Scary thought

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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That's quite the long winded post to simply say you demand the right to slave labor and the ability to sell our national security to the highest bidder.

View attachment 1119406

I thought it was funny that he even comments on America, his business is in Asia, and his safe spot is the Marshall Islands.

“Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d,
As home his footsteps he hath turn’d,
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonour’d, and unsung.”

Sir Walter Scott


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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That's quite the long winded post to simply say you demand the right to slave labor and the ability to sell our national security to the highest bidder.

View attachment 1119406

Here's your best shot.......



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2008
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The Michigan Bureau of Elections, a corrupt group that allowed the 2020 state election to be stolen by hundreds of ballot traffickers and tens of thousands of illegal ballots, disqualified the two leading Republican candidates for the upcoming gubernatorial election.

Former Detroit police Chief James Craig and billionaire businessman Perry Johnson were knocked out of the race today by the leftist election group. The Michigan Bureau of Elections claims they do not have enough legitimate signatures on their petitions to enter the race.

If this holds up, you should know exactly where we stand.

Tyranny is NOT defeated through the voting booth.
Remember that Michigan has a large Muslim population and the Liberals love it.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Here's your best shot.......



Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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I suppose my cheating at racing example missed the target completely.

Cheating is subjective. We all have a different threshold for cheating. We (humans) justify cheating in different ways.
The Nitros example was pretty good. Cheating? Perhaps? I think the piece of the puzzle missing is if the competitor asked and was told no. That is clearly cheating in my book. If they did not ask, then; no.

Let me share an example of how I cheated in JeepSpeed over 10 years ago. I don't race anymore. You can decide if I am a cheat and judge me accordingly.
Rule said you had to use a commercially available suspension kit. We designed our own suspension with components not available with any commercially available kit. The geometry was totally custom and it was built with robust materials not available commercially as a kit. We had a Lift kit company as a sponsor. We sent our final design to them, they manufactured it, took photos, and placed it in the company catalog for a ridiculous price. If someone wanted it, they could buy it and wait for a long lead time.

The spirit of the rules was to make the class affordable, We broke the spirit of the rule, but did not specifically violate the rule. I could give you many examples of things we did like this. In motorsports racing, this type of behavior is what is attractive to me. Study the rules and look for ways to gain an advantage. People do this with the Tax code every damn day. In the end, our effort to build an advantage trickled down into our sponsor's product line within other products. That relationship was more valuable to me than winning the race. I liked winning, but you did not really win anything of value. Desert racing in the end is an opportunity to drive your toy really fast in a somewhat safe environment.

We never blatantly cut the course.

So going to a happy finish massage parlor is not cheating. Got it


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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So going to a happy finish massage parlor is not cheating. Got it
Good one. I just couldn't quite come up with a good HE analogy for Mr. Wood. Nice. But I did just use anal and Wood in the same sentence!

Now Mr. Wood is some hard Wood. Gotta give him that. What can be gleaned from his prose? "He's a hard nut to crack." Mr. Wood IMO, is not a bad man however, and does seem to know, "It ain't right!" But. "Some Men you just can't reach."
He has feelings? Right? His essays on cheating, remind me of a story. A once in a lifetime real life story. So. Let's grab a cup, and get comfy.

Long long ago, far far away, on an unnamed jobsite OK Tri-City Hospital, someone working early saw something they weren't supposed to see.
Some of you already know where this is going. Heard stories, but never seen it. I went silent and was very glad I was hidden from view.

In there early because no way was I installing my finish product substandard, and Ironically was upping the BS substandard installation specs given to me to perform by my Joke Contractor. Because no way were my installation's going to fail, fall, and crush new Mom's and their Babies in the new Maternity suites being constructed. Also unbeknownst to my Piecework employer at that time was that I was going to be paid Prevailing wage for every second I was on that job. Compliance! Get some... They knew I was trouble, but they had to send me. Many. Many more shit stories on them.

The only reason I was there on that job, was that no-one else working there including the owner, knew how to wet test the great wet room, pre-slope from rough sub grade, and set up the test. Finally ready for me. But. After I saw what I saw, I commandeered the Plasterer's mixer right next to the Construction office trailer, and we mixed deck mud for the pre-slope in that mixer until the motor was sizzling hot and smoking. Ohh the Super did not like that. Mixer gone next day. Perfect timing. That stunt, eventually got me kicked off the job. All my work was solid, Test passed. Mission accomplished. Got paid PW.

Inspector. "You know you can't leave it like that," Rustle rustle, bills changing hands. Trade Foreman. "Well, how does it look now???"

I wonder if anybody cheated on Surfside Towers?

Mr. Wood?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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How ironic is it that a bunch of die hard Trump supporters are making moral arguments about cheating and infidelity.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Good one. I just couldn't quite come up with a good HE analogy for Mr. Wood. Nice. But I did just use anal and Wood in the same sentence!

Now Mr. Wood is some hard Wood. Gotta give him that. What can be gleaned from his prose? "He's a hard nut to crack." Mr. Wood IMO, is not a bad man however, and does seem to know, "It ain't right!" But. "Some Men you just can't reach."
He has feelings? Right? His essays on cheating, remind me of a story. A once in a lifetime real life story. So. Let's grab a cup, and get comfy.

Long long ago, far far away, on an unnamed jobsite OK Tri-City Hospital, someone working early saw something they weren't supposed to see.
Some of you already know where this is going. Heard stories, but never seen it. I went silent and was very glad I was hidden from view.

In there early because no way was I installing my finish product substandard, and Ironically was upping the BS substandard installation specs given to me to perform by my Joke Contractor. Because no way were my installation's going to fail, fall, and crush new Mom's and their Babies in the new Maternity suites being constructed. Also unbeknownst to my Piecework employer at that time was that I was going to be paid Prevailing wage for every second I was on that job. Compliance! Get some... They knew I was trouble, but they had to send me. Many. Many more shit stories on them.

The only reason I was there on that job, was that no-one else working there including the owner, knew how to wet test the great wet room, pre-slope from rough sub grade, and set up the test. Finally ready for me. But. After I saw what I saw, I commandeered the Plasterer's mixer right next to the Construction office trailer, and we mixed deck mud for the pre-slope in that mixer until the motor was sizzling hot and smoking. Ohh the Super did not like that. Mixer gone next day. Perfect timing. That stunt, eventually got me kicked off the job. All my work was solid, Test passed. Mission accomplished. Got paid PW.

Inspector. "You know you can't leave it like that," Rustle rustle, bills changing hands. Trade Foreman. "Well, how does it look now???"

I wonder if anybody cheated on Surfside Towers?

Mr. Wood?
Sorry but @H20 Toie and his 2am drunken missives are easier to follow.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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My format SUX! No apologies necessary TG. Taken as a compliment! H2O Toie is most definitely a Role Model. Indeed, some people are visual learners!
I do like, and have heard some really good Oilfield stories, if you don't like True Tales from the Jobsite. But you are right, they are kinda hard to follow.
I like Oilfield stories. A LOT more fistfights! Now rhetorically speaking? "In my book?" Divorce, Ex Wife, and Ex GF stories are where the real action is.

Not entirely sure if anal, and wood, or hard, and wood is a violation of the Rule of Wood. Not used with on, or, used in the same sentence. I think according to the rules, I'm good.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Here's a Scary thought, from Kurt Schilichter,

Sometimes something is so horrifying that you simply cannot process it – your brain tells you that it’s not real, that it can’t be real, but the horror now approaching us is all too real. Millions of people are likely to starve to death in the next year – we know it’s coming, we know why, and yet our garbage ruling caste is paralyzed. Inflation, particularly of fossil fuels, and the crop failures caused by lack of fertilizers (again, exacerbated by lack of fossil fuels), will mean mass starvation. Oh, when the TV is filled with pictures of skeletal kids, the regime adherents will rage at us for letting this happen, but they are the architects of this massacre. And they could stop it, if they wanted to, by opening up America’s oil tap.

But they are choosing not to act to stop it.

Not because all of them necessarily prefer that millions of people, primarily in the Third World, to die, though some are certainly not all that displeased. After all, their hideous ideology butchered 100 million people in the last century. But the elite will accept it as the cost of their rule.

Think that’s nuts? Crazy talk? Look at the prog abortion freaks, happy to kill a baby seconds before it sees sunlight if that’s the birthing parent’s whim. Look at the ones crowing about how it was the Jesus-gun people who would die from COVID. Tell me again how much they care about humans who get in their way. No, none of them is willing to do what it will take to derail the death train roaring down the tracks. What it will take is repudiating their poisonous fetishes about the climate hoax, and they can’t do it. They won’t do it. No, they will instead allow millions of sacrifices to appease the angry weather god.

And they will lie and blame us when this is all their doing, all the result of their choices stemming from their bizarre obsession with the greatest fraud in scientific history.

The coming food apocalypse is because of fossil fuels, or rather, the lack of them. Now, we do not lack fossil fuels in any real terms. We have more reserves and more capacity than ever to supply the miracle product that creates the fertilizers that grow the food and fuels the transport that moves it to hungry people around the globe. But our rulers hate oil, the same substance that lifted much of the world out of poverty and would do the same to the rest of humanity if they would only get out of the way.

Yet they won’t. The anti-fossil fuel fanatics are caught up in their pagan climate religion – something had to fill the void in their empty souls when they rejected actual religion as too constraining of their creepy appetites. Their half-nelson on fossil fuel and their denial of access to it by others means they have power. As with everything about the international establishment, this is about power. It’s about the power to deny you the autonomy that cars give you, the joy that grilling a rib-eye provides. Does it hurt them if you can go where you want and do as you please thanks to oil? No. They just get off on being able to rule over you.

And their jollies are going to kill millions in the Third World, but our frivolous ruling class doesn’t care about dead Bangladeshis any more than it cared about your family when your job got shifted the Szechuan in the name of globalism or your kid got creeped on by some groomer pervert at the unionized Democrat-run public school.

Go to the Safeway. Check out the prices. Got to the Shell station. Check out the price per gallon. You’ll find a way to pay it. It will hurt, a lot, and your life will get worse, but you’ll live. But what does someone in Zimbabwe eat when the diesel that carries the grain has doubled in price, and so has the grain itself? That mom in Zimbabwe dies after watching her babies die.

Well, we all know how much the left cares about babies.

We all know the solution – it’s right there. Unleash America’s energy industry. Stop slow-walking permits, stop banning leases, re-start Keystone. Drill, drill, drill. That’s the solution. More fossil fuels, even without Russia – whose supplies are out of bounds because our trash president and his coterie of incompetents gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine. But the ideologues and nuts in the bureaucracy are dedicated to destroying fossil fuels as an energy source.

We never voted for that. Though you would have heard it if you paid attention to what they said when they thought no one was listening, one ever said to us openly, “Hey, we want to raise the price of gas to $10 a gallon so suddenly the green scams of our campaign contributors will be economically viable.” Oh, they said it to and among themselves – this is not happenstance but a plan. They want this, and if scores of African babies die because the price of food gets too high and the supply to low, oh well. Just more collateral damage in the quest for swell feelz thanks to the faux-faith of the coastal elite.

JJ McClure

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2022
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I've never taken an "IQ" test...I was an honors student in high school, and my SAT scores were supposedly good...

I've swung a hammer and turned wrenches to make a living, and met some of the dumbest "smart" people to walk the planet.
How "smart", or how rich, doesn't make anyone any better of person.

Case in point: Bill Gates. Smart, wealthy...and a complete waste of air!
MW. Go online to take a Mesna IQ test. I’ll wager that you pass and they ask you for money to join. 😊


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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May 19, 2014
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Yes yes yes…”the ones you can’t see”…I‘ve experienced this several years ago.…Shared it here on this website. Almost all members laughed and ran me off the site. While running, I tripped and found the door to the dungeon and have been down here mostly…however the evil ones, the truly evil ones, come in here to recruit, to fortify and strengthen the DEMONcrat army…you can smell it

The ones you can’t see” refers to the Visible Light Spectrum. Few gifted humans can see infrared, ultra violet and other lower & higher frequencies but most humans can only see within the VLS. However, all humans can smell the evil near them. It is a strong rotting meat and and sulfur smell. If a person is alone, and feels their fingers & toes suddenly becoming cold (like ice), an overwhelming feeling of fear and a strong stench of death, then the evil is in their face, mocking and fucking with them outside the Visible Light Spectrum…sometimes a burning sensation and scratches will be felt/seen…if the person expresses a lot of fear (it is very scary and natural human reaction) the entity can easily possess and the persons thoughts will be HORRIBLE…

So, yes….the ones you can’t see…is real