough time at the local high school when I was working to see this thing really rearing it's head, and if you look at the rants I have posted on the topic in the PG section way back when I have screamed about this since I joined RDP. The generations have turned, and we now have parents who are the product of the brainwashing bullshit sending their kids to public schools so messed up emotionally, and mentally that they are incapable of focusing on learning, and the culture simply continues its long march into collapse with every passing generation.
Unless, and until enough parents step up and simply say no, no more, we are not going to tolerate this, and begin dismantling the infrastructure of public education and get it back to what it is supposed to do not a damn thing is going to change. Those who can will send their kids to private schools, and those who simply cannot afford private education will continue to fall by the wayside, and will not be able to compete for good jobs, which is why we now demand that minimum wage jobs pay a livable wage, we no longer have kids learning about work in these positions, we have adults with no skills trying to live by flipping burgers.
And this is exactly what the .gov wants.
Make more and more people stuck with no hope in a shit job, dependent on the .gov for help, from school to grave. Creating a servant class for the wealthy, destroying the middle class in the process.
You are damn right the American voter let this happen. This is the problem with a Republic, citizens have to do their job, and vote for the good of the nation (or state) and not the feel good horseshit that doesn't work, has never worked, no matter how many trillions of dollars we throw at endless government programs that duplicate services that don't work, but make us "feel good" when some media hack feeds us a line of bullshit 20 miles long on the evening news in the mainstream media, and we just stand by and watch as 200 years of the greatest Republic the earth has ever known slowly comes apart at the seams.
Unless we step up and do our job as citizens, and push these socialist communist bastards OUT of government, not an damn thing is going to change. Frankly, I am not optimistic.
And I apologize for the rant and taking monkeys thread off of the rails. I am pissed, my back is killing me, I haven't slept in a couple of days, and this shit gets to me. I still give a damn, even after bashing my head against the wall for 50 years, I can't help it.
you arent wrong.....im not gonna even speak on the voting thing....when i say its our fault i mean its how we parent. Gone are the days when you fucked up at school and mom said wait til dad gets home. The utter fear that went through my veins scared me straight and i learned right and wrong. Not saying we have to beat our kids, but damn what are they scared of? taking their xbox away? no cell phone for a week? What the fuck does that do?First of all, thank you for stepping into the profession trying to make a difference, I don't think people that do get enough credit for putting their lives where their mouth is.
You said we as parents are the problem, we allowed this to happen to our schools and our society.
And you are 100% dead nut on the money. This happened because we the people in general, and not enough parents and voters were paying attention to what was going on in our public education system over the past 30 years.
I spent enough time at the local high school when I was working to see this thing really rearing it's head, and if you look at the rants I have posted on the topic in the PG section way back when I have screamed about this since I joined RDP. The generations have turned, and we now have parents who are the product of the brainwashing bullshit sending their kids to public schools so messed up emotionally, and mentally that they are incapable of focusing on learning, and the culture simply continues its long march into collapse with every passing generation.
Unless, and until enough parents step up and simply say no, no more, we are not going to tolerate this, and begin dismantling the infrastructure of public education and get it back to what it is supposed to do not a damn thing is going to change. Those who can will send their kids to private schools, and those who simply cannot afford private education will continue to fall by the wayside, and will not be able to compete for good jobs, which is why we now demand that minimum wage jobs pay a livable wage, we no longer have kids learning about work in these positions, we have adults with no skills trying to live by flipping burgers.
And this is exactly what the .gov wants.
Make more and more people stuck with no hope in a shit job, dependent on the .gov for help, from school to grave. Creating a servant class for the wealthy, destroying the middle class in the process.
You are damn right the American voter let this happen. This is the problem with a Republic, citizens have to do their job, and vote for the good of the nation (or state) and not the feel good horseshit that doesn't work, has never worked, no matter how many trillions of dollars we throw at endless government programs that duplicate services that don't work, but make us "feel good" when some media hack feeds us a line of bullshit 20 miles long on the evening news in the mainstream media, and we just stand by and watch as 200 years of the greatest Republic the earth has ever known slowly comes apart at the seams.
Unless we step up and do our job as citizens, and push these socialist communist bastards OUT of government, not an damn thing is going to change. Frankly, I am not optimistic.
And I apologize for the rant and taking monkeys thread off of the rails. I am pissed, my back is killing me, I haven't slept in a couple of days, and this shit gets to me. I still give a damn, even after bashing my head against the wall for 50 years, I can't help it.
the question is how did we let ourselves get to this point where everyone is reaching for the handout? At least the hippies said fuck it we dont need shit just weed and drugs and a field to live in and party on. I dont think hippies thought they were entitled to anything like todays people areSerious question here from somebody who is not old enough to have experienced both.
I often times find myself comparing today's socialist/communist movement to that of the hippie era (at least in my head) and wonder what the differences are if any? how did we as a nation get past the [communist] hippie era in tact? can the same be done today or not, why, and how?
These are the things that sometimes run through my head.
Serious question here from somebody who is not old enough to have experienced both.
I often times find myself comparing today's socialist/communist movement to that of the hippie era (at least in my head) and wonder what the differences are if any? how did we as a nation get past the [communist] hippie era in tact? can the same be done today or not, why, and how?
These are the things that sometimes run through my head.
you arent wrong.....im not gonna even speak on the voting thing....when i say its our fault i mean its how we parent. Gone are the days when you fucked up at school and mom said wait til dad gets home. The utter fear that went through my veins scared me straight and i learned right and wrong. Not saying we have to beat our kids, but damn what are they scared of? taking their xbox away? no cell phone for a week? What the fuck does that do?
Honestly that is exactly where it started.... weed, drugs and we are entitled to a place to hang around and do them. The drugs got stronger and easier to obtain, the entitlement grew. Fast forward a couple generations, add in social media and our lizard brains did the rest. Our entire society seeks sedation, through drugs, alcohol, followers, likes and other vices.the question is how did we let ourselves get to this point where everyone is reaching for the handout? At least the hippies said fuck it we dont need shit just weed and drugs and a field to live in and party on. I dont think hippies thought they were entitled to anything like todays people are
Serious question here from somebody who is not old enough to have experienced both.
I often times find myself comparing today's socialist/communist movement to that of the hippie era (at least in my head) and wonder what the differences are if any? how did we as a nation get past the [communist] hippie era in tact? can the same be done today or not, why, and how?
These are the things that sometimes run through my head.
Welcome to my worldI think
its a few things but lawyering up is #1 and the pussification of our youth is #2. The number of zombies walking around campus these days is scary. We had our soners back in the day but kids now are so over medicated. I came into this thinking im gonna change the world one kid at a time. And I can tell you there a re a lot of teachers who feel the same. Its getting harder and harder to hold them accountable to their actions for fear of a lawsuit. Again parents are the #1 problem. dont matter if they are liberal or conservative they dont think their kids are a mess and they are.
I agree except it started in the sixties and has snowballed from there.So, I am 63. I was 18 in October of 1976.
Here is my take on the answer to your question.
We didn't get through that era intact. That was the time when the helm began to shift our course.
I remember many, many of my fellow students being the younger brothers and sisters of the original hippie movement. Now, most of those kids were simply followers, the found an easy path and they followed it. Many of them did in fact grow out of it, but a whole lot of them did not.
Those people began to move into the positions where they could influence society. First off, public education. This didn't happen overnight, but by the time I was a senior at a 4 yr college, the place was filled with these folks in tenured positions, and they were not even remotely shy about spreading their "Version" of utopia. They were the followers of "Rules for Radicals", and the rest of the devout communists that were already in place, now calling themselves "progressives" instead of "socialists" or "communists" because my generation knew the truth about all three of those philosophies, the two former are simply different shades of the latter, which is the end goal when power can be consolidated enough.
I had classes with these professors, and I would NOT let them get away with lies. I was a GIANT thorn in their sides, something I am proud of to this day. When they found out I was a full time cop finishing a degree, the tried to turn the class on me, and called me all the names you can imagine, but they could not screw with my grades, because I could answer their questions. I played the game right back at them.
Then, those people had children. And they started the indoctrination from birth. Those kids were probably around you growing up. The second generation...and the ball rolled faster, and their change moved deeper, from the college level into the community college level, then into high schools. They promoted into administrative positions, and got onto education boards.
And here we are.
I hope this answers your questions, I am glad you ask.
Maybe leave the last line out - It may be construed as threating and you will end up on Biden's school board terrorist list.
It may be a bit different, but not nearly as much as you'd think. My other son is in the same private high school my daughter went to. A bit more conservative in the teaching staff, but I wouldn't think the same goes for the students. The mixture of kids is pretty odd across the spectrum.I will say this thread is eye opening.. I am glad my kids are currently in private school.
It may be a bit different, but not nearly as much as you'd think. My other son is in the same private high school my daughter went to. A bit more conservative in the teaching staff, but I wouldn't think the same goes for the students. The mixture of kids is pretty odd across the spectrum.
One of the teachers that was working with my wife now works for a church school in Havasu. I believe her dad was a Pastor? She was a tad off, and that was pre Covid. Don't worry, the cancer is everywhere. How bad may be different for various areas, but it's there to some extent.
Ok, missed a lot of this...and it's my own thread. Jr.Mint went back to school today, and I'll get to that in a minute...
Hippies and commies: I'm too young to have an accurate comparison, then and now. Here's what I know. My uncle...white side of family...was a "student deferment" kind of teacher. I asked him a long time ago why he got into teaching. He flat out told me it was to stay in school so as not to go to Vietnam. I'm sure there were many of those in the system when I was going through school. I am 44. A lot of people my age were taught by that Era of student. Now, Pops was kicked back on the draft due to fused/damaged vertebrae, two of his younger siblings I believe were draft age towards the later part of the war, but were in and out of correctional facilities most of their youth. I tended to follow Pops' lead on what was what in the world. Education can make life easier, but work is work. However you choose, work for what you have.
Those that followed their teacher's advice, only had one option given them. College. That furthered the liberal teachings. When those people had kids, they have been taught things need to be easy, and a life of pleasure should be easily attained. This is most obvious with the uptick in medications, both by students and parents. Probably 25% of my wife's students are medicated to some extent...jury's out on the parents, but counting "medicinal" marijuana, probably much higher. Hell, on a video conference with parents, half the time the parents are in pajamas, at noon, and sometimes laying on the couch! The parents drug themselves to make their days easier, and their children to be more manageable...making their days easier.
Now, Jr.Mint's first day back. The teacher apparently was somewhat apologetic towards my son, telling him that punishment was nothing of his doing. He said that it was not right to have 5 days vs 2.
He was not asked to apologize, but...
The slur happy slapper "girl/boy/it" has not been back to school. This worries me a bit. Trying to figure out if there is a way for her to lawyer up and go after my son for "bullying". This world is messed up, and now I have to think in twisted ways like that.
Still haven't heard from the district. I need to call them tomorrow. If nothing else, to remind them I have not gone away, and to get a copy of my report.
My wife just left for work, I'll ask her tonight. I just remember her dad was tied to the church, and church school...because it struck me odd.She work at Calvary? You can pm the answer to that.. lol
My son and I will hang at the river the month before trial. Darken our skin tones a few shades...Play the race card that gets played so often.If they do try to sue you, then RDP needs to start a fund for legal expenses. I will donate.
I wasn’t saying his kids is gonna be like that. I am saying their faculty is encouraging violence by a kid that is obviously already dealing with some serious life problems..
I’m not sure how that ends later in life.
Funny you mention standing up for truth and your beliefs. My daughter is a freshman at college on a softball scholarship. She is a staunch conservative. Before we dropped her off o told her to stand up for what she believes is right and don't compromise her beliefs. But, pick and choose your battles meaning, be prepared to get a bad grade or a shitty comment from liberal professors (which most are) if you decide to challenge them. I told her it's her call.So, I am 63. I was 18 in October of 1976.
Here is my take on the answer to your question.
We didn't get through that era intact. That was the time when the helm began to shift our course.
I remember many, many of my fellow students being the younger brothers and sisters of the original hippie movement. Now, most of those kids were simply followers, the found an easy path and they followed it. Many of them did in fact grow out of it, but a whole lot of them did not.
Those people began to move into the positions where they could influence society. First off, public education. This didn't happen overnight, but by the time I was a senior at a 4 yr college, the place was filled with these folks in tenured positions, and they were not even remotely shy about spreading their "Version" of utopia. They were the followers of "Rules for Radicals", and the rest of the devout communists that were already in place, now calling themselves "progressives" instead of "socialists" or "communists" because my generation knew the truth about all three of those philosophies, the two former are simply different shades of the latter, which is the end goal when power can be consolidated enough.
I had classes with these professors, and I would NOT let them get away with lies. I was a GIANT thorn in their sides, something I am proud of to this day. When they found out I was a full time cop finishing a degree, the tried to turn the class on me, and called me all the names you can imagine, but they could not screw with my grades, because I could answer their questions. I played the game right back at them.
Then, those people had children. And they started the indoctrination from birth. Those kids were probably around you growing up. The second generation...and the ball rolled faster, and their change moved deeper, from the college level into the community college level, then into high schools. They promoted into administrative positions, and got onto education boards.
And here we are.
I hope this answers your questions, I am glad you ask.