So last year sometime there was a thread on here about Trt. I posted I was going to get blood work done as I don’t feel the same anymore but I got pretty busy with life and didn’t get around to it till recently. I’ve been hitting the gym hard lately, but I just don’t have the strength I used to have. I’m always tired, it’s extremely hard to cut fat. At any rate I went and got bloodwork done as I found a new dr I really like. When I asked about having my levels checked he kind of smiled and said ok but just by looking at you I can tell your levels aren’t low. I credit that to how hard I push myself and the cutting out as much sugar as possible. Well labs came back and my test is pretty low. 152… Dr said that could explain why I’m feeling the way I am and said we can start to work on it. He said I need to get bloodwork one more time so insurance can cover treatment. The reason I started this thread is because he said there’s options. Cream or injections. I have 3 young boys so he said injections might be tougher. What are your guys thoughts? I know there’s plenty of guys on trt so I have to imagine some are running cream and some injections. How low were you guys? Could the cream get me to a decent spot? I’d imagine anything is better than where I’m at? I have other questions but don’t want too long of a first post