Russia and Ukraine

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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@530RL, Putin was KGB, no praise to him from me.
In the 50's , we had to have our radio's volume turned all the way down, while listening to Free Europe radio's broadcast in hungarian. If anyone eavesdropped outside of our door, could have reported us to the AVO [ the hungarian version of the KGB in Russia, ] and being taken away. After the revolution, Russia started easing off slowly, still ruling the country by hardline commies in our government, until 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down. I'm glad, here in Canada or the US, we can criticize or governments and politicians on social media, without being rounded up. However, as the trucker's protests shown, our PM and his cronies can change that freedom of expression at the whim, that freedom eroded by the government's action. We only hope that tyrant will be gone after the next election.
For those who're interested reading about how oppressive governments work, read here about Hungary during the dark ages in the 50's.
The AVO (Allamvedelmi Osztaly) was Hungary’s State Security Agency a much hated and much feared secret police. The work of the AVO was one of the main causes of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising.
https://www.historylearningsite.co....i Osztaly) was,of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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It’s the governments fault that people become drug addicts? What about personal responsibility?

Your true liberal beliefs become more evident with each post.
I agree with you on this, the weak minded populace hooked on drugs, willingly supporting the cartels, are the main problem. However, drug problems seem to spread like cancer even to the hardline communist country like Russia.
Just binge watched the re-run of NARCO on the History channel today.
George Bush senior kept saying "We'll end this war on drug, mark my world". what a dreamer he was. Condolezza Rice now on saying that Biden towards Ukraine is in the right direction, but aid is a little bit behind:rolleyes:. Another dreamer, albeit I didn't mind her while in office, but now she's in denial how corrupt politician are in general.

I don't want this war to involve the whole world as I said before, the length of the fuse lit on Ukraine/Russia is not known. The US and its allies can't save the entire world , we're not on the same wavelength, culturally and politically. End of my rant on this subject from now on.;)
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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If you were Ukrainian would you surrender to Russia and bow to Putin, or would you fight to defend your country, your homeland and your home which they are destroying?

I suspect both you and I know the answer. 🤔
If I were born in Ukraine to Russian parents, and spoke Russian...like my acquaintances that lived near Mariupol...I probably wouldn't be bowing to anyone, but fighting for survival before they got there. If someone came here and told me it was a crime to speak English, or persecute me for my books or even my church, yes, I'd fight and die if need be. Expecting another culture to give up so easily is foolish.

I don't bow down, kneel or kiss the ring of any man, or ideological leader. That is quite possibly why I haven't attained any great wealth of the monetary type. I'm quite good with that. I wasn't raised to be a blind follower or a minion.

From a geopolitical standpoint, this isn't much different than Suni or Shia. The colors of the skin are different, as are the uniforms, but those propping up a side are no different though...the same old folks.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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I get it.

Romney and McCain were spewing warnings about Putnik invading Ukraine over 8 years ago. Most likely the main reason Trump disliked them.

Ukraine knew this of course and with its wealth did little to prepare. Little is an understatement.

Money for weapons and preparedness went into politicians pockets instead. Vast amounts.

Biden just as corrupt as is most in congress. The Sam Bankman coverups and Hunters laptop info hold and are good examples.

Vlad the Putnik is a rodent. Slaughtering 100’s of thousands trying to recapture his KGB glory.

Putnik is the wealthiest man in the world, not Musk. He takes a 50% rake from the Oligarchs.

Well over a trillion dollars to date. Imagine how that could have benefited his country.
Yeah, not our problem. I get that too.

Ukrainian people are just as victims of corrupt government as we are.

You can argue if Zelensky is a corrupt politician as the rest, I wager he isn’t.
$2.5 million wealth. He did 5 feature length movies earning $500k each,, do the math.

Russia will always be a ruthless , gruesome bully towards the USA and the rest of the world.
It’ll never change. Never.
Ya stand up to bully’s.

Ukies are willing to shed their blood. We can provide help - because we can.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I get it.

Romney and McCain were spewing warnings about Putnik invading Ukraine over 8 years ago. Most likely the main reason Trump disliked them.

Ukraine knew this of course and with its wealth did little to prepare. Little is an understatement.

Money for weapons and preparedness went into politicians pockets instead. Vast amounts.

Biden just as corrupt as is most in congress. The Sam Bankman coverups and Hunters laptop info hold and are good examples.

Vlad the Putnik is a rodent. Slaughtering 100’s of thousands trying to recapture his KGB glory.

Putnik is the wealthiest man in the world, not Musk. He takes a 50% rake from the Oligarchs.

Well over a trillion dollars to date. Imagine how that could have benefited his country.
Yeah, not our problem. I get that too.

Ukrainian people are just as victims of corrupt government as we are.

You can argue if Zelensky is a corrupt politician as the rest, I wager he isn’t.
$2.5 million wealth. He did 5 feature length movies earning $500k each,, do the math.

Russia will always be a ruthless , gruesome bully towards the USA and the rest of the world.
It’ll never change. Never.
Ya stand up to bully’s.

Ukies are willing to shed their blood. We can provide help - because we can.
I definitely agree with you on many of the points you made. Zelensky is probably not as "successful" as a greedy politician, but I don't believe that's for lack of effort. Hell, he just hasn't played the game near as long. Some in our government have probably been selling us out longer than I've been alive.

Putin being the wealthiest man alive? I remember hearing that years back. The story I heard was an oligarch helped put him in power. Shortly after, said oligarch died a shady death. Fits the bill, KGB guy didn't want a leash I suppose. From what I see, essentially Putin is an oligarch, just one with a title. We don't use the term oligarchy to describe people here. For some reason, it is only used for Russians. Really, when one looks at our own system, we have them here. There are big power players making decisions, and many others just for show it seems.

As for Russia being the gruesome bully towards us and the world: Many countries have had American military action. Some not as clean as others. All lead to civilian deaths by us and our foes. We have bases on three sides of Russia, and subs to the north. If Russia were to arm and back the Mexican government, we'd probably blow a gasket. We all talk about the Cuban missile crisis, but seem to forget nukes in Turkey...which we have on an airbase today.

We all live in a glass house, Russian and American people. Slamming the door in anger won't work out well for any of us.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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It is a fair point that I personally do not have any proof of who did the killing of these people. And even with proof it will not matter as even in America many still believe the holocaust never happened or was exaggerated. I have no personal proof that the holocaust ever happened, but I still believe it did. It is what it is.

You lived through this younger in life and so I certainly respect your view that Russia may possibly be the good actor here or right in invading Ukraine starting in 2014. There are many all over the world and even in here who believe Russia invaded Ukraine for the sake of saving humanity and ending Nazism. That like the soldier you met, they are the good actors.

My views come from my time working for the US government in Central America in the 80’s. I had a different experience with communism. But to your point, it was US backed individuals that raped and tortured the four Catholic missionaries in El Salvador. We can always find in war where both sides engage in atrocities.

The question remains for policy makers; which side should one come down on? As the last remaining superpower and the muscle behind NATO, it is pretty hard to stand on the sidelines given the US responsibility under Article 5. And I simply agree with the majority of US and our Western allies policy position that if Putin is not stopped in Ukraine, it only gets worse for the west leading to more bloodshed and loss of US troops on the ground in Poland and other NATO countries. I accept that people disagree with that assessment and they should vote for those that agree with their assessment while I vote for those that agree with mine. That is a luxury we have in America.

So we support the views that we have. And even history will never tell us who was right and who was wrong as it is always written by the victors as you point out above and even then many people will never change their mind, such as we see relating to the holocaust to this day.

At least you and I can disagree civilly.
Its not that hard


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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I get it.

Romney and McCain were spewing warnings about Putnik invading Ukraine over 8 years ago. Most likely the main reason Trump disliked them.

Ukraine knew this of course and with its wealth did little to prepare. Little is an understatement.

Money for weapons and preparedness went into politicians pockets instead. Vast amounts.

Biden just as corrupt as is most in congress. The Sam Bankman coverups and Hunters laptop info hold and are good examples.

Vlad the Putnik is a rodent. Slaughtering 100’s of thousands trying to recapture his KGB glory.

Putnik is the wealthiest man in the world, not Musk. He takes a 50% rake from the Oligarchs.

Well over a trillion dollars to date. Imagine how that could have benefited his country.
Yeah, not our problem. I get that too.

Ukrainian people are just as victims of corrupt government as we are.

You can argue if Zelensky is a corrupt politician as the rest, I wager he isn’t.
$2.5 million wealth. He did 5 feature length movies earning $500k each,, do the math.

Russia will always be a ruthless , gruesome bully towards the USA and the rest of the world.
It’ll never change. Never.
Ya stand up to bully’s.

Ukies are willing to shed their blood. We can provide help - because we can.
I did the math.

However, I didn’t fact check it yet.


Head Ram Rod
Apr 11, 2011
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This is what I’ve been saying the entire time. Look up footage of Vietnam, Iraqi, Afghanistan. You see actual fighting with both sides being shown, chaos. You look at the video of Ukraine and it looks fake, not detailed at all, can’t tell what it is and when they show tanks or apc s they look are just driving down the road like they do on maneuvers. Probably footage from war games and training. In the beginning some of the shit was from video games. Looks staged


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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I get it.

Romney and McCain were spewing warnings about Putnik invading Ukraine over 8 years ago. Most likely the main reason Trump disliked them.

Ukraine knew this of course and with its wealth did little to prepare. Little is an understatement.

Money for weapons and preparedness went into politicians pockets instead. Vast amounts.

Biden just as corrupt as is most in congress. The Sam Bankman coverups and Hunters laptop info hold and are good examples.

Vlad the Putnik is a rodent. Slaughtering 100’s of thousands trying to recapture his KGB glory.

Putnik is the wealthiest man in the world, not Musk. He takes a 50% rake from the Oligarchs.

Well over a trillion dollars to date. Imagine how that could have benefited his country.
Yeah, not our problem. I get that too.

Ukrainian people are just as victims of corrupt government as we are.

You can argue if Zelensky is a corrupt politician as the rest, I wager he isn’t.
$2.5 million wealth. He did 5 feature length movies earning $500k each,, do the math.

Russia will always be a ruthless , gruesome bully towards the USA and the rest of the world.
It’ll never change. Never.
Ya stand up to bully’s.

Ukies are willing to shed their blood. We can provide help - because we can.
really ? did you get that right from CNN?


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Someone fucked up the propaganda shot.
Both sides have soldiers posting things on social media that their commanders would freak out about. Sometimes it's stuff like this, something to anger people. Other times, it can just be a soldier complaining about his supplies or situation. The ones that have gotten my attention though, are the ones of soldiers goofing off, trying to make the best of crappy times. Both sides have trained killers, but both sides have guys that would rather be elsewhere. If you were to remove the patches on their gear, they are still men, not monsters as the media paints


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Could you please post this treaty where Ukraine signed a binding commitment with Russia not to join NATO?
Could you please post this treaty where Ukraine signed a binding commitment with Russia not to join NATO?

My mistake it was an agreement with nato that no country bordering Russia would ever be allowed into nato.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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With my net worth, and yours, I'm fairly positive you've sent way more than myself already. Simply transferring money will not stop this war. In just this past year, the American tax payers have spent more in Ukraine than the 20 in Afghanistan.

You speak of appeasement...odd, that the article is pointing out the appeasement towards the Nazi party. Kind of like the giving of money and weapons towards the Nazis in Ukraine? Backing a regime to fight the Russians has not worked out well in the long game.

How many wars have been fought for "democracy" since WWII? How many Americans have died to spread "democracy"? How has that worked out? The joy of capitalism is selling for profit. For some reason, the powers that be have learned selling souls is the biggest winner. Not their own, but those of others.

As a father of two teenage boys, no, I don't want them to fight a war for some idiots' wealth. As a father of a daughter preparing to start an internship at an "alphabet agency", I don't want her involved in this crap either. As a person who's seen the aftermath of violence and bloodshed, I'd really rather no other person be involved.

You sit high on your hill, in your childless castle, and spur on the horsemen. You've probably never heard the cries of a mother at her son's funeral...not from your hill. The flags draped over the caskets of soldiers are a nice gesture, but do nothing to fill the hole left.
Quit giving them money and weapons. It will end really quick


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Well, yesterday there was video posted to social media, from some Russian town I can't remember (and surely couldn't spell or pronounce) of a Topol and support convoy headed up the road. Tiny town, so everyone stopped and was murmuring to each other...not often an ICBM rolls through Mayberry I'd guess.

In China, for the past few weeks they've been moving military equipment south to the beaches. Taiwan may be in for a shit storm soon. What really is frightening, China is mobilizing stored equipment in their Xinjiang province to the north, close to Russia. This can't be good.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Both sides have soldiers posting things on social media that their commanders would freak out about. Sometimes it's stuff like this, something to anger people. Other times, it can just be a soldier complaining about his supplies or situation. The ones that have gotten my attention though, are the ones of soldiers goofing off, trying to make the best of crappy times. Both sides have trained killers, but both sides have guys that would rather be elsewhere. If you were to remove the patches on their gear, they are still men, not monsters as the media paints

"they are still men, not monsters"
Really ?

Not one or the other, but both creatures sharing the same vessel.
Meeting your monster the first time, that shocking realization that you in fact are "The Monster", isn't an experience you'll ever forget, but most will try.
Then there's those who discover they enjoyed it.

If you've never met your own, consider yourself most fortunate, but I surmise you've gotten a glimpse.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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"they are still men, not monsters"
Really ?

Not one or the other, but both creatures sharing the same vessel.
Meeting your monster the first time, that shocking realization that you in fact are "The Monster", isn't an experience you'll ever forget, but most will try.
Then there's those who discover they enjoyed it.

If you've never met your own, consider yourself most fortunate, but I surmise you've gotten a glimpse.
I read that later, and thought more about it. There are those that go in with the intentions of doing harm and monstrous things, maybe find joy in it. I believe those are the minority...I hope they are at least. I believe most are normal men, forced into doing horrible things. Be it from pressure of command, or the instinct for survival, the actions taken don't usually reflect what that man wanted to be in this life.

As for me, I know what I have been capable of, both good and bad. I try not to look in the mirror much. Maybe someday I'll feel I balanced the scales, but not yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I read that later, and thought more about it. There are those that go in with the intentions of doing harm and monstrous things, maybe find joy in it. I believe those are the minority...I hope they are at least. I believe most are normal men, forced into doing horrible things. Be it from pressure of command, or the instinct for survival, the actions taken don't usually reflect what that man wanted to be in this life.

As for me, I know what I have been capable of, both good and bad. I try not to look in the mirror much. Maybe someday I'll feel I balanced the scales, but not yet.
That voice that whispers, "You can't deny, it felt good" For some, we reel in revolt seeking repentance, for others, it's a Siren's call.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Russia's military factories have been in overdrive 24/7, ratcheted up ten times the volume since the conflict started. Good luck hoping they'll run out of ammo too. This push to enter NATO in Ukraine will be the nail in the coffin for any chance of negotiations for peace in the region. It doesn't look good pushing the Russian rats in the corner. Wishful thinking of these NATO think tanks, Russia would back down, especially now China formed alliance. Bad times ahead IMO. 80 yrs since WWII, we had a long run.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Russia's military factories have been in overdrive 24/7, ratcheted up ten times the volume since the conflict started. Good luck hoping they'll run out of ammo too. This push to enter NATO in Ukraine will be the nail in the coffin for any chance of negotiations for peace in the region. It doesn't look good pushing the Russian rats in the corner. Wishful thinking of these NATO think tanks, Russia would back down, especially now China formed alliance. Bad times ahead IMO.

Kremlin: West Pumping Weapons Into Ukraine Could Bring 'Apocalypse'

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"Lose for everyone. Collapse. Apocalypse."

TUE FEB 28, AT 9:30 AM

The psychopaths of the West want annihilation.................to cover their robbing tracks.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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That voice that whispers, "You can't deny, it felt good" For some, we reel in revolt seeking repentance, for others, it's a Siren's call.
"The same vessel..."
The Duality of Man...Probably one of the more frightening concepts in humanity.

Some seek to fill the new found need, others may seek forgiveness...and some await their reckoning for periods of both😞


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Zelensky Hints At Withdrawing From Russian-Encircled Bakhmut: 'Out Of Options'

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Mainstream media dramatically changes tune: "Russians tighten noose on Ukraine's Bakhmut."

TUE FEB 28, AT 10:50 AM
Have you seen the videos of "recruitment" in Odessa and the west? Not a lot of volunteers, more like kidnapping. Ukrainian soldiers have been given at most 2 weeks of training and then sent to the front.

Now, Russia has taken the roads and railway into Bakhmut, making resupply of troops and equipment difficult. About 2 weeks ago, they started digging trenches to fall back to.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Just because Joe thinks you’re NATO. Doesn’t mean you’re NATO



To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Well joy...yesterday drones were flown over the border into Russia. The day before, a drone attack was made in Belarus. Today, drones were flown into Crimea. No deaths reported at any of the three, maybe testing?


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Ukrainian militants (mix of AZOV and Russian Nazi types) made an incursion into Russia this morning. Shot up some cars, possibly killed two civilians and wounded a kid. Took out a sub station and then held some hostages...supposedly they bailed south back over the border. Posted a video online asking Russians to stand against Putin.
Also artillery fired into the Kursk region, no injuries reported yet.
3 or 4 recon planes making race tracks at the border. Probably orchestrated attacks to check military response and timing.

And China's Foreign Minister made a statement to the effect that the Americans need to have less illusions as to the future of Taiwan...
Shit Howdy, they don't usually make statements. They usually just do things first.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
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Yes, when given the choice between allowing communist Russia to roll through Europe, as Putin has stated he would do; or arm Ukraine in their fight against wholesale war crimes including genocide and rape against civilians and children, I am quite comfortable in what I believe, support and defend. And if Ukraine loses due to the shortsighted views of the MAGA crowd restricting aid, I understand it will be US personnel then defending NATO from further communist aggression and expansion with American boots on the ground.

And I accept you and MAGA are willing to ignore such crimes against humanity as well as support the dismantling of the post war stability throughout Europe and our NATO allies by aligning with and cheering on communist Russia. I am just grateful there are enough “RINO’s” who know that freedom and liberty is worth defending.

What is your take on LIV golf?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth

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"Not long ago, these were denounced as Putin talking points."

THU MAR 2, AT 7:12 AM

"It is a very, very dangerous standoff.. it's hard to see how you reach a negotiation over that. There's military absolutely everywhere, it is a military town," he continued, before saying...

"When for example Victoria Nuland talks about that at the very least we [the US] want Crimea to be demilitarized, I find myself standing there and wondering, how on earth does that happen?"
