

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2009
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This is getting out of control.

GOLDEN, Colo. (KDVR) – A sixth-grade student in Colorado is suspended from school for four days for handling his Airsoft gun during a Zoom school session earlier this week, his parents say.

“I was just fiddling with it because I was bored, and so I just fiddled with the nearest object at hand,” said Maddox Blow, 11, who also said a Wheat Ridge police officer came to his house.

“I was crying. I just couldn’t handle it. I really thought I was going to jail, or something was going to happen to me or my family,” he said.

Maddox, a student at Bell Middle School in Golden, Colorado, said he was attending online class and finished a quiz early, so he pulled up other things on his computer screen and mindlessly grabbed the Airsoft pistol in his room. His actions were caught on a recording, but a teacher didn’t notice it until hours later when she was reviewing the recorded session, according to Justin Blow, Maddox’s father.

“This is a blatant overreaction on everyone’s part,” said Justin Blow. “Maddox is owed an apology.”

The case is separate from one in El Paso County, in which a 12-year-old boy was suspended for five days for briefly showing a toy gun on screen.

Remote learning presents challenges for students with special needs
Justin Blow shared an email from the teacher that indicated she noticed “Maddox Blow was posing with what looked like a toy gun. He did this for a few minutes, showing the gun and putting in the gun clip on camera.”

The Jefferson County Communications Center Authority says a school resource officer reported the incident to Wheat Ridge police as a request for a welfare check involving a toy gun.

“We are not saying it was appropriate that he do it. What we are saying is that it is a gross overreaction,” said Justin Blow. “Maddox is a gifted student who loved school who now distrusts his teachers and the administration at the school. That’s going to be an issue for us.”

Maddox said he knows how serious firearms can be.

“I would never bring even a toy to the actual school because I know how serious that is. I was in my own home, and I felt that that was OK, and I thought that my camera was off, too,” he said.

A spokesperson for Jeffco Public Schools, Cameron Bell confirmed the incident and said, “The student has been disciplined according to our district code of conduct. We do not speak about specific student discipline issues due to confidentiality. Anything else is a law enforcement issue.”

The district’s policy related to “grounds for suspension/expulsion” says schools shall consider the age of the student, their disciplinary history, whether another student’s safety was threatened and whether lesser interventions would properly address the violation when considering discipline.

“Suspension should be the last tool in the toolbox,” said Steve Durham, the vice chair of the state board of education. Durham said his comments do not represent the board. He was the only board member who responded to a request for comments.

“It is completely irresponsible on the part of the education officials to deny this child four days of education for something that posed no danger to anyone,” he said.

The Colorado Board of Education has no control over a district’s disciplinary policies. Those are decided by the local districts. However, the state has previously sent guidance to districts related to discipline and the 2012 elimination of zero tolerance policies.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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He's not at school. There should be ZERO disciple for holding a toy gun at HOME. Just because there is a camera active inside the home does NOT make the home part of the school and subject to school rules.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Kid was at home, not in school. Sending police was way over the top!!!!!!!!!!!! In grade 6, we boys brought pellet guns to school and had wars at recess and lunch. This was gun control Canada. Man I miss the 80's.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Tough call. Hard to tell without seeing the video or at least a pic of the gun. Would have been reckless on the teachers part to not say anything if the gun looked real.

edit: never mind. Actually opened the story. Couldn’t look more fake. That’s a joke.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Maybe suspension was a little much but I definitely think the kids should not have been playing with anything let alone a gun while on webcam. I watched my son go through distance learning online and let me tell you the amount of kids that cannot follow directions is mind-boggling


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Well, now that the kid is suspended from home school, he can spend his days in the backyard with his airsof improving his skills. It’s not like anyone is actually learning anything with public school “distance learning) anyway.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2008
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in all fairness that poor child has to get metric shit-tons of grief over that last name, they shouldnt get after him for something so petty.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2020
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Even if it was a real gun so what a lot of kids go hunting at 5 years old nowadays, total shitshow with the liberal School, we probably got ourselves a conservative now. And what gives these teachers the right to look into your home in many cases without peoples knowledge freaking invasion of privacy for sure. Just grab a roll of electrical tape and tell them to fuk off

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Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Stupid move on the kids part home or not during class, deserves the suspension in my opinion.
Sorry, your opinion is wrong. He is sitting in HIS home. NOT the classroom. And if his recount of the story is correct, he was done with his test waiting on more direction, he did NOTHING wrong.

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We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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With a name like Blow and being on camera with a gun, he should be suspended. 😀

Also notice the BS about crying about cops showing up and that something was going to happen to his family.

This is a grandstanding story with stupidity all around. If he would have had the airsoft gun in his backpack on campus, the result would have been the same.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Sorry, your opinion is wrong. He is sitting in HIS home. NOT the classroom. And if his recount of the story is correct, he was done with his test waiting on more direction, he did NOTHING wrong.

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You have “home schooling“ and “distance learning” confused my friend.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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You have “home schooling“ and “distance learning” confused my friend.
Maybe you or someone else can clue me in on this schooling from home or distance-learning whatever they call it. can all the other kids see what is happening in this kids house? Or are the kids just watching a teacher at school I don’t know, I’m just curious sounds like this whole deal is a massive cluster fuck, how the hell can any kid learn in these circumstances?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
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Sorry, your opinion is wrong. He is sitting in HIS home. NOT the classroom. And if his recount of the story is correct, he was done with his test waiting on more direction, he did NOTHING wrong.

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There is a certain level of responsibility that should be maintained even with virtual school, doesn't matter if its the teacher or student. I would not want my child seeing the teachers sex toys in the back round if they were teaching from home either or anything else inappropriate. Flashing a gun or toy gun around is not appropriate during online classes. At least in my opinion.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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To me home or distant. Not on school grounds. Fuck off. For the most part. Unless there is an underlying threat. Sorry. Government is not your friend anymore.

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You are bringing other children into your home for schooling in these distance learning sessions via video conferencing. So people are going to have to be responsible for their actions in their homes that are being filmed and recorded.

If you don’t like it home school your kids in private. I have no problem with a kid screwing with his airsoft gun, but not during class.

You’d be crying foul too if some parent or older sibling was blasting Cardi B’s WAP or some other inappropriate song while on video conference and the whole class and teacher could hear it.
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Ragged Edge

Man in the Box
May 4, 2011
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To me home or distant. Not on school grounds. Fuck off. For the most part. Unless there is an underlying threat. Sorry. Government is not your friend anymore.

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What do you mean "anymore"? 🤔

As for the story I don't feel the punishment fits the infraction. In his own home on a webcam, he should be warned to not do that again and let it rest. As his father said, this is a massive overreaction.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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There is a certain level of responsibility that should be maintained even with virtual school, doesn't matter if its the teacher or student. I would not want my child seeing the teachers sex toys in the back round if they were teaching from home either or anything else inappropriate. Flashing a gun or toy gun around is not appropriate during online classes. At least in my opinion.

Responsibilities from the teacher yes I agree. You don’t have the right to tell me my child what he can play with while at home. I will also backtrack to the previous post. What can be seen by other kids. But I will probably still revert back to you can’t tell me what or how to raise my child while at home. Jmho

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We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Maybe you or someone else can clue me in on this schooling from home or distance-learning whatever they call it. can all the other kids see what is happening in this kids house? Or are the kids just watching a teacher at school I don’t know, I’m just curious sounds like this whole deal is a massive cluster fuck, how the hell can any kid learn in these circumstances?

The kids are on a video conference, the teacher can see all the kids and the kids can see their classmates and teacher all through the cameras on their tablet or laptop.

It is a shit show, but it is something.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
You are bringing other children into your home for schooling in these distance learning sessions via video conferencing. So people are going to have to be responsible for their actions in their homes that are being filmed and recorded.

If you don’t like it home school your kids. I have no problem with a kid screwing with his airsoft gun, but not during class. You’d be crying foul too if some parent or older sibling was blasting Cardi B’s WAP or some other inappropriate song while on video conference and the whole class and teacher could hear it.

Devils advocate. If you have a problem with my child. You home school.
I didn’t make these rule. Your government did. Shows where you should be upset. Again. Jmho.

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Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The kids are on a video conference, the teacher can see all the kids and the kids can see their classmates and teacher all through the cameras on their tablet or laptop.

It is a shit show, but it is something.

Again. Playing the devil. If my kid touches himself. Is he a predator. Where does the line start or stop. I am not at all against your child’s well being. I more not being told how to live my life or being told how my child would have to live theirs. I am so thankful my kids are out of this school bullshit and can think for themselves

My kids would would be homeschooled if this what it had come to in their schooling. Just an FYI. It has become a Fn joke.

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We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Responsibilities from the teacher yes I agree. You don’t have the right to tell me my child what he can play with while at home. I will also backtrack to the previous post. What can be seen by other kids. But I will probably still revert back to you can’t tell me what or how to raise my child while at home. Jmho

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No one said the kid can’t fuck with the airsoft gun. They said he can’t do it on camera while in class.

Just like you don’t get in a conference call for work naked. It is simply inappropriate.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Devils advocate. If you have a problem with my child. You home school.
I didn’t make these rule. Your government did. Shows where you should be upset. Again. Jmho.

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Well you better change countries because that isn’t how it works in school or real life.

At work they fire you, not everyone around you because someone had a problem with your actions.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Well you better change countries because that isn’t how it works lol.

You mean move to socialist / communist country where you are told what you can can’t do ???

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Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Well you better change countries because that isn’t how it works in school or real life.

At work they fire you, not everyone around you because someone had a problem with your actions.

I’m not at work. I know where my boundaries are. I can’t say shit on public media. Because I would probably lose my job. Pretty fucked isn’t. You can riot burn Shit and be praised. But defend our country you are fired. Sad. Isn’t.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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The kids are on a video conference, the teacher can see all the kids and the kids can see their classmates and teacher all through the cameras on their tablet or laptop.

It is a shit show, but it is something.
That sounds like more of a distraction than regular school , why would the kids pay attention to the teacher when they’re trying to pay attention whatever the other kids do.
not sure what the benefit of all the kids being able to see each other is doing but then again I’m kind of a neanderthal. 😳


Sep 20, 2007
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No one said the kid can’t fuck with the airsoft gun. They said he can’t do it on camera while in class.

Just like you don’t get in a conference call for work naked. It is simply inappropriate.
I read it as though he'd finished his exam and tabbed to another web page not realizing the camera was still active.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I read it as though he'd finished his exam and tabbed to another web page not realizing the camera was still active.

I read it as he did that then grabbed the nearby airsoft gun and it was on camera. Teacher didn’t even see it until after the fact.

Sounds like parents agree it should not have happened, but disagree with the overreaction. I agree with them overall.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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This is why kids need to be taught to handle firearms under the desk. Then nobody sees!

In all reality, kid shouldn't be playing "in class"...but class isn't class anymore.
It's also BS, because no one has the right to have a camera in my house, yet here they are.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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need to make a room in the house or a cubicle that has absolutely nothing in it. Blue walls, a table and a chair. Big brother is definitely watching these kids and peering into their homes. And I kind of agree with the trust issues in the future.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
You have “home schooling“ and “distance learning” confused my friend.
No I do not. Just because so much of the country is being FORCED into this distance learning bullshit, that DOES NOT extend the school rules into ones home.
There is a certain level of responsibility that should be maintained even with virtual school, doesn't matter if its the teacher or student. I would not want my child seeing the teachers sex toys in the back round if they were teaching from home either or anything else inappropriate. Flashing a gun or toy gun around is not appropriate during online classes. At least in my opinion.
Just like what is being discussed and talked about in the virtual classrooms, things must be age appropriate as common decency. Just because some of the libs get terrified of any kind of gun does not make it inappropriate. Against school rules, sure. But like I said above here, just because kids are being forced into this bullshit does NOT mean school rules extend into the homes as well.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
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My sister in law is an elementary school teacher. They recently had a parent log into the zoom and show the kids how to polish the one eyed weasel.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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need to make a room in the house or a cubicle that has absolutely nothing in it. Blue walls, a table and a chair. Big brother is definitely watching these kids and peering into their homes. And I kind of agree with the trust issues in the future.
My three have three seperate areas, with very planned backdrops. Cameras are covered when moved or "not on school time".

Big Brother is in a world of hurt if they think my household is all flowers and books. Keep the appearance of what they deem "normal"...but be prepared. What's really interesting, is every computer furnished by the school is subject to a FOIA request...which means all lessons as taught via their system should be recorded for review...but also all of their property within your home. Interesting thoughts...

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
My three have three seperate areas, with very planned backdrops. Cameras are covered when moved or "not on school time".

Big Brother is in a world of hurt if they think my household is all flowers and books. Keep the appearance of what they deem "normal"...but be prepared. What's really interesting, is every computer furnished by the school is subject to a FOIA request...which means all lessons as taught via their system should be recorded for review...but also all of their property within your home. Interesting thoughts...

What’s baffling g to me is latter part of your comment. And parents agreed to it. That they can basically come in your house at time they see fit to check whatever they make up.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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What’s baffling g to me is latter part of your comment. And parents agreed to it. That can basically come in your house at time they see fit to check whatever they make up.

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If they tried that shit here when they got to my house they would find my kids shit set up on the front lawn and none of it would be coming into the house ever, it would be outside rain or shine.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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What’s baffling g to me is latter part of your comment. And parents agreed to it. That they can basically come in your house at time they see fit to check whatever they make up.

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I understand...that's why the computers here are given "blinders", if you will. It does go both ways though, and I don't think people seem to be aware of the fact that all communications between a school and a student, done via electronic service, are legitimately supposed to have records maintained. The legal can of worms is simply astounding. It will be some popcorn worthy stuff in due time.

The only real difference between the current world, and a year ago, now it's publicized that we have big brother watching our children. What's funny, we have libtard teachers snitching out what they think is wrong. They are becoming "Brown Shirts". The heavy hitters, NSA and the like, have had the ability to snoop for some time. The TOU on your cellphone has some interesting language...your camera is basically a camera open to the tech world, and so is the mic. We already know your phone can be tracked, but have people ever thought what their camera sees when "not in use"? Ever wonder who could be listening?

Most of us aren't enemies of the state. The current problem is the teachers taking it upon themselves to be citizen patrols.
Their view is limited, but my gates are shut anyway.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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I feel sorry for you younger guys. The government is steamrolling your lives through your kids and there's no way to stop it. This day and age has me thankfully looking at the other side of the mountain looking down and you poor smucks are looking up wondering what you're going to do.
Not so sure the kids are the blessing many think they are in 2020????


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
I feel sorry for you younger guys. The government is steamrolling your lives through your kids and there's no way to stop it. This day and age has me thankfully looking at the other side of the mountain looking down and you poor smucks are looking up wondering what you're going to do.
Not so sure the kids are the blessing many think they are in 2020????
I think kids, in general, can be a curse or a blessing. I feel that this ship has gone off course for a couple generations. Not all kids were bad, but enough hippy dorks pushed their kids and grandkids further to the left. People with younger kids now have their choice, let the ship flounder, or try to set the course. Our kids will be fighting this line probably after I'm gone. If the kids are raised well, I hope they can see through the lies they are fed. Things will get much worse before they get better. I am at an age where I know my kids will see the other side. That said damnit, I'll try my best for them before then.

River Runnin

Captain Of Havasu’s Coolest Boat
Jun 17, 2008
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This kinda reminds me of a Vampire movie I watched. The Vampire was outside, and the ONLY way to get in, was to be INVITED!
And now that you let them in! .... It's a suck fest! 😑 🙂 o_O ....Did you see all that shit in the background???


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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There is a certain level of responsibility that should be maintained even with virtual school, doesn't matter if its the teacher or student. I would not want my child seeing the teachers sex toys in the back round if they were teaching from home either or anything else inappropriate. Flashing a gun or toy gun around is not appropriate during online classes. At least in my opinion.
agreed I think what others are failing to understand is that when you do the distance learning everybody can see what's in the background of your webcam that includes the teachers and other students.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I am still baffled as to when guns became so evil that the mere sight of one causes all this bullshit?

am I the only one that grew up with cap guns and played cowboys and Indians etc?

To that end if I put my kid in class on video in a gun room with the walls completely loaded, I’m not sure why that would be “inappropriate?”

I would understand if a kid was handling one and pointing it at the camera or making threats..

But this same situation happened recently because the kid had a BB gun on the wall behind him.

also before Covid cops came to a kids house and he was I believe expelled because he had pictures of himself at a shooting range on HIS SOCIAL MEDIA.. nothing to do with school.

In the meantime I’m over here with my kids


so are the cops coming? Lol.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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My sister in law is an elementary school teacher. They recently had a parent log into the zoom and show the kids how to polish the one eyed weasel.

@Flying_Lavey already said he is not going to change anything about his household and daily habits while his kids are distance learning :) LOL.

I’ve seen half naked parents, heard screaming matches, inappropriate music, etc. Believe me.. I don’t want to be a part of any of these other households either, but here I am.
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