The OCM saga has come to a close


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Steve I think your words are to live by, BUT if I was the one getting fucked by Tim you can rest assured I wouldn't rest until some type of justice was served, NO matter the circumstances.


New Member
Oct 10, 2015
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im john I own dirtybird concepts. Here's my story he sold me a 33 eliminator a year ago 155k. Jim is the real owner of the boat I take it out a couple times one motor is funny I pull it apart it's bad take the boat back to Tim he lies for a year I'm about to start cutting his fingers off so he gets me a trade for warrens DCB. I give him 60k more super happy I start pressing him for my titles. Tons of lies so I speak to warren he tells me Tim never paid him for the DCB. I get ahold of jim and he never paid him for the eliminator last year. So he used my $ for a year. Had to put a pistol in his mouth to get the title to the boat the owner warren of the DCB sent me the trailer title warren had to buy the center console from Tim to get something the chips in Tims teeth are not from opening beer bottles I assure you. He owes me 10k for using my money for a year and warren his trailer title. He is a punk coward lying piece of shit The only reason I squeaked out of this is because of the threats and what went in his mouth. Ideal so sick to my stomach for all the people he ripped off.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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im john I own dirtybird concepts. Here's my story he sold me a 33 eliminator a year ago 155k. Jim is the real owner of the boat I take it out a couple times one motor is funny I pull it apart it's bad take the boat back to Tim he lies for a year I'm about to start cutting his fingers off so he gets me a trade for warrens DCB. I give him 60k more super happy I start pressing him for my titles. Tons of lies so I speak to warren he tells me Tim never paid him for the DCB. I get ahold of jim and he never paid him for the eliminator last year. So he used my $ for a year. Had to put a pistol in his mouth to get the title to the boat the owner warren of the DCB sent me the trailer title warren had to buy the center console from Tim to get something the chips in Tims teeth are not from opening beer bottles I assure you. He owes me 10k for using my money for a year and warren his trailer title. He is a punk coward lying piece of shit The only reason I squeaked out of this is because of the threats and what went in his mouth. Ideal so sick to my stomach for all the people he ripped off.

This is pretty much what I was saying. I've seen people get pistol whipped for A LOT less.


Schiada Baby.......Yeah!!
Jul 12, 2010
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im john I own dirtybird concepts. Here's my story he sold me a 33 eliminator a year ago 155k. Jim is the real owner of the boat I take it out a couple times one motor is funny I pull it apart it's bad take the boat back to Tim he lies for a year I'm about to start cutting his fingers off so he gets me a trade for warrens DCB. I give him 60k more super happy I start pressing him for my titles. Tons of lies so I speak to warren he tells me Tim never paid him for the DCB. I get ahold of jim and he never paid him for the eliminator last year. So he used my $ for a year. Had to put a pistol in his mouth to get the title to the boat the owner warren of the DCB sent me the trailer title warren had to buy the center console from Tim to get something the chips in Tims teeth are not from opening beer bottles I assure you. He owes me 10k for using my money for a year and warren his trailer title. He is a punk coward lying piece of shit The only reason I squeaked out of this is because of the threats and what went in his mouth. Ideal so sick to my stomach for all the people he ripped off.
Sounds like a good story anyhow................not saying it's not true just sayin' it's a good story :rolleyes


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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im john I own dirtybird concepts. Here's my story he sold me a 33 eliminator a year ago 155k. Jim is the real owner of the boat I take it out a couple times one motor is funny I pull it apart it's bad take the boat back to Tim he lies for a year I'm about to start cutting his fingers off so he gets me a trade for warrens DCB. I give him 60k more super happy I start pressing him for my titles. Tons of lies so I speak to warren he tells me Tim never paid him for the DCB. I get ahold of jim and he never paid him for the eliminator last year. So he used my $ for a year. Had to put a pistol in his mouth to get the title to the boat the owner warren of the DCB sent me the trailer title warren had to buy the center console from Tim to get something the chips in Tims teeth are not from opening beer bottles I assure you. He owes me 10k for using my money for a year and warren his trailer title. He is a punk coward lying piece of shit The only reason I squeaked out of this is because of the threats and what went in his mouth. Ideal so sick to my stomach for all the people he ripped off.

well.... doesn't seem that he is living the "GOOD LIFE" after all...

kida reminds me off....sign the papers mutha fuk'r...........I can't sign the papers.... you broke all my fingers...

pretty sure he is looking over his shoulder.....and what he see's in front of him is disappearing...;)


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2014
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well.... doesn't seem that he is living the "GOOD LIFE" after all...

kida reminds me off....sign the papers mutha fuk'r...........I can't sign the papers.... you broke all my fingers...

pretty sure he is looking over his shoulder.....and what he see's in front of him is disappearing...;)

"Old man"... "signs zee paper" :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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living where you have to look over your shoulder is not THE GOOD LIFE....

how you live your life is how you get to live...

you get what God gives you and you do the best you can.....more wealth.... more worries..

I still wonder... what was he thinking.... what was his plan to make it out of the red..

we will never know if he could have pulled it out now.... but I deal with used car lots....they close up shop and open right back up somewhere's else....
and someone else opens up where they where...

anyone here remember the singer sewing machine deal where the guy transferred all the assets to Kentucky.... then fuc a;ll the stock holder and pensions??

wonder how much drugs he took to sleep at night???

I don't owe anyone, and I don't live beound my means..and noticed that people that make it big.... take big risks...if they make it ... they are the hero's.... if not Zero's...

there's a lot of business's that put up the cowboy front.... rent big fancy buildings...go out of business with big debts....

the people that are in volved here... the good guys....will have good things come there way...I gave a guy 100k to build me a boat.... longest 2 weeks of my life...was looking like I was never gonna get a boat

the day I finally turned the deal over to God....peace came with it.... the more I tried to handle it... the worst it got... was it worth going to prison for the way I tried to collect????

or was it better to look around and notice that every thing of the earth... still belongs to the earth when you go..

is it really worth going to prison because someone took your toy???? the prison is over filled with those that think yes...while the ones that just move on.... seem to move to an even better place in life...

I love when someone screws me out of a few hundred..... they could have gotton to me for more.. but now I know how they are..;)

if I do something that's not right.... I think it bothers me more..

I see this black black , no trade back...going on .... people sell junk... and no returns when you figure out what they did..I have never done a deal that I wouldn't "unwind" or tried to make the deal right...

I've done two deals with a member here....both had to be adjusted after the deal..both I could have said... too bad ....

people screw people over on craigs list constantly... miss represent...

I know everyone wants to be the tuff guy here.....but really????

So what is your take on Morales now? I remember you defending him after Ayers Fukked my bud out of a 120k.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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So what is your take on Morales now? I remember you defending him after Ayers Fukked my bud out of a 120k.

Here we go , been waiting for alittle back and forth. I guess cause I have Time til 4:30 to catch my plane. Lol. [emoji12][emoji202]


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I like to think positive if I can , and situations like this....

would it have been better if some way,... there could have been away to keep the business going....remove him from having any access to the assets... to have an official look at the books and see if there was light in the tunnel so to speak... and allow the business to move forward to clear the debt......that way every one gets some thing..the laws are in place to protect these guys...llc's and such....

again ... all those that took money out of their house to buy toys ....then walked on the note...should have to pay all the money back....bankrupt???just anouther way to fuck those that trusted you and get away with the loot

when this happens it should be law that he can't ever ever ever have a business lic. again...


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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I like to think positive if I can , and situations like this....

would it have been better if some way,... there could have been away to keep the business going....remove him from having any access to the assets... to have an official look at the books and see if there was light in the tunnel so to speak... and allow the business to move forward to clear the debt......that way every one gets some thing..the laws are in place to protect these guys...llc's and such....

again ... all those that took money out of their house to buy toys ....then walked on the note...should have to pay all the money back....bankrupt???just anouther way to fuck those that trusted you and get away with the loot

when this happens it should be law that he can't ever ever ever have a business lic. again...

I agree w u on the bankrupt thing. That's always been my stance


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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So what is your take on Morales now? I remember you defending him after Ayers Fukked my bud out of a 120k.

I never ever ever ever defended Morales or brad....my take was ... if you cut down the tree.... no more apples...brad had too many things go bad at once.... then they multiplied

I had visions of myself never getting my 100k... so I wanted him to continue....I didn't mother fuc the guy.....figured if I did ... I'd be the last to get anything.....

I got my boat...worried , lost sleep... upset stomach..... one day my wife say's, if we get nothing,... we still have everything we need..... .if God wants us to have or loose the boat...let him decide

at that point,... I let it go...and when I got the boat I was able to enjoy it....

I don't know what Morales is up to, haven't seen him in years.....or brad......but do know this......I had to almost fight with cheetah Bob to get him to let me pay ...

and I would never never ever give a 100k to a boat builder again without having the boat and title in hand...:thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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This>>> And escrows for title transfer on sales over a certain $$$ level

what happened with the Bond???? and what about the flooring.....

this same thing happened to boaters outlet.....he cleaned it all up and everyone got tak'n care of.... they tried to shut him down here and if they would have....no body would have gott'n a thing...

sure, he was in the red....but he got it to the black..

and what about magic???


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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anyone good isn't going to break the dominant hand, at least the first time, and believe me they know which one it is before they show up.

did you ever hear the ted binnion story??? thumb cuffs and beat the fuc out of leo with a phone book...I think tabish is still in the pen....


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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did you ever hear the ted binnion story??? thumb cuffs and beat the fuc out of leo with a phone book...I think tabish is still in the pen....

Def old school.

First off, you don't let it get out of hand. Second, LEO? WTF was he thinking? Be calm and don't let emotions get the best, just handling the task at hand.

Third, no witnesses. Pretty simple shit really.

Fourth, things don't have to get settled today, shit can go years before it gets settled proper.

It is much harder to dispute a story if only one side gets told. :)

This shit is second nature to me, benefits of being raised with an oldschool Italian upbringing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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the real problem here is the laws....

to go into business... you don't have to show capital....the biggest killer of small business is no capital...

to go into business you should have to have a minimum of 100k bond....and it should be increased per net sales....

so say you do a million....a million bond... or sucurred funds held in a bank...

that way... you go out of business... debts are paid....you get whats left...

that's the fuc'd up government .... it actually says go ahead file llc.... and if it don't work... steal all the assets and file BK

in the street business...there is no BK... and no one to protect you...


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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the real problem here is the laws....

to go into business... you don't have to show capital....the biggest killer of small business is no capital...

to go into business you should have to have a minimum of 100k bond....and it should be increased per net sales....

so say you do a million....a million bond... or sucurred funds held in a bank...

that way... you go out of business... debts are paid....you get whats left...

that's the fuc'd up government .... it actually says go ahead file llc.... and if it don't work... steal all the assets and file BK

in the street business...there is no BK... and no one to protect you...

You mean the same government that has the taxpayers on the hook for 19 trillion? Just curious


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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I like to think positive if I can , and situations like this....

would it have been better if some way,... there could have been away to keep the business going....remove him from having any access to the assets... to have an official look at the books and see if there was light in the tunnel so to speak... and allow the business to move forward to clear the debt......that way every one gets some thing..the laws are in place to protect these guys...llc's and such....

again ... all those that took money out of their house to buy toys ....then walked on the note...should have to pay all the money back....bankrupt???just anouther way to fuck those that trusted you and get away with the loot

when this happens it should be law that he can't ever ever ever have a business lic. again...

Bankruptcy would've exposed his fraud. Not in a million years would he have let a judge open his books. Criminals very rarely tattle tell on themselves lol.

Not everyone who files BK is looking to fuck somebody. A business will file BK to remain solvent with their creditors so they CAN eventually pay back their debt under a judge's direction and remain solvent. But this plan would mean having integrity, which OCM obviously didn't have or want.

He's a white collar criminal. He'll steal your wallet while shaking hands and kissing babies.

He never intended to pay anyone back. He was running a pyramid scheme using boats as his cover. No different than hedge fund type crime. He just chose boats in a small town rather than Wall Street.

I know a lot of people want to believe he had every intention of getting caught up, but I don't. He was very deliberate in his approach and knew he could cash flow his lifestyle for a very long time before the house of cards would come down. Then he could move on to another town and start all over, hence the Oregon to Havasu move.

Good people can't think like a crook, it's why they're good people. It's also why they want to believe that he kind of got behind and then it snowballed. Tim knows this and exploited it.

The guy is a pro at leeching off of good people.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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This>>> And escrows for title transfer on sales over a certain $$$ level

Entirely up to the principles. Buying Real Estate without escrow and title insurance (and in some states attorneys) is unthinkable to almost everybody. That being said, it's not required. If you want to hand stacks of C notes to some guy for his house, go ahead.

Reminds me of a story about 20 some years ago in Mexico. Some people from CA paid a bunch of money to someone for some property in Baja just to find out the guy they paid didn't own it. Went on for years, rumor was buying property in Mexico is shady and the government is just going to take it away. Kind of funny the way the rumor mill works some times.

With regard to escrow companies handling these types of transactions, they're certainly out there. Next step will most likely be title insurance to keep the shady escrow companies from running with the money... Every wonder why in Real Estate, the escrow company is actually the one who holds the money during the transfer?


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Def old school.

First off, you don't let it get out of hand. Second, LEO? WTF was he thinking? Be calm and don't let emotions get the best, just handling the task at hand.

Third, no witnesses. Pretty simple shit really.

Fourth, things don't have to get settled today, shit can go years before it gets settled proper.

It is much harder to dispute a story if only one side gets told. :)

This shit is second nature to me, benefits of being raised with an oldschool Italian upbringing.



Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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just think... if all the people that didn't pay there bills got their arms broke...

that's just sooo old school vegas:p

good things happen to people that do good things....I live by that rule.....

beating someone with a 2x4 doesn't put you in a better class of people...;)

Satan sure knows how to bring the bad out in people ..

there's a good lesson here to be learned.... there is a right and a wrong way to do business....

what should happen.........there should be an open door for someone to start an escro service for a non real estate trans actions...

mob mentality .....:rolleyes

:thumbup: very true

I was thinking why someone doesnt open escrow service for stuff like this. Even on Ebay. Third party hold the money until everyone gets their money/merchandise and is happy.
I would think it would be a good business...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Entirely up to the principles. Buying Real Estate without escrow and title insurance (and in some states attorneys) is unthinkable to almost everybody. That being said, it's not required. If you want to hand stacks of C notes to some guy for his house, go ahead.

Reminds me of a story about 20 some years ago in Mexico. Some people from CA paid a bunch of money to someone for some property in Baja just to find out the guy they paid didn't own it. Went on for years, rumor was buying property in Mexico is shady and the government is just going to take it away. Kind of funny the way the rumor mill works some times.

With regard to escrow companies handling these types of transactions, they're certainly out there. Next step will most likely be title insurance to keep the shady escrow companies from running with the money... Every wonder why in Real Estate, the escrow company is actually the one who holds the money during the transfer?

my dad leased land from luis in san falipey....100 yr lease.... built a house.....fediralleys took it said luis didn't own the land....


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Bankruptcy would've exposed his fraud. Not in a million years would he have let a judge open his books. Criminals very rarely tattle tell on themselves lol.

Not everyone who files BK is looking to fuck somebody. A business will file BK to remain solvent with their creditors so they CAN eventually pay back their debt under a judge's direction and remain solvent. But this plan would mean having integrity, which OCM obviously didn't have or want.

He's a white collar criminal. He'll steal your wallet while shaking hands and kissing babies.

He never intended to pay anyone back. He was running a pyramid scheme using boats as his cover. No different than hedge fund type crime. He just chose boats in a small town rather than Wall Street.

I know a lot of people want to believe he had every intention of getting caught up, but I don't. He was very deliberate in his approach and knew he could cash flow his lifestyle for a very long time before the house of cards would come down. Then he could move on to another town and start all over, hence the Oregon to Havasu move.

Good people can't think like a crook, it's why they're good people. It's also why they want to believe that he kind of got behind and then it snowballed. Tim knows this and exploited it.

The guy is a pro at leeching off of good people.

my whole take on this deal is not that it happened .... but how do we stop it from happening again....

when you go to a store you should be protected that the stuff isn't stolen..... if you go to the swap meet you hope you don't get caught with the stuff....they walk around at Pomona swap with hand helds and run part number vin's

I remember in the beginning, dave was say'n how the cops were try'n to shut him down... but there ws no law to do so...


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2008
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The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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What is the point of that?

A little late I'd say.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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my whole take on this deal is not that it happened .... but how do we stop it from happening again....

when you go to a store you should be protected that the stuff isn't stolen..... if you go to the swap meet you hope you don't get caught with the stuff....they walk around at Pomona swap with hand helds and run part number vin's

I remember in the beginning, dave was say'n how the cops were try'n to shut him down... but there ws no law to do so...

cant, never, isn't going to stop......he is con artist, there are millions like him on this planet. BUT, they are only successful with people that play into he game. Example, I few posts back some one mentioned they knew a guy that had boats there and didn't care because they were insured. THAT is why scam artist will never go away. Keep putting food out and the dog will keep eating.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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cant, never, isn't going to stop......he is con artist, there are millions like him on this planet. BUT, they are only successful with people that play into he game. Example, I few posts back some one mentioned they knew a guy that had boats there and didn't care because they were insured. THAT is why scam artist will never go away. Keep putting food out and the dog will keep eating.

good point... but if he had a million dollar bond.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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my dad leased land from luis in san falipey....100 yr lease.... built a house.....fediralleys took it said luis didn't own the land....

Yep! I have a lot of experience in SF and have heard that story. Same deal, don't pay someone for something if you aren't sure they're they owner...

Sorry to hear your dad was part of that deal :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Yep! I have a lot of experience in SF and have heard that story. Same deal, don't pay someone for something if you aren't sure they're they owner...

Sorry to hear your dad was part of that deal :(

he tried to get me to go in on it... I said why would I wanna build a house on land I didn't own;)


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Anyone think he will use an assumed name once he lands somewhere else? I'm sure this dude pocketed a lot of money. I could see a guy like that landing in FL and running a small outfit under someone elses name or a purchased new name for himself and family.


Sep 20, 2007
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What a fucked up situation for a bunch of folks. Gonna be some broken hearts and hurt pocketbooks but at least there won't be any new victim's. .....[emoji19]


resident boozer
Jun 2, 2013
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What a fucked up situation for a bunch of folks. Gonna be some broken hearts and hurt pocketbooks but at least there won't be any new victim's. .....[emoji19]
Until he opens up shop somewhere else and gets back to his old bag of tricks. Tim sounds like a real winner in life. [emoji35] [emoji43] [emoji379]


Sep 20, 2007
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Until he opens up shop somewhere else and gets back to his old bag of tricks. Tim sounds like a real winner in life. [emoji35] [emoji43] [emoji379]

I bet someone said the same thing when he left Oregon.
Yeah, I did kinda forget to say "in Havasu".
If the current legal issues don't jail him I think his reputation will follow him closely from now on, he's burned a few too many now.


Schiada Baby.......Yeah!!
Jul 12, 2010
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Yeah, I did kinda forget to say "in Havasu".
If the current legal issues don't jail him I think his reputation will follow him closely from now on, he's burned a few too many now.
I would venture to guess that he is NOW really burned in the boating industry.......nut just die to RDP but his name is in cyberspace and specifically associated with boating. My guess is that he will open another venture in a different but related industry as he has convinced that guy in the mirror that this episode (likely his words) in Havasu was an unfortunate chain of events in which he was the victim and he has got to get back on the horse to support his family.

Not sure but probably RV, or Off road dealership...............I might be wrong about the new business but I'm guessing I'm spot on about the conversation with the guy in the mirror :D


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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RVs, used cars, construction or farm equipment... all ripe for the picking. :(


Sep 20, 2007
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.............I might be wrong about the new business but I'm guessing I'm spot on about the conversation with the guy in the mirror :D

No doubt, his actions speak volume :rolleyes


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Anyone think he will use an assumed name once he lands somewhere else? I'm sure this dude pocketed a lot of money. I could see a guy like that landing in FL and running a small outfit under someone elses name or a purchased new name for himself and family.

I think we all believe this is the next step for him.