This guy is fockin nuts


Deleted Account

Looked like the 105 and Ortega Hwy. A guy I work with does that stuff. I got really happy when he sold the street bike...:eek:


100% American
Dec 19, 2007
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assholes that will cause an accident that gets someone killed


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I'd be happy to open my door for that fock.

Same problem with lake lice...small, manuverable, balls bigger than their brains.

If a 18 wheeler tried any of those moves the swat team would be setting up to pierce his skull.

Last year on a boy scout trip a couple of rice rockets were coming towards Anza Borrego...and one of the guys lost it and bounced off the guardrail and head planted into the side of the mountain.

I was pissed beyond thought that that mindless fock was so careless on a public road that I had to sheild his brain splattered in his helmet from the boys.

The fact that his buddy had to stay around while they scraped him up, his family....I'm still pissed.

If you choose to "push you limits"...do it away from folks in mini vans.


Sep 20, 2007
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Granted they may have done some dumb things that endangered others, They have the skills of few riders......


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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put it on a race track........ the guy wouldn't hang in the ama/novice class.......

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
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To ride like that is just plain stupid. They have no respect for other drivers whose lives they put in danger by pulling stunts like those on the video. Where's the CHP when you need them.:swear:swear


(Maximus Wedge-i-mus)
Dec 19, 2007
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I think maybe if more kids weren't constantly shielded from things like brains scattered on the side of the road, they wouldn't grow up and do shit like this. Life is not clean and perfect. Kids need to experience life and death and sadness for themselves in order to learn. Sometimes people die doing stupid shit on motorcycles, sometimes they die of cancer, sometimes they have shitty overprotective parents, keep all their emotions bottled up inside and with no hope for the future, kill themselves and several innocent people in a school shooting spree. If you go through life thinking nothing bad happens in the word then you tend to believe you are invincible and likely you grow up to do stupid shit like riding wheelies through traffic at triple digit speeds.
I would also like to point out that opening your door for this guy makes you pretty much guilty of murder or at least attempted murder and that is about a thousand times worse than speeding IMO. In fact, that door opening statement might be one of the most ignorant things I have ever read in this forum, and that's saying a lot. I think if I had grown up with a father who was the type of guy that wanted to kill kids speeding on motorcycles because of some bizzare prejudice that they are mindless fucks and they might die near me and make me angry that my kids had to experience something sad, or maybe kill all the "Lake lice" because probably they are all pieces of shit too right?...If I had a father like that, I doubt I would have cared if I lived or died either. Maybe these bikers have a parent like that. Maybe they grew up with no parents, maybe they have great parents but just really love to ride fast and haven't yet learned that someday an asshole in a minivan might open his door in front of them on purpose because he's completely fucked in the head and probably a far more ignorant piece of shit than any kid speeding on a motorcycle will ever be. And you're a boy scout leader? God help us.


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
I'd be happy to open my door for that fock.

I had a door opened on me once. fortuantely for me I stopped right before hitting it. Unfortunately for the ignorant fuck that opened the door, he couldnt close it before I jumped off my bike and proceeded to beat the living shit out of him:swear I would have killed him for doing that to me and luckily the guys I was riding with pulled me off of him as I was head butting him repeatedly (I still had my helmet on and was not gonna stop). That comment you made really struck home, I hope that you were just being a smart ass and would not actually even think if doing that to someone, if you truly are that kind of person, you better be VERY careful of who you do that to. because you are WAY worse than some guy on a bike driving like that.
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Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
I had a door opened on me once. fortuantely for me I stopped right before hitting it. Unfortunately for the ignorant fuck that opened the door, he couldnt close it before I jumped off my bike and proceeded to beat the living shit out of him:swear I would have killed him for doing that to me and luckily the guys I was riding with pulled me off of him as I was head butting him repeatedly (I still had my helmet on and was not gonna stop). That comment you made really struck home, I hope that you were just being a smart ass and would not actually even think if doing that to someone, if you truly are that kind of person, you better be VERY careful of who you do that to. because you are WAY worse than some guy on a bike driving like that.



Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Granted they may have done some dumb things that endangered others, They have the skills of few riders......

Yup, I used to ride with guys like that and it was amazing (to say the least) to watch them. I was no where near that level. I could keep up speed wise, but never had the balls to do what they did.

I got off street bikes after a spring break trip to Palm springs. 185 in board shorts and flip flops. when I got there I realized how stupid I was and had a kid on the way, sold the bike after that trip and now stick to Harleys and Choppers.

put it on a race track........ the guy wouldn't hang in the ama/novice class.......

I bet you would be surprised ;) Alot of the guys I used to ride with also raced and quite a few were factory sponsored.
Herbal Store
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Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
I had a door opened on me once. fortuantely for me I stopped right before hitting it. Unfortunately for the ignorant fuck that opened the door, he couldnt close it before I jumped off my bike and proceeded to beat the living shit out of him:swear I would have killed him for doing that to me and luckily the guys I was riding with pulled me off of him as I was head butting him repeatedly (I still had my helmet on and was not gonna stop). That comment you made really struck home, I hope that you were just being a smart ass and would not actually even think if doing that to someone, if you truly are that kind of person, you better be VERY careful of who you do that to. because you are WAY worse than some guy on a bike driving like that.

I was splitting traffic and I saw the guy start to creep over, I let off the throttle and saw the door fly open. i got on the brakes hard. and by the time I came to a stop, my front tire just hit the door. he reached out to grab the door and close it, but the bike was in the way.:point I wasnt ding anyhting crazy but exercising my legal right to split traffic. not exactly sure what happend to the guy, Im positive he had to spend some time in the hospital. and I bet now when that guy sees a bike coming down the lane he getrs the F out of the way ;)
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spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I've been riding since 1966 and had a few close calls myself without doing what this guy does on a bike on a busy road . However ,I doubt he'll live as long as I do if keeps riding like this on a busy road .It's only a matter of time ;) At the speed he's riding in the video , he'd go right through a car's window in case he lost control ,possibly killing himself and the driver of the car :rolleyes: Skill or not , I'm calling it a kamikaze ride :p


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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they got big balls for sure to ride like that,ive crashed b4 and the memory of hitting the assholes car front fender who turned left in front of me is something youll never forget,road rash hurts! still ride and have 3 street bikes but ill watch the fools if you dont mind.let them learn the hard way.its true what they say,2 kinds of riders,

those who have crashed :(
and those who are gonna :eek:


Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
put it on a race track........ the guy wouldn't hang in the ama/novice class.......

I agree

I think he will capture his own end on film, not necessarily due to his f/u, but you CANNOT trust ANY car ever when you ride a bike on the street!!!


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I used to have a couple of friends that could ride like that. I was the pallbearer in one of the funerals. RIP Rich :(


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Deleted Account

This is better than riding the street... This is what my coworker does now... :thumbsup


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Mar 10, 2008
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Go to one track day, and riding on the street seems a lot less fun and a lot more dangerous.

I have got to try one of those supermoto bikes!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I know of at least 5 guys 2 close freinds i went to high school with never made it to 20yrs old, yamaha rd 400 killed kids back in the early eighties like a bad drug.Was enough for me to keep me from every buying one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
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Had a couple of guys doing 80 mph+ wheelies next to us on the way home from the river last weekend, do they keep putting more power in these bikes?
..... been seeing more of this just lately.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I was splitting traffic and I saw the guy start to creep over, I let off the throttle and saw the door fly open. i got on the brakes hard. and by the time I came to a stop, my front tire just hit the door. he reached out to grab the door and close it, but the bike was in the way.:point I wasnt ding anyhting crazy but exercising my legal right to split traffic. not exactly sure what happend to the guy, Im positive he had to spend some time in the hospital. and I bet now when that guy sees a bike coming down the lane he getrs the F out of the way ;)

You wont be spiltting traffic in arizona its against the law. Its legal in cali right?

John McGuinness

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I ride a sportbike daily. I will go ahead and say it. That guy and anyone who rides or drives anything like that on a public road needs to be stopped any way possible. Door, truck or shotgun. Guys like that just make it harder for all cyclist out there. Not to mention what usually happens, a driver will swerve to avoid an idiot like him and nail me!
Take it to the track.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2008
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"I wasnt ding anyhting crazy but exercising my legal right to split traffic"

Splitting traffic at 80+ is crazy and that is what the video showed. Alot of folks think lane splitting is always legal, not true. Only legal if "safe" and if you are in a collision you are presumed to be at fault. And WE all should remember driving/riding is a privlage(sp) and not a right. We can have our licenses taken away from us!!!!

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Had a couple of guys doing 80 mph+ wheelies next to us on the way home from the river last weekend, do they keep putting more power in these bikes?
..... been seeing more of this just lately.

My 1974 450 DOHC Honda had 45 HP , 75 850 cc Guzzi had 68 HP , 86 Honda 750 VFR Interceptor had 105 , and bikes my buddies have now all 150 HP or over . Stock MV Agusta has 170-190 . Some Hayabusa is as high as 600-650 HP;)


Professional Lurker
Sep 25, 2007
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"I wasnt ding anyhting crazy but exercising my legal right to split traffic"

Splitting traffic at 80+ is crazy and that is what the video showed. Alot of folks think lane splitting is always legal, not true. Only legal if "safe" and if you are in a collision you are presumed to be at fault. And WE all should remember driving/riding is a privlage(sp) and not a right. We can have our licenses taken away from us!!!!

I agree 1000 %!
I have been a biker all my driving days, since I was 15 (in Fla. you uset to be able to get a bike perment at 15). But was never exsposed to lane splitting until I moved to Kalifornia. The thing that pisses me off is how some of these guys are going easily 20 to 30 miles an hour faster than the traffic and constantly have to swerve to keep from taking out mirrors or ramming into someones front fender. I have even been the recepiant of several one fingered salutes from bikers because I was too close to the line for there liking. Its like this, ALL 10 feet or so of lane is MINE. I dont drive around and constantly look out for stupid ass bikers who want to zoom around in MY LANE! I have enough to worry about with the chicks doing make up to the guy on the cell phone. If you guys feel like lane splitting is a good idea, why not lobby to have a bike only lane stripped out for you?
Would solve alot of problems.
And I promise those guys, if I could have caught them I would have broken that finger off and shoved it their ASS!

John McGuinness

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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Actually it is not your lane. It is the state of Kalifornia's lane. And you have to share it with a biker. It is not illegal to split lanes here.
Are you one of those stripe huggers?


Professional Lurker
Sep 25, 2007
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No I am not a STRIPE hugger, but I do not proffess to being able to drive laser straight, excatly in the center either. If you guys are gonna get bent about someone who is leagally in their lane, but just so happens to be too close to the stripe for YOUR comfort, why not petition the DOT to add bike only lanes? Actually it is my lane as long as I am ocupying it.
If I am with in the lines on either side of me and you run into me then it is your fault!
I am a biker also, but I never ride my bike to work or during rush hour. Their is just to much to live for.


Sep 20, 2007
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My old partner was driving to work one day when Ricky racer blew by him, Needless to say, he lit him up and the chase was on. After about one minute he shut down the code and let him go do to speeds in excess of 130MPH in morning rush hour traffic. 3 days later same freeway same guy was laying in the roadway on the freeway as my partner rolled up, Someone changed lanes tagged him there was not much left of him. They estimated his speed at over 100MPH at the time of impact into the K-Rail.

Sooner or later it all catches up with you, NO MATTER HOW GOOD YOU ARE


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
I agree 1000 %!
I have been a biker all my driving days, since I was 15 (in Fla. you uset to be able to get a bike perment at 15). But was never exsposed to lane splitting until I moved to Kalifornia. The thing that pisses me off is how some of these guys are going easily 20 to 30 miles an hour faster than the traffic and constantly have to swerve to keep from taking out mirrors or ramming into someones front fender. I have even been the recepiant of several one fingered salutes from bikers because I was too close to the line for there liking. Its like this, ALL 10 feet or so of lane is MINE. I dont drive around and constantly look out for stupid ass bikers who want to zoom around in MY LANE! I have enough to worry about with the chicks doing make up to the guy on the cell phone. If you guys feel like lane splitting is a good idea, why not lobby to have a bike only lane stripped out for you?
Would solve alot of problems.
And I promise those guys, if I could have caught them I would have broken that finger off and shoved it their ASS!

I have also been riding street since 15, CA has the same laws. And the lane is not YOURS it is to be shared with other motorists ;) Bikers included.

If im not mistaken you can only do 10MPH faster than the flow of traffic up to a certain speed. It has been a while since I have been in a motorcycle safety course. Splitting lanes at a high rate of speed is insane. but if someone comes over on me you will get more than just a one finger salute ;)
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Sep 20, 2007
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I fully expected this video to end with screeches, glass breaking and blood.
I give way to the guys splitting lanes in stop-n-go traffic noramlly, but it pisses me off when I see guys doing this in normal traffic and endangering not only themselves but others innocent drivers around them.
Dumb passes they made there on Mulhulland:rolleyes:


Active Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Actually it is not your lane. It is the state of Kalifornia's lane. And you have to share it with a biker. It is not illegal to split lanes here.
Are you one of those stripe huggers?

The vehicle code says something about two vehicles are allowed in a single lane. But it also says it has to be done "safely." This is what allows two bikes to roll side by side in a lane. I don't think two cars could pull that off in one lane and be safe. Their is alot of ambiguity in the law when it comes to this. I hate it because some asshole took my drivers mirror off with his shoulder, he didn't want to pay and was a dick about it. The t/c report from chp put him as at fault so progressive paid for him...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2008
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I am not saying riding like that is right nor would I ever do it but boy would it make the drive to the river go by much quicker.


John McGuinness

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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The vehicle code says something about two vehicles are allowed in a single lane. But it also says it has to be done "safely." This is what allows two bikes to roll side by side in a lane. I don't think two cars could pull that off in one lane and be safe. Their is alot of ambiguity in the law when it comes to this. I hate it because some asshole took my drivers mirror off with his shoulder, he didn't want to pay and was a dick about it. The t/c report from chp put him as at fault so progressive paid for him...

I hardly ever have a problem splitting lanes. 99% of the cars out there that see me (I can see them looking at me in thier side view mirrors) either move over for me or stay straight, which is fine. Splitting lanes is WAY safer than sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. How many rear enders do you see on the freeway? Getting rear ended on a bike does not sound like much fun. Of course, I am talking about splitting at normal speeds.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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The reason that lane splitting is permissible is because when the law was written almost all motorcycles were air cooled. They were allowed to split lanes to keep moving to not overheat.

The law says 10 mile faster than traffic...never gives an excuse to speed, unsafe lane changes, exhibition of speed,, or any other asshattery on public roads.

I had a friend who like to push his bike. Great guy, I loved talking to him. Every once in a while he'd come to work with road rash and ask how to straighten his bars again. I always told him to slow down, be careful...but he knew what he was doing...one monday I asked where Johnny was? It got quiet and the said he died on his bike. I said he was an asshole...which didn't go over well. I had to explain I was mad at him for being careless and dead.

When I'm on a scout trip, It's not just my son I have to worry about. The kids signed up to go hiking, not to deal with a full brain bucket. I could talk to my son about life and death...that's my job. Other parents need to handle it in their own way...not my job.

Traffic slows to 50...I think bikes should slow to 50. 25 or 30 might be a sufficient reason to split lanes.

On occaision you see a rider giving cars space, signaling, being aware of their surroundings. Most of the time they must think the best defense is a good offense.

John McGuinness

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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No I am not a STRIPE hugger, but I do not proffess to being able to drive laser straight, excatly in the center either. If you guys are gonna get bent about someone who is leagally in their lane, but just so happens to be too close to the stripe for YOUR comfort, why not petition the DOT to add bike only lanes? Actually it is my lane as long as I am ocupying it.
If I am with in the lines on either side of me and you run into me then it is your fault!
I am a biker also, but I never ride my bike to work or during rush hour. Their is just to much to live for.

If I RAN into you, then it would be my fault. If you RUN into me, then it is your fault. Admittedly, things would get ugly with insurance and court or whatever would happen. Im guessing it would boil down to who has the best lawyer or witnesses. You cannot legally swerve wildly from stripe to stripe. If you think so, try it when a CHP is behind you next time.


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I ride a sportbike daily. I will go ahead and say it. That guy and anyone who rides or drives anything like that on a public road needs to be stopped any way possible. Door, truck or shotgun. Guys like that just make it harder for all cyclist out there. Not to mention what usually happens, a driver will swerve to avoid an idiot like him and nail me!
Take it to the track.

I agree. I have nothing against bikes at all. Just some of the idiots riding them. :thumbsup
Volcano Digital Vaporizer
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John McGuinness

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I know of at least 5 guys 2 close freinds i went to high school with never made it to 20yrs old, yamaha rd 400 killed kids back in the early eighties like a bad drug.Was enough for me to keep me from every buying one.
I lost a high school buddy to one. We called them Rapid Death 400's.

John McGuinness

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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2 strokes rule. I have quite a bit of seat time on RG500 (2 stroke, square 4) Nothing like the powerband of a 2 stroke. The thing would wheelie in 3rd gear, just from rolling on. But you can for sure get in trouble real quick on one.


Professional Lurker
Sep 25, 2007
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If I RAN into you, then it would be my fault. If you RUN into me, then it is your fault. Admittedly, things would get ugly with insurance and court or whatever would happen. Im guessing it would boil down to who has the best lawyer or witnesses. You cannot legally swerve wildly from stripe to stripe. If you think so, try it when a CHP is behind you next time.

I am not implying that I am driving down the freway like a bowling ball with the kiddie bumpers up, although I have seen people that do!:( But just remeber that when you are approaching from behind that the driver may not know you are around. Hell I have seen 2 bikers almost hit because one guy was in the fast lane and a rider that was splitting came up from behind and swooped into that guys lane and was right their in his blind spot. The first guy moved over to see around the car in front to make a pass and almost took the second guy out.
I also am not advocating that you or anyone else should be stoped from doing this if it is how you want to ride your bikes.
Just be careful so we can have a beer at the river one day!:beer

John McGuinness

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I know what you mean. Drives me nuts when im splitting and I see another bike coming up and splitting in the SAME lane the car and I are already in except he is on the other side of the car! I just cringe, I know that would piss me off if I was in a car. Lots of guys that probably should not be on a bike out there. Plenty of stupidity going on out there all the way around. I am just happy to make it home OK. I am not trying to win my first GP.
Sure is an adventure riding the freeways of LA. A lot of the people out there, seems like the last car they drove before coming to this country, was a donkey! or a camel.
See ya at the river, I am heading out tomorrow!! wooohooo!:beer


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I lost a high school buddy to one. We called them Rapid Death 400's.
RD's were the air cooled ones, then came the RZ which was watercooled.....take a look in any Banshee quad and there is the RZ motor. Its no wonder they were King of the Hill.
One of my brothers friends in the early 70's had the RD and ate it twice before deciding to rid himself of the deathride


Lavey Me Alone
Sep 26, 2007
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A few years ago, a guy I went to HS with was running 150+ up lakewood blvd and a car pulled out. He took a LONG tumble, and survived....his legs below the knees, and several other body parts didn't though.

Just glad I outlived the really stupid things I used to do....



Catchy Custom User Title
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I lost a high school buddy to one. We called them Rapid Death 400's.

RD400 was the first bike I built from pieces in college. Mine was absolutely insane. Nothing like a 2 stroke on the street.

This video is just scarry. These guys just have a death wish. :( They will kill themselves eventually and maybe someone else.