So my 14 year old daughter>>>


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Was asked to be someones GF at school yesterday. Being she's only in 8th grade, I thought it was kinda stupid and early. To the best of my knowledge, the only reason to be BF and GF at that age is that he's looking for some action.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2009
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You are correct sir, nip that shit in the bud ASAP. I too am 14 and I would only be a BF if got some T and A.


Man Eater
Dec 20, 2007
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Holy crap, RELAX. She's a normal Jr. High girl. Being someone's girlfriend at that age DOESNT mean giving up the goods.

Dont be a jack-off parent and FORBID this activity. If you do, she will lie and it will halt all honest communication with her.

You can however make sure they dont have the luxury of being alone. Im sure at 14 he doesnt drive so you dont have that to contend with.

If you're that over-bearing, over-reacting parent who believes Jr. High is too young to be attracted to the opposite sex then you have your head in the sand. You cant punish her for experiencing something that occurs naturally.

Just chill, dude. Seriously. Be thankful she's not the 200lb, pizza faced, tuba playing, socially retarded chess champion of the school.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Was asked to be someones GF at school yesterday. Being she's only in 8th grade, I thought it was kinda stupid and early. To the best of my knowledge, the only reason to be BF and GF at that age is that he's looking for some action.

that never changes... :D

where's my keyes ?

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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as a father of a 13 year old girl (7th grader) .... i lay in bed sweating thinking of whats around the corner for my wife and myself .... and her --- :skull ...... it's just not a comfortable thought process .. we complety trust her, but the junior "me's" are sure out there :rolleyes: -


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm not trying to be the overbearing parent, I was just shocked that it already happened.
I told her straight up that I was glad that she asked us if it was ok before she answered him.
I guess I hate the thought that she's getting older so fast


Don't tax me bro!
Dec 19, 2007
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Holy crap, RELAX. She's a normal Jr. High girl. Being someone's girlfriend at that age DOESNT mean giving up the goods.

Dont be a jack-off parent and FORBID this activity. If you do, she will lie and it will create a halt in all honest communication with her.

You can however make sure they dont have the luxury of being alone. Im sure at 14 he doesnt drive so you dont have that to contend with.

If you're that over-bearing, over-reacting parent who believes Jr. High is too young to be attracted to the opposite sex then you have your head in the sand. You cant punish her for experiencing something that occurs naturally.

Just chill, dude. Seriously. Be thankful she's not the 200lb, pizza faced, tuba playing, socially retarded chess champion of the school.

Bravo Skank. Good advice. My daughter is 14 too. She does this shit all the time. Its just part of growing up. No action going on besides maybe a little typical jr-high makeout session snuck in here and there. Ya, it sucks to think about that shit but its reality.

We never, never, never, give her the chance to be home alone. That is when shit happens.

When she goes to friends houses, we walk up to the door and meet the parents if we don't know them. We always talk to them and make sure the kids are not left alone.

I'm always blown away when one of her new friends is just dropped off at our house curbside. Parents are too lazy to get out of the car I guess.

One last thing. Some of her friends parents are the super strict type and those kids are always sneaking around behind their parents backs. The reason I know this stuff is because we talk to our daughter about everything. She tells us everything. It works pretty well. She knows the rules and respects them most of the time. I'd rather know what is going on than be a hard ass and have her hide stuff from us.

Hope this helps.


Don't tax me bro!
Dec 19, 2007
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as a father of a 13 year old girl (7th grader) .... i lay in bed sweating thinking of whats around the corner for my wife and myself .... and her --- :skull ...... it's just not a comfortable thought process .. we complety trust her, but the junior "me's" are sure out there :rolleyes: -

I hear ya, its not easy. I'm actually taking it all better than I though I would though:cool:

I'm not trying to be the overbearing parent, I was just shocked that it already happened.
I told her straight up that I was glad that she asked us if it was ok before she answered him.
I guess I hate the thought that she's getting older so fast

I know how you feel. The first time I heard of this it was kind of a wake-up call. Now I'm getting used to it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Holy crap, RELAX. She's a normal Jr. High girl. Being someone's girlfriend at that age DOESNT mean giving up the goods.

Dont be a jack-off parent and FORBID this activity. If you do, she will lie and it will create a halt in all honest communication with her.

You can however make sure they dont have the luxury of being alone. Im sure at 14 he doesnt drive so you dont have that to contend with.

If you're that over-bearing, over-reacting parent who believes Jr. High is too young to be attracted to the opposite sex then you have your head in the sand. You cant punish her for experiencing something that occurs naturally.

Just chill, dude. Seriously. Be thankful she's not the 200lb, pizza faced, tuba playing, socially retarded chess champion of the school.

Exactly... If you have an honest open close relationship with your daughter, just chill. As far as boys go, yes, you got that pegged. Most kids are getting ready to cut loose around 14 to 16 anyway, so I'd be more worried about her being versed in safe sex for when that time arises. Most kids aren't really kids at those ages anymore. You have to trust in her to make the right decisions, bottom line.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Some of her friends parents are the super strict type and those kids are always sneaking around behind their parents backs.


That is so true... My high school sweetheart was a preacher's daughter. You'd have never known it though...


Man Eater
Dec 20, 2007
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My daughter had a friend in Jr High whose parents thought they could "forbid" a newly budding, innocent relationship. This jackass father actually grounded his daughter when he heard she had this little boyfriend. Of course she lied and said she broke up with him.

This only lead up to the sneaking around and it made the 'forfidden' relationship SO much more appealing to the girl. She went from an innocent, honest, teenage girl to a lying, deceptive, troubled kid who knew she absolutely could not communicate openly with her own parents.

This same girl entered high school, still lying to her parents, and nearly flunked out her freshman year. She was sent to the continuation school where she was kicked out for bringing weed to class and she got pregnant by 17. Nice, I know.

I absolutely blame this girls parents for her path to destruction. She witnessed how they freaked out over something so fucking natural and innocent that she knew they would freak out over everything. Communication failed miserably due to the Dad's Nazi parenting and over-reacting.

DADS - I've said it here before... your little girls NEED you. They need you to parent, enforce rules, provide safety and structure but more importantly they need you to trust them. Trust can only be reassured with open communication. This doesnt mean you start a conversation with, "So, you got your period now or what?" It means you need to always appear interested in their daily lives. You know their friends first and last names, their friends hobbies, problems and situations. You know what boy they have a crush on and you can playfully tease her with the girlish crush if you remember details, like Juniors name. Girls WANT their Daddys to know about their lives and they WANT to share. They wont share if they get spooked by a harsh reaction to something simple.


Sep 26, 2007
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Holy crap, RELAX. She's a normal Jr. High girl. Being someone's girlfriend at that age DOESNT mean giving up the goods.

Dont be a jack-off parent and FORBID this activity. If you do, she will lie and it will create a halt in all honest communication with her.

You can however make sure they dont have the luxury of being alone. Im sure at 14 he doesnt drive so you dont have that to contend with.

If you're that over-bearing, over-reacting parent who believes Jr. High is too young to be attracted to the opposite sex then you have your head in the sand. You cant punish her for experiencing something that occurs naturally.

Just chill, dude. Seriously. Be thankful she's not the 200lb, pizza faced, tuba playing, socially retarded chess champion of the school.

Exactly... If you have an honest open close relationship with your daughter, just chill. As far as boys go, yes, you got that pegged. Most kids are getting ready to cut loose around 14 to 16 anyway, so I'd be more worried about her being versed in safe sex for when that time arises. Most kids aren't really kids at those ages anymore. You have to trust in her to make the right decisions, bottom line.

That is so true... My high school sweetheart was a preacher's daughter. You'd have never known it though...

My daughter had a friend in Jr High whose parents thought they could "forbid" a newly budding, innocent relationship. This jackass father actually grounded his daughter when he heard she had this little boyfriend. Of course she lied and said she broke up with him.

This only lead up to the sneaking around and it made the 'forfidden' relationship SO much more appealing to the girl. She went from an innocent, honest, teenage girl to a lying, deceptive, troubled kid who knew she absolutely could not communicate openly with her own parents.

This same girl entered high school, still lying to her parents, and nearly flunked out her freshman year. She was sent to the continuation school where she was kicked out for bringing weed to class and she got pregnant by 17. Nice, I know.

I absolutely blame this girls parents for her path to destruction. She witnessed how they freaked out over something so fucking natural and innocent that she knew they would freak out over everything. Communication failed miserably due to the Dad's Nazi parenting and over-reacting.

DADS - I've said it here before... your little girls NEED you. They need you to parent, enforce rules, provide safety and structure but more importantly they need you to trust them. Trust can only be reassured with open communication. This doesnt mean you start a conversation with, "So, you got your period now or what?" It means you need to always appear interested in their daily lives. You know their friends first and last names, their friends hobbies, problems and situations. You know what boy they have a crush on and you can playfully tease her with the girlish crush if you remember details, like Juniors name. Girls WANT their Daddys to know about their lives and they WANT to share. They wont share if they get spooked by a harsh reaction to something simple.

ALL great advice!!:thumbsup


"B" team gardener
Jan 18, 2008
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i'm gonna have to remember some of this in 14 years:p:thumbsup


Sep 25, 2008
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ALL great advice!!:thumbsup

Yeah but they forgot these :hmm

I just brake these out when those dirty little boys come knocking :D



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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This song comes to mind:
The Declaration of Independence
Think I could tell you that first sentence
But then I’m lost

I can't begin to count the theories
I've had pounded in my head
That I forgot

I don't remember all that Spanish
Or the Gettysburg address
But there is one speech from high school
I'll never forget

Come on in boy sit on down
And tell me about yourself
So you like my daughter do you now?
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl
Her momma's world
She deserves respect
That’s what she'll get
Ain’t it son?
Hey y'all run along and have some fun
I'll see you when you get back
Bet I’ll be up all night
Still cleanin' this gun

Well now that I’m a father
I’m scared to death one day my daughter
Is gonna find
That teenage boy I used to be
That seems to have just one thing on his mind

She’s growin' up so fast
It won't be long before
I’ll have to put the fear of god into
Some kid at the door

Come on in boy sit on down
And tell me about yourself
So you like my daughter do you now?
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl
Her momma's world
She deserves respect
That’s what she'll get
Now ain't it son?
Y’all go out and have some fun
I'll see you when you get back
Probably be up all night
Still cleanin' this gun

Now it's all for show
Ain’t nobody gonna get hurt
It’s just a daddy thing
And hey, believe me, man it works

Come on in boy sit on down
And tell me about yourself
So you like my daughter do you now?
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl
Her momma's world
She deserves respect
That’s what she'll get
Now ain't it son?
Y’all run along and have a little fun
I'll see you when you get back
Probably be up all night
Still cleanin' this gun

Son, now y'all buckle up and have her back by te- let's say about nine...thirty.
Drive safe.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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I have a cute littel 14 year old daughter, and she has a bunch of cutiepie friends. the boys are already lining up outside... I pay attention and kid around with them, but they know to be respectful.

I give em that Meet The Fokkers look.....LOL, it works!


Skanker's right. Teach them right and give them some room.


Sep 25, 2008
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DADS - I've said it here before... your little girls NEED you. They need you to parent, enforce rules, provide safety and structure but more importantly they need you to trust them. Trust can only be reassured with open communication. This doesnt mean you start a conversation with, "So, you got your period now or what?" It means you need to always appear interested in their daily lives. You know their friends first and last names, their friends hobbies, problems and situations. You know what boy they have a crush on and you can playfully tease her with the girlish crush if you remember details, like Juniors name. Girls WANT their Daddys to know about their lives and they WANT to share. They wont share if they get spooked by a harsh reaction to something simple.

I missed this, well put Skank :thumbsup


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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not to worry.........

oh ya,,,,,,I met my wife when she was 12 y/o..... I was 15.....:champagne:


Never home on weekends
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm not trying to be the overbearing parent, I was just shocked that it already happened.
I told her straight up that I was glad that she asked us if it was ok before she answered him.
I guess I hate the thought that she's getting older so fast

Good to hear that she feels that comfortable to talk with you about things like this.
Now remember to do absolutely everything you can to make sure that communication going. I remember when I heard my daughter had a boyfriend in Jr High. (she's 18 now)Turned out I was the last to know, but my wife was the first. They were both thinking I would go ape shit, which I didnt, thank god. My daughter knows she can talk to me or the wife about anything.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Yeah, my daughter knows all about the birds and bees after catching us in the act at The Hotel in Vegas.
Thanksgiving dinner was all about " Dad, You have a white butt". She was 9 at the time, but it kind of opened the door to having conversations with her about sex.
The neighbor kids her age still have not had a sit down about it with their parents, which I think is wrong nowadays.
I would like to say that there has been alot of good advice here to prevent me from being a parent my kid would want to hide things from.
Every post has something good in it that I can take with me and apply it to being a good dad.


I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
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Get in involved in a Father Daughter activity that you both could enjoy, something like ski racing. :cool:


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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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We do K1 Kart racing once a month. Great father daughter activity, outside of boating of course.,


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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My younger cousin is only 13 and in 7th grade. Trust me, you dont want what she already knows at such a young age.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Great thread...lol...djunkie..you have a way with words..lol..

My girl is 7, i have a few years there...my neices who come to me with EVERYTHING are 15 and 12, they ask me about boys etc, i love them like they were my own and therefore i am very protective of them, the 15 year old recently started having a boy chase her around, one of the hardest things for me to do was to trust her and give her my support i spoke to her about all the what boys(most) want and so on, i trust her and so far so good....don't ask why her parents don't talk about stuff like that, i can't type that much, to me its more important that they have someone they can talk to about anything, and they know they can come to uncle with anything....:thumbsup


Man Eater
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Here are a few other important skills your daughter should have in her arsenal:

Teach her how to throw a spiral (football) It's a skill that will amaze boys and she'll beam with pride.

Have her help you change a tire. Let her stand on a star wrench and loosen a lug, use the jack and learn how to take the tire pressure.

Teach her basic football knowledge, like what a first and ten means. Use paper and visual aids and she'll get it. Most girls are clueless and again she'll be impowered when she reveals this information to others.

When boating, assign her particular tasks that become her responsibility solely. It can be fetching and securing the outboard flushing muffs, operating the prop tilt, or something other than just the wipe down afterwards. This gives her a sense of purpose and an understanding that boating requires teamwork.

Cook chili with her.

Take her to a swapmeet to look at shit... and point out the shit to her. Buy her an ice cream and let her pick out something she can attach to her bike (or motorcycle, or saddle, or scooter) or put in her room.

These are simple, kind of silly suggestions but I was once a little girl and I clearly remember what created an amazing bond with my Daddy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
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Just chill, dude. Seriously. Be thankful she's not the 200lb, pizza faced, tuba playing, socially retarded chess champion of the school.

First girl that I nailed was 14. Something to think about. I was 17. :hmm

Hmm, a match! lmao.

14 years old, thats about the time having the girl wear your St Christophers medal means you are going out. Sometimes a small cross worked too. "Going out" was a big deal in Jr High. Didnt mean getting laid though (most of the time). :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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skankersore is a 10 in my books...one smart lady....:thumbsup

where's my keyes ?

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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Here are a few other important skills your daughter should have in her arsenal:

Teach her how to throw a spiral (football) It's a skill that will amaze boys and she'll beam with pride.

Have her help you change a tire. Let her stand on a star wrench and loosen a lug, use the jack and learn how to take the tire pressure.

Teach her basic football knowledge, like what a first and ten means. Use paper and visual aids and she'll get it. Most girls are clueless and again she'll be impowered when she reveals this information to others.

When boating, assign her particular tasks that become her responsibility solely. It can be fetching and securing the outboard flushing muffs, operating the prop tilt, or something other than just the wipe down afterwards. This gives her a sense of purpose and an understanding that boating requires teamwork.

Cook chili with her.

Take her to a swapmeet to look at shit... and point out the shit to her. Buy her an ice cream and let her pick out something she can attach to her bike (or motorcycle, or saddle, or scooter) or put in her room.

These are simple, kind of silly suggestions but I was once a little girl and I clearly remember what created an amazing bond with my Daddy.[/QUOTE]

my wife and i just read all of these posts and replies and these 26 words rang clearly ...... nice simple verbage hits home soemtimes :cool:


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
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Get in involved in a Father Daughter activity that you both could enjoy, something like ski racing. :cool:
And take the "new" BF along and utse him as an anchor buoy or fender!:pJ/K

Skankers has the right idea goin' on. It's gonna happen sooner or later; like it or not. Start buildin' a good relationship that is open,trustful, honest, and fair and you and your daughter, hell, your whole family, will benefit greatly from it.

Good, sound, mature advice Skankersore.:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
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And isn't raising' sons a helluva alot easier?:p


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Here are a few other important skills your daughter should have in her arsenal:

Teach her how to throw a spiral (football) It's a skill that will amaze boys and she'll beam with pride.

Have her help you change a tire. Let her stand on a star wrench and loosen a lug, use the jack and learn how to take the tire pressure.

Teach her basic football knowledge, like what a first and ten means. Use paper and visual aids and she'll get it. Most girls are clueless and again she'll be impowered when she reveals this information to others.

When boating, assign her particular tasks that become her responsibility solely. It can be fetching and securing the outboard flushing muffs, operating the prop tilt, or something other than just the wipe down afterwards. This gives her a sense of purpose and an understanding that boating requires teamwork.

Cook chili with her.

Take her to a swapmeet to look at shit... and point out the shit to her. Buy her an ice cream and let her pick out something she can attach to her bike (or motorcycle, or saddle, or scooter) or put in her room.

These are simple, kind of silly suggestions but I was once a little girl and I clearly remember what created an amazing bond with my Daddy.

Great Response and very helpful.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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I bought a Prison uniform to wear when my daughter (10 yrs old) brings around the first boy hopefully in several years. "I enjoyed Prison Son and can't wait to go back, so grab that duct tape and come down to the basement with me. I have something to show you." :p

Seriously though my daughter wanted to help replace the clutch in our Jeep a few weeks back. And so she did and it was a fun time. Took her to Home Depot and bought safety glasses and neoprene gloves to wear. She started it up for the first time when we were done.

She is working on her 3rd degree Black Belt at the moment and we travel around locally so she can compete. All her choice.

Enjoyed your posts Skank. :thumbsup:thumbsup Hopefully by being in her life like we are she will keep us in hers. Time will tell.


Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
She is working on her 3rd degree Black Belt at the moment and we travel around locally so she can compete. All her choice.


That real cool OC :D 3 of my kids were in the ATA and my 2 boys made black belt and one went on to 2nd degree :thumbsup we use to go to compititions at the Disneyland hotel a couple times a year. Another note on the ATA :hmm We knew Sheriff Mike Corona through ATA but I don't think he's been involved to much lately :hmm unless they have it in jail :D

ATA= American Tai Kwon Do Association :thumbsup

Baja Big Dog

Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
Here are a few other important skills your daughter should have in her arsenal:

Teach her how to throw a spiral (football) It's a skill that will amaze boys and she'll beam with pride.

Have her help you change a tire. Let her stand on a star wrench and loosen a lug, use the jack and learn how to take the tire pressure.

Teach her basic football knowledge, like what a first and ten means. Use paper and visual aids and she'll get it. Most girls are clueless and again she'll be impowered when she reveals this information to others.

When boating, assign her particular tasks that become her responsibility solely. It can be fetching and securing the outboard flushing muffs, operating the prop tilt, or something other than just the wipe down afterwards. This gives her a sense of purpose and an understanding that boating requires teamwork.

Cook chili with her.

Take her to a swapmeet to look at shit... and point out the shit to her. Buy her an ice cream and let her pick out something she can attach to her bike (or motorcycle, or saddle, or scooter) or put in her room.

These are simple, kind of silly suggestions but I was once a little girl and I clearly remember what created an amazing bond with my Daddy.

Look how this womans daughter turned out, this aint just some random words, it worked for Skank, shes got a keeper, and so does her daughter....

This woman need to write a book....well two books, one on child bearing, and naturally ...one on porn!!

Love ya Kim!!:D:champagne::champagne:


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Damn people, don't you sleep?! Well, I just got caught up on this thread and Skank has got it nailed down. Nice work girl!! I couldn't possibly agree any more with the point you made about teaching your girl to throw a football-- this is a GREAT skill to have ;) I remember being shown how to change a tire, but my sweet daddy followed that lesson up with "here's your AAA card so you don't have to do that again". lol I always had a wonderful relationship with my parents eventhough they were never very open about sex. I plan to be as open as possible with my kids about the subject, but I can imagine its going to be awkward. One excellent example of a great father on the boards is BarryMac. His daughter just turned 16 and they seem to have an awesome relationship. I'm sure he can tell you more, but its great to see how open they are with each other :thumbsup


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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That real cool OC :D 3 of my kids were in the ATA and my 2 boys made black belt and one went on to 2nd degree :thumbsup we use to go to compititions at the Disneyland hotel a couple times a year. Another note on the ATA :hmm We knew Sheriff Mike Corona through ATA but I don't think he's been involved to much lately :hmm unless they have it in jail :D

ATA= American Tai Kwon Do Association :thumbsup

Yep Coz, we know the ATA all to well. Both my kidz are in and Kirstin now 10 has about 6 years under he 2nd degree belt.

Fun times. Good for your kids Coz. They will always have that title which comes with the work to obtain it.

With Taekwondo, jackass parents will be booted from ringside for crap comments. Lots of respect flowing unlike soccer which gives me the overwhelming urge to beat some dad's ass. :p

Last Comp Kirstin placed 4th overall out of 14 girls. She does well as do many others. Fun to watch your daughter fight. Mom really likes it. LOL.



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
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"Damn people, don't you sleep?!" -PoonToonBabe

Sleep is sorely overrated!:p

One thing that I don't remember mentioning or mentioning myself. When at all possible, include her BF in your "everday" family events; goin' to the movies, a dinner, etc. My Daughter didn't start dating (save for the one Prom she attended her Jr. year in HS; her choice), but when I was in HS and had a GF, my Family as well as all of my GF's families would always drag us along. He's not officially a part of the family to you, but your daughter thinks highly of his position in the family and it will be comforting and can be fun to have him along and her attention on the "event" and not missing her BF.:thumbsup

Besides; even though she's still young, they grow up fast and this may be the "man of her dreams" and your SIL someday. It's "puppy love" now, but tomorrow..... It has happened.:hmm


Sep 25, 2008
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Yep Coz, we know the ATA all to well. Both my kidz are in and Kirstin now 10 has about 6 years under he 2nd degree belt.

Fun times. Good for your kids Coz. They will always have that title which comes with the work to obtain it.

With Taekwondo, jackass parents will be booted from ringside for crap comments. Lots of respect flowing unlike soccer which gives me the overwhelming urge to beat some dad's ass. :p

Last Comp Kirstin placed 4th overall out of 14 girls. She does well as do many others. Fun to watch your daughter fight. Mom really likes it. LOL.

View attachment 51421

Way to go Kristin :champagne: what studio/academy are you guys at? We were fortunate to practice at the Yorba Linda studio and became friends with Grand Master Lee before he passed away (founder of the ATA) and Master Kim was thier teacher, I think he moved up in the ATA chain of command and now is a Grand Master.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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Way to go Kristin :champagne: what studio/academy are you guys at? We were fortunate to practice at the Yorba Linda studio and became friends with Grand Master Lee before he passed away (founder of the ATA) and Master Kim was thier teacher, I think he moved up in the ATA chain of command and now is a Grand Master.

Yep correct Grand Master Kim. Have many pics of the kids with him. He is excellent with the children. He knows where the money comes from.

We have two ATA's here in Mission Viejo. Kids are currently being taught by a World Champ with ties to the World Federation and ATA. Kirstin is in Leadership classes and wants to own a studio some day. Will it happen...only she knows. I will do whatever it takes.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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The whole bf/gf thing is normal. No big deal. The relationships won't last more than a couple months in my experience either. Make sure the daughter knows about safe sex, and that it's ok not to have sex also. She should know that boys are scandalous and will use any means necessary to try and get them into bed, and that it's ok to say no to them.

I put my teenage daughters on birth control to help regulate them. It also gave me piece of mind that they wouldn't come home pregnant. Some would argue that it's basically giving them permission to have sex, but the reality is they are more than likely going to have sex with or without your permission.


Sep 25, 2008
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Yep correct Grand Master Kim. Have many pics of the kids with him. He is excellent with the children. He knows where the money comes from.

We have two ATA's here in Mission Viejo. Kids are currently being taught by a World Champ with ties to the World Federation and ATA. Kirstin is in Leadership classes and wants to own a studio some day. Will it happen...only she knows. I will do whatever it takes.

Sounds like she's got goals :thumbsup very cool :champagne:

Sorry for the t-jack Joker, but you might want to look into the ATA then if someone makes a pass she doesn't want she can just kick the shit out of those raging hormones :D


Man Eater
Dec 20, 2007
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Sorry kids, this isnt the 1950's and the "abstinence only" education does not work. Just ask Bristol Palin, who is now touting abstinence as a "teen ambassdor" for some ridiculous foundation. This is hyprocity at it's shiniest moment. Fox has audio/video clips of her boldly announcing "abstinence isn't realistic" only months prior to her new crusade. Fucking retard.

You have to arm your girls with set of balls, it's that simple. Girls who are confident, smart and are privy to OPEN sexual discussion with their parents dont buy in to the "if you love me you'll show me" bullshit game little boys with hard-ons try to pull. The girls that get sucked into the pimple-faced boner vortex are the insecure ones who haven't been exposed to the age old, horny boy tactics.

As a Dad, YOU know these tactics. Like others have mentioned in this thread, you fear boys most because you were that horny, humping chihuahua that jacked off 6 times a day to JC Penneys catalogs. If your daughter has a boyfriend and he tries to pull the guilt card she can laugh and say, "My Dad said you were going to try that!"


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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BNAG... the old self esteem shoot-down of the old guilt card...... :bowdown:

Glad I have boys. :cool:

Sorry kids, this isnt the 1950's and the "abstinence only" education does not work. Just ask Bristol Palin, who is now touting abstinence as a "teen ambassdor" for some ridiculous foundation. This is hyprocity at it's shiniest moment. Fox has audio/video clips of her boldly announcing "abstinence isn't realistic" only months prior to her new crusade. Fucking retard.

You have to arm your girls with set of balls, it's that simple. Girls who are confident, smart and are privy to OPEN sexual discussion with their parents dont buy in to the "if you love me you'll show me" bullshit game little boys with hard-ons try to pull. The girls that get sucked into the pimple-faced boner vortex are the insecure ones who haven't been exposed to the age old, horny boy tactics.

As a Dad, YOU know these tactics. Like others have mentioned in this thread, you fear boys most because you were that horny, humping chihuahua that jacked off 6 times a day to JC Penneys catalogs. If your daughter has a boyfriend and he tries to pull the guilt card she can laugh and say, "My Dad said you were going to try that!"

Sleeper CP

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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My daughter will be 13 this Summer. I'm really looking forward to this. I already know how I'm going to handle it, but some good info here nonetheless.


Sleeper CP

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Here are a few other important skills your daughter should have in her arsenal:

Teach her how to throw a spiral (football) It's a skill that will amaze boys and she'll beam with pride.

Have her help you change a tire. Let her stand on a star wrench and loosen a lug, use the jack and learn how to take the tire pressure.

Teach her basic football knowledge, like what a first and ten means. Use paper and visual aids and she'll get it. Most girls are clueless and again she'll be impowered when she reveals this information to others.

When boating, assign her particular tasks that become her responsibility solely. It can be fetching and securing the outboard flushing muffs, operating the prop tilt, or something other than just the wipe down afterwards. This gives her a sense of purpose and an understanding that boating requires teamwork.

Cook chili with her.

Take her to a swapmeet to look at shit... and point out the shit to her. Buy her an ice cream and let her pick out something she can attach to her bike (or motorcycle, or saddle, or scooter) or put in her room.

These are simple, kind of silly suggestions but I was once a little girl and I clearly remember what created an amazing bond with my Daddy.

Great post... some I've done..... I'll do the other's.



Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I met my wife when she was 3 or 4...and I was 12 or 13. Trust me, no interest at that point. I used to babysit her and her sister, family friends and when she and I started dating, my FIL couldn't give me the standard dressing down since he already liked me.

My son (13) came home with a girlfriend...she was running the show, believe me. Some of the guys in Jr High are becoming horndogs, but most are still pretty awkward...But next year in high school everything gets more complicated...all the older guys are setting examples for the younger ones, girls that were starting to bloom are full on hot...and the males brains are NOT taking responsibility for their actions yet.

The young ladies NEED to be empowered to make their own choices...because the guys already have decided that they will take what they can get.


Don't tax me bro!
Dec 19, 2007
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What a lot of these parents don't have a clue about is that these kids are watching Youporn videos on their cell phones or pc in jr high!!! No wonder these boys are so damn horny! These kids know more than most parents can imagine. Scary times!