Well Now, I Knew It Was Coming...Jr Monkey Got Suspended Today


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Funny you mention standing up for truth and your beliefs. My daughter is a freshman at college on a softball scholarship. She is a staunch conservative. Before we dropped her off o told her to stand up for what she believes is right and don't compromise her beliefs. But, pick and choose your battles meaning, be prepared to get a bad grade or a shitty comment from liberal professors (which most are) if you decide to challenge them. I told her it's her call.
My boy is a junior in HS. He is the same way, maybe even a bit more conservative. I gave him my F150 when he turned 16. He has American Flags on each side and a back the blue sticker as well on it. You can only imagine how that goes over with the woke crowd. He doeant give a fuck. He was actually reprimanded by one of his teachers while online learning because she told him to take down his Trump flag as it is offensive. He didn't. Good for him.

My point is, there are many kids of members here that are the same way and I love it. Stand up for what you believe but be prepared to effectively defend it.

Good for the parents here. I hear a lot of good things happening.

One last story. My son had a first timer to Havasu with us last year. Both of then are with me when we are launching to boat. They are sitting in the back when I fire up the engine. My boy turns to his buddy and say " you hear that, that's the sound of freedom". Brings a tear to my eye just writing this.
Had the same talk with my daughter. She is playing volleyball and going to a super liberal arts school but its a great school nonetheless and hopefully a stepping stone to ivy league med school. I warned her of the same things. Told her if she comes home a liberal shes not welcome haha. She has already had an eye opener and she handled it well. Stood up for her beliefs and the teacher actually commended her on it.

oh and youll love this. Their email signatures contain their pronouns. She/Her shit like that lol
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