Tell us what happened? I met a Celebrity…..

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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No never met him. How long ago was this?? My dad had an engine machined by Fains many years ago. I met Jim a few times.
Early 90’s?
I had my ‘63 futura back then. Jim sort of liked that.
I worked for him one winter then moved back to Alaska.



Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
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This thread certainly grew legs of its own. It has been truly fun to read all the stories.

Many years ago, I am became very good friends with a famous rock star drummer. We always get together whenever he is in town. We have taken over nightclubs in Phoenix, Florida, Vegas, and Gothenburg I won’t mention his name, I’ll let you figure it out by continuing to read or get to the end. lol For many years he grinned it out on a cramped tour bus, for the 3 piece band. They toured heavily in those many years. However, in 2016 the lead singer passed away at the age of 72. Since the band could never ever be replaced, the remaining two went in other directions. My friend is now the drummer for the Scorpions.

Back when he was in the 3 piece, one summer my daughter toured with the band as part of the Blonderage…….. A sadistic leather look. They always ended those shows with……… Ace of Spades

I thought about about trying to list all the people I have met backstage, but the list is too long. However, one time, when Motorhead was playing Phoenix, it was my wife, myself, and Randy Johnson hanging out with Mikkey Dee, in his dressing room before the concert. Dave Mustaine dropped by. He was the headliner.

Now my friend travels by jet instead of tour bus. Backstage at a Scorpions concert is a who’s who of the famous. Now in Mikkey’s dressing room, there are 20 to 30 people. Super fun. Last time the Scorpions came to SoFlo, I took Mikkey out all over Pompano Beach. He gave backstage passes to all my friends too. I am still a hero at my local rock n roll bar, because of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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My dad used to live next door to Terri Nunn (Berlin) and my uncle dated her before she was famous. Wound up being a roady for her in the early years. Us kids got signed albums when we went and visited.
Met Scott Ian (Anthrax) at Magic Mountain years ago.
Saw Steve Austin at a lunch spot in Escondido
David Baileys brother is a friend. Mitchel Bailey
Sat next to Tony Hawk a few months ago eating lunch at a great deli in Vista
Talked with Scott Eastwood on the phone about a job we were doing for his place in Encinitas or Cardiff (not sure)
Met Jessi Combs in Vegas at the RIO Sky room . Sema thing.
Thats about all my celebrity encounters.
Mitchel has been on Havasu trips with us. Eaten Thanksgiving diner with Tony Hawk (related to my wife).


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
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Had drinks with a SEAL Team once.

They're the only guys I've ever met that were truly different.

Hey Dude

New Member
Sep 25, 2024
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Had dinner with Donald Trump, Michael Jordan, Mike Shanahan and Stone Phillips in 2006.🤷🏻‍♂️

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Was in line at a Dodgers game about 10 years back and saw Henry Winkler in the VIP line. I went over to him, shook his hand, and thanked him for the years of entertainment. He seemed genuinely flattered and humble and gracious not one bit put off, looked me in the eye, smiled and said "thank you." I've since heard he's a pretty down-to-earth kinda guy.

My other claim to fame is going to Coachella one year with my wife. We're in the VIP section (comp tix of course...) and she sees Jared Leto back when he was "it." I was like Jared Leno? Is he like Jay Leno's kid or something (I don't follow Hollywood...)? "L-E-T-O Leto, not Leno" the wife is yelling at me. She starts to stalk the poor guy around the VIP section and finally grows the cajones to ask the guy for a pic. He was totally cool about it and obliges. My wife hands her phone to her drunk husband for the long awaited highly anticipated Kodak moment, and to this day I have no idea how I f'ed it up, but the pic came out completey blank... Still paying for that one...

I have worked with Henry Winkler a few times, he really is a genuine guy.. Everyone that meets him loves him

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I have worked with and had many run ins with Bruce Springsteen. He used to hang out at the Sagebrush Cantina in Calabasas, he would ride his Harley there on Sundays, sit at the bar and drink. Everyone left him alone, pretty cool. And I've worked with him a handful of times too.. Overall a super nice guy. But I'm always running into him in some way. I'm always running into Blake Shelton on shows too, great guy. I'm currently working on Reba's new Sitcom, I have worked with her for years, she's a sweetheart.

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Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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You’ve probably met more celebs than all of us put together. I was waiting for you to chime in.

I'm actually pretty shy when it comes to approaching celebs. It's bad form to try to get close to them. But it does happen.

Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
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I lived in Hawaii 2/3 of my life so you see a lot there, they have harassment laws there so they tend to be left alone and wind up being cool in "normal settings", I've never asked for a picture with any.. I was a mailman in college in Waialae Kahala on a tech rotation (5 routes, I covered days off). Jim Nabors was one of my stops...phenominal guy, would give us cold drinks. Daniel Day Kim, super cool car guy...very down to earth, Scott Caan..Asshole. Ive met most of the Hawaii 5-0 people. Somewhere around season 5 you'll see me delivering mail on a walking route in Kaimuki..didnt realize I was in the back ground and walked through an active shoot lol. Cody Easterbrook who MC's the American Idol Hawaii episode shows yearly is an old friend.

Met Simon Baker (the mentalist) at Hale'iwa Joes Bar in north shore, Have met up with and had way too many drinks with Nick Swardson a few mornings at Duke's in Waikiki...He's a blast to hang out with. I had no clue who he was for the first couple times we got tanked lol. Met Rob Schneider on north shore..super cool guy..

Lots of athletes, surfers etc. A few singers...had a few drinks with Creed Fisher in TX, Met Granger Smith in HI, he wound up making me a quick video to send to some friends...cool guy.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Years ago I was rehearsing with my original band at a place in North Hollywood called "Mates". We were rehearsing for an upcoming showcase for Geffen at the Viper room. Mates is a famous rehearal place for big bands. At the time, Foo Fighters were in the studio next to us, they were there auditioning guitar players. While my band was playing, Dave and Taylor walk into our room and sat on my drum riser and watched me play a song with my band, they both were starring at me and smiling. After the song ended they both put there arms around me, hugging me, they told my band that they were lucky to have a drummer like me and loved my playing.. I couldn't believe it.. They said I was amazing and hung out with us for a while. I had many run ins with Dave and his band, I always thought I would have been a perfect fit for FF's, maybe I should have pushed harder before Taylor joined. But he was better than me, and I felt so. It is what it is.. But I have worked with FF's a ton in the last 10 years. Dave has always been a great guy, in it for the right reasons. And Taylor, we would always see him around town driving his old red Toyota pickup truck stoned out of his mind. Taylor didn't care about money or fame, he was just in it for the music, the real deal. Some good times