The Trump meeting in CA was


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Trump now in Vegas live stream:


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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I love this:



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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All depends on how close the homes are to the beach, and what they determined as being "coastal" areas. It can be a shitshow with both state and fed being intertwined. The Feds make the rules, and in some cases are responsible for permitting. The problem is, the Feds gave powers to the state for various supports, making them codependent.

This is from the Coastal Commission:
"The Federal Consistency Unit of the California Coastal Commission implements the federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) of 1972 as it applies to federal activities, development projects, permits and licenses, and support to state and local governments. In the CZMA, Congress created a federal and state partnership for management of coastal resources. The CZMA encourages states to develop coastal management programs and implement the federal consistency procedures of the CZMA. Upon certification of a state’s coastal management program, all federal agency activities (including federal development projects, permits and licenses, and assistance to state and local governments) affecting the coastal zone must be consistent with the enforceable policies of the state’s certified program. The review process used to implement this requirement is called a consistency determination for federal agency activities and development projects, and a consistency certification for federal permits and licenses, and/or federal support (i.e. funding) to state and local agencies.

The federal government certified the California Coastal Management Program (CCMP) in 1977. The enforceable policies of that document are Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976. All consistency documents are reviewed for consistency with these policies. The Commission’s goal is to use the federal consistency process to provide open communication and coordination with federal agencies and applicants and provide the public with an opportunity to participate in the process."

It seems the “Coastal Commission“ often regulates development of land up to half a mile or more from the ocean. They are arrogant ass holes that think they walk on water. Getting a permit from them to build or modify a home or business requires numerous permits, many “hearings”, and thousands or millions of dollars for architects, engineers, and very high priced lawyers….it can take years just to add a room to a house near the ocean.

All of Malibu is under their control, and probably most of Pacific Palisades.

I‘ m sure Trump is experienced with them, as he has a large country club, golf course and resort on the bluffs above the ocean in Palos Verdes. This would be a great time eliminate this agency for good, and it looks like most of the revenue comes from the Feds.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I know along the Monterey area the Coastal Commission is a friggin nightmare. They did do some good with Pebble Beach though.

Years ago Marvin Davis sold the Pebble Beach Golf Course to Japanese investors. They justified the roughly 1b purchase by selling priv memberships in Japan. Plane fulls of Japanese were flying in as members at PB. One problem....Pebble Beach is actually on public land so private memberships can not be sold. That was the Coastal Commission that stopped that. Later the Japanese sold it off for a huge loss to Clint Eastwood and others.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
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It's a talking point and I don't agree with it. Here is the reality; Once a State or Local agency takes control over an area, they are responsible for it. If they just let everyone back in prior to ensuring it is safe they will be liable.

Instead of focusing on the symptom as result of the closure, how about finding a fix to the problem at hand. I think what they need to do is bring in all available Water/Gas/Power field techs to check every line. Cap or shut down the entire neighborhoods at their sources/switches. Once they are sure there is no flowing Water/Gas/Power, then verify the identity and home address of anyone going in, have them sign their life away (literally) and let them enter at their own risk. If I were in charge of that, every entry would be video and audio taped with the reading of the risks, and the signing of the liability away.

Horrible situation for all involved and I'm not trying to make light of it, just trying to apply a bit of common sense the issue at hand.
There’s no common sense in preventing property owners access when the fire risk has subsided. Utility crew have been working on cutting services for two weeks now according to media reports. Seen out of state fire crews heading back home on the 40 this morning. It’s time for local government to take a step back. But in typical fashion they are not. Instead they are asking for right of entry permission to private property and want to manage the clean up. I’m assuming at the expense of property owners or their insurance company. Anyone know for sure who is picking up the tab for cleanup of private properties?

90 Laveycraft

SBC/Jet..Oh hell ya!
Sep 22, 2009
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Fascinating. I was waiting for it to spiral out of control but they kept it together. Trump wasnt taking any shit though.

Where was the slimy Governor?

Like Trump said....Get out of the way and let people get started!
Why the fuck is Trump giving this asshole/what to be a politician/imbread any traction!!
Knowing Brown/Pelosi Jr was gona make an ass saving appearance..I would have last minute flown into John Wayne or any other location.
He never should have met with this piece of shit governor of California...much much less given him his wanted "air time"

I really like the shake it up, re deign the machine Trump is bringing...much needed...but this POS Governor of Ca...needs to go and needs no traction.

Side bar..."we just Turn on the Spigot"....really...just not how it works and really un impressed with that from Trump...stupid answer to a multi issue problem.

There are good solutions..MANY!
Why he choses this "fixed" solution makes me question him...and his other many stupid answers...


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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All that lip service and nobody provided any inkling of a thought of a solution. How about coming forth with a protocol to clear the property one rule for everybody not everybody having to come up with their own solutions. How about those environmental impact surveys that one guy has to spend $25,000 on, the next-door neighbor has to spend another $25,000 for the exact same survey. Do the government level have them come in and establish protocols for everybody on the Government dime instead of the residence pay for it. How about no helicopter with a laser measuring the PPM of dust, waiting to shut the whole thing down . Don’t get me started.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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It's a talking point and I don't agree with it. Here is the reality; Once a State or Local agency takes control over an area, they are responsible for it. If they just let everyone back in prior to ensuring it is safe they will be liable.

Instead of focusing on the symptom as result of the closure, how about finding a fix to the problem at hand. I think what they need to do is bring in all available Water/Gas/Power field techs to check every line. Cap or shut down the entire neighborhoods at their sources/switches. Once they are sure there is no flowing Water/Gas/Power, then verify the identity and home address of anyone going in, have them sign their life away (literally) and let them enter at their own risk. If I were in charge of that, every entry would be video and audio taped with the reading of the risks, and the signing of the liability away.

Horrible situation for all involved and I'm not trying to make light of it, just trying to apply a bit of common sense the issue at hand.
A lot of people trying to get to their homes that didn't burn as well.
Preventing looting.
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Havasu blue label

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2018
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You claim to have changed your views a bit but are still falling on every single word. The phrase, "Can't see the forest for the trees" comes to mind.

When teaching basic tactics I have my students/partners stand with their toes and nose against the wall and have them tell me what they see without moving their head side to side. Then I have them take a step back and do the same thing. Then again, and again, and again. I'm sure you can understand that as you step back away from the wall your perception of the environment, understanding of the layout, and overall understanding of the situation you are in begin to grow. Of course, there comes a point in time when as you get further away from the issue at hand (in this exercise that would be the wall), you begin to lose the minor or specific details. Point being, there is a sweet spot in there that needs to be established, and it is all based on what your overall mission or objective is in each specific situation.

A good tactician can identify that sweet spot and remain there. They can also adjust on the spot, in the same scenario, to accomplish other missions at the same time while bouncing back and forth. Trump spoke about a couple people he recommended for dealing specifically with the missions in the specific areas ("the wall") and then repeated his concerns and recommendations/missions for the broad area (California forests/ water supply/ permits state and federal) giving his concerns and recommendations to those missions.

You might be on the right side of this issue now, but are still toes and noes against the wall (focusing on every single word). Back up a little bit and take it all in.
It’s all talk for now
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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All that lip service and nobody provided any inkling of a thought of a solution. How about coming forth with a protocol to clear the property one rule for everybody not everybody having to come up with their own solutions. How about those environmental impact surveys that one guy has to spend $25,000 on, the next-door neighbor has to spend another $25,000 for the exact same survey. Do the government level have them come in and establish protocols for everybody on the Government dime instead of the residence pay for it. How about no helicopter with a laser measuring the PPM of dust, waiting to shut the whole thing down . Don’t get me started.
Woolsey fire debris removal protocols:

The downside to option one the foundation goes regardless.
Option two, possibly save the foundation.
Unless the foundation is new, the foundations would need extensive upgrading regardless.

RE the presser, President Trump is pushing "get it done now", no way to skirt the permitting and then inspection times. No personnel, unless they hire a shitload of lesbians and trannies... :p



Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Woolsey fire debris removal protocols:

The downside to option one the foundation goes regardless.
Option two, possibly save the foundation.
Unless the foundation is new, the foundations would need extensive upgrading regardless.

RE the presser, President Trump is pushing "get it done now", no way to skirt the permitting and then inspection times. No personnel, unless they hire a shitload of lesbians and trannies... :p

I was listening to someone on the news who I guess has been put in place to oversee the rebuild process, and he mentioned that they will outsource it all....basically the city will "train" 50 or so architectural firms so that they can do the design/plan check/permitting all in one step.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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It seems the “Coastal Commission“ often regulates development of land up to half a mile or more from the ocean. They are arrogant ass holes that think they walk on water. Getting a permit from them to build or modify a home or business requires numerous permits, many “hearings”, and thousands or millions of dollars for architects, engineers, and very high priced lawyers….it can take years just to add a room to a house near the ocean.

All of Malibu is under their control, and probably most of Pacific Palisades.

I‘ m sure Trump is experienced with them, as he has a large country club, golf course and resort on the bluffs above the ocean in Palos Verdes. This would be a great time eliminate this agency for good, and it looks like most of the revenue comes from the Feds.
Environmental impact study on the erecting of scaffolding, dust control as well as some other BS for vehicles over 26,000lbs on residential property. Many reasons why contractors have to charge so much and it takes so long...and that was all for a damn roof! I can't imagine what the builder went through.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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My house in HB is in the "Costal Zone', get this, by 1/2 block as homes just a few feet away, across a small street are not. Azzbites in 1974 when built just said OK, just let us build, and the rest is history. In the "zone"" you cannot build any structure om more than 0" of the land, and get this, a patio cover counts in this limitation. just azzzzzzzzzzzzzzholes they are. Part of Newsoms spit swapping homie group.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I was listening to someone on the news who I guess has been put in place to oversee the rebuild process, and he mentioned that they will outsource it all....basically the city will "train" 50 or so architectural firms so that they can do the design/plan check/permitting all in one step.
Plan approval and permitting will still be rigorous and time consuming. Major liabilty for the city in perpetuity.
I was asked to provide expert witness testimony ( I declined) a few years ago RE a foundation failure on a hillside house that was installed in the '40's.
The plantiff won, to the tune of millions, arguing the codes should have been more strict 70 years previous.
The city won't take on the billions in liability just to streamline the process, then again, liberal politicians involved won't give a fuck if they saddle the city in such massive liability.

It's gonna be a shit show.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Plan approval and permitting will still be rigorous and time consuming. Major liabilty for the city in perpetuity.
I was asked to provide expert witness testimony ( I declined) a few years ago RE a foundation failure on a hillside house that was installed in the '40's.
The plantiff won, to the tune of millions, arguing the codes should have been more strict 70 years previous.
The city won't take on the billions in liability just to streamline the process, then again, liberal politicians involved won't give a fuck if they saddle the city in such massive liability.

It's gonna be a shit show.
Guy I know in SB lost his house to fire back in 2018 or so....House is on a bit of hill, built in 1956, never had any issues (aside from burning down). With the new codes, he had to pour over 300yds of concrete for the retaining walls and foundation. A bit excessive. Here's one picture I was able to find....



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Why the fuck is Trump giving this asshole/what to be a politician/imbread any traction!!
Knowing Brown/Pelosi Jr was gona make an ass saving appearance..I would have last minute flown into John Wayne or any other location.
He never should have met with this piece of shit governor of California...much much less given him his wanted "air time"

I really like the shake it up, re deign the machine Trump is bringing...much needed...but this POS Governor of Ca...needs to go and needs no traction.

Side bar..."we just Turn on the Spigot"....really...just not how it works and really un impressed with that from Trump...stupid answer to a multi issue problem.

There are good solutions..MANY!
Why he choses this "fixed" solution makes me question him...and his other many stupid answers...
From what I read Newscum just showed up at the airport and wasnt invited there. He should have been at that meeting but he may have been told to stay away.

Newscum took an ass whuppin anyway you look at it. Looked like the pussy he is


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
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Not a bad gig if you can get it
I have a public pension. Spent 30+ years there. Never made $300K a year.

Looks like bass only worked a couple years. In my public pension, she would qualify for hardly shit. If anything. Takes 20 years to start making bank.

I'd bet she gets the full boat. She is a muckily muck management kunt.

The poor schmuck in the maintenance department fixing pumps on fire trucks and personal vehicles for bitches like her has 14 more years to go.

Bucs 0340

Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2021
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From what I read Newscum just showed up at the airport and wasnt invited there. He should have been at that meeting but he may have been told to stay away.

Newscum took an ass whuppin anyway you look at it. Looked like the pussy he is
So the Governor of CA needs a invite to greet the POTUS at a airport that his in his state. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

He did get a kiss from Melania. :p

Havasu blue label

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2018
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I have a public pension. Spent 30+ years there. Never made $300K a year.

Looks like bass only worked a couple years. In my public pension, she would qualify for hardly shit. If anything. Takes 20 years to start making bank.

I'd bet she gets the full boat. She is a muckily muck management kunt.

The poor schmuck in the maintenance department fixing pumps on fire trucks and personal vehicles for bitches like her has 14 more years to go.
What’s the average pension around 10 grand a month


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
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What’s the average pension around 10 grand a month
According to my search. The average annual CalPERS pension in California was $36,685 in 2022-2023. However, the average pension can vary depending on the type of retirement and the years of service.

Think LA has their own pension (not calPers) though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
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What’s the average pension around 10 grand a month
Out here with Pera, it depends upon years and HAS (Highest Average Salary)

You really don't start getting the big returns until you hit year 20.

Up to then, its only 2.5% of HAS. Depends upon years worked & age.

At year 20, you start breaking about +50%.

Normal is 2.5% a year. Year 20 is a 7%bump. Year 21 is another 5% bump. Just for those breaking points. Then, its another 2.5% every year after year 21.

Not sure what it is in CA. Bet it's pretty gracious.

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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According to my search. The average annual CalPERS pension in California was $36,685 in 2022-2023. However, the average pension can vary depending on the type of retirement and the years of service.

Think LA has their own pension (not calPers) though.
That is correct my buddy was LAFD city. He had over 30 yes retired as an engineer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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It's a talking point and I don't agree with it. Here is the reality; Once a State or Local agency takes control over an area, they are responsible for it. If they just let everyone back in prior to ensuring it is safe they will be liable.

Instead of focusing on the symptom as result of the closure, how about finding a fix to the problem at hand. I think what they need to do is bring in all available Water/Gas/Power field techs to check every line. Cap or shut down the entire neighborhoods at their sources/switches. Once they are sure there is no flowing Water/Gas/Power, then verify the identity and home address of anyone going in, have them sign their life away (literally) and let them enter at their own risk. If I were in charge of that, every entry would be video and audio taped with the reading of the risks, and the signing of the liability away.

Horrible situation for all involved and I'm not trying to make light of it, just trying to apply a bit of common sense the issue at hand.
What's lacking is the thing I've said since the beginning. There's no one in charge. The city, county, and state governments are pointing at each other and making CYA statements. There must be someone appointed by the governor or mayor or the head of street sweeping, SOMEONE, that gathers the heads of the alphabet agencies and says "THIS is what you're going to do. I don't give a shit how you do it, but I want a report and a plan on my desk on Monday morning."


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
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That is correct my buddy was LAFD city. He had over 30 yes retired as an engineer.
Fire and police are some of the highest paid positions in local California government. I’m sure your buddy is retired with a pension that is close to his highest working base wage. Well above 100k a year and likely on to his second career now. 😀


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
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Hasn’t been mentioned yet. It’s hard for government to step aside when the Feds are flipping the bill for all the fire, police, utility, and government workers that are rolling in the overtime in a situation like this.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
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From what I read Newscum just showed up at the airport and wasnt invited there. He should have been at that meeting but he may have been told to stay away.

Newscum took an ass whuppin anyway you look at it. Looked like the pussy he is
I would love to know the content of that brief conversation! I bet it was good!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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What dam is that and how do you propose on redirecting the water to SoCal?
The Californication Aqueduct. Yes it makes sense. Pipes and valves. It's not rocket science.
Farmers were renting giant pumps to draw from the flood control channels and dumped as much as the could to the recharge basins. And we're fined by the State of Californication for doing what is the gooberments job.

The Federal CVP project water flows to be used. The State could do the same
It doesn't.

There are no problems only solutions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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The Californication Aqueduct. Yes it makes sense. Pipes and valves. It's not rocket science.
Farmers were renting giant pumps to draw from the flood control channels and dumped as much as the could to the recharge basins. And we're fined by the State of Californication for doing what is the gooberments job.

The Federal CVP project water flows to be used. The State could do the same
It doesn't.

There are no problems only solutions.