Really nervous


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Rod you think government thieves are better off spending yore money than you yoreself are?

are you a dumb mother-ucker or what?

and guess what when all those rich guys and corporations are taxed less they spend more and reinvest into the economy...

guess what when big bad rich people make money they spend it...

guess what when they spend that money then people get work and people get yobs...

contractors get remodels, houses sell, merchandise gets bought etc...

then guess what those people with yobs spend money...

get the picture?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
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On a much smaller scale but something I was stunned to see...
In Santa fe which is the Libtard capital of the Southwest.
There's been 30/40 people weekly standing on the medians of the largest intersection in town waving Trump flags&holding Rally's.
The people doing this were virtually ALL Hispanic.
I'm Hispanic and it really made an impact seeing that...it was awesome.
Other than a couple old grey haired Croc wearing Bull Dykes holding signs on a random corner. I haven't seen a single Biden rally anywhere
Last month a group of radical leftist's pulled down a 100 year old monument in the Plaza&filmed it.
The backlash was immediate&very vocal.
It really pissed the native locals off.
Stuff like that gives me faith that the tide may be turning...


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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never underestimate the love either..
That said, I rarely hear the left scream, burn shit down and destroy history because of their love of this great nation.
Touche. I never claimed to be an intellectual. The proof is 12 years strong. LOL


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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I had ONE JOB!! LOL Fixed. :p

Tom was without a doubt the best. He could tell you that you were a complete idiot, and it would take you two days to figure it out!

A number of times I had to Google the words he would use. :rolleyes:

Got to go to Catalina on OC's boat with Tom and his wife one weekend. Super nice guy. I really do miss his "charm" on here.

Reddy Too

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2008
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We have a lot of farming and pork operations. This White House has not been good for farming or for pork operations as the biggest market is export for both. Same goes for specialty steel manufacturers; this administrations policies have also been harmful to their operations.

Same thing goes if one works in a business that has parts, components, assemblies or anything else in their supply chain sourced in China, like most manufacturers in the US.

I understand the argument by some that such actions by this administration are good for America long term, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are bad for those with such operations or supply chains today. And it doesn’t change the argument that these actions are not consistent with smaller government.

So at the end of the day, it just depends upon where one sits. Some argue that these moves are good. At the same time some on the other side argue making education free, especially trade education that leads to sustainable employment is good for America’s competitiveness while those that support this administration believes free trade education or any other type of higher education is too much government. That argument will continue long after we have left this planet.

This administration like all administrations has implemented policies that are good for some and bad for others. That is an objective fact. No President can implement polices that are good for everyone.

On the whole, as Austin Powers said, we will see how the majority of people come down on these policies, whether it be the electoral college for President or the popular vote for the House and Senate?

Elections are not won or lost by the base majorities but by the margins. Trump may win in a landslide. But it will not come down to those at either candidates rallies but by those not at their rallies.

Who is we? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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Who is we? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
Farming and pork operations at the base of Squaw peak Mt. in Phoenix are UGE. Get it. LOL
I would say Camelback but he is on the west side of 40th st.


I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
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We have a lot of farming and pork operations. This White House has not been good for farming or for pork operations as the biggest market is export for both. Same goes for specialty steel manufacturers; this administrations policies have also been harmful to their operations.

Same thing goes if one works in a business that has parts, components, assemblies or anything else in their supply chain sourced in China, like most manufacturers in the US.

I understand the argument by some that such actions by this administration are good for America long term, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are bad for those with such operations or supply chains today. And it doesn’t change the argument that these actions are not consistent with smaller government.

So at the end of the day, it just depends upon where one sits. Some argue that these moves are good. At the same time some on the other side argue making education free, especially trade education that leads to sustainable employment is good for America’s competitiveness while those that support this administration believes free trade education or any other type of higher education is too much government. That argument will continue long after we have left this planet.

This administration like all administrations has implemented policies that are good for some and bad for others. That is an objective fact. No President can implement polices that are good for everyone.

On the whole, as Austin Powers said, we will see how the majority of people come down on these policies, whether it be the electoral college for President or the popular vote for the House and Senate?

Elections are not won or lost by the base majorities but by the margins. Trump may win in a landslide. But it will not come down to those at either candidates rallies but by those not at their rallies.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

Suck it up buttercup! 😁

Reddy Too

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2008
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Farming and pork operations at the base of Squaw peak Mt. in Phoenix are UGE. Get it. LOL
I would say Camelback but he is on the west side of 40th st.

I would imagine that the farming and pork operations are just a simile for his operations in the Far East. Hogs are cheaper than children.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Don’t he stupid..

I would imagine that the farming and pork operations are just a simile for his operations in the Far East. Hogs are cheaper than children.

people can disagree without being like that


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2013
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This White House has not been good for farming or for pork operations as the biggest market is export for both. Same goes for specialty steel manufacturers; this administrations policies have also been harmful to their operations.

Blah Blah

I understand the argument by some that such actions by this administration are good for America long term, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are bad for those with such operations or supply chains today. And it doesn’t change the argument that these actions are not consistent with smaller government.

So at the end of the day, it just depends upon where one sits. Some argue that these moves are good. At the same time some on the other side argue making education free, especially trade education that leads to sustainable employment is good for America’s competitiveness while those that support this administration believes free trade education or any other type of higher education is too much government. That argument will continue long after we have left this planet.

Ok, I get it, you claim to believe in free trade.

But to compare what Trump is doing to calls for federal free college is asinine.

Lets look at what the federal government is supposed to do.

Common defense: It could be easily argued that if a certain country is actively stealing intellectual property, including defense technology, then to take drastic measures up to and including kinetic responses, that would be an exercise of the federal requirement to provide for the common defense. It could also be argued that if certain countries are trying to corner markets in good required for the health, welfare, and general commerce of the US, and then in the case of a national emergency, they decided to withhold those goods to try to force a tempered response to the fact that they unleashed a biological weapon on the world, that punishing them, and trying to move that production back to the US would also fall under that same general defense.

Interstate commerce: Yeah, his international stuff does not do much here.

International treaties: I would say that his decisions would clearly fit here. They might not be treaties you wanted, but they are clearly fall under the limited government restrictions I see. I will say this. My version of free trade is where it is free both directions. If it is not, then it is not free trade. It is actually economic warfare. And when one side decides to fight a war, and the other side decides to not even try to fight, that usually ends with the side that is not fighting losing. The only difference here, is you are betting that your side will not lose until after you die, and in the mean time you can get rich on the sidelines of this war.

Free schools: I am not sure how you would fit that under the powers of the federal government. You are going to have to enlighten me.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Ok, I get it, you claim to believe in free trade.

But to compare what Trump is doing to calls for federal free college is asinine.

Lets look at what the federal government is supposed to do.

Common defense: It could be easily argued that if a certain country is actively stealing intellectual property, including defense technology, then to take drastic measures up to and including kinetic responses, that would be an exercise of the federal requirement to provide for the common defense. It could also be argued that if certain countries are trying to corner markets in good required for the health, welfare, and general commerce of the US, and then in the case of a national emergency, they decided to withhold those goods to try to force a tempered response to the fact that they unleashed a biological weapon on the world, that punishing them, and trying to move that production back to the US would also fall under that same general defense.

Interstate commerce: Yeah, his international stuff does not do much here.

International treaties: I would say that his decisions would clearly fit here. They might not be treaties you wanted, but they are clearly fall under the limited government restrictions I see. I will say this. My version of free trade is where it is free both directions. If it is not, then it is not free trade. It is actually economic warfare. And when one side decides to fight a war, and the other side decides to not even try to fight, that usually ends with the side that is not fighting losing. The only difference here, is you are betting that your side will not lose until after you die, and in the mean time you can get rich on the sidelines of this war.

Free schools: I am not sure how you would fit that under the powers of the federal government. You are going to have to enlighten me.

He’s simply bitching because it affected his bottom line and hurt his investors margins.
He is on record as saying that morals have no place in a boardroom if one is to answer to investors.
He is not wrong. He is absolutely correct and is speaking as one who claims to have made that very mistake early in his “career” as globalist ghoul.
So when you read his opinions you have to remember that he is speaking as one void of any and all business morals, as he is guided strictly by margins.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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He’s simply bitching because it affected his bottom line and hurt his investors margins.
He is on record as saying that morals have no place in a boardroom if one is to answer to investors.
He is not wrong. He is absolutely correct and is speaking as one who claims to have made that very mistake early in his “career” as globalist ghoul.
So when you read his opinions you have to remember that he is speaking as one void of any and all business morals, as he is guided strictly by margins.

When dealing with investors would you not be incumbent to the bottom line?

I understand how cold that sounds, abd I run small business so I can afford to have morality.. but if dealing with a board and investors wouldn’t the only loyalty be to the bottom line? Big business is ruthless.


Dec 19, 2007
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I am hopeful that Trump will win. I like what I am seeing the past couple of weeks. Trump supporters rising up and showing the volume that are out there. We need to find Trump’s replacement for 2024 and get that transition going NOW. There is a movement andwWe can‘t allow the alt left to get a hold of the presidency. Let’s keep the train rolling!!!!!!
I’ll hang a
“Pence 24’ America Keeps Getting Greater”

flag on my boat the day we get the answer that we all pray for.


Dec 19, 2007
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I agree. Pence would be the obvious choice but will need to start grooming himself to take over now. If he can find a way to be as energizing and positive as Trump for our economy and freedom, but can also find a way to create a message that is not quite as devisive as Trump, it would mean some amazing things for the future of our country!

I’d never more than seen photos of VP Pence, till the debate with Harris, and all i can say is his reply’s where spot on, and just hearing him speak reminded me of Obuma, but in a great way.
Obuma was one of the greatest speakers ever, he could convince eskimos to buy ice and turn the ac on, and i saw that but with a lot more heart and soul out of VP Pence.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Its truly hard to believe you actually believe this statement. Everyone's business model is affected, unless you are a corporate giant or in government Biden is a disaster for your business. The rest of America actually appreciates small business and that is who Trump supported with his actual policies.

Btw this comes from someone who would probably get more business from Biden (well Harris/AOC), ie solar credits, but the Tax and Regulatory burdens imposed would take even more of the profits. Proudly Voted in person yesterday, Trump 2020!
I’m with you. A Biden win probably works well for me. I’m a union carpenter. TRUMP 2020


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2020
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I’m with you. A Biden win probably works well for me. I’m a union carpenter. TRUMP 2020
You are wrong, the bottom will drop out of your pension if Biden is elected stock market will probably crash

Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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11:00 PM, yes PM last night in Miami. Ended at 12:45 AM.

F’ing madman on the loose!! 👍


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Why? Easy, Socialism has never worked.

Now please enlighten us with why we should follow you and yours. Why Biden? Use your words please.

I‘m not asking you or anyone else here to follow anything. Please, vote how you see fit.

The short answer for me is we’ve been headed down the wrong road for years with regard to infrustructure investment, healthcare, insurance and tax policy.

The Tax RefOrm and Jobs Act was a massive unfunded stimulus plan that will never pay for itself while piling on debt. Full disclosure, I’ve made a chunk in the market during the last four years, actually the last 10.

People need access to quality healthcare that doesn’t shift the entire burden on the rest of us, inluding small business owner. I don’t know that insurance reform in the form of the ACA is the answer either.

The rest is pretty self explanatory.

The “why” question was regarding why the market is going to tank.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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To the point of being worried, yes. I am worried about loss of freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Some have no bearing on me, as I am not in business with manufacturing or investing. I fear over reach and control, being told what I must believe, and what I am no longer allowed to practice.

I fear the day books are burned, and groups are persecuted.

I have a wife that is a teacher...dems love bribing them with pay raises. I have 3 kids, that will probably go on to higher education..."free" college is a good deal for me.

What is the actual price to be paid though, for all these "free" things? I'd rather struggle, and owe no one.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Why? Easy, Socialism has never worked.

Now please enlighten us with why we should follow you and yours. Why Biden? Use your words please.

Here's what he won't tell you Basil.


The Fed has no choice but to step in and keep bailing out, a full-blown market crash is simply an inconceivable scenario for a country where private sector financial assets now represent a record 6.2x the GDP and millions upon millions of pensions rely on it. The pitchforks that will be out in that scenario is what DC is truly afraid of.

The market LOVES the printing press and as much as I love Trump, the market is a House of Cards supported by the Fed at this point. They will continue to save it for as long as they can and the upside is short term, but when that baby goes, it's going to be an f'ing blood bath. 👎


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Here's what he won't tell you Basil.

View attachment 938480

The Fed has no choice but to step in and keep bailing out, a full-blown market crash is simply an inconceivable scenario for a country where private sector financial assets now represent a record 6.2x the GDP and millions upon millions of pensions rely on it. The pitchforks that will be out in that scenario is what DC is truly afraid of.

The market LOVES the printing press and as much as I love Trump, the market is a House of Cards supported by the Fed at this point. They will continue to save it for as long as they can and the upside is short term, but when that baby goes, it's going to be an f'ing blood bath. 👎

Why didn’t the Fed step in in October?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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I was surprised to see all the Trump flags in Indian land in New Mexico this weekend, no Biden flags or stickers.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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When dealing with investors would you not be incumbent to the bottom line?

I understand how cold that sounds, abd I run small business so I can afford to have morality.. but if dealing with a board and investors wouldn’t the only loyalty be to the bottom line? Big business is ruthless.

I said that he was not wrong.
That’s the choice made, and it reflects in his opinions.
I was actually defending the reasons for his lack of care.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Why didn’t the Fed step in in October?

They support Joe, Wall Street is begging for that corrupt puppet.

On another note, remember when yore party would speak the truth during yore primaries?



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Between the 405/101 and Camarillo grade on the 101 I’ve seen trump banners/parades every single day for the past week.

I’m more worried that us conservatives are getting over confident. Tomorrow will be interesting for sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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You never know, but when it comes to Biden vs Trump flags banners etc it seems the Trump signs outnumber the Biden 1000:1.....Sure hope so, Harris will be a terrible President..


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Canada's original healthcare plan was like what Biden is proposing. Canada's plan bankrupted Canadian insurance companies, American companies doing business in Canada fled. We had no choice but to go full government healthcare for all. My province even had to create a government insurance corporation for vehicle insurance in the 1970's due to the lack of insurance companies. I also pay federal sales tax of 5% on almost every purchase on top of high income tax. Add in the provincial sales tax of 7%. Most goods and services are expensive here because of the taxes.


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Canada's original healthcare plan was like what Biden is proposing. Canada's plan bankrupted Canadian insurance companies, American companies doing business in Canada fled. We had no choice but to go full government healthcare for all. My province even had to create a government insurance corporation for vehicle insurance in the 1970's due to the lack of insurance companies. I also pay federal sales tax of 5% on almost every purchase on top of high income tax. Add in the provincial sales tax of 7%. Most goods and services are expensive here because of the taxes.
Very nice point.
I wonder how much of our nation wide insurance companies comprise of off shore corps?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Very nice point.
I wonder how much of our nation wide insurance companies comprise of off shore corps?

Don't know. I just know from experience Biden's plans will lead to bankruptcy for industries (insurance and oil and gas) and higher taxes. The US has already talked about a national federal sales tax under Obama.