
Sep 26, 2007
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That’s another thing we are going to take a look at. In afraid I have arthritis so if this helps that’s a bonus
Ironically it’s not something that I have though about until now but my arthritis is defitnely less bothersome.

wet hull

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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Im starting to feel even worse with my number being 152 😂😂
I'm surprised you can even get a boner at 152🤣🤣🤣. You need to start mentally preparing your wife for what she's about to go through. You're going to be very demanding in that department. I do the injections and I've been on them for a little over a year. They're a piece of cake and I just switch ass cheek every week. We keep my levels right around 850 to 900 at all times. I also take an estrogen blocker. For your joints I would look at the bpc-157 peptide. I had really bad tendonitis in my left arm and it was gone after 2 weeks. Joe Rogan has a good podcast talking about it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Twice a month, yeah.

I found a video on the YouTube™️ from a nurse about giving yourself injections, and I barely feel it.
I do it this way on my thigh. Cough, jab and it's that easy. Don't feel shit

I've been on trt for 8 weeks and I feel completely better than before. Not tired anymore. Never had a problem with my libido.
One warning, get your wife ready. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Needle phobia?

Keep in mind, there are different size needles...

I use the pink for loading the syringe, only because I was having a hard time loading, and orange or yellow for injection. My wife was a phlebotomist for a short period of time...... she loves the Dr Pimple Popper stuff...lol. didn't have to talk her into it

View attachment 1482049
Make sure you change the draw needle with the injection needle for the jab. The draw needle is big.


I just work here
Aug 13, 2016
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I do it this way on my thigh. Cough, jab and it's that easy. Don't feel shit

I've been on trt for 8 weeks and I feel completely better than before. Not tired anymore. Never had a problem with my libido.
One warning, get your wife ready. :)

Yep. Exactly the method the video described.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Have any of you guys noticed more aggression? Moody? Angry? What about appetite

wet hull

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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You will not have any aggression. It's actually the estrogen that causes aggressiveness not the testosterone. If your levels are off they should give you an estrogen blocker. The best part is I can pretty much eat and drink what I want with no weight gain. But I'm never hungrier

wet hull

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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To add to the aggression. When you're on testosterone you create more estrogen. The aggression comes from the fact that you're basically on your man period from increased estrogen. I hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Been thinking about doing this. Anybody have a doctor they could recommend in the Long Beach area. Can't lose any weight and been tired everyday since I've turned 40, 4 years ago. Want to feel like my oldself again


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
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Been thinking about doing this. Anybody have a doctor they could recommend in the Long Beach area. Can't lose any weight and been tired everyday since I've turned 40, 4 years ago. Want to feel like my oldself again
Do you want insurance to pay or just get checked out? for me insurance was a nightmare, and so was the doc.

Like @wet hull, I go to Ageless Mens. They will do the blood draw and approve you if 300 or or under for self pay in 24hrs. For insurance you need 2 test a few weeks apart and be around 125 for approval.

I'm $322 month but take HCG and vitamin B shots as well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Been thinking about doing this. Anybody have a doctor they could recommend in the Long Beach area. Can't lose any weight and been tired everyday since I've turned 40, 4 years ago. Want to feel like my oldself again
I use Blueline Wellness. One time fee, take your blood work where you want then the nurse calls for a phone consultation. The prescription for 10 weeks is about $85. They are in anaheim but can FedEx it to you


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Due to its rarity, I was surprised by your mention of polycythemia Vera, but you could be correct.

My brother happens to have it, and blood draws are a part of managing the red cell count. One of the symptoms is extreme fatigue, much like low T.
Sorry to hear that. That's a rough place to be I'm sure.

wet hull

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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Do you want insurance to pay or just get checked out? for me insurance was a nightmare, and so was the doc.

Like @wet hull, I go to Ageless Mens. They will do the blood draw and approve you if 300 or or under for self pay in 24hrs. For insurance you need 2 test a few weeks apart and be around 125 for approval.

I'm $322 month but take HCG and vitamin B shots as well.
I added in the vit D every other week. That has helped alot. I am the poster child for not needing it but tested low. Brought energy back up. Also the quarterly allergy shot. This year was tough with allergies. Love our menu at Ageless😁


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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No. Not necessarily with TRT. But let’s say you start at forty. And you feel great.

After ten years you tell yourself you want to stop. So you do. And now you feel worse. Well not only did you stop the TRT but you’re also ten years older than when you started. Why would you do that?

I don't know, maybe some of the info I've heard over the years is no longer viable. I've heard of safety concerns, increased prostate cancer, heart attacks etc.
I belive more up to date studies show low t has many more negative health concerns and risks than TRT replacement.

In my world having suffered from the effects of low T. I would take a shorter
life feeling great than a longer life feeling like I was already dead.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I did the gel off and on for a while and saw increased motivation as I dropped 80 lbs over a year or so post covid.... I was chatting with a childhood buddy whose a dr and he said dont bother with gel and begin shooting. Never been a guy who imagined Id shoot a needle in my thigh but did my first shot last Monday.... had to watch a couple Youtubes to get the idea... it was a bit sore that day is all.... Im doing 1xwkly and will see what happens.... after that fat loss I need to tighten stuff up and regain some mass


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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I cannot lose weight unless I am 800 calories of intake a day or less and my energy is in the toilet all the time.


My Estradiol is low at 18, which is associated with weight gain, difficulty losing weight and low energy in both men and women

@colenighthawk it appears you have Kaiser as well and we both have different normal ranges. How old are you?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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I cannot lose weight unless I am 800 calories of intake a day or less and my energy is in the toilet all the time.

View attachment 1482240

My Estradiol is low at 18, which is associated with weight gain, difficulty losing weight and low energy in both men and women

@colenighthawk it appears you have Kaiser as well and we both have different normal ranges. How old are you?

wet hull

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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One thing I learned with testosterone naturally in your body. It's like chlorine in your pool. You have chlorine and free chlorine. In relation, your T levels may be 500 in the test. If they do proper blood work they can determine your actual T level that is used and not just wasted in your body. That number can be surprisingly lower then your total T. High estrogen, low vitamin D and many other factors cause your free T to be much lower. My total T was higher but my free T was below the max which qualified me. When you test to qualify, make sure you go on a alcohol bender and don't sleep. Your levels will be at their lowest. I dug deep into the blood work and what all this meant before I committed. Best decision I made, I just turned 44 for reference.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
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So last year sometime there was a thread on here about Trt. I posted I was going to get blood work done as I don’t feel the same anymore but I got pretty busy with life and didn’t get around to it till recently. I’ve been hitting the gym hard lately, but I just don’t have the strength I used to have. I’m always tired, it’s extremely hard to cut fat. At any rate I went and got bloodwork done as I found a new dr I really like. When I asked about having my levels checked he kind of smiled and said ok but just by looking at you I can tell your levels aren’t low. I credit that to how hard I push myself and the cutting out as much sugar as possible. Well labs came back and my test is pretty low. 152… Dr said that could explain why I’m feeling the way I am and said we can start to work on it. He said I need to get bloodwork one more time so insurance can cover treatment. The reason I started this thread is because he said there’s options. Cream or injections. I have 3 young boys so he said injections might be tougher. What are your guys thoughts? I know there’s plenty of guys on trt so I have to imagine some are running cream and some injections. How low were you guys? Could the cream get me to a decent spot? I’d imagine anything is better than where I’m at? I have other questions but don’t want too long of a first post
Almost exactly my story. I finally went in to my wellness center end of 2024 to get checked and sure enough i was low at 194 with second test month later at 216, both well below optimal at 43yo. I'm on week 3 now of TRT and think i'm beginning to feel it and I like it. I use tiny insulin needle i was using for my peptides few weeks back, takes a bit longer go load and administer but it's barely a pinch with the 29g needle. 200mg per week is my script and I split it up into M,W,F in attempt to stay level, learned this from buddy whose been on it for few years now and also watching a bunch on the ytube like the more plates more dates guy, he's covers this quite extensively. Good luck to you man and I say give it a shot, haha.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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I started TRT about 9 months ago because a friend of mine urged me to due to extremely low energy. As most have said on here 700-800 is the norm. I tested at 367. To high for insurance. I get a shot at $70 week. after a few months, I asked the nurse how I can get insurance to cover it. They pulled me off the shots for about a month which sucked. It shocked my system since it was used to getting the TRT. It bottomed out in the 100 range on my next blood test. Insurance now covers it. You do have to do the blood work every 3-4 months. The TRT drives up your estrogen and your blood could clot. which is bad. The side effect that sucks is the acne. I never had it as a teen ager and now im 56 with pimples popping up here and there.


Jan 9, 2010
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Have any of you guys noticed more aggression? Moody? Angry? What about appetite
I haven't yet went down this road, but I do have several friends that utilize it for a variety of reasons.

The answer to your above question is Yes. You are essentially taking your T level back to your youth levels, and with that will come all of the above. What you hope for, and what you should expect is to now have the knowledge to recognize that issue and use your "Adult Experience" at this point to control it, instead of simply acting out like a teenager.

Just about everyone I know that has used it has really enjoyed the benefits. And they have all told me all the benfits have outweighed the negatives.

I will say this. My friends that have had really good success didn't just to TRT treatments. They included it with a steady work out routine, "diet," and a ton of Hydration. Some have had to start utilizing baby asprin to keep their blood "thin" enough for safe levels, and get it drawn frequently.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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I was 360 when I got tested. All my little aches and pains are gone.

I was also told you need to give blood every 4 months because trt makes the blood thicker. That's about the time I need to have another blood test to see where I am at, so no bid deal


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
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I was 360 when I got tested. All my little aches and pains are gone.

I was also told you need to give blood every 4 months because trt makes the blood thicker. That's about the time I need to have another blood test to see where I am at, so no bid deal
Is Blueline injections?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Anyone know how long it raises levels when you stop, want to test it again?

Caydens Cat

all I got was a t-shirt
Feb 11, 2010
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Anyone know how long it raises levels when you stop, want to test it again?
Half-life is about a week. There’s variables to this but for arguments sake (which we love here) that’s a good general rule.

edit for clarification: day 1 shot, by day 3 say your at 800 (takes a bit to process in your liver), end of week 1 you’re 400, end of week 2 is 200 and you’re up for the next shot (if biweekly). Rinse and repeat


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Half-life is about a week. There’s variables to this but for arguments sake (which we love here) that’s a good general rule.

edit for clarification: day 1 shot, by day 3 say your at 800 (takes a bit to process in your liver), end of week 1 you’re 400, end of week 2 is 200 and you’re up for the next shot (if biweekly). Rinse and repeat
ok ,so a few months with nothing a test will so my true # so to speak.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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I haven't yet went down this road, but I do have several friends that utilize it for a variety of reasons.

The answer to your above question is Yes. You are essentially taking your T level back to your youth levels, and with that will come all of the above. What you hope for, and what you should expect is to now have the knowledge to recognize that issue and use your "Adult Experience" at this point to control it, instead of simply acting out like a teenager.

Just about everyone I know that has used it has really enjoyed the benefits. And they have all told me all the benfits have outweighed the negatives.

I will say this. My friends that have had really good success didn't just to TRT treatments. They included it with a steady work out routine, "diet," and a ton of Hydration. Some have had to start utilizing baby asprin to keep their blood "thin" enough for safe levels, and get it drawn frequently.
I think working out and being so active has kept me in decent shape but I do know I need to really get my diet in check.

OC Daytona

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2024
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Almost exactly my story. I finally went in to my wellness center end of 2024 to get checked and sure enough i was low at 194 with second test month later at 216, both well below optimal at 43yo. I'm on week 3 now of TRT and think i'm beginning to feel it and I like it. I use tiny insulin needle i was using for my peptides few weeks back, takes a bit longer go load and administer but it's barely a pinch with the 29g needle. 200mg per week is my script and I split it up into M,W,F in attempt to stay level, learned this from buddy whose been on it for few years now and also watching a bunch on the ytube like the more plates more dates guy, he's covers this quite extensively. Good luck to you man and I say give it a shot, haha.
Get some 27 gauge needles and it will load in a few seconds
and it goes in like water compared to 29 gauge 😁


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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I did a deep dive on TRT last year because all of my friends are using it. One consistent thing I found from multiple sources is after a short while on TRT, you lose the ability to make your own testosterone, this can cause a whole litany of problems as you age.
I chose to stay off it, focusing on eliminating testosterone killing foods and bad habits.
At 56, I feel great without it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
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I did a deep dive on TRT last year because all of my friends are using it. One consistent thing I found from multiple sources is after a short while on TRT, you lose the ability to make your own testosterone, this can cause a whole litany of problems as you age.
I chose to stay off it, focusing on eliminating testosterone killing foods and bad habits.
At 56, I feel great without it.
taking HCG with it helps you produce your own....


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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taking HCG with it helps you produce your own....
yes, but how far down this road do you want to go? Here is a good video from Attia and Huberman discussing the relationships between numerous hormones and functions in your body. Testosterone affects EVERYTHING in your body and the relationship is very complex
Hey Vic - before treatment, ask your Dr. if you need testosterone because you can no longer make it yourself OR can you make testosterone but your pituitary gland is not sending the signal to make it?? Two completely different diagnosis and treatments......



Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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I started TRT about 9 months ago because a friend of mine urged me to due to extremely low energy. As most have said on here 700-800 is the norm. I tested at 367. To high for insurance. I get a shot at $70 week. after a few months, I asked the nurse how I can get insurance to cover it. They pulled me off the shots for about a month which sucked. It shocked my system since it was used to getting the TRT. It bottomed out in the 100 range on my next blood test. Insurance now covers it. You do have to do the blood work every 3-4 months. The TRT drives up your estrogen and your blood could clot. which is bad. The side effect that sucks is the acne. I never had it as a teen ager and now im 56 with pimples popping up here and there.
I would find a new doctor as yours is a buffoon..

If your Estrogen was elevated you most likely were on to high a dosage and or to frequent, weekly shots although will keep you more evenly regulated are not something anyone wants. Also Estrogen isn't what will lead you to blood clots, Hemoglobin will which was most likely elevated as well.

Sounds to me your doctor was looking out for profit getting you in ever week @ $70 when you can self administrator it for that <$60 for 6 months give it take.

Run from this doctor!


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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I did a deep dive on TRT last year because all of my friends are using it. One consistent thing I found from multiple sources is after a short while on TRT, you lose the ability to make your own testosterone, this can cause a whole litany of problems as you age.
I chose to stay off it, focusing on eliminating testosterone killing foods and bad habits.
At 56, I feel great without it.
What is your age?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
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I would find a new doctor as yours is a buffoon..

If your Estrogen was elevated you most likely were on to high a dosage and or to frequent, weekly shots although will keep you more evenly regulated are not something anyone wants. Also Estrogen isn't what will lead you to blood clots, Hemoglobin will which was most likely elevated as well.

Sounds to me your doctor was looking out for profit getting you in ever week @ $70 when you can self administrator it for that <$60 for 6 months give it take.

Run from this doctor!
He was paying $70 without insurance. I have never seen a place for $60 for 6 months with no insurance.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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He was paying $70 without insurance. I have never seen a place for $60 for 6 months with no insurance.

Self pay: 10mil. $50ish. bucks. Look it up on Goodrx for yourself the prices spread is amazing. 10ml. with .5cc injections will last 20 weeks @ every two week injections, it pretty simple.

Testosterone is dirt cheap, Doctors and insurance companies are cashing in on this like every other medication that becomes popular.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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I cannot lose weight unless I am 800 calories of intake a day or less and my energy is in the toilet all the time.

View attachment 1482240

My Estradiol is low at 18, which is associated with weight gain, difficulty losing weight and low energy in both men and women

@colenighthawk it appears you have Kaiser as well and we both have different normal ranges. How old are you?

Have you tried another axle?



cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
yes, but how far down this road do you want to go? Here is a good video from Attia and Huberman discussing the relationships between numerous hormones and functions in your body. Testosterone affects EVERYTHING in your body and the relationship is very complex
Hey Vic - before treatment, ask your Dr. if you need testosterone because you can no longer make it yourself OR can you make testosterone but your pituitary gland is not sending the signal to make it?? Two completely different diagnosis and treatments......

He said with my numbers my body was no longer producing it naturally but I’ll ask when I see him next week. Im learning a lot for sure


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
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Self pay: 10mil. $50ish. bucks. Look it up on Goodrx for yourself the prices spread is amazing. 10ml. with .5cc injections will last 20 weeks @ every two week injections, it pretty simple.

Testosterone is dirt cheap, Doctors and insurance companies are cashing in on this like every other medication that becomes popular.
I did good RX on when I was on gel..... It was half the price than insurance covered once I appealed their denial.